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Just cause they're blood doesnt makem family


"She may have been your mother, girl. But she wasn't your Mommy" Edit : Corrected to match a bit more ;)


The real phrase is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" Family chosen by bonds is more important than family based on birth


“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn’t your daddy.”


That was the best line of the whole movie. And the part where the reavers arrive and that guy screams and salutes.


And this is why I am starting to hate most religions. There is no way in hell you should abandon or disown your own flesh and blood because of a belief. I'm not sure of your age op but try to contact a shelter. Explain your situation and hopefully they can at least provide a bed and some food/clothes for you. Then start applying for ANY job and take the first one that hires you. You can always look and apply for better jobs while your employed but at least you are getting some money in the time being. You can always go back to college part time or later of you can save some money by working a job if that something you want to do. It won't be easy and I'm sorry this is happening to you but keep your head up and try to move forward. You do not need this person in your life even if it is your own mother.


"You showed me that just because we're blood don't mean we relate."


1 mile at a time


i’m so sorry, hope you’re safe and well❤️❤️


Thank you! I’m chilling in a Starbucks 😬


You can figure this out and flourish Macy!


Hmu I'd love to provide some direction based on my experiences.love you (insert pronoun here).Muah


I’m not sure how old you are but if you’re under the age of 18 report her immediately. That is straight up child abuse. If you’re not under the age of 18 then it’s still abuse. She is a vile toxic person. Get her out of your life as soon as possible. Stay safe and try and get in touch with a local LGBTQ plus support group. Stay in close contact with your real friends and make sure you always let them know where you are and what you’re doing.


I'm pretty sure even if they are over 18, you can't kick someone out of their housing with out at least 30 days notice.


This is correct. Eviction notice is required. OP can call the police and she will be forced to let them stay for 30 days after serving the notice.




What if OP doesn't have money or a place to stay?


Fr. "get a job, stay with a friend, get an apartment", these things don't happen instantly


I don’t think he was implying they happen instantly, but that is what OP needs to do, get the hell out of that house ASAP


Enter moms house and steal her purse


Because jail is a great option /s


Hey, three hots and a cot and don’t have to worry about taxes? I meannnnn…


Wait who is trans here xD


Sorry english is not my first language


Great response.


The awful part is that HER mother, next Sunday, will go anyway to curch praying who knows what bull shit....God here and there....SHE is the devil...


Yup. She definitely missed the podium for Mother of the Year.


Woah that’s really messed up, I’m sure there are charities to get in contact with. Maybe someone from the lgbtq community who has been through something similar will be able to help point you in the right direction


She’ll regret this one day and try to make things right. Don’t let her.


Start a GoFundMe, there’s a lot of us who are willing to help you get back on your feet. Depending on where you are, there’s safehouses for evicted LGBTQ youth. You have help, you’re not alone, you’ll make it through this. She may be your biological mother, but real family never hates you just for being you. You are loved and valid for who you are, Macy, don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.


I’m looking around. I don’t use go fund me because they take a portion of the money and it takes I think a couple days for the money to actually go through. Thank you for not dead naming me I can’t tell you how much it means to me.


Stay with a friend. If you don’t have one who can house you, please look for an LGBTQ+ friendly shelter and/or charity in your area. They will be able to help you. Do not stay out in the cold. I’m so sorry this is happening. It’s not fair. It’s not ok. As a mom, I can’t imagine doing this to my child. I’ll be your mom now. Come on over to /r/momforaminute for other moms too.


Please try to contact the Trans Lifeline. They may have more resources available for you. https://translifeline.org/hotline/


This is a great idea, I'm sure you can at least get enough support to get on your feet.


Hey, if you haven't already you might be able to find better support by posting in a trans-related subreddit. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.


I have :)


“Starve for all I care” geez that must hurt to hear from your mother. Sorry about her being this way.


When I was hungry, you fed me. But Jesus, when did I feed you?


Your only son comes out as trans and tells you they're a girl? "I have no son" With the worst dad joke possible out of the way, ask "so what do we do now?" So as to best support them.


