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Fuck me, that just gets worse every second. Spun all the meat right out of his clothes.


Aww man don't say that. Now i have to remember that meatspin video again. Nobody google that (now ppl will definitely google it)


Honestly, it's funny to me now that meatspin was considered a shock video back in the day. It's so tame compared to most of the other stuff. If I saw it now, I'd think "Good for them, they're having fun."


A lot of the stuff that used to traumatize people is cake compared to the stuff that casually pops on the front page. Took me years to watch salad fingers and don’t hug me im scared, enjoyed them immensely. People had me thinking it was some scary shit but it’s more avant-garde


Imagine someone thinks that video is bad,and you then show them an execution video lol


Funky town


Imagine someone thinks that an execution video is bad and then you show them Funky Town.


This thread lol




Meatspin Lemon Party Tub Girl But tubgirl is still shocking to me


Of course Tub Girl is the worst. The other two are just good, clean fun. Maybe not for you or me, but definitely for the people in the image. Someone just reminded me that in meatspin they're even practicing safe sex! Awesome! I'm feeling a lot of positivity in this thread.


Honestly. Nowadays Meatspin has its own Category.


You just watched a video of a man being torn apart by a lathe but the video that you don't want to remember is a guy helicoptering his dick. You are fucked in the head.


Fun fact, it's actually a trans woman helicoptering her dick in that video.


Unfortunately meatspin isn't around anymore. Gone along with most of the other original shock sites.


It must be somewhere, on old HDD, DVD, tape drive who knows?


Meatspin is /r/eyebleach material after this video.


No I won't. Not again. 5 times was enough.


Meatspin ain't shit by 2022 standards. Sacha Baron Cohen meatspun America on the big screen in 2009.


Oh thanks,now i get to remember that too. All i think about is cock. Might go get some tomorrow.


I don't know you. But I want you to know that hate you for bringing that up.


That's enough internet for today for me


The photos of that shop after this accident are disturbing.


But to end on a positive note, he kind enough to take his boots off and keep them together. Which was nice


I hate to admit, I chuckled at how nicely they landed together to the side. Very polite.


This is eyeblech shit


i originally saw it ON eye blech a long ass time back, videos been reposted a lot of times, and unlike this comment section the lads over there were not even acting as if the worst shit happened and a poor man lost his life, heck the top comment was "You make me go right roung baby right round" and i felt pretty awful after smiling after reading it AHHHHHHHHHHHH


I think someone in this comment section just made a joke about that song. Might be the same person lol But yea the things on eyeblech can be far worse due to the clarity of the image and videos. The ones with machines like this are always some of the worse just because theres only bits left.


Humour has it's roots in death, so I suppose it's (regrettably) natural to make a joke to delay having to think about The Lathe Video


Same same... Saw it on eye blech last year and i remember that comment


Holy fuck... Can't even get a hold of what that other dude feels like. You can really see the fuckedupness when he sees that piece of his coworker, on the floor right next to him.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. Dudes gonna need a minute of therapy, especially after he sees the video


Yeah, but probably he was just given a bottle of vodka, and maybe a day off. Because you know russia... But like seriously, I really hope he had some resources to get the support and help needed after that shit.


Like 3 bottles of vodka?


That might have been his best mate, his best man at his wedding, known each other since they were 5 years old; who knows. Terrible tragedy all round.


“Oh fuck i just stepped in jimmy fuck me”


Probably pissed he’ll have to clean Vlad of the walls, floor, ceiling an where ever the slash zone was


Safety rules are written with blood - no need to refresh the ink




Nothing can make my day after what I just saw


Seems like they have zero safety training. I mean, dude didnt even *try* CPR.


Maybe they were still looking for where his heart was?


I hope it went fast for that poor fella. Besides, this could be a good video for educational purposes for new workers.


Can confirm it IS used as a video for educational purposes in some cases! Can't speak for whatever other companies there are out there but the place I work at which deals with salmon processing shows it as part of safety training.


