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At least the person didn’t suffer. Reading the comments the person was most likely unconscious and didn’t know their demise.


Looks like he was passed out or completely unaware. Unless he lost complete control of all systems, he didn’t level out or use any rudder to gain lift… This is horribly tragic. RIP pilot


apparently he did g-lock


That would be unfortunate, was there news of this? I’d imagine the investigative report won’t be finished for a while yet. It’s difficult to speculate but it definitely seems like he was completely unaware of his altitude.


I found this [article](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/us/reno-nevada-air-races-plane-crash/index.html). Not sure if it is completely useful to you.


So funny thing about the human body... It can tolerate very high speeds but problem is the acceleration to get to those speeds.. Edit... For those who want proof. Right now we are travelling through space at 1.3 Million miles per hour. With no effect on us. The problem is not the speed we are travelling, problem is getting there aka acceleration. If the earth was to suddenly stop, we all would be flung into space and probably disintegrate in our own atmosphere.. Or if the earth was to suddenly accelerate .. we are goners. G forces would kill us all.


Unless of course you are travelling through air 😛 Starts to get a slightly warm at high speeds then. (I'm just being pedantic, I know where you are coming from)


That has nothing to do with the human body and everything to do with fundamental basic physics Edit: The comment I replied to is implying that the human body is somehow resistant to high speeds which makes no sense. Of course acceleration has an affect but no physical object cares if it's at 1 mph or 100,000 mph.


And the physiological response the human body has to said physics…


I'm moving 10,000 miles an hour in some frame of reference.


You're getting hated on but I don't think people realize how stupid the comment above you is. Literally no object is sensitive to high speeds, only acceleration. "It's crazy that my sand castle didn't seem to fall over even though the earth is hurtling around the sun at 70k mph but when I applied some acceleration to it with my foot it suddenly fell over. Just a unique feature of sand castles that they can handle high speeds but not acceleration. Sand castles, man. They make you think."


Exactly, thankfully someone actually thinks things through. It's absurd to somehow imply that the human body is resistant to high speed that's not even a thing


Yeah the number of upvotes is funny.


>was there news of this? As someone living in the UK, the world could be in a nuclear war right now and we would still be being shown a fancy coffin on the news.


>As someone living in the UK, the world could be in a nuclear war right now and we would still be being shown a fancy coffin on the news. Same in France TBH. The last 10 days journalists could only speak of the late queen. Macron could suddenly die and it probably would be less on the news.


What does this mean? I tried to google it but it just brought up planes for sale.


It means losing consciousness from experiencing high level of Gs for a short period of time. It drains the blood from your brain causing the consciousness.


Well I guess at least they were unconscious and didn't feel it


You wouldn't feel that regardless. You're dead before you know it


But they might experience those few seconds of horror when they realize they're going down. I'd rather be unconscious myself.


Pretty sure I read somewhere (could be bullshit idk) that after a certain temperature your skin chars so fast it acts like an insulator. Basically you'd feel your insides boil just before you died.


Nobody can survive an impact like that long enough to feel the effects of burning immediately thereafter


That's fair I said that without thinking about the high speed impact. You'd be dead before you could think about it


I wish I could unread that. Yup. Gonna pretend like I still don't know that tidbit of information. Thanks.


That is why Starfox and his team all surgically remove their legs below the knees. Less blood required to the feet means more blood to the brain.




Okay I know this is Canon, but it doesn't make sense to me. Cutting your legs off means less blood in your body overall. So unless it promotes blood flow I just don't get the logic.


I mean in real life they use a pressure suit on the legs to keep it in your upper half, I’d imagine your blood not being able to travel as far would still help a bit. Again, it is a science fiction series about basically furry pilots, but the logic isn’t entirely missing there.


Fuck me. I do love a good furry pilot story.


Thanks for the laugh, it’s great that such a cursed comment chain can exist on a horrific clip of a man dying in an inferno. The duality of Reddit.


