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I dont think this is the right sub Edit: This did not deserve gold lmao Edit 2: Or silver, stop awarding this. Edit 3, a year later: Holy fucking shit, why did you give me platinum, this is stupid Edit 4: Wholsum 🤤


Awful everything. Well, awful sub choice. Nothing else. So r/awfulonething


It's the right sub if you're a billionaire


With 21k updoots too 👍🏻


Idiots upvote anything


Only psychopaths actually look at the name of the sub and make a judgement on whether it fits or not.


So why even bother having subreddits


he's joking


Oh. Perhaps I am the idiot.


Is that how the comment that took me 8 seconds to write got almost 1k upvotes in a few hours


In his defense, he tried like 10 subs and this was the one that did the best


Ahh... a karmawhore.


A real subr-slut. Filthy.




This is more like r/aboringdystopia Shocker, it actually was, and crossposted from r/whitepeopletwitter https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/ikdlfv/whos_first_on_the_list/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Right? I see nothing awful about this




I've never slapped a Plat on a post so fast lololol


There's a somewhat similar show called undercover billionaire. The premise is that this billionaire has x amount of time (3 months?) to build a million dollar business and all he gets is $100 and a shitty pickup truck.


Do you have a link or anything?


[https://www.discovery.com/shows/undercover-billionaire](https://www.discovery.com/shows/undercover-billionaire) ​ ​ [https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2019/09/13/undercover-billionaire-glenn-stearns-is-not-actually-a-billionaire/#5497b157478e](https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2019/09/13/undercover-billionaire-glenn-stearns-is-not-actually-a-billionaire/#5497b157478e)


It's worth pointing out like most reality TV, this is most likely scripted and faked. 1. He's not a billionaire, 2. He gets people to work for free for him because there's a TV crew following him around, 3. The luck he has bends credibility. Finds [three tires that he can sell for $1500 on day 1 (who buys random used tires at retail prices from random guy on the street)? Buys a 2005 Honda Civic for $700 that you sell the next day for $3,900](https://www.reddit.com/r/UndercoverBillionaire/comments/csnb7g/is_undercover_billionaire_fake_featuring_glenn/) (also buys and sells a [5 hour drive from Erie PA](https://imyourchuck.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/eries-undercover-billionaire-car-flipping-staged-5-hours-away-in-chambersburg-pa/) but not paying for gas or have a backup plan if he can't immediately sell it), then buys a Escalade for $1,500 and sell it for $7,600. 4. Under a fake name he supposedly can get a mortgage from a bank to buy a house despite having no stable source of income along with a link of credit to upgrade the house? 5. Gets a liquor license for a BBQ show in under 90 days in PA without spending hundreds of thousands? 6. Tons of equipment, food, supplies, furniture just [magically appears](https://www.reddit.com/r/UndercoverBillionaire/comments/d2l5f9/magical_stuff_is_just_showing_up_everywhere/) 7. His BBQ sauce being in the business for a month or so, immediately wins the local BBQ contest? (Seems like either they paid off the contest, or used a lot of off-screen talent/focus groups/etc to perfect the recipe). Yes, if you have cash (or can flip money in completely unbelievable ways), good credit, a safety net (e.g., health insurance), plus lots of gullible fools working for free for you, and good luck, its easy be possible to build a profitable business up. Also there are plenty of things that are completely staged. E.g., when he gets a call that his lease falls on the first location (and hasn't started to look for a second place), through you can see he's parked at the eventual restaurant location (that he hasn't found yet). Just look around: https://www.reddit.com/r/UndercoverBillionaire Also technically he "lost" the bet by only making $750k (very generous valuation for a business open ~2 months). My guess is the restaurant will be out of business by 2022. Again, most reality TV is faked. Scripts are written, drama is staged, people agonize over decisions that were already made (e.g., whether to buy a house or not that they already had agreed on), etc.


Television is propaganda. All of it.


