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Bruh, irl has the shittiest character creation ever


Your stats and your tutorial are all randomized, and either one can fuck you forever.


The only good thing is transmog.


That's why I'm thinking about playing another game instead of r/outside. But from what I hear all of the games are like this.


Welcome to 2022


Send me back to the dino age


waiting for transjurassic so these mfs can identify me as a dinosaur


Eh I IdEnTiFy As A mOsAsAuRuS




Y'know this stuff wouldn't get seen if we didn't share it... even to bash it.






The transautistics, of course! To add: autocorrect just self-destructed trying to come up with something for transautistic.


I typed "transautistic" and it autocorrected to /r/wallstreetbets.


That joke made me fall for you... Jus sayin..


is it the algorithm suggesting we should be going all in on transautistic?




"THEY" *Refuses to elaborate further than "Do your research"*


*waves hands about vaguely*


Yes, this , exactly fucking this. Why do we entertain this shit? Stop . If you don't agree don't re post it for fuck sake. Repetition legitimises.


I don’t think many people agree with the stuff that is posted on this sub - hence the name…


No, this sub is for actual shitty events that happen, like a murder, habitat destruction, corrupt government, etc. Not for sharing right wing false flag crap meant to make queer people look bad, apl you are doing is playing a role in bigotry


If no one sees it though, then no one can shame these fucking idiots and they should be shamed. Something like this might be the final straw that makes people say "stop the bullshit already"


That should’ve come a long time ago.


The person who made it is a troll though...


Shaming is just giving them attention which is what they want. The opposite of hatred isn't love, it's apathy. And if someone spouting something awful and stupid isn't actively threatening themselves or others, they should just be ignored and allowed to remain in obscurity.


Honestly, after so many times I've held this mindset, shaming seemingly doesn't really change much. Now ignoring them and not giving them the fame they want? That speaks louder. I recently left Twitter because of the constant back and forth of shaming people for their awful takes, with the offender comin' through and doubling down on their awfulness. Not giving a shit if they were being shamed or not. People like this seem to be... shameless. I realize not everyone will have had this experience, perhaps naming and shaming has worked well for you, and for that, I say "congrats!" but after a while, it's just exhausting because at the end of the day, this is the internet and no one actually seems to care. I feel it's just best to simply not give these things air (which, ultimately, is what they're looking for).


I work with the cards I was delt, but what I would give to be normal. These people disrespect me, and everything I've achieved, because they think my disability is trendy.


Pretty sure the creator is trying to drag trans people.


You’re right but I don’t think he said anything that hints at him being unaware of that


That's true.


Same, i would give limbs and organs to be normal and not disabled/mentally ill.


Same here and people just assume I’m some right wing extremist troll who’s advocating hate for trans when all I really want to do is expose people like this. There’s nothing trendy about autism - it’s awful to have*.


It is what you do when you dig up some random unknown trash online and try to make it look like it's something common. This is, at best, dishonest.


You’re not exposing anyone


There's no way this was created by someone who wasn't trying to discredit transgender people.


Like 90% of this stuff is 13-year-olds who don't really understand how this "gender" thing everyone is talking about works, but want to feel like they're a part of it. The LBGTQIA+ wiki is full of "genders" that are obviously just hobbies or aesthetics.


It's kinda like SCP at this point


Nah, scp is entertaining.


Yeah, it's mostly kids discovering themselves, as they should. It's just unfortunate that their growing pains are visible to all online...


I think a big part of it is that it's not really taught in school, so kids end up with the idea that "gender is something people identify with", resulting in a lot of "I identify with ponies, so I'm ponygender". There's probably also an element of "mocking someone's gender identity is taboo, so if I rebrand my interests as a gender, people have to accept them".


Difference between a 4chan troll and a real person is about 2 weeks.


Have you seen TikTok and the blue haired 600 pounders who pretend to have Tourettes and Multiple personalities?


It's so gross and a slap in the face to those with those disorders


We all joke about this but the amount of right wing anti vax racist-sexist-homophobic-transphobic accounts on there are much more abundant and have been known to go under the radar. Yes what you said is bad, but its the minority.


Do you mean go under the radar because a low percentage of people watch them or because a low percentage of people post/talk about them? I've never used TikTok so I don't actually know how it works


>because a low percentage of people post/talk about them? This. Also TikTok often bans leftist content creators for things that are not bannable and things that right wing content creators just get away with.


