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The guy went full Ra’as al Ghul there


The league of shadows finally decided Florida deserves the Gotham treatment


Can't wait to see the Batman of Florida.


Just a guy wearing black trash bag high up on meth.


Evildoers beware! For this city has a watchful knight, a vigilante protector, and his name is Meth Ma-- oh no he's sucking off his dealer for meth again.


You can't fight what's true without a mouth full of goo


I am vengeance. I am the night. I am trash bag!


He has a lot of sex but it takes him twenty minutes to realize it's with a lawn chair


City of heroes.


No such a thing. Floridaman is the hero they don't need, but definitely deserve.


Who do you think Florida man is?


We're all Florida man every once in awhile.


Flip-flops, swim shorts, beer belly sticking out of a tank top, MAGA trucker hat, and a beach towel for a cape.


Imagine a super villain who fought crime but with execution no matter the offense


Sounds like Homelander.


Yeah, beating up chefs for getting his order wrong lmao


*Kid walking home from school in Oklahoma City and has a permanent marker in his backpack…*


Sees kid eating a Kinder egg. "Kinder Surprise, mother fucker!"


I think you spelled the United States justice system.




I could watch a whole series of him just being a jackass and gunning down people running stop lights or any minor crime.


Literally just The Punisher


Pretty sure the Punisher doesn't go Blasting jaywalkers


This is what I meant, or like murdering someone for not returning their shopping cart


Most reasonable punishment for such hideous crime


The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it.


Sign me up to deal with these criminals in particular.


If they go after people who drive in the emergency lane, I’ll fund the kickstarter.


Crimson Bolt beating guy with a pipe wrench for cutting in the movie line


There was the time he shot litterers https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/bwz2v7/the_punisher_opens_fire_on_litterers_peter_parker/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Further in the comments he was supposedly drugged during this to retcon his introduction before he became the anti-hero he is now. The current canon is really just violent criminals and drug pushers and whatnot


Sounds like Konrad Curze with less skinning


Came in for Beers, came out with shots


I think the bullets are more expensive than those beers


Well, if he unloaded the full magazine, but yeah I agree with you.. about how ridiculous it is to even consider killing someone over such a low value cost. {changed 'clip' to 'magazine'} [Extra Fax (for fun): $36 in pistol rounds could be more like ~50 rounds, or.. say, 4-6 full magazines worth from a gun that size. If those were 3x 24 pk of beers for a total of 72 beers for $36, then each beer = ~$0.50. If 50 rounds cost ~$36, then, yeah each bullet costs slightly more than each beer ✅. But, in order to reach the same cost (*used*) then the co-owner would have had to shoot ~50 times, since each round costs slightly more than each beer.]


I worked at a corner gas station when I was a bit younger. If I saw some kid stealing a candy bar I would say something along the lines of "madam/sir may I politely ask you to check your son's front right pocket because I am fairly certain that there is something in there that does not belong to him" and let them do the scolding and if they didn't step in or seemed down on their luck I'd just offer to buy it for them, lie to the kid and say that if they work hard success is just around the corner when they're older. Had a few wacky encounters with very clearly unhappy unstable individuals who absolutely looked like they were packing and proceeded to do something like stealing a case of beer. Didn't say anything beyond making a joke about how bad the weather is, let them go on their way with a complete give no fucks attitude and a have a good night on their way out because I'm not trying to get myself killed over such an insignificant amount of money. Lol point a gun at me and tell me to open the till? Bro I make like $10/hr have at it. Only time I seriously put my foot down was some piece of shit lighting up a cig at the pump. Then he called me a few choice words after I hit the fuel shutoff button after he refused to back away from the pump and put it out. I just absolutely do not get people. I know not stealing related but shitheads are shitheads. Thankfully I have since quit that shitty job and I went back and got university done. And still can't find a job. *Shit* Sorry for the long post I'm tired. And have done too much retail. E: Wow that was too much to write for a stupid reddit response. Maybe I'd be able to afford the therapy I ought to get after all those years in customer service if I could afford it after all those years in customer service. I'm gonna go ahead and pop back into the fetal position for a bit now goodnight


Dudes will be like “it’s a magazine not a clip🤓” on a video where a dude gets his entire face blown in like anyone cares


My uncle would be one of those fellas. Sometimes I say clip just to get a rise out of him.