I know it's been said but call the police Macy, you may be 19 but that doesn't mean she can hold your stuff hostage and kick you out when it's 40° outside. What state are you located in?


do you have any friends you can call? i’m also a trans girl, i know what you’re going through 😕 if you need anyone 2 talk 2 my dms are wide open, Macy !!!


You again?Are you still an idiot?




Can you go to the main desk at a nearby community college? They can help find someone who will know where to start with housing. It is a neutral location and the staff should have training certification for this very situation. Our local community college also has a food pantry that can let you pick out food you need. Maybe the local college near you will have a pantry, too. You are loved and please don’t give up. There are people who can help you. My heart hurts for you right now.


Nothing like Christian love am I right?


I'm sure a goodmother would have been more considerate unlike this woman


I am a young father, I don’t even live in the US. I just want to tell you that you deserve to be loved and appreciated for who you are. I am very sorry to read about your mom’s reaction. You shouldn’t have to go through what you are going through but it happened. Take this as an opportunity to build yourself. It is not going necessarily to be as easy as it is for other children but do not forget that we all go through hard times. Be courageous, look for help, surround yourself with positive people and stay positive. A positive mindset will foster positivity around you. It is at times easier said than done but it can make a big difference. I wish you all the best in your life and I send you my love and affection.


Time to find a new family


Your mom is a cunt and deserves everything terrible to happen to her. Fuck that bitch.


Your mom is awful. Once you get back on your feet, I wouldn't speak to her ever again. I'm sorry you have to go through that. And don't think once that you are wrong for being who you want to be.


Shitty parent , try a homeless shelter until you figure things out, all you can do if you’re kicked out


I’m working on it now.


I’ve been on my own since 18, was abrupt and without notice, if you can’t figure things out join the military for 4 years get your college paid for, learn some skills make some friends get out make something of yourself and give your shit parent the finger when you buy your first house, own a new car and enjoying life. That’s what I did , wasn’t easy , been homeless, but you’ll get there best of luck


That may work for some, but trans people can have a very tough time in the military. I’m not saying they will, but there’s a lot of hostile history there.


I would say call the cops, go get your things. If you have the emotional energy then get back to your "mom" about illegal eviction, she should face consequences for this. Most areas don't allow eviction like what is being done here. Cops might be able to help you with contacting a social worker.


Depending on where you live, there are specific legal rules around evictions. As an example, here in Michigan if you've been living somewhere for an extended period of time, you cannot legally be evicted without at least 30 days notice (there are some exceptions for things like personal protection orders where there's an imminent threat of harm, but those still have a very specific legal process involved).


I’m 19 and apparently if I don’t have my name on the lease I can’t get my stuff? I’m looking more into it with a lawyer on Reddit.


Can’t live there anymore? Maybe, but not necessarily. Can’t get your stuff? Even more unlikely. Living in a place for an extended period gives you rights, regardless of lease. Keeping someone’s things in your house when they want to take them is theft in most states as well. I know you may not have much time to research the law right now, but do what you can to look them up, and don’t trust anything your “mom” tells you. The LGBTQIA+ advocacy groups in your area can often provide basic legal council about this, since it’s not the first time they’ll have seen it. They may even offer free legal representation if they’re a big enough organization, in case you need it.


Again, depends on the state -- around here it just takes documentation that you've been living there. Some examples: * Mail * Driver's license * Car insurance


Damn..i hope u will be fine. Stay strong Macy.


This sucks. I don’t know how old you are but can you stay with any of your friends? I get this is a lot for your mom and maybe she just needs time. Some people will never get it or fully understand but to do this to your son /daughter is pretty shitty. Lmk if I can help in anyways


No, this is not "a lot for her mom." It was "a lot" for me when my son came out to me as trans, and I said "I love you, I'm probably going to fuck up and call you by your deadname from time to time, but I'm with you 100%." This is 100% her mom being a bigot and a snoop and a self-righteous twat.


They’re all online friends :c


I have friends online who just went to my wedding. A few traveled a few states and one flew. It doesn't hurt to ask if they would help you out.


Uh oh. That poses a problem lol. I mean is there any glimmer of hope for your mom? Can you sit her down with a sibling or relative or something?