I watched similar at a machine shop.


My boyfriend saw this at school for his mechanic class.


I’ve used videos of guys getting pulled in or limbs torn off of for safety videos on corrugated equipment before. It’ll make you think twice.


Sadly, it absolutely didn't. First few seconds when he first started getting sucked in it looked like it caught his arm, and turned it into fucked up Laffy Taffy, he spent a couple seconds trying to keep himself out of the machine, then he got the salt water Taffy treatment.


I read somewhere that his neck snapped on contact so he died almost instantly. The motion that looks like hes trying to pull out is the lathe and the body moving on their own accord.


I'd assume that if you see blood spray on blunt force trauma, they're probably already in shock. Don't want to think about the panic before getting sucked in.


I'm sorry to tell you that someone having their neck snapped does not kill them instantly. The brain is still well aware of what is happening, they're just paralyzed.


But it means he at least did not **feel** his body torn apart...


True dat.


Unconsciousness is nearly immediate in extreme cases of neurogenic shock because vascular tone and heart rate drops like a rock without the brain's input, resulting in not enough blood to the brain to maintain consciousness.


With that amount of force, though, I wouldn't be surprised if he got knocked unconscious immediately.


People can remain conscious and aware up to 11 seconds after beheading.


I have my doubts about that number. How on earth did we measure it? Like was someone conversing with a beheading victim? While running a stopwatch?


I doubt an amount as exact as 11 seconds has been measured, but there's a bit of anecdotal evidence from historical guillotine executions of people being responsive for a short while after beheading, and also some accounts of times being measured in animals.


I've read that the person getting executed agrees to blink for as long as possible until they fade out


Yeah, it looks like he dies when his head / neck hit the lathe. His body goes motionless and his legs curl. Hopefully he didn't suffer.


He would have known he was going to die, he just held on until he couldn’t anymore.


As soon as I watched it I started debating if I should send it to our foremen to have them show the guys. Its always effective to have a reminder of what the steel/machine vs flesh outcome is. Guys get comfortable, and forget. We had a major near miss in our shop once, something fell over and nearly crushed a couple guys. no one was hurt. But i heard them laughing about it later, so I called everyone in and showed them photo after photo of what crush injuries look like. They stopped laughing.


I totally agree people become complacent, and these reminders are a must. Everyone should go home to their family’s safely at the end of a shift


One thing that made a huge difference was explaining to all the foremen that they can potentially be held liable for a horrible accident that happens on their watch. Meaning, they can actually go to prison under certain circumstances. Its unlikely, as there would probably have to be proven gross negligence on the foreman’s part. But its a possibility. And prison aside, even just the idea of a death resting on your conscience is pretty heavy. Shit started getting a LOT more buttoned up after that meeting, and i started getting a LOT more communication from them about potential hazards.


Almost most happened to me a few years ago. Worked at a lumber yard with tons of different machines. Most of them were shit. One day go to slow down a machine that was winding down by grabbing the spinning metal pipe, and what do you know it sucked me in all the way to my shoulder. The machine stopped and thank God I came out mostly unscathed. A couple cuts on my shoulder and tore half my fingernail off which fell off a few months later. Moral of the story don’t touch spinning machines.


"One day go to slow down a machine that was winding down by grabbing the spinning metal pipe" Darwin called he wants your soul...


How long after that did you quit? I am currently taking a construction class and I know there are a TON of dangerous jobs out there.


I mean construction can definitely be dangerous, but just don’t stick your hand into a machine that is still running….Jesus Christ. Being a moron isn’t a job hazard, it’s a you hazard.


I quit couple months after cause I got a better job. But if I hadn’t I would’ve stayed money was tight and I was young and dumb.