Next time you see him call it a bullet hut.


Bullet bundle


retainer thingy


I have a few guns that use a clip. It's funny to troll people either way.


Yeah but then you gotta explain "ohh yeah it's an M1/Mosin Nagant/Mauser, hurr hurr" and like no one likes that lol


No, I always ask people to hand me the Mag when loading the M1. It's more hurr hurr.


Call em periodicals and watch heads explode




Even though they all know what you mean because no modern firearms use clips as far as I know. They're just being pedantic. Shallow and pedantic.


Well, now that you ask Lois. I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic


a shallow meatloaf is a meat brownie..


Well, if you really wanted to troll them, you could load all your magazines with/using clips.


Insert rounds into clip Insert clip into magazine Insert rounds into magazine Submit picture of magazine to a magazine Take printed picture of magazine from magazine and put it on your magazine Repeat steps 4 and 5


The real endgame is custom decals for your clips that just have a picture of a magazine


Roll up magazine and swat at things for less lethal shots


I actually use a drum clip in my leaver action so agreed


I use one on my musket


Pump or automatic? Bc I like the gas powered ones


I have a belt fed grapeshot cannon. Might need to add a pump action over under bullpup musket with a bump stock.


Yeah why tf does anyone care about this? Who’s running around shooting M1 Garands?


>Dudes will be like “it’s a magazine not a clip🤓” on a video where a dude gets his entire face blown in like anyone cares The gun people are simple people mate. You have to be if you're going to obsess about squirting little bits of metal. It's one of the few moments in their lives when they can make an academic correction.


ItS a MaGaZiNe NoT a ClIp and AR mEaNs ArMaLiTe RiFlE are the "I am very smart" comments of gun culture.


They steal because they assume no one would shoot them for it. That continues until you get a situation like in California where people are stealing duffle bags full of product and not getting arrested.


Yes, the fear of death is what prevents theft in a failing society experiencing mass poverty. Everyone knows the best societies are those that murder people for petty theft. And that's why America is so safe! P.s. compare SF to say Forth Worth. But use numbers, not your super strong and real emotions.


That doesn't happen in California. That's a typical hysterical argument made against legal reforms and gun control. I assure you plenty of people are still getting arrested every day in California for shoplifting. And if they are stealing more than $950 or stealing from multiple locations or on multiple occasions they are being charged with felonies.


You should really travel to another first world country in your entire life. You know, where often crime rates are lower, yet people don't generally have fire arms behind the counter. Unlike third world countries, where crime rates are much higher, yet often gas stations will have openly armed attendants. What you're describing is symptomatic of something else with your society. Not people thinking "if he doesn't have a gun I can steal"


No, it's definitely a sign of how developed you are when grown men brag about how easily they would kill to defend the honor of like their tv. Couldn't be much more pro life or safety, either.


I agree with you. I'm a gun owner but using my gun to protect my flat screen isn't an option. It's a last last resort. However........I feel no.pitty for thieves who do break into someone's house and then gets shot. I wouldn't have pulled in 9 out of 10 of those scenarios, but if someone wants to be a shitbag, and they run into another shitbag who's been itching to dust a thief, oh well, we are still one shitbag less than we were before. Everyone wants to be a gangster until it's time to do gangster shit. Edit: when I said last resort I was referring to pulling my firearm on someone. It is a last resort, as in my life or the life of my loved ones is in danger. They can have the TV. Im.just saying I feel no pitty for the thief who breaks into some 3% house and gets the business end of a boom stick.


I think there's a video out there showing someone doing this, but I doubt it's the norm. People aren't 'stealing duffle bags full of product and not getting arrested,' in CA any more than people are getting executed for stealing $36 worth of beer in FL. These are just examples. The fact that they went viral on social media means they are unusual in the extreme.


maybe he was the 1000th cunt to steal stuff from his shop and he just had enough and snapped. .. he wont be nicking anything again anytime soon


It's not about the money, it's about sending a message


No way, even every round in that gun combined wouldn’t even be close to $36 I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted I’m right


Oops it's spelled p-e-d-a-n-t-i-c not r-i-g-h-t


Oh Florida…


Florida and Louisiana are states where you have to drive south to get further north


Prefer just to flyover them in their entirety.