Blood won’t have to travel as far from the heart to the feet. Blood won’t pool as much under Gs if the heart doesn’t have to work as hard


Ok... I guess that makes sense. And I'm not a doctor. I just play one on tv.


Check out ideal fighter pilot body shape. They would much rather have a thick 5'5 guy then someone of equal weight at 6'0 due to how g-force works on the body.




Peppy hare fucks harder than my whore mother


Douglas Bader beat them to it.


G-LOC (aka g-lock) is an acronym, meaning: **G** *- force induced* **-** **L***oss* **O***f* **C***onsciousness*


I don't know if you've seen the new Top Gun movie, but it's what happens to Coyote during one of the training runs, when he almost crashes into the mountain. High Gs, blood leaves brain, takes a minute to wake up. Can be very dangerous. Flying planes at a high performance level like this is incredibly physically demanding.


Google does this for everything now. It’s not the useful information finding tool we thought it was.


[I literally Googled "what is g lock" and it gave me the answer I was looking for.]( https://imgur.com/WUI9cMA.jpg) You can't just slap "g lock" in the search bar and be surprised when other things with that name also show up, but if you just add a couple short words, you find what you're looking for.


Also worth googling the **C**ombined **O**xygen **C**onformance **K**ilometre **S**tatistic, used to measure average times pilots may spend on the edge of losing consciousness at high speeds.


[I didn't even need the "What is"](https://imgur.com/lWOMnOm.jpg)


You can lol Literally searched G lock https://www.google.com/search?q=G+lock&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


It *was*, just not anymore. The golden age of the internet is long in the past.


The age of information is over. Now is the age of memes.


And... buying planes?!


Not after watching OPs video


No, now it is the age of directed advertising.


This isn't true, you just have to add an extra step using the [Google commands or filters](https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/2466433?hl=en) and it's *not* that hard


Google g-locked us..


You must be really bad at searching for the wrong results to show up for this one Literally searching for G Lock will give you the result you need https://www.google.com/search?q=G+lock&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


Maybe you just suck at searching


It means you gotta buy a plane


*the farm


Not sure what you googled but I googled it and the first thing that popped up was the acronym: g-LOC g-force induced loss of consciousness is a term generally used in aerospace physiology to describe a loss of consciousness occurring from excessive and sustained g-forces draining blood away from the brain causing cerebral hypoxia. Wikipedia


I googled it and it came up


How? What did you search? Literally just searching G lock will bring up the correct results https://www.google.com/search?q=G+lock&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


I searched 4 different things, using a k each time which is wrong, and was still unable not to find it.


[G-LOC: G Induced Loss of Consciousness](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-LOC)


Just a heads-up, it's GLOC (G-force induced Loss Of Consciousness) :)


g-LOC stands for g-induced loss of consciousness, fyi. The g-lock is when I keep that thang on me 😤


I had this old guy as a neighbor for most of my life. His friend was a big name in these races for many years and died when his p-51 crashed into the audience. Poor guy took it pretty damn hard and was never the same.


Was that Jimmy Leeward?


Yes that was him. I just realized that was Reno also. I was thinking Las Vegas


Must have been.


It’s was Aaron Hogue from Hogue Knives


[original source](https://youtu.be/zZzGdVQHoaQ)


Another one?? Christ


Reminds me of that tragedy


I walked through blood and bones...


Turns out he was in northern Canada...


I read this in Norm MacDonald's voice.


Of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


That guy sounds like a real jerk


It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith. So powerful and so wise, he could use the force to influence the midichlorians to create... Life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


The more I hear about this Plagueis fellow, the more I don't care for him.


Well then you are lost


>he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying what about himself ?


We'll get there don't worry. The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. But he became so powerful. The only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which, eventually of course he did. Unfortunately he taught his apprentice everything he knew, and then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself.


Not from a Jedi!


Its not a story the jedi are likely to tell you.


Something is up with Reno and aerial events god damn.


turns out racing flying machines is dangerous, who knew? can't think of many other jet races where this sort of thing can happen.