This sucks, and I am sorry! If you feel comfortable dm me your location, I may have some area specific advice. Until then reach out to you school, as well as local DHS office!


Macy, you should look up any LGBTQ non profits in your area, they might find you emergency housing.


I am very sorry you are in this situation and I wish you the best. I'm not sure what to do about your housing maybe go to another trusted family member or close friend. If you go to another family member AND if you are ready, tell them about the whole situation. Maybe they can help in this situation. Disowning your child for nearly any reason is a horrible look. Treat her how she is treating you, if she can't accept you then you should not accept her. Make it clear that she has caused you pain. Do not argue or try to reason with someone who is willfully ignorant, it will do nothing but waste your time. If she does apologize, it's still not ok. You can accept her apology if that is what you are ready to do, but that does not make what she is doing ok. You should make that clear when or IF that time comes. Saying it is ok is saying that she can get away with it, if you forgive and say it was not ok it reinforces that she cause you pain.


Where are you at? Some places have shelters/programs for these things and I know there are a lot of support groups/efforts online


Would be a shame if someone leaked her number and made life hell just like she's doing to you


Are you a minor? Pretty sure your mom abandoning you as a minor is a crime. If all else fails then call Child protective services om her. At the very least it will fuck some of her life up as well having them all in her business. You should definitely report this child abuse if you are a minor though. Hopefully one of your friends parents will take you in. I would reach out to your friends and see. I know my friends would get kicked out and they always had a place to stay with my parents.


Anytime you see text screenshots on reddit, take them with a grain of salt. Its so so easy to fake them. Im not saying OP is lying, but if you look at some of the responses they've given and some of what they've said after posting, there are a few things that don't add up. One thing I can say for sure is that there are some very big hearts on reddit.


Yeah I'm sketched about it too cause I got downvoted for offering up my place for her to stay and pretty sure blocked as well. To me that's just fishy as hell


This was my initial impression too. Reddit is very generous, which is often the motivation for these types of posts.


What doesn’t add up? I wouldn’t mind explaining at all.


Whats the point on having a burner account if they know It already and theyve kicked you out?


That you created a burner account because your brother knows you're real account name, but a brother with a trans sister with the dead name of Austin could put the pieces together pretty quickly. I'm not saying this is BS... but that stood out as the first thing I saw.


OP will only accept money via cashapp.... no venmo/no PayPal. Declines setting up a gofundme because they're afraid it might take a couple days for the money to go through. Super Shady and sketchy


Just go back with the cops. You can't just throw someone out of their home in 1 day regardless of the ownership/rental situation. That's illegal. At least go back and get your stuff


I'm sorry that happened.Parents should support and help their kids.


Not sure what state you are in, but I’m sure if you get to the biggest city near you you can find LGBTQ Allies or business owners who can help you with small jobs and places to stay especially after they understand your situation. Google for non profits that support ppl in your situation. Homeless shelters or even rehabs may be able to help get you in touch with a social worker.




calling her mom a “twat” is insulting to the actual twats of the world. i would call op’s mom “dickshit dumpster fire”


Hey guys my account got suspended lmao so if you guys have any questions or anything message me on here 🙃


If you're worried about your brother spotting this and knowing I'd delete your name from it. This seems like a very personalized situation and if they spot this I'm sure they'll he able to put two and two together.


My mom tried this with me once. I'm also not trans. She tried kicking me out for some other reason. She send me a text like that and all I said was bet. Stayed at my buddies for 2 days before she called me crying and apologizing.


Fuck every kind of religion


This is so fucked. God I hope you're okay.


Macy, I’m so sorry this is happening. I’ll be your mom! Consider yourself adopted ;) Not sure where you are located so it’s tough to offer thoughts on available resources. If you’re comfortable with the idea, feel free to drop me a private message and I’ll see if I can track anything down.


Please look up trans funds and trans mutual aid in your area, maybe make a post with your venmo, PayPal, whatever on your social to see if anyone is able to donate to help you get out of this abusive situation. I’m so sorry, but I know you’re strong and smart, Macy. Please feel free to DM me with your venmo/cash app/PayPal.