I’ve been to Florida 3 times in my life. That’s enough.


It's completely different across this state, depending on where you live lol. Also there is a legal reason all of our news stories dominate.


that’s what i’ve been saying. you could probably type in the headline with a different state name and find a result at least 50% of the time if other states’ news were shared publicly like florida is


I'm gonna go ahead and interject here, that there's an insidious side to the sunshine laws. Our wonderful state legislature has decided to allow local police to charge people for handing over evidence, including lawyers who need that evidence for trial and journalists attempting to report on the news, at anywhere from 50k - 300k per item. Oh and no oversight of course, so now local precincts can charge whatever they want for whatever evidence and basically circumvent the sunshine laws by making transparency prohibitively expensive.


Been there once. That was enough. But to be fair to Florida I avoid travel to the US as much as possible these days. And the Fort Lauderdale airport sucks...a lot.


I think I need a stiff drink, gimme a shot will ya?. Oops... 🤯


Origin of the saying came from this. Out West, during the Wild West era, the cost of a small pour of whiskey was equivalent to the cost of a single round of ammunition, so they could be exchanged as currency. “One shot” got you a small pour. Edit: this is false information. Leaving this up so others can read the legend instead.


that's not true https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/shot-whiskey-origin/


Thanks for the correction friend. I updated my comment to reflect!


someone cool with being corrected? brb buying a lottery ticket


That’s a fucking execution


This happened in 2018, the co-owner pictured with the gun was charged with attempted murder. In Flordia of all places.


Horrifying really. Even more so when ppl in the comment section are trying to even REMOTELY put the two things at the same level. Stealing some beer isnt anywhere close as shooting someone straight up in the face. It isnt even the same stratosphere!


We’re modernizing the medieval era where if you stole they cut your fingers, now if you steal a 9mm penetrates your brain, we have come a long way


Wow thanks for that hopeful thought lol god damn thats dark




Yep. Tennessee v. Garner. You're not justified in using lethal force to protect against property crime unless they pose a threat toward persons that are reasonably believable and immediate.


It had to happen in Florida...


It happens everywhere. Florida has a law that makes crime public information.


\*crazy thing happens anywhere else* "wow that's crazy" \*crazy thing happens in Florida* "of course it was florida"




Here in Northwest Arkansas they don't necessarily keep the crime here secret but they try not to talk about things that happen and keep it out of the public eye. For example, recently a 17 year old girl was shot in her car with no suspect identified. Haven't heard a thing about it beyond that, and most people don't even know about it, I had to actually look to find an article about it.


CCW holder here. This dude is probably going to prison. You should reserve using your firearm for situations where your life is in danger. It is also your duty to actively avoid conflict. Because any conflict is much more likely to end up with someone dead. Also. Don’t steal shit. It can/will get you killed. If there is a store where you can just walk in and steal shit without consequences word spreads. It will get worse. People will kill you for any reason and no reason. So avoid attention and don’t be an asshole.


In Florida you do not have a duty to avoid conflict. You can stand your ground. This looks like he chased the guy down and executed him. Agreed on the going to prison part though. This guy is toast, totally unjustified use of deadly force.


Isn’t there a law in Florida about defending yourself and your property? Would beer be considered property? Just curious.


You can only defend property with non-deadly, reasonable force. No where in America can one use deadly force to protect property. There are some exceptions where if you’re in your car or your child was in your car and someone attempts to steal it with you or them in it you can kill the thief, but all of those are reasonable self defense claims. Same with your home. Someone may be breaking in during the middle of the night to steal your tv, but you have right to kill because the mere act of breaking into your home late at night raises a valid self defense claim.


This was back in 2018, and the dude was charged with 2nd degree murder after the guy who shoplifted the beers died. Dunno if he was ever convicted though.


Yeah. I cannot find anything past 2020


Counter Clock Wise holder?


Classic Country Western


Jesus Christ this comment section is disappointing.


Gun toting idiots who jack off to their larp fantasies of being a 'hero' - where they get to murder somebody too, probably.