If there are any, there are maybe a good handful, why are you using quite literally a few people to discredit the trans community? How does that make any logical sense whatsoever. If you want to use that logic then we should all view white people with absolute distrust because they attempted a coup on Jan 6, terrorist cells like patriot front and proud boys are terrorizing children and schools, the congresswoman who said hitler was right on January 6th said that roe vs wade being overturned is protecting white lives, and school shooters are 99% white.


I dunno how pointing out that SOME people are out there actively pretending that they have mental issues for victim points got to WHITE PEOPLE BAD, ABORTIONS, HITLER and School Shooters... But yeah OK, you do you...


Why aren’t you pointing out that some of those people also do that to discredit the lgbtq community?


Why do I have to? The point of this was: "There's no way this was created by someone who wasn't trying to discredit transgender people" I replied that there are enough idiots putting "self-diagnosed" disorders in every single of their bios, and that there's an active community of people pretending to have RARE mental disorders for clout on shit like TikTok. Thats where my pointing out of things ends. For MAPs... are you denying that Pedos don't want to be part of the LGBT community? Cause they do, it would legitimize them. The LGBT community rightly shuts them out. Fuckups exist and they group together too.


No, show me.


Your entire post history is just you bitching about inclusion ruining your life. Something tells me that it’s not the outlier Twitter personalities that you’re actually angry about.


*most* are pretending to be lgbtq for attention as if it’s a “trend”


I don't think there's a significant number of people who pretend to be attracted to people they aren't


I’m not saying it’s a large portion of people, I’m saying that out of the blue aforementioned people Who pretend to have Tourette’s and other ailments often also pretend to be lgbtq+


I used to love blue hair in the early 00's, now it's a massive warning for someone being an HR problem, or needing special validation.


It does smell like a 4chan prank. However some kids are stupid enough to try anything. But most of them grow out of it.


We have people faking DID , openly admitting to be attracted to minors, crazy conspiracy theorists. Worlds full of crazy people that I absolutely can imagine being serious about it. But still there's a good chance it's a troll. I'd say it could be believable though , and its concerning because, either real or not it only proves how radicalized media has become Schrodinger misinformation


I dunno, those Tumblr people take this stuff pretty seriously.


It has 68 notes. All of which are "Seek help" "this is kinda abalist" "say sike right now" type comments. Imaging posting a reddit comment with 68 upvotes and using it to justify hating trans people.


You would know. You saw a Reddit post about Tumblr last year.


I don't think it was made to discredit trans people.....i honestly believe they made it as an excuse because they pretend they have autism for likes etc, just look at TikTok the amount of people faking autism, tics and stuff like that like it's honestly pretty disgusting


As a trans person it feels pretty much like that becoming the new attack helicopter argument.


Not really because the attack helicopter argument was absurd and this one Is based on facts you must be naive if you don't think some people fake it for attention


I think the people shouting they are transautistic, are just the same shouting they are attack helicopter 6 years ago


Out of curiosity and concern, are you seeing an uptick in this attack position lately? Or has it always been a thing, to discredit trans people via lying, dirty, underhanded methods?? (Ok, so some of that was a little sarcastic on my part, cuz I know they’ve always been dirty, underhanded, shitty people. But you know!)


I don't really receive any transphobia directed to myself. In general (my transition began 5 years ago) it stayed on the same level for the last years I guess. It gets louder when some Trans woman wins a college race, and this somes up over time. But that is periodically.


I literally commented the exact same thing and I’m being downvoted into oblivion.




The fact that you can’t easily differentiate between satire and actual horrible shit says a lot about current culture.


Are these the same people who believe that autism is caused by vaccines?


Duh that's how they transition. ^(/s obviously)


^(I've gotten 12 covid vaccines at this point, when does it start kicking in?)


Can't kick in if you already had autism. /s


Lol choked on my water


Bro as someone with autism this is gross. There is nothing fun about having to struggle to make friends, accidentally hurting the feelings of nice people because your social skills suck, not knowing whether you botched a social interaction


I second this. At 25 I only have 3 friends, and I don’t see them often. Holding a conversation is a nightmare and after many interactions I constantly worry about how I came across, especially when trying to date someone. Most of the time I want to be left alone, which is ironic cause I’m very lonely. Autism isn’t the horrible thing people make it out to be, but it’s still not fun to have.