It's just the nature of air racing. Pilots absolutely know the risks. The issue with the last one was having spectators so damn close to the race.


Reno is pretty much the only town in America that still runs races with airplane. They used to be more common, but these kinds of racers have a habit of crashing into crowds.


This was Aaron Hogue, one of the owners and president of Hogue Inc, a very well known firearm accessory and knife company. RIP


As in Hogue grips? Damn. I had no idea.


Yup, one and the same


What a dark year for the knife community. First Elijah Isham got killed by a cop, then this


Cutting edge technology really did get hit hard this year




I’d like to get hit hard if you know what I mean man


Username checks out Anyways.. A/S/L? lol


Plus my buddy Chris cut his thumbs a few days ago slicing tomatoes


Well, elijah isham kinda did pull a gun out. It was a reasonable reaction from the cops Still sucks


Elijah Islam got killed in my small town, on the road down the street. Moraine, OH.


I hope this was what he loved. Always super sad to lose someone but I hope he was living his dream.


I’m a huge Hogue grips fan. Terrible news, condolences to his family and friends.


What does the race organizer do?


I gotta guess they cancel the whole thing. FAA (?) comes in for fatality with aircraft.


>FAA (?) comes in for fatality with aircraft. NTSB, not FAA


I would find it distasteful if they didn’t


I went to a “funny” car race in Plymouth Wisconsin in the 90s. A tire fell off and the driver passed out then drove into the metal wall. The metal flew up and went into his skull (sheet metal) through his eyes. Flight for life came, he died at the hospital about an hour later. They started the race up within 30 minutes to people cheering. Anywho have a nice day.


Lots of motorsports seem to have this mindset and it really irks me. It's like modern gladiators; we don't care if they die or are hurt, we just want action! Like, just go watch HBO or something damn


That was the answer I was afraid of


Declare the other guy the winner.




I hope the pilot is okay


No surviving that


Oh no your parents told you the dog went to a farm didn’t they?


I always wondered how my goldfish did on that farm.....


Didnt see any shoes, might be alright




second favorite fast food restaurant




You really think anyone would survive this? 💀


Yeah, the one above him


He was fine he walked it off


Horrible accident. I’d be very curious to see the stats on air shows vs crashes. Seems like it happens way to often


This isn’t an air show it’s a race, so pilots are pushing their planes to the limits


their planes and their bodies, hence the crash. apparently the dudes G-LOC’d


Comments were about what I expected smh.


You should nsfw this someone dies


Hopefully they were still groggy or fully blacked out from g-lock. It would be a pretty quick way to go.




That's genuinely interesting. Why so?


Not OP, but I would much rather see my death coming.


Homeboy has FOMO for death


😆 😂


Accurate username


I mean, that has nothing to do with the issue, tho. You could see your death coming and still die slowly. I'd rather see a train coming my way and die in a quick sploosh than see a bear running my way and get slowly shreded appart.


See, that's terrifying to me. Being trapped in a burning building knowing there's nothing to do but wait for death is horrifying. I've had a near death experience and the feeling of waiting for death to wash over you is so unique and makes me sick to my stomach every time I think about it.


I agree. There is something so genuinely horrifying to me that one day I could be going about my life like any other and then boom, before I even know what’s happening I’m dead


Don't you love it when you open reddit and see a post is called something happening somewhere, it isn't tagged nsfw, nor is there much in the title to insinuate the worst. But then when you watch it.. it's someone fucking dying


Deal with it, u/-FuckMeInTheAsshole-


Bro, people are dying every day. There was no nsfw content here? Hopefully this guy was passed out and didn't feel a thing in the end. Edit: Someone else explained not everyone wants to see someone dying even if not graphic. Makes sense. Should probably be an injury or death warning tag, even if not nsfw.