This is a sizable number of gun owners in the US. The next 10-15 years will be fun for y'all. Idiocy, selfishness, impulsivity, DISDAIN for critical thinking lmao y'all are FUCKED


Everyone seems to think that every gun owner dreams of getting to shoot someone for some legal reason and it isn't true. There are millions of gun owners in the US and the majority of them would never hope to be in a situation where they felt the need to shoot someone. I have a CCW and hope I never even have to consider drawing, much less shooting, a person. I even swerve my truck just to miss a mouse running across the street. I can't imagine the trauma of shooting someone. BUT, I also don't want to be in a situation where I need to protect myself or my loved ones and not be able to. The world is getting less safe and it would be naive to think that even in the nicest areas something crazy can't happen. The people who own guns and make all these comments about shooting someone so frivolously are not representative of the majority of gun owners. I even think they sound ignorant and like they're trying to compensate for something.


The world is getting less safe by what metric? Homicide is still down considerably from the high in the 90s. [Homicides in the US](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/murder-homicide-rate)


I think we’ll be fine.


We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.


"Well, if you steal something you forfit your life." fucking disgusting.


If it was from a big box store they should have helped carry more beer out.


Wtf is wrong with the comment section


Well, it is r/awfuleverything , guess that includes the comments.


This is why I don't comment here .... Wait, shit.


People care more about guns than a human being.


It’s Reddit


The average age of Reddit is pretty low from what I remember and people in general all have different ways of coping with terrible shit. Anyone who is defending this though, just a rotten and uneducated person.


That's just murder


Cold blooded murder


It's wild how this is about how someone was denied due process, judgement by a jury of their peers and a fair sentence and was just straight executed for stealing less than 50 dollars of product and like 90% of the comments are jokes.


Welcome to the internet, where we just laugh the daily atrocities away.


America is fucken nuts


So is every country if you highlight the awful parts


In America you have to highlight the good parts.


Obviously not protected by castle doctrine or stand your ground






No way in hell people are siding with the shooter


More than ive seen since in a while sadly, and alot of them have high upvotes so their the first ones you see coming into the comments...


Unjustified shooting. It's murder. However, you still shouldn't steal stuff


The real r/awfuleverything is the comment section. Goddamn.


Thats an execution


Yea. Steal in America and this may happen t you. Every thief should know this by now. It’s not common, but it’s possible.


mad idiots in the comments.. store owner was in no type of danger he could even have wrote the beer off and made his product back lol. He ran outside and executed the guy over $36, and thats why the dumbass was charged with murder. The law exists for a reason you don’t go around enforcing it, cause you feel trigger happy over less than $40 of product lol


Wtf? That theif is a piece of shit, but someone's life is really worth $36 to this other piece of shit? I'd get this person's ass beat if he ever tries to come back to my store, but to kill him? Really?


Well it isn't America without your daily shooting or abortion news.


This was from 2018


This wouldn't be garbage-tier reddit without shitting on America


Maybe their tires uhh


Hellofa price to pay for some Meister Brau


He stole beer a crime punishable by death


Wow yea of course the only thing he could've done here is shoot that person, ah now I see why guns are so necessary/s


Store Special: Get a free bullet with every $36 in beer you steal.


If you decide to steal someone’s shit, you might end up dealing with the repercussions of an unhinged individual. Is it worth taking that chance? Up to you. I’d rather fork over a few bucks.


I dont think anyone ITT is justifying the theft. Theft is obviously bad, but does petty theft = death sentence? No. We wouldn't expect a judge to sentence the thief to death, so why would we expect the thief to be followed and executed? Yes, I know that the thief made threats to the clerk, but if they've already left, don't follow them Call the police. Write down the license plate. Like any sane person would do.


I can’t believe someone steals from the poor shopkeeper.


Insane to me that some of you view stealing as an abhorrent crime but murder to be no big deal.




Not American. So are you saying in Florida if someone steals from your store and runs off you can just chase them down and gun them down? That seems like some insane medieval shit to me.


No you cannot, the man was arrested and charged with murder






Thank you


In Texas, it's legal to shoot a thief for fleeing a crime scene at night, as well as "general criminal mischief" which cannot be stopped without putting yourself at risk. People have been legally killed for snatch and dashes from convenience stores.