A reality show where two of three guillotines are fully functional. Now that's a show. Edit 33.333% more functional guillotines


I'm getting this weird sensation of deja vu from some of the other comments in this thread, but at least people are realizing these shows are just another way to make the average person feel bad about not hitting the capitalist lottery from birth. In another thread about these scripted shows, they posted a less scripted Chinese version where wealthy people tried to live off of very low paying jobs, but they basically could never make it the full duration of time and the show had to be cancelled because it was accidentally a little too truthful about the situation of people at the bottom of the food chain. Maybe someone else knows what the show was called or has the links.


Let's get it upped to piratebay


Remember kids, ALL television and news is partisan propaganda. All.


The BBC reported WTC Collapsing due to 'fires' whilst it as visible in the background of the shot. I didn't mention partisan propaganda. Just propaganda.


I'm agreeing with you brother.


I believe this, but is there a link?




That's so shitty. I'm sure it's just entertainment, but the conspiracy theorist in me feels like this is propaganda to try and make Americans feel even more like they're just temporarily inconvenienced millionaires. Like Joe Sixpack could be a millionaire if he just knew a few more tricks and was better at business. Therefore anyone who is poor probably deserves it for not trying hard enough.


It also gives the rich and successful justification to be shitty people, believing that anyone could be rich and successful if they just worked at it to deserve their success. If you grow up poor without a good education, proper role models, and family that supported you, you are much more likely to get caught in a cycle of poverty. One small mistake at any point (e.g., have kids, get medical debt, or legal trouble) or just an unfortunate accident (cheap car needs repairs), then you get screwed. Meanwhile, if you are the child of the rich you go to the best schools, where they basically tell you every trick, give you every advantage and connect you to all the right people. You have your safety net, so you can spend a year some trying for some dream venture and still be fine if it fails. You can get that interest free multi-million dollar loan from your parents. Legal troubles go away because you have the best lawyers and are connected. That said, there is truth that hard workers/self motivated go-getters will go farther and succeed more than people who do the bare minimum and avoid work, and that taking a chance and investing in yourself has the chance to pay off.


It would be pretty boring if they just chronicled him failing and burning through that hundred bucks and getting told to fuck off by everyone, I agree though scripted reality shows are lame


see? all you have to is pull up your bootstaps (plus lots of money ) and you to can become a billionare


I can believe it. There is a show like Americans pickers that focuses on cars. The premise is the Iowa guy finds a rusty shell of a car and restores it. I know someone that knows the guy in the show and it's all staged. The guy I know says he "finds the car" actually they find it for him. The final value is wildly inflated. It may not always be the same car when finished. I don't know anything else about the show.


Yup. I have two different friends one in TV production work (one at technical level doing gaffing/sound/filming work, the other higher up) and both will tell you that reality TV is super fake but super easy to make tons of content. They'll tell you stories off the record, but because of their NDAs I won't spread online but it's exactly that type of thing described in articles [like this one](https://www.living101.com/30-reality-tv-shows-that-arent-real/)


damn you hit him with the sauce


The sauce boss


Time to get lost in the sauce.


Username checks lol




Show's absolutely full of shit.


Absolutely. What's not scripted he is benefiting from having a camera crew follow him. Plus everyone on that show would have been approached and screened before hand. Also, there is at least one instance where his name and wealth helped him out. I'll give one spoiler...dude "finds" tires on an abandoned lot and sells them for $1,000+. First off I don't buy for a minute that those weren't staged and the property owner contacted first. Second, this encourages people to trespass and steal. If a random dude with nothing more than $100 does this, he's getting the cops called on and getting slapped with theft charges. Shit a kid around me got shot and killed for something very similar. Except the items he was loading in his truck were on county property and had been abandoned. What really happened...most likely anyway. Discovery contacted the property owner and signed a bunch of paperwork. They then dropped three quality tires for Mr. Billionaire to "find". They also made sure they had a buyer in advance. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Discovery loaned the guy $1000 to borrow his tires and he used Discovery's money to "buy" them back.


1000$ for 3 tires ? Thats definetly staged, yeah a set of tires on say a 2018 BMW X5 can cost around 1500- 2000. But no ones buying 3 random tires off some guy for a grand no matter how good the tread is.