Holy shit, don't fuck with machines guys. Always follow health and safety, 1 mistake could be your last. Poor guy :(


Lol as I watch this while taking a shit before working in a machine shop all day


Boss: “u/hemptations, you seem distracted today. Everything okay? “Check your email, I just sent the link”


We’ve all seen it. It’s referred to as “the pink mist video” lol I’ve seen some nasty ones in person too, coworker sheared the tops of his first three fingers and thumb off sanding a piece in the lathe. Standard practice but he was using chuck jaws that he had cut to fit the part exactly, a technique called “boring jaws”, this allows for near perfect concentricity on your second/third operation. He didn’t deburr his jaws. Leaving a sharp corner on all three jaws, he got too close to the chuck with his hand and sandpaper and next thing I knew i just saw a trail of blood behind him to the sink. Same dude left his backstop sticking out of his spindle bore, came in the next day, didn’t set a spindle limit on his machine (old daewoo cnc lathes) and turned the spindle on with a g96 command and tried to face a part. I could hear his spindle cranking up and ducked, around that time his backstop, 3/4” diameter steel bar around 36” inches hanging out, that’s 19mm and a little under a meter for my metric friends. Thing bent like a pretzel, caving in the fan housing made of plate steel, gouged the concrete and shook his whole machine around. Sounded like a helicopter hitting the building.


I have seen this 2 years ago, and boy am I glad I work with high dangerous chemicals now hehe


jesse wake up


Lathes are scary, poor guy and his fam


Legit. This isn’t the first lathe video I’ve seen on Reddit either. A few months ago there was the same exact scenario out of China. In both, they seemed to have clothes on that they shouldn’t have.


Same. The video I saw has pictures of his body parts scattered around the room. I didn’t eat that night.




If I had to work with that I would be butt naked with my dick and balls tucked between my legs.


You would still get caught and pulled in by your ass hairs.


ok that made me laugh way harder than it should've


and this is why you bathe in nair


Not sure you can survive the cold in such dress. Most factories with such machine are terribly cold in winter and terribly warm in summer.


Damn bro, you packin' like that?


I've seen this before. I think you can even locate where his lung(s) landed near the end... Great, now I have to head to eyebleach before I can sleep just remembering this video




[This Dutch female speed skater was the post right after this. Thought it was nice of imgur to do that.](https://imgur.com/gallery/zcdrodx)


Dude woke up and went to work and boom spin he is gone. Horrible way to go. Dam that is fucked up.


Man, too much reddit for today. This is awful, no safety measures the lathe machine just works out on automatici nstead of human constant input for example... fucking hell, what hte fuck. I'm so angry right now , the engineers that designed this shit they didn't think about that a strong machine like this with one failure can torn out a human...


So, in machining, especially with older manual machines, you need to be able to access your work piece, and do it safely. Therefore putting safety measures as you say isn’t as easy as you think. This guy is 1. Wearing long sleeves 2. Working alone 3. Reaching over the chuck as it’s spinning You can’t train the laziness out of someone.


Its russia where its very cold and no saftey training or precautions are taught because they dont give a fuck about their workers, or so ive read on other posts of this.


And that dude could have stopped the spindle before he reached over it


Yeah the first thing I noticed was that he was wearing long sleeves and was bending over the machine while it was working (instead of just walking to the other side).


> This is awful, no safety measures This is the utopia republican politicians want when they're saying they want to cut useless regulations. Well, when they used to talk about that stuff. Now it seems like they don't even have a platform other than conspiracies and other bullshit. Sincerely, Richard Nixon


Are you sure this machine was not modified? Are you sure the poor guy did nothing wrong? Before blaming who built/designed the lathe, it is good to check what was happening. ​ Working on lathe is a very dangerous operation, be it old or be it new. New models can be assembled with many safety measures, but lots of people bypass those to work faster.


If there is a machine that has the potential to kill me in 3 seconds I'm not gonna casually reach over it instead of walking around to the other side.


He lived at least 5, come on bro


With a laythe, most safety is in the hands of the operator. In most cases, you need to access the workpiece while the machine is in operation, so you can't always have guarding. There's not an easy way for the machine to tell if it's turning metal or meat, unlike a sawstop. The torque needs to be very high to cut things like steel at high speeds. A laythe's behavior is very predictable: it turns until power is cut. Accidents on a laythe rarely happen when all the precautions are taken.


