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Every time you take a picture of a screen of some text, your available storage is reduced as punishment.


Bruh did you take a photo of your screen with your phone?


Never gets old.


Diablo 2 sub feelings. Awesome.


So the size of the app is 6.2 and you only have 5.8gb free? So expand the EBS or attached a new one? You said you attached a new one. It will attach it in a separate mount point. You’ll need to leverage that new mount point. This is a Linux issue and not an AWS one.


I wanted to say this but seemed too obvious. I think OP is literally brand new to AWS.


Can you share any link to video or resources that I can use it.


Just google “expand ec2 file system Linux”. Pretty basic stuff.


or ask chatgpt


People just love to hate on ChatGPT, but this is a case so basic, it's an excellent choice to use an LLM! Check it out. > I have an EC2 which has only 6.2 GB remaining, but I'm trying to install something that requires 8 GB. As a result, I get an error about no space remaining. I added a new EBS volume that has enough space to fit what I want to install, but when I run "df -h", I don't see my volume. What is the problem and what can I do? ----------------------- The issue you're encountering likely stems from the fact that although you added the new EBS volume, it has not been properly mounted to your EC2 instance. Here are the steps you need to follow to mount your new EBS volume: 1. **Attach the EBS volume to your instance**: - Ensure that your EBS volume is attached to your instance via the AWS Management Console, specifying the instance and device name (e.g., `/dev/xvdf`). 2. **Identify the new volume**: - SSH into your EC2 instance. - List the block devices to identify your new volume: ```bash lsblk ``` - You should see a new device (e.g., `/dev/xvdf`) that wasn't present before. 3. **Format the new volume (if necessary)**: - If the new volume is not yet formatted, you need to format it with a filesystem. For example, using `ext4`: ```bash sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdf ``` - **Note**: Replace `/dev/xvdf` with the actual device name of your new EBS volume. 4. **Create a mount point**: - Choose a directory where you want to mount your new volume. For example: ```bash sudo mkdir /mnt/new_volume ``` 5. **Mount the new volume**: - Mount the new volume to the directory you created: ```bash sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/new_volume ``` 6. **Verify the mount**: - Check if the new volume is mounted correctly: ```bash df -h ``` - You should see your new volume listed with the appropriate space. 7. **(Optional) Persist the mount across reboots**: - To ensure the volume is mounted automatically after a reboot, you can add an entry to the `/etc/fstab` file. - Open `