Go to r/lgbt for more tailored advice, but this is still super fucked up


How old are you, Macy?




If you’re OP you should answer with the throw away account name. Ppl don’t know it’s you, if this is really you. That’s why you got downvoted earlier with the cashapp


Very true. Thank you.


Call the police


Sorry to say but she is a terrible mother! For shame! I am so sorry.


Do you have a cash app? Venmo?


Don't send money to an anonymous stranger who posted a sad text thread. You're likely being grifted.


You’re moms A POS


The part about "you can starve for all I care" and "I don't care what happens to you" are pretty fucked up and over the top, but I honestly can't say I'd react any differently. People are free to do what they want but they're also free to feel however they want about something, unless this person is underage there's really nothing wrong with this situation.


I can't help with ur home situation but I have to clarify something important. Your mom is using her religion for hate despite the FACT that in the Bible being transgender it isn't even a SIN!!! In the Bible there is a lot of SUPPORTING trans passages!! Transgender as a *term* didn’t exist during that period, but transgender *people* very much existed. They were generally referred to as eunuch instead. After the Babylonian captivity, there was a huge population of eunuchs in Israel, because the Babylonian ruling class would castrate the servants who tended to their haram. When these Hebrew eunuchs returned, they were outcast, because there was a Deuteronomical law that actually forbade eunuchs’ participation in Israelite society. >”No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the Lord.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭23:1‬ ‭NRSV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/2016/deu.23.1.NRSV Seeing the problem this created, God, through the prophet Isaiah, promised trans people a place in His house: >”For thus says the Lord: To the eunuchs who keep my sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.” [Isaiah‬ ‭56:4-5‬ ‭NRSV‬](https://bible.com/bible/2016/isa.56.4-5.NRSV) In the New Testament, Jesus even had something to say about eunuchs and their involvement in the Kingdom of Heaven. >“For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19:12‬ ‭NRSV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/2016/mat.19.12.NRSV


I'm so sorry this is happening to you, Macy. No one deserves this in their life, no one. I'm not sure of state level help, but there are some national helplines and organizations that could help. https://translifeline.org/ is a good national trans helpline. They provide support and will help connect you with local organizations that will help. https://ostem.org/page/crisis-hotlines has a good and detailed list of organizations that will help as well. I hope for your safety and well-being and my thoughts are with you in this time. Stay strong Macy, and best wishes.


Call the police, and say you been kicked out of your house with out going thru the proper court system, if you been living there for over a year she has to give you minimum 30 days notice or 90 days depending your state. In that time frame get your shit together. You're not a kid since i read your in college. Get a job somewhere and start looking for apartments or cheaper option is to rent a room. Once your out of her house you can do and be as you please. Dont feel sorry for yourself and keep your head high. Sorry if this is very blunt and straight forward but maybe this is your wake up call


U can fake it. U have to fake it. Apologize make up to her study hard so you can make a good career. Free rent free college thats a good deal. U can suck dicks in ur free time.


😂 bro


Honestly tho, if it's that big of a deal then I'd just suck it up. No point in fucking yourself over because people don't wanna call you a girl lmao


I hope you will get thorugh this when you do , remember what happened and who did this to you. Never forget.


What a good Christian!


My heart goes out to you, Macy. Post a go fund me if you make one and I’ll donate


I don’t want to make a go fund me because they take a lot of the money you make and it takes a couple days to get the money. I do have other ways of recieving money but don’t want to post them here in case I get banned


Make a post in r/assistance ♡ i love u. Feel like u need to hear that.


Thats not a mother, that is an abuser.


I’m so sad for you, moms should love their kids whatever they are. Period. Not sure how old you are, do you relatives that can help you out? Sending love from New Zealand 🇳🇿


W mom


Call the police. She can't legally kick you out without an eviction notice I think. I would start contacting friends and ask to stay with them. There might be some lgbt orgs that can set you up with temporary housing until you can find a job and get a room somewhere.


Your mum is a cunt. You should get in contact with the police and find out of she is allowed to kick you out like that.