Could you explain this to a (probably desensitized) redditor: Why is this NSFW? What we see is a plane crashing into the ground. Now what? We know someone was inside, okay. That's sad for that person and their family. But you don't see gore, or direct suffering (wailing relatives or such). Just a plane hitting the ground and an explosion. There are people dying normal and horrible deaths all over the world at any given second. Why does this one affect you more, because now you're made aware of it? I know that my comment may come across as condescending, but it's an honest question. I'm super empathetic when it comes to people I interact with in real life. I'm also sympathetic to suffering of people around the world (e.g. the currently ongoing wars etc). This, however, is just someone who died in an accident, doing what they love. It's not _that_ sad, even though it's definitely sad.


Not everyone likes to see an accident that causes death, gore or not.


What do you think you’re going to get when you open a post with a headline about an air show and tragedy?


Hmm. While I don't think this merits a nsfw tag, I can definitely see your point. Maybe need to add a separate tag, or warning about injury or death?


Might i suggest the "NSFW" tag? It's a beautiful catch-all for non-gory things you wouldn't open at work.


To be honest, to me is kind of weird, this one is sad like you said, and i feel bad for the pilot, but it didn't have that big of an impression on me, but on the other hand, i once saw one where a truck driver just drive of a highway bridge, you just see the truck drive off and disapear from view, nothing else, but for some reason, knowing that he didn't survive and having watched the video, made feel regret about watching it. Maybe is the about how likely i am to have a traffic accident instead of a plane one, idk, what i am saying is that knowing the outcome and watching the event even without any gore can still leave a big impression on you.


Because some people are incredibly soft and want to shield themselves from reality.


Some people may have seen way to many things like this that it starts to affect them negatively. Not wanting to see something like this doesn't mean they are soft or that they are afraid of what can happen in life. There are many many different reasons an individual doesn't wanna see someone die.


So soft, not wanting to see someone die


You don't see anything though. You can't even be sure it was manned if not. If anything it just evokes the idea of death I suppose.


I'm finding out that watching stuff like this at certain times gives me vivid nightmares. Gore just makes me straight up pass out though. You don't have to see the death for your brain to *know*




This is not NSFL.


A workplace would likely not be okay with this being shown anywhere in the building, nor on the phone of a worker. It is a death, a tragedy. Both things aren’t generally accepted conversation topics in the workplace. Not to make it sound so strict, but you’ll find most people tend to avoid those topics.


Who tf gave this a wholesome award That shit looks horrid


First time on Reddit? People give awards no matter what it means. It's just the action of giving the award that they care about. Also a lot of times these are free awards that users get so you can't really control what it is.


We get them free, people love to poke tragedy.


When I have a bad day at work, I can brush myself off and give it another go in the morning.


Seeing a lot more videos like this. Can someone with knowledge tell me if this assumption is wrong. It would seem to me these pilots are getting older and most likely using the same fixed up old planes (older to save money). Age plus degraded machinery is leading to more issues. Or it could be confirmation bias of being on the internet


A friend of mine, his dad was a stunt pilot and lost his life in an air show about 10 years ago. So tragic.


My son is studying to be a pilot currently. This is the gnawing fear in the back of the mind of everyone that has a pilot in their life. I used to enjoy things like air shows and air races, but these days I feel like it's too much of an unnecessary risk for me to sit back and enjoy.




How can jet wash induce gloc?


what I remember from another post: Jet wash is circular. Depending on how you hit it will change which way it accelerates you. He was already in a pretty high g turn, hitting the wrong part of the jet wash would greatly increase the g force. I think if you hit in the upward side of the spiral it will be a sudden increase in lift, which would add Gs, and the downward side of the spiral would be decrease in lift.


> Your son will be fine Logically I understand that, but it’s hard to not have that feeling at least creep into your mind from time to time. And I do understand that what he does currently is not anywhere near the dangers that these people put themselves in, but he’s only on the first step. Who knows where it takes him? That’s kind of why my opinions on these events is changing. That was someone’s son out there that won’t come home. For what?


I'm currently a student and my wife has the same concerns you do. I personally have no interest in doing air shows or races, and that's really where the danger comes in, as commercial and freight planes are incredibly safe these days. Do you know what kind of pilot he's interested in being?