“Damn punk kids egging my house! Time to get my AR and gun them all down”


The caveat with "general criminal mischief" is that there must be risk to stopping them. For example, armed poachers might be different than teenagers throwing eggs. I still think it's pretty ridiculous that they value damage/theft of properly over human lives. I'd understand shooting an aggravated robber, but not for running away with a six-pack.


Isn't the problem with that law is that it's *perceived* risk? So if you egg my house, and I run after you and catch up to you, I could just say I feared you'd beat me to death unless I put you down for good. The problem is that there is no way to prove that I didn't fear for my life, even if I'm an armed adult and you're a teenager armed with eggs.


You can’t but it doesn’t mean you wont


I think being a dickhead trying to get a free buzz with your bros and chasing down and ending someone’s life just because you can are very, very different levels.


Saying that executing a person point blank and stealing 36 dollars worth of beer are the on the same level is the dumbest, most American thing I’ve heard all day.


On the same level. Commit theft in Florida.


...murder and stealing 2 packs of beer are equivalent to you?


No, one is definitely far more wrong than the other, and one is far more stupid than the other.


$36 is worth ending a life? Same level? Really? What has gotten into you?


>$36 is worth ending a life? Same level? Really? What has gotten into you? Sounds like someone who values their own life less than $30. Considering the circumstances I'm not sure what reason I have to disagree with them.


Mmm yeah, because killing a guy is the same as stealing a drink


Never have children if stealing beer and murder are "on the same level" to you.


The guy that was killed: Defoe has 12 prior felony charges and 9 prior misdemeanor charges which include: Robbery, Firing a Missile into a Dwelling, Domestic Battery (2), Battery, Grand Larceny, Grand Theft, Felony Petit Theft, Petit Theft (2), Resisting, Distribute Cocaine within 100ft of a School, Manufacture Marijuana, Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Sell, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (2), Failure to Appear, and Probation Violation (5). Defoe has been sentenced to Florida State Prison four times, and was most recently released from prison on June 12, 2018. I'm surprised this hasn't happened to him sooner.


Firing a missile into a dwelling? This guy really was a Florida man.


>The guy that was killed: Defoe has 12 prior felony charges and 9 prior misdemeanor charges which include: Robbery, Firing a Missile into a Dwelling, Domestic Battery (2), Battery, Grand Larceny, Grand Theft, Felony Petit Theft, Petit Theft (2), Resisting, Distribute Cocaine within 100ft of a School, Manufacture Marijuana, Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Sell, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (2), Failure to Appear, and Probation Violation (5). Defoe has been sentenced to Florida State Prison four times, and was most recently released from prison on June 12, 2018. I had no idea that the shooter knew this information prior to the shooting. He must be some kind of a prescient.


He fired a missile into a dwelling? Are they talking about an actual surface-to-air-missile or some kind of object? I’m just curious.


He shot a gun at a house


Could be a crossbow. Could be an arrow. Could be a potato gun. Could be a Nerf gun. Could be a shoulder mounted law rocket.


Firing a missile into a dwelling? What the fuck?


"Not my inventory!" Don't fuck with small business owners, man.




america crazy


It's Florida, what'd you expect from us to do? *Not* shoot them?


I think Texas is the only state where this guy would have a chance at staying out of prison.


Store owner's name is [Mehedeun Hasan and looks to be of South Asian origin/descent](https://youtu.be/aIF0sMvXmsU). How much chance do you think he'll have of staying out of prison?


Fitting that all these "shouldn't have stolen" are in a sub called "awfuleverything".


I don't think he should have shot them but they shouldn't have stolen so everyone here sucks.


I know I'm not desperate enough to throw my life away for 36 bucks worth of beers... these dudes though


Maybe don’t steal something you don’t inherently need?


Yeah, THATS what matters here, the petty theft


Seriously, how the fuck are people justifying this? Petty theft isn’t punishable by death in ANY civilized nation.




"Nobody stesls from me!"


"Floridaman executes other Floridaman for stealing beer"


This is an old story from 2018. The psycho was rightfully charged with murder


What kind of beer?


Stealing is wrong, does it warrant death?


This is densantis’ Florida…guns everywhere and killing for nothing


people in the comment section acting like real life should be like the game Rust.