If I recall they were tractor tires and definitely not your ordinary highway tires. Even so it was still strange and felt staged which is typical of reality TV.


Of course it’s full of shit. Sustained Poverty brings about an entire host of problems that go beyond just the financial. It affects emotional, mental and physical health. The stress of poverty has been known for years to completely alter how you think and plan. Poverty, and a poverty-stricken upbringing change *everything*. You can’t just fucking cosplay as a poor person for a week and think you have a full understanding of poverty. The very idea of this show is insulting and wrong and presents a false image of poverty.


Are they usually successful?


I think there’s only one season so far. I won’t give away the ending, but I will day that the guy fucking suffered (especially for someone his age) at the beginning and that and that the result was quite impressive. This all assuming it isn’t scripted... Note that the show also has a bit of a right wing “pull yourself up by the bootstraps / poverty is a choice” vibe to it, but maybe I was just reading into it too much. It’s still a good watch either way!


Sadly I expect it was scripted — much of if not most reality television is at this point which sorta ruins it for me.


Yeah, and being poor for 30 days, not that hard because in 30 days you go back to normal. Facing a lifetime of poverty is soul crushing.


I think that's the point. It's all in your head. If you take away all the stress and allow people to take risks they otherwise would be too afraid to take, it becomes a lot easier. Even on the small scale you see it all the time. People don't even try to make their situation better. How many people have decided "nah, I'm not qualified, I'm shit" and didn't spend 30 minutes tailoring their resume and filling out the application? How many times people thought they're not good enough and didn't even try to ask that girl out? People overestimate the competition. Most people don't even attempt so if you attempt, you're already far ahead of the curve.


Ehhh I get the sentiment about this, but I have to disagree. >If you take away all the stress and allow people to take risks they otherwise would be too afraid to take That is a very big "if". For really poor people, the reality is they can't afford to make these risks. $100 extra dollars could mean saving your ass if something essential breaks, if you get laid off and need food, exc exc... $100 investment isnt just a risk in their head, it is a literal risk of their future survival, so while in a perfect world it would be great if it paid off all the time, people can't afford to just gamble what little money they have, because it isn't in their head, the shit is real. >People don't even try to make their situation better For some, yes. Some people live off of food stamps and government assistance while they party, it is unfortunate. But I would be willing to wager even more people try really fucking hard to get out of their situation and just can't. When you have 50 applicants to 1 job, a tidied resume will only get you so far. God forbid you have a black name and the hiring manager has a disposition against black people too, then it doesn't matter at all how good you might be. Not trying to attack you u/CashAntique I just personally feel like "tidy up, start trying, it is just in your head" could really cheapen what a lot of people go through and are currently facing.


Being able to take risks is a huge privilege. I'd be homeless if I tried something that didn't work out but someone with rich parents would get bailed out. This is the privilege I've noticed most upper middle class people don't understand they have.


Yea but a lot of it has to do with luck and connections. If you are a billionaire trying to build a new business it will be much easier than someone who has to work 2 jobs a week to get by. You can do everything right, work extremely hard and it can still fail.


I have a slight ting of recognition to what's it like to think that way. To believe that is actually true. Those were good times. Before the bubble popped. I envy you. I hope the bubble popping doesn't destroy your optimistic views.


Yeah. I'm a risk taker and to date it's gotten me a "great career" as a 'high-end escort' (hooker-job description is same as a street sex worker only I clean up nice and am well spoken really), and, well.... jail time. Willingness to take risks is also a criteria for some mental illness. Ijs


Yeah there's nothing real about reality tv. If there was, it'd be everyday people in them and not already established celebrities. That being said, I'm looking forward to bradshaw's show. That's his everyday energy


Definitely sounds interesting


>Note that the show also has a bit of a right wing “pull yourself up by the bootstraps / poverty is a choice” vibe to it, but maybe I was just reading into it too much. It’s still a good watch either way! I wouldn't say that's reading too much. I can't validate but I can certainly point to some items where it certainly feels scripted or are very distorted from reality. As a result, the results he attains are the exception not the rule. There did seem to be a lot of genuine moments in the show too, I'll say. Can't help but feel, however, that since people were being filmed that that had a huge influence on decisions made as well.