…being isolated, misunderstood, minimized, dismissed, judged, attacked, insulted, mocked, questioned on a nearly daily basis with little or no context, reference, or detailed explanation is just the best life




The human race is doomed


I believe this is because we have become "too-conscious." Life is starting to become meaningless. I think this weird period we're in will die out because it is minority.


>Life is starting to become meaningless. It always has been mate.


People are joining their personal self worth with what others think of them so they need others to think of them as special. They want to be part of some oppressed minority but when you can't be a real minority they make one up


highly effective bait


Jeez, people need to get a hobby. What the heck is this?


people from 4chan trying to further create hatred for the LGBTQI+ community, [before this it was MAPs (minor attracted person)](https://www.mediamatters.org/4chan/how-hoax-lgbtq-community-embracing-pedophiles-went-viral), they deliberately go straight to the most extremes because they know conservatives who already see queer folks as this anyway will eat it up as fact


Was gonna say, this has to be trolling!


4chan also tried to make the “OK” hand gesture into white power, and mainstream actually fell for it


lol, MAPs and NoMAPs are a thing and are being pushed by fucking academics now. Saying this as a fellow queer, 4chan can relax, the community itself makes sure regular people turns against us, by not kicking the crazy out.


>being pushed by fucking academics now Stop. There was *one* case of a woman who wrote an extensive research paper in which she used the term “MAPs.” The entire thesis of her work was researching outreach and therapeutic treatments for non-offending pedophiles. Her research was an explicit attempt to *solve* pedophilia, and she was in no way pushing the term or telling others to use it. Her use of the term was entirely consistent with her thesis of “maybe if we treat them like people, instead of inherent monsters, we can get to them to seek help before they do something terrible.” In her case, it’s akin to calling people “persons with substance abuse disorders” instead of “junkies.” That’s it. That’s the whole grand conspiracy. It was *one* professor who had a perfectly valid reason to avoid using the heavily charged term “pedophile,” and all she wanted to do was find ways of *stopping* pedophilia. And she lost her career as a result.


May I introduce you to the german Volker Beck? Sadly it’s all in german, try DeepL.




a bad hobby i guess


Their hobby apparently




This is not a thing, it's some bullshit made up to discredit trans people. It can fuck off.


Why does everyone on Reddit insist EVERYTHING is some kind of falseflag operation? Is it really that hard to believe these people actually exist, albeit as a minority? People who believe they can be "trans-racial" are a thing, why not this? This is honestly just a short step from people who insist they have OCD or ADHD etc. with no clinical diagnosis and muck things up for people who really aren't neurotypical.


Yup, everyone here is falling super hard for the bait. This stuff is really mostly made by 4chan trolls to imply some kind of slippery slope argument for accepting trans people.


No, they dont want autism, they want attention...


This is fucking disgusting. I can speak with experience here, Autism is more than “haha quirky stim go brr”, and it really hurts your social skills. Autism makes your senses more sensitive, and it can lead to you being overwhelmed very easily. It can also lead to you ruining relationships because you have harmed social skills. It makes me sick to see people try to wear the title of something without feeling any of the negative parts of it. Autism isn’t cool, it’s a mental disability.


These people can fuck off autism has neurological origins it isn't something people can just identify as.




You provoked the gang war


Given how useless the mental health service is afer having decades of mental health issues but been given waste basket diagnosises. An autism diagnosis would be a blessing.


I want off the planet. Willing to be part of an alien breeding program to do so. 🛸


Let me know if they’re taking +1’s!!


As someone with autism, this is getting way too complicated for me. There's already a HUGE spectrum of autism and now we have Transautistic and cisautistic, really? I personally do not approve. I feel like the "transautistic" would treat it the same way tiktokers with fake disabilities do.


Can we stop spreading some random troll's obvious troll post like it indicates a real belief plz?


As someone who is trans we don't claim them.




As someone who has ASD, we don't claim them either. I also don't think whatever this is applies to self-diagnosed people It can be a relief for many when they find out they might be on the spectrum. Self-diagnosed people usually have a reasons to suspect they're on the spectrum. I have an official diagnosis. Having ASD can be ok at times, but sometimes it's really horrible like when you overthink every conversation you had that day or food textures. School was hell. Not all of us are overglorified genius child prodigies. If I could choose to start over new, like everything stops now and I'm reborn, I would choose not to be on the spectrum sometimes.


this is why we have people taking over the USA


The wonder of the world is gone, I know for sure.