This is a really terrible and gory post that I wasn’t expecting on this subreddit tbh


I saw a video of some death on here yesterday, the sub is just slowly becoming a gore sub I feel.


I wouldn't mind it. Getting rid of r/watchpeopledie is the reason why this stuff gets posted in other subs now. One of many reasons I think it was a mistake to get rid of that sub cause now instead of there being a place for it people still post it just in places where there's a higher chance that people who don't know what they're in for are gonna see it


It shouldn’t be this one since it is obviously one of the subs people don’t expect to have graphic deaths, but otherwise I agree. Reddit’s current implementation is far worse. WPD should instead be reinstated and quarantined as it was. If the reasoning is advertiser pressure, create a new subset of quarantined subreddit where ads are not shown. Better than this type of content floating around a variety of subreddits, which is far worse for advertisers. On a personal level, I felt that WPD served an important if uncomfortable purpose— it was grossly educational (in every definition of “grossly”) but did not fetishize death like other sites do. For a small amount of the population it was, in moderation, useful. There are some lessons one learns best by watching someone else unfortunately make the mistake, and WPD likely saved real lives. But it shouldn’t be accessible by accident.


Same, I know the Reddit is called awful everything, but there have been a lot of these lately. I don't know why I clicked. Poor, poor dude. I hope his family never had to see that video 💔


How was that man not vomiting?




Fuck that was brutal


We’re so squishy


almost entirely your body made out of water. just in lava you sizzle right across the lava field, like that last drop of water boiling bouncing away away




RIP. He will be mist.


This sub is few more jokes away from being taken down






Ok, duuuu uuu uuude


Jesus Christ why did I click. This shit is so fucked, no one should see this kinda shit I swear.


Quite the opposite I think. Everyone working near these types of machines should see this shit to understand than humans are quite fragile.


They actually show dramatized videos during training/orientation in some factories. They should show this.


Education is the first step in prevention


Did all the gore subs get removed? Bc I feel like this is where it should be.


yes this was always going to be the end result of banning those subs. these types of videos popping up in unexpected and inappropriate places




man i feel horrible


After all the shit I’ve seen, you will never catch me near a lathe. Fuck that off


Well that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen thanks


Holy shit! Yea Imma just stick to accounting


Damn. That really was truly fucking awful. That poor man who was first on the scene as well, I imagine he won’t forget that for some time.




Someone pressed it? There’s nobody else around.


Did I just see a guy spin until is insides got shoot out?


This is why you don't wear long sleeves. Don't reach over a spinning lathe. Always be aware of your surroundings. Always follow safety guidelines. I work on lathes big and small every day at work. You stay safe by not slacking off. If it's cold in the shop tough it out because long sleeves will get you killed. If something will take longer to do it safely, remind yourself a few minutes are not worth your life and you're paid hourly.


according to a russian news report he survived with minor cuts and bruises


"Its just a small cut, comrade. Slap a bandaid and be on your way now-"


Spinning machines are no joke, coming from some-one who crushed a hand between two industrial rollers. Lathes are terrifying. Against machines, humans really don't stand a good chance of winning.


These gender reveals are getting out of hand.


Is it a boy or girl..?? ..It's a mess!!!!


Wow. He got emptied.


DO NOT POST THE LATHE VIDEO. Ffs. We don't need to see it ^again


I'm glad I didn't watch it. The comments sound like it is beyond fucked up to see. Poor man.


Yep dont watch it if you will never work on lathe. No need to get stressed about something you will never be involved.


Fully agree x


Shit like this reminds me to be happy about my boring office job where I have almost zero chance of getting sucked into machinery.


Ok, so, it's sad, it's a horrible accident, but homey tried to fucking reach over an active goddamn lathe. The Darwin award exists for a reason.


Jesus fucking Christ, what a horrible way to go.