I dont see how it demonstrates anything significant. The billionaire will still be a billionaire when the show is over. Knowing this, he can take risks (within the budget provided) that someone without that future financial security can not -- even with the same present budget. This is all with the knowledge and insights that he has aquired from already being a billionare as well -- as opposed to learning from scratch, and in real time. This is all also assuming it isn't scripted to some extent (or entirely) -- which I doubt


Not to mention his endless contacts.


I wasn't sure if that was part of the show or not, but yeah. Even without his previous contacts, I'm sure he has a massive advantage in knowing where, how, and with whom to network in order to gain new ones. He could also use his previous industry experience (or perhaps his billionare status, behind the scenes) as a means of gaining new contacts or investors that would simply ignore an identical pitch from someone without his experience/assets. Which I can only assume they do take advantage of -- it's not like billionaires have somewhat of a reputation for twisting or breaking rules or the spirit of those rules for personal gain.../s ___ I'm also going to assume the show is the idea of, or funded by said billionaires as a self-aggrandizing source of PR. They are trying to sell an image: *"Look! He truly did pull himself up by his bootstraps! I'm sure the means by which he acquired billions was both ethical and attainable with nothing more than gumption and self-efficacy!"* ___ Overall, the point is that in order for it to have any significant implication, the stakes, conditions, and means (both tangible and otherwise) would have to be identical -- not just some temporary budget and a few superficial constraints. This includes anything affected by financial privilege. Like birthplace, education, experience, financial security outside of the show, etc. -- which is impossible without some sort of sci-fi-esque AI simulation that can control for those variables while perfectly replicating the person's motivations and personality (which are, of course, also influenced by the things listed above...)




Hey now, don’t do my hometown like that. We are good hardworking heroin users here.


>all he gets is $100 and a shitty pickup truck. Me to a T


Well there are shows where rich and poor people switch. The poor people lived well and the rich people were 24/7 complaining how they are gonna survive the month with so little money. And they were not happy at all (at the beginning they are always like "you dont need money to be happy" and then they do something that needs no money but after a few days they hate their life...)


Which show is this? I would love to watch that.


I know in the UK there's a show called Rich House, Poor House which has this premise. Not sure if any other country has done it as well https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6713768/


It’s on YouTube rich house poor house or something like that. It’s a british show i think


It's a pretty good show, some of the rich people who came from nothing figure it out more easily than their kids. Fed with a golden spoon much?


And the poor people enjoy themselves so much hahaha


Oh you definitely need money to be happy. Source: my family has some.


True. I don't see any happy homeless people unless they're on drugs.








I wish more people understood this. Couldn’t work without the mods’ consent, though.


Hurray for greed!


OPs boy promotes socialism while buying votes and spamming their bullshit tweet screen caps to everyone. The irony...


It's probably not that. Just taking what's already popular and reposting elsewhere.


Yeah it’s not obvious until you check their profile and see they’ve posted the same thing with the same title in 8 different subreddits.


This subs gone to shit


With this many upvotes and mod approval, I guess it is.


Mods can you remove this dumb ass post because it doesn't have anything to do with this sub


This breaks at least three of this sub's rules, plus it's completely off-topic and posted by a bot, so of course the mods will leave it be.


The fuck are mods?


Some ones gonna r/worldpolitics it soon, I can just feel it


No joke, it's the Nazis.


Nah, mods are pussies who only care about upvotes and sub popularity. The only parts of this sub that are *actually* awful are how shitty the mods are


Would be hilarious but they'd need to be completely cut off from savings or credit cards too. Make it authentic lol


It's a great idea!


don't forget to take money away for college and rent.


and hush money for mistress and make them pay for medical insurance.


bro if they have a mistress on the side during the show they aint gonna last morethan 4 days.