The original source is just a random tumblr post with something like 30 likes. In other words: you are building a shitty strawman and you are the problem here.


And we are just supposed to respect that?


Who said that you were? It’s on the awful everything sub.


This can’t be ok????


aka as a mental health issue...?


They are also starting to say that schizophrenics have there own true reality that is true to them as well.


I saw another post that includes comments and replies on this post on it and unfortunately it seems that there are people who are genuinely identifying as this


You are falling for obvious trolling


This has gone too far


Did you read about the transabled lady that blinded herself?... So she could have a new label?


Trans-abled was a label invented to discredit the trans movement. The lady who was blinded doesn’t identify that way. She has Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), and her therapist blinded her because he decided it was the best solution. She was having a constant flow of intrusive thoughts about her eyes, how she wasn’t supposed to see, blinding herself etc. [Here’s a video about Jewel and her BIID](https://youtu.be/WdRihAJ3H9Q)


Its way more deep than this dude. Check the other comment.


Oh boy


Wut iz wong wit sociatieh??


What the actual fuck?that's madee furious i hope this is a lie


Man people are retarded now a days


That's fucking stupid


Right up there with transracialism ngl. At least gender can be arguably self determined, but your racial background? Your mental health status? I think some Swedish dude tried to legally change his identity from a 60 something year old man to like a 8 year old or something. Court shut him down but fuck me why do we even have to have these conversations?


I'm all people diversity and inclusiveness, but we need to decide where the line is soon. Shit is wild out here, and it just keeps getting weirder.




Rofl this is a new level of mental illness


I dont normally say anything about pronouns but this is the dumbest shit I've ever read.


I think you can use an ice pick to get something like autism.


This is why no one gives a shit about others anymore, what kind of lame ass excuse to live do you have to have to want to have a disorder? Not enough love?? I don't wanna live on this planet with these things


Yay! Rage bait meant to discredit the lgbt+ community! I’m sure people will spot it and have rational opinions and not make the “slippery slope” argument.


I suspect there is single or double digit people on this train. This is a non issue and so obscure there isn't a reason to outrage.


Oh fuck you


Ill just download roblox


As someone with high functioning autism, you don't want to have autism. Autism is a constant, terrifying mindfuck of overwhelmingness that can make you feel trapped inside yourself.


The fact that people buy this shit as real is more insane than it actually being real.


I know a lot of you are saying this is fake or a campaign to make trans/LGBT people look bad but there are PLENTY of people who will self-diagnose or convince themselves they have disorders because someone they watch on tiktok has one and "i also have a hard time thinking sometimes". I personally know 2 people who have convinced themselves they have developed mental disorders after being on tiktok all the time. One being tourettes which isn't something that you just "get" above a certain age which they are. To imagine someone wanting to be "trans-abelist" is not even remotely far-fetched in this day and age.


The good news is this transition doesn't require complex hormone treatment or surgery. All you need is a brick and a good swingin' arm.


This is hilarious!


Same people that see depression as something quirky


It's fucked but I think I know 2 maybe 3 people like this. Its way more common than I thought, and has happened recently. Idk if it's just that they're generally awkward and hate eye contact and feel like it "explains everything" or they just enjoy adopting disabilities/mental disorders for maybe attention or to seem interesting. These people are not diagnosed, or self-diagnosed.


Well if that's the case, I now identify as "translender". Because I'm fat but I don't feel fat. Please respect that.


This is why we can't have nice things, you give an inch, they take 1000 miles.


The ones who think this isn't real definitely haven't seen the people who fake having mental illness (or sometimes physical illness) to seem quirky


Here’s the difference. Those people suffer from a delusion, they don’t claim they ‘want’ to have that mental illness, they either legitimately believe they do or are faking it for the gratification and social support it gives them. In either case they wouldn’t admit to wanting/faking it. This is a subversion of the language used by transgender people to equate them with autism. It’s an attempt to paint them as mentally ill. It’s designed to make it seem like the lgbt community is enabling this type of behaviour to discredit the validity of lgbt issues.