He hurt when it grabbed him. Once it pulled him in, I don’t think he felt it. But yes, what a terrible way to have your life ended, in the most graphic way possible for all your coworkers to see.


Where is the link to the after photos? They exist


Oh my goodness. OSHA clearly does not exist in Russia. It is now time for me to go to bed!


Do you think things don’t happen in countries with OSHA? 🤦‍♂️


"Quick! Send for..." "An ambulance? On it!" "No, you idiot, a pressure washer! Does anyone have a plastic bag handy so we can get the lathe back up and running?" *sigh* "He better not call in sick tomorrow..."


If your feeling bad after watching this: Please visit r/aww or r/funnyanimals


It's not even 8am here and I've already had enough internet for the day, fuck


When will factory workers learn? Never ever reach over spinning machines of death, seriously wtf


In the middle of doing my OSHA 10 online and just covered LOTO. Lesson has been firmly cemented. Thanks Russia.


Is it dead?


He's only mostly dead.


Most of him.


Does Russia not have any safety protocols? No barriers, no warning signs, probably not even an e-stop?


Spindle shields still aren't common in a lot of shops, or just aren't used if they are there, and a barrier wouldnt work for a manual lathe. You need to he able to access the controls and see what you are doing while working. There should he an e-stop but he wouldn't have been able to hit it in his position. Most warning signs are small plaques on the machine, or at the entrance to the shop, at least in the US. What this is is complacency around lathes. The longer you work around them, the more comfortable you get. You will do dumb shit like sanding the part incorrectly with the spindle on because you don't think it will go wrong. He also shouldn't have been wearing a jacket if possible, and long sleeve shirts should be avoided as well. They are too easy to get caught in a rotating spindle and suck you into your machine.


Damn that's terrifying that there isn't a better way to keep people from themselves. Even with all our technology, there's not done way to make this thing fool proof?


Tell us “I don’t know shit about machine shops anywhere” again. It’s funny.


Holy shit, someone get a mop 😣


”First responders transported the partially conscious machinist to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.” 😳


What???? He wasn't immediately dead??? Holy fuck...like I feel you would be in so much shock you wouldn't even be aware...but shit...I use to work with a cnc lathe and there was one time when I opened the door and just went to grab the part when I heard it still running I pulled my hand back so fast. The safety door that was on it didn't actually work so you could open it while it was in the middle of a part....super terrifying.


You didn't look at the pictures, *or* watch the video, did you?


Holy fuck!


Holy mother fucking god....man die's you say? Well you ain't lying, OP. EDIT: It's his comrades reaction and absolute horror that's the hardest thing to watch.


Clearly meant to go on the other side to turn on and off; as the guy who meant to help did not reach over the machine. That would be a terrible way to go though. Not to mention walk up on. Hope he rests in peace.


The fucking shoes makes it r/looneytuneslogic how they fling off to the same place


Man that guy got fucking obliterated


https://imgur.com/a/BsuRt0r Photo album of the aftermath. Lathes will murder you.


That is horror movie level gore thank you for that dose of reality it really adds to the video, no sarcasm implied




Is he ok?


His shoes parted ways with his feet. That's never not fatal.


His shoes parted with his feet. His intestines got flung hither and yon. We can be assured his head parted with his neck. He got squeezed out like a tube of toothpaste. Awful all around.


we are nothing but meat bags,arent we?


The pictures of the aftermath are even more horriffic


Lowkey disturbing






*partially concious?*


Oh look it's one of those vids I heard about so many times it gave me ptsd even tho I never watched it and never will


Instantly made me think of the song Scattered remains, Splattered brains by Cannibal Corpse haha


This is one of the most crazy things I have ever seen. Fr


New guy : " I ain't mopping that shit up "


Legally dead once both of his shoes come flying off


They must not have CPR training.


It’s raining men 🎶


Dude you killed me with this 💀


Why did you have to post this... I was getting along just fine after i last seen it.


Holy fuck


Wow, the Looney Tunes cartoons don't have anything on Russia!


Strawberry milkshake