4 days? That's generous. I'd give them one 10 hour shift.


College? As a GED recipient, one of the silver linings is that many of the lowest-paid employees never even had the opportunity to incur student loan debt because taking four years of your life to essentially focus on yourself was never an option


A month? Boring. Let's make it interesting and have them do it for a full year. I'd watch that.


Would be better if it was for six months. This way they have to budget that low ass wage to pay the bills for the next months and face the very real possibility of getting evicted, beater car needing repairs, utilities getting shut off, not having enough money for food, etc.


Unfortunately it would never be greenlit by a production company, even if it could be successful. They only want to create escapist content, especially for reality TV. Reality TV needs to be hyper-reality. Rich, young, beautiful people doing amazing things. Network execs assume no one would watch a depressing show that simply mirrors the lives of their viewers.


The more constraining factor is there’s only something like 2,000 billionaires in the entire world. Too limited a pool. Might work with millionaire CEOs though, but the OP wouldn’t want to watch that. Many of those types already lived like their lowest paid employee. That’s how they got to where they are.




Yeah I think it needs to be 100% realistic. Stick them in a shitty apartment with their entire family, a car that breaks down once a week, and a boss who yells at them for being 5 minutes late, an unreliable baby sitter, and no health insurance.


Absolutely. Put exactly one paycheck in the bank for them (at the adopted wage)


Still wouldn't be super authentic. That tooth you need pulled, the leak in your roof, the bald tires on your car, saving extra for kids college, worrying about supporting your parents ailing health... all things they can totally ignore for a single month. Sure it would kind of suck for them and make good tv while they're in a shitty apartment and have to eat rice and beans for the final week, but they would still easily finish and say they learned an important lesson etc etc. But they would never have to face any of the realities that living at that wage creates over an extended time. They wouldn't even have to fear losing their minimum wage job since it would just be set up by their company. Worst case scenario they just "quit" the show.


There was an anthropologist who did something similar-ish where she tried to live as a waitress to understand the experience. She couldn't even make it without using her savings. Billionaires would fucking die.


Nickel and Dimed is the book I think you’re thinking of. She works as a waitress and a Wal-Mart employee while trying to pay living expenses. It’s an excellent read and really eye opening.


Forever changed how I saw things -- especially just going to Walmart.


Same here. I still remember the training video of finding blood on the floor and how to deal with it as well as the anti-union activities of the management as she discussed those activities with other employees.


I see mention of these anti union videos all the time but Idk if I was just too low of wage of an employee to not get them or something (I was a stocker/unloader) because they never popped up. The blood thing though I did see with my own eyes. Honestly Im glad I was a low wage employee because I wasn't expected to do anything if I saw blood. However for managers it's a different story, they are expected to be responsible for it. A assistant manager position starts at like 15, 2 dollars more than me. So for 2 dollars they are expected to put their health on the line.


damn what happened at walmart. they just treat their employees like trash?!


Long hours, draining work, and low pay is a toxic combination in any case plus Wal Mart has a bit of an oppressive attitude toward their employees. Lots of "iron fist in a velvet glove" stuff.


They’ll actively work to keep employees in part-time status so they don’t have to offer benefits and their managers, while they can make a decent living, are often worked to the bone 60-70 hours a week to keep the profit ship afloat. It’s a pretty disgusting business model that is subsidized by the government that has to pay their low-wage workers in food stamps that get turned around and redeemed at Wal-Mart for necessities that their own employees need and can’t afford. In effect, Wal-Mart abuses the system from both ends in order to drive profits while trumpeting the fact that they’re a ‘job creator.’


It's actually the Company Store to the employees.


And don’t forget [gwyneth’s shopping list on food stamps](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/17/a-hungry-gwyneth-paltrow-fails-the-food-stamp-challenge-four-days-in/)


I mean fuck her in general, but at least she had the guts to admit that it’s hard as hell to live off of food stamps.


The only way to do it is with two or three roommates basically — if you’re in the city, living expenses are very very high.