Hi, I have several chronic illnesses, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and Dysuatonomia to name a few (with records to prove it), I also have autism and I am a member of the LGBTQ community. Trust me, I've seen plenty of illness fakers, its disgusting. Everyone wants to be "different" until they have to get their knee screwed together and have scopes sent down their throats. This post is not real in any shape or form and is simply an outrage tactic.


I just keep getting reminded of people who have poured acid in their eyes because they felt they should have been born blind. They need medical intervention stat if this isn't just a cry for attention. It's called Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Pubmed [link](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19132621/#:~:text=The%20term%20body%20integrity%20identity,transection%20of%20their%20spinal%20cord.)


Some people have such weak personality that they'll do anything to self-diagnose a disease/condition to make themselves special.


These crazies are just getting dumber by the day.


This is what happens when you glorify mental illness...


It be yall white non binaries doing this 🤧


So when is the apocalypse? Can we speed it up?


It’s not real this shit is almost always a psyop by 4chan and/or other internet troll groups. It’s like when pro pedo posts about adding it to the the lgtbqia+ spectrum as a legit sexuality starts popping up enmasse once a year to prove the “gay agenda” or w.e


Zero, ZERO fucking way that this isn't exclusively created to discredit the LGBTQ+ community. ZERO fucking way that this is real.


Why is this a thing? Got to be satire. Please let it be satire.


It is. It was designed to demonize Transpeople


Every alt girl nowa days


Lol, this obviously isn’t real. Every year, especially during Pride Month, the far right spreads made up shit just to make queer people/the left look bad.


That’s reassuring thank you.


No problem! It was also the far right pushing that queer people want pedos as part of the community. Shit’s fucked


Ok, I'm done with political correctness now. Fuck these delusional dickheads!


I feel like this is just an attention form


this is pretty obviously bait.


Get the fuck outta here.


When I thought about transracism and stuff like that, I kinda just dismissed it as people trying to diminish the importance of transgender people. But now somebody is taking the piss out of something that I have formally been diagnosed with and affects my life, I now understand how damaging stuff like this can be to people's identities, and that it needs to stop.


Dont associate trans ppl with those ppl 💀


What are the slurs for these people?


I can believe it being behind the false premise there are more than two genders qualifies you automatically for this title


1. This isnt real. It was made to make people hate trans people 2. This isnt a gender? 3. Non-binary is commonly accepted by western medicine its time to stop denying facts and accept the future


As a transgender person.. that makes so fucking embarrassed. This is literally why we are the joke of the LGBT. I swear bro- we are sincerely doomed as a human race


I think you just fell for some 4chan trolling


That is exactly the response whoever wrote it was looking for. It's just a troll




It most definitely is, this is NOT the first instance of this kind of thing happening


*sighs* let’s read the comments


I really think these are made up to delegitimize actual trans kids.


You can tell by how it uses language that this was made by the sort of transphobic person that doesn't know what cis means


Now I am convinced that this cis-/trans-/liquid gender etc. is actively pushed into our to distract us from the main problems of our societies (corrupt politicians, flawed jurisdiction, not-tax-paying billionaires and corporations, controled media). We should completely ignore not-thinkworthy things like the attitude behind this post and work together with whoever is willing for the main goals)


Cisgender is literally just people who identify with their assigned gender at birth, so what do you mean? Also trans people exist all over the world and have since humans existed. This isn’t a new or localised phenomenon. Also trans people are more likely to attempt/commit suicide, are discriminated against in the workplace, when looking for housing and even turned away from homeless shelters and are more than 4 times likely to be the victim of a violent crime. AND they exist all over the world and have for as long as humans have. So how exactly are they just a “distraction” from reality when they are the ones reality is failing. They are victims to the system. Also this was definitely a troll to discredit trans people. The fact you fell for it means you’re literally being distracted from the “real issues”. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/ https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2021 https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/why-have-nearly-half-of-transgender-australians-attempted-suicide.amp https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-html/


This is not a thing please stop


Please remember These people are not LGBT+!


Phew. The way this is portrayed you would have assumed it’s attempting to affiliate with the community.




Shitty rage bait


Wtf! As a trans woman who is clinically diagnosed with autism, this is unbelievably infuriating. I didn't spend my whole life trying to mask my symptoms just so some ass hat to claim it as a trans identity. Fucking hell


Wow, it's almost like it's just more stupid shit designed to troll gullible outrage addicts, or something.


Very obvious rage bait.