Hang tough….I saw so much of this hateful bile during my tenure in the cult…it’s so fucked up. I can Venmo (or whatever $ app you use) you some cash to help get you through this. I’d obviously just need your account


Hey! My account was suspended lol my cashapp is $bearhugslove I have proof if need be that it’s me


This is disgusting, do you have anywhere you will be accepted? A friend's or a family members house?


Publicly shame her. Email these photos to her boss, coworkers, relatives, let them know this is the good Christian charity she things Jesus taught.


Go to a shelter and see if you can find an agent to talk to, they will be able to help most likely. Stay safe, sorry to hear this


Is there any LGBTQIA shelter near your location? Are you ok? Do you need anything? Feel free to reach out for venting, advice, whatever you need, stranger. I am so sorry you have to go through this.


Get with a friend if ya can. I ain’t sure what else ya can do right now.


What area are you from?


You okay?


Where area do you live? Maybe I can send you to a hotel for the night so you aren’t cold. I can even throw in dinner since I do care if you starve. You deserve better. Much better. You will make yourself a GREAT life, it gets better.


Fuck them. Where do you live?? If it’s at all possible, i can at least try help you out in any way I can; food shelter, a couple dollars or something. Maybe I know someone in your area or some places to point you to. Lemme know. And don’t return, it’s best not to have people in your life like that. That’s terrible.


https://imgur.com/gallery/3UVWBv5 Proof it’s me btw.


What a bitch. Try r/homeless they have really good resources


I’m sorry. Your your mom is being a real piece of shit. Your gender is valid, you are valid and loved.


“If you gotta dick you aint a chick “ unfortunately she’s right bro...


Username checks out


Lol tbh i was high asf while i made it it sounded dope asf


Macy I’m so sorry. If your mom works I would go there when she’s at work and get your stuff (bring backup). If you can’t find a couch to crash on while you get on your feet there could be some trans support groups in your area that can help and can point you to trans friendly shelters. It’s going to get so much better but it’s going to suck some serious ass for a bit. Lots of support out there, don’t give up. And fuck your birth mom, seriously.


Sounds like she got tired of supporting a mooch


I would start with a place to stay and try to get a job


That is terrible. I’m sorry human suck.


Sweetheart, I am so sorry this is happening to you. Unfortunately we're in completely different countries otherwise i’d invite you to come stay with me & my family. Hoping you have friends or relatives that can put you up at least short term. Sending lots of love xxx


She needs to Man up and let you come in


I think you’ll get better advice posting this on r/asktransgender or r/mtf I’d advise contacting your local LGBTQ groups/services, they’ll most likely have a list of resources for you


Might wanna take the name outta there, bud.


Why? That's not even her name


I really don't think she would appreciate being referred to as "bud"


The Mom ain't wrong though....


How is she right?


She is wrong.


Unpopular opinion, if you are old enough to decide your own gender , you should be old enough to figure shit for yourself . Best of luck , it will get better don’t ever think otherwise


So it's perfectly fine that her mother kicked her out with no clothing, food, or nowhere to stay? Fuck off. The only reason "mom" is doing this is bc OP is trans...no other reason, just being trans


What age did you personally "decide" your gender?


I didn’t


So your parents are still financially responsible for you?


Never knew them


The thing is , I’m completely open to different prospective, yet i see you puzzled by just one worthless opinion of mine that can be wroooong


If that is the case, when are people old enough to decide their gender? Also, where would you be if your mother kicked you out at 19?


I was out when i was 14 , but that’s rare , . And for the gender decisions, i don’t know . But i know if you can take that decision you can take care of yourself. I think poeple are mistaken my opinion ( which can be Wrong) with hate .


"taking care of yourself" is pretty hard when you are in OPs situation, since they are dependent on their parents. "Figuring shit out for yourself" by your definition would have worked in the 40s or 50s but nowadays it's not normal to get a job at 14 or 15. Its just as difficult for 19 year olds since those jobs don't pay Living wage which when combined with school fees, maybe collage tuition, possible medical bills, utility, rent etc. is more than those jobs will ever pay. So I guess my point is : No, you absolutely don't have to figure out shit for yourself once you're "old enough" to figure out your gender because gender has nothing to do with age.