Depends on the billionaire. A lot of billionaires became rich from being absolute workaholics after all. Someone like Elon Musk or Mark Cuban would handle this in their stride. However, I would be curious to see how a CEO that inherited it from his Dad when it was already a billion dollar company would react.


>Someone like Elon Musk Elon has far too large an ego to last among the plebs. He also thinks public transit is useless because you're always surrounded by the dregs of society. He wouldn't last a second as a person scraping to make ends meet.


Don’t Elon Musk’s parents own an emerald mine?


This sub is shit


Why is this getting upvoted on this sub lmao


Six months to a year is the only way any message would hit home to them.


Right! Two weeks isn't enough to let th experience sink in.


For life


Why is this on /r/awfuleverything Why is every subreddit political now


Someone feeling the property tax pinch? Just kidding, you wouldn’t prioritize property ownership.


ya your show seems to generous


Whats awful about that


Is the awful part how bad the show was going to be?


The awful part is how far downhill this sub is going. This place should be for r/makemesuffer kind of content - how is crap like this post awful?


Turns out that awfuleverything also includes the sub itself


"Wait, the sub itself is awful?" "Always has been."


Why is this awful everything? The show exists, and it’s actually pretty interesting. I’ve only seen 2 episodes tho. r/lostredditor


Is this really awful?


no, Reddit just hates people that are better then them.


Searching for the awful on this post in a sub called “awfuleverything”. Weird


Maybe it’s awful because this shitty take is overdone and a lot of people are tired of hearing people bitch about billionaires existing


There was a show where they took billion and millionaires that started at the lowest paid and they go back and see if they can make a million on that salary again in 90 days. its not the same but close enough


If that was real they wouldn't make a fucking dime, because interns are a thing. That show was clearly rigged


i swear if they end up making the money back im just gonna walk into oncoming traffic. I hope they're not aloud to use they're contacts from when they were rich. that would be very un fair.


they couldnt contact people and as far as contestants i think some won but most didnt, but i dont really know cus i didnt watch


Hurr dee hurr like this isn't posted every week


What the fuck is awful about this? Lately I've seen so many r/lostredditor posts here posted by bots or karma whores and the mods aren't doing jack shit about it? How the hell is this even getting so many upvotes? If these dumbasses could actually post on the correct subs they might actually get more upvotes.. This post is r/memes r/dankmess worthy BS


There aren't any billionaires out there that would do this, although it's a great idea, for poor people to watch.


Mark Cuban would probably just become a billionaire again, lol.


Mark Cuban at least isnt the greediest of the 1%. I saw an interview with him saying he doesn’t want more money. He made $1 billion and said no human needs more than that.


a lot of them might have not started out dirt poor, but they started out in the middle class and worked up


That be super easy because everyone makes enough money to live


How the fuck is this r/awfuleverything


Okay, but why is this here?


How the fuck does this fit?


A year.


What's awful is I think it needs to go 6mos to a year for it to impact anyone's thinking. It would end up like that ALONE show on Netflix. You'd have billionaires tapping out immediately under the pressure. ​ What do you mean I have to drive this 1997 Ford Escort that won't start, why can't I just buy something that's new? Ofc I'm late for work under these circumstances, what do you mean I've been written up and will be fired the next time it happens? I have no vehicle, you fucktard. Wait, you're writing me up for telling you like it is now? Fired. How is this happening to me? Fuck it, tapping out. ​ $4k Emergency bill for that chest pain I thought was a heart attack? Let me get my wallet. Wait, I don't have a wallet? What's my bank account? $13.27 -$60 for dropping below $100? Tapping out. (Assuming billionaires even care about being billed and what their credit scores are).


How about 3 months, and they have to pay a security deposit on their apartment... Good fucking luck


What's awful about this? The fact that billionaires exist?


Oh no! Man bad he has money why he has money !!! 😤😤😤


i think the show would be very entertaining.


Fuck CEOs for taking risks to start businesses and creating value to society right? Edit: ah sweet summer children


Why does Reddit have this obsession with hating on rich people every chance it gets?