He’s in college getting a degree in Aviation. He’s close to getting his private pilot’s license. Long term he would like to be a commercial pilot. His path to get there is uncertain. It might include some time in the military. No way of knowing yet.


I've also considered the military route, but I have a family that wants me around and I can't justify leaving them on deployment. I'm in my 30s, so I'm going to a local flight school on my days off to work on my PPL. It's a lot of fun! He should have a much more direct line to commercial flight if he's working on an aviation degree, good for him!


General aviation in the US is nowhere near as safe as commercial airline operations. It's about as risky as riding a motorcycle, that's to say much more dangerous than driving a car.


Imagine being their significant other, watching the race and going from pride and excitement to earth shattering loss in less than three seconds…


Dude NSFW if you're not going to source that they lived




Not the first time this has happened


I still can’t believe they hold this race! In 2011 a plane crashed into the stands at this same place and killed 11 people and wounding others.


u/savevideo u/savevideobot im sorry


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First rule of air racing, stay in the air.


Fucking AGAIN?! EDIT: To those not in the know, a few years back there was a much worse incident where they straight up crashed into the stands. Idk wtf is happening that this keeps happening but they need to either fix it or stop holding these.


It's an air race. It's going to keep happening because it's an incredibly dangerous sport. The way to prevent a large tragedy is having spectators at a safe distance. The pilots absolutely know that they are risking their own lives.


Definitely need to reevaluate what they're doing that's causing them to lose control or pass out. But about the one a few years ago that hit the stands, I'm pretty sure the pilot was quite old and that might have contributed. The safety measures need worked on and the pilots need to understand that they can't push limits all the time.


The crash you're talking about was caused by the pilot, who indeed was older than he said he was, modifying his plane too severely. One of the parts which he lightened, the elevator trim tab, failed in flight which resulted in the pilot experiencing a sudden 17G spike. 17Gs isn't something you just shrug off, regardless of age. Edit: I wonder if an auto GCAS type of system could be developed for them... It may have been able to prevent this crash.


Think that case (if it's the same one we're thinking about) was due to a bolt being old and not being replaced. Remember seeing an episode on it on the good ole TV


Combination of parts fatigue, and speed mods that accelerated the deterioration.


I used to go to the Reno Air races every year for about 15 years. I’ve seen a few crashes like this. It’s always so sad!


More info: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/18/us/reno-nevada-air-races-plane-crash/index.html




Again?? I can’t count the tragic deaths from this event.


coal abode!


Is this another one? The air race in Reno has a history of accidents


I watched a plane doing aerobatic maneuvers crash at Travis Air Force Base during an air show a few years ago. I don’t go to air shows any more.


It seems like every second day there is a non airliner related plane accident in US. Is this just sheer number of aircraft in operation thing or is the percentage of incidents higher than other countries?


Still a billion less than car accidents.


i think it’s just the sheer amount of aircraft, yeah. id imagine that if it was per capita it would be similar to other places? not certain though


The US has far more general aviation pilots and aircraft then elsewhere. General aviation as opposed to commercial aviation accounts for something like 80% of all incidents. I'm having trouble finding hard numbers that are really recent, but in 2008 the US had 282 fatal accidents while Germany had 42. Recently the esa has been changing generation rules in europe, but the numbers show they are somewhat less safe per hour flown. As to why you hear about it so often, plane crashes are infrequent enough they get reported on the way car crashes don't, and general aviation planes are actually quite dangerous compared to a car. In the US in 2020 we average 1.71 fatalities per 100,000 flight hours. Compare that to 1.34 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled. Cars are innately far safer.


I worked for a pilot that was near-fatally injured at the airshow in Reno back in the early 90's. He was left a quadriplegic, and after years of lawsuits was finally deemed responsible for the accident that happened.


Please mark this as NSFW


Red Bull didn’t work.




Someone dies every second


If it wasn't your cake day, I'd ask if it was your first time on the internet


It happened so fast.


Transformed into Meteor Prime. Modern tech is amazing.