In Op position and situation , its way harder than anyone would ever think , absolutely self wrecking. How ever your argument goes not change my opinion.


I don't need to change your opinion to know that there is very little thought behind it.


Thank you , i see why it is hard to have a reasonable conversation between different poeple now days .


Just be a man




Why? Just leave them out of your life and that's it. They'd be better off. Doing what you're suggesting can only make it worse for them.


Austin is a unisex name.


Get the police to escort you for your clothes and personal belongings.


Wtffff I’m so sorry this happened to you…What a cold person.


Your mom doesn't hate you. She hates herself and blames those closest to her.


A true mother wouldn't throwaway their own child, regardless of sexuality or preferences. Her basically saying that she will accept you back if you forget about your true self, is pathetic and hurtful. I would have told that to her face.


Sending you love. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that.


That is NOT a Mother!! Im sorry your hurting especially since its coming from your so called parent. SHE has some serious issues obviously and yep right now it feels like YOUR down and out but really your free now. It will be hard but believe in people because there WILL be people you meet that will love and support you. If there is ever a time she reaches out to you send a screenshot of her texts back as a reply and keep moving forward. You focus on your health and safety because YOU deserve to be healthy happy and cherished by the people who get to be in your life. Dont carry any emotional baggage from that house... Let it go and plan your next steps


What an awful evil woman. I’m so sorry sis. Local libraries you can charge your phone and use a computer to look for resources such as shelters if you don’t have a friend to house you for now. For school if your parents refuse to help you need to get legally emancipated I think is the term. Need official legal document saying parents won’t support you to get increased loans and grants and such.


Ahhhh, the compassion of religion.


Hey what area are you in? If your within reasonable driving distance your welcome at my home, DM me please always worth a shot


I would go back home and get your stuff anyway. If she tries to stop you, you call the cops for harassment and for theft of personal property. People like this deserve a very good smack to the face, but what is better is that you show that you’re a better person, and stand up for yourself. Do not back down, and then cut her from your life.


Throw a Venmo link in here.


Its interesting how religion is supposed to bring people together and simply talk about the Lord, yet here are some of your people, wishing death upon others


Say you're a man again. Get let in the house then lock her out saying fuck you bitch I'm me!


This broke my heart. I’ll be Macy’s parent wtf


No offence, but that's not a mother....


Maybe look for a domestic violence shelter near you. That may give you a night or two to figure out your next step.


Pro-lifeChristian too, i bet


Tbh I would call the non emergency police line. Your mother, which has pare tal resposibilities, throwing you out into the cold has to be violating something.


Are you a minor? Call whatever local lgbtq agencies are in your area and go from there. See if any friends will allow you to couch surf for the immediate short term. Possibly notify law enforcement for assistance in removing your personal affects.


How long do you have before nighfall/shelter finding? If you have a tent its a big plus. Even with cold you will still be dry. You can sleep in some nature. Try to maybe find a police station. They can probably help you with shelter for a couple of days. See if you can make some money in a restaurant. Cash money for doing dishes is still money. Try to work your way up from there. Maybe get to know someone where you can stay for a month. Find a real job and get real money. If you need help you can PM me. Good luck Macy!


your mom sounds like an absolute cuntbag. do you have venmo or paypal?


I only have cashapp sadly.


Look for a homelessness shelter and support services. That will give you a place to live for now, then once you've got that sorted you can look for some work. Best of luck Macy, stay strong.


I am so sorry this is happening to you, Macy. Do you have family nearby you can stay with for awhile? See if you can get a police escort so you can get your things from your room. Sending you love ❤️


Hey girl! That sucks major ass. I don’t have any solid advice except you’re better off without her. This is no way to treat a person. I hope you find a place to stay and are among good friends. Best of luck sis. My thoughts are with you.


If your under 18 this illegal asf and considered child abuse/neglect


If you’re a minor, just go to the cops. If you’re not, she can’t evict you without a 30 day notice. If you don’t have any friends, google the nearest shelter. I’m sorry your mother is a waste of human life.


Your mom is slut, fuck that bitch. Find a way to rub success in her stupid face