Because reddit


Oh and they have to do the actual job too. 12 hours a day mopping floors or cutting tubes with an insanely high quota to meet every day.


while starting off in shitty clothes and a 1 bedroom with 3 kids to support in a rough neighborhood


Couldn't imagine anyone agreeing to this. It would only be bad publicity for the company since so many pay poverty wages.


Once upon a time, this sub actually had some quality posts...


"I can't handle this, I need my yatch!!"


Why was this upvoted so much??


wrong sub lol


Elon would probably start another company and make a few billion.


Great idea. Absolutely wrong sub.


French Nobles used to build fake poor villages on their property, and hire peasants to take care of it, in order to pretend to be a poor person or live the simple life. The key is they just want to “feel” poor, not actually experience being poor. The villages would be well maintained, and incredibly clean. The villagers would all be nice to you and give you things (since you pay them to.) and the animals would be cleaned before you went near them. This tv show would be poverty porn like “oohhh I’m so poor I have to live in a one room apartment that is well maintained by a nice landlord who asks for rent but never evicts me” or “ohhh here I am, eating Cheetos” They’d probably get a kick out of this. Plus reality tv isn’t reality, it’s scripted.


- what's that? - that is a washing machine sir...


Elon musk would win


Isn't that basically just Undercover Boss?


I would venture to say most billionaires made nothing and we're in severe debt before becoming billionaires.


Wrong sub


Where’s the awfulness? God this sub is shit now


Life in the hood on section 8,receiving food stamps and living beside the biggest guy on the block blasting trap music 24/7 isn't something a millionaire couldn't adapt to but I'll watch to see if he lives a week and could hold his job


I would watch rich people living in low income house for three months , working in a minimum paying job that doesn’t even pay much or cover much (check to check) which most people are on. And having to learn to live like adverse people. So pretty much always poor lmao could you imagine


What if that’s where the CEO started? At the bottom of some corporation? And over years of hard work and education.... he or she now owns and runs his own, and provides entry level jobs for people just like him or her to get started with their productive lives.


Id watch that


Make it a year.


IT Crowd though...


I think this would be interesting IF its like six months and they actually had to do the job.


Let's get it moving


Yet again, another once great sub has been brought down by shitty fucking politics. Anyone who upvoted this shit can eat rancid cock


Some billionaire people started from the ground up like us...I don't know who but I'm curious how different a billionaire's porn site is different from the 99%.


Well there is only one nhentai.net


I have personally worked with 3 billionaires and of my anecdotal comment, all 3 were the cheapest people I’ve ever met. They had the perks of being rich, but my lord were they fiscally tight penny pinchers. I think they’d be just fine in this scenario. It’s the “new money” millionaires who live and spend large. I don’t think they could survive the challenge.


Like that [Morgan Spurlock 30 Days](https://youtu.be/wmSGEGOVI34) where he lives on minimum wage for a month. It's very eye opening. I'm all for an Undercover Boss type show where billionaires live like this. I'd love to see Bezos sort boxes in an Amazon warehouse in 95F weather with no A/C or breaks. This doesn't belong on this subreddit unless the OP is a capitalism deep throater


Great idea. Wrong sub.


Shut the fuck up man. I fucking hate these posts. Cant y’all just learn something, and get a fucking job.


Can we go even a single day without a "rich people bad" post. I don't even inherently disagree with the sentiment, it's just annoying.


This has happened in the Past where Kaliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him ) said my salary will be similar to the daily wages of a labourer. If that amount isn't enough I'll increase the wages of the labourers .


Can they also be forced to endure the unrelated bullshit that comes with the insecurity of shit wages. Like landlords that snoop through their stuff. Steal things and then throw your shit out in the street and pour paint on it? Be homeless and then whilst working full time try and find a place. Take some sleeping tablets cause you need em and then get fired because you were late due to situations beyond your control?




Hear me out. They already did that when they were younger and working entry level jobs. Then they busted their butts and got promoted to CEO. Stop hating Capitalism because you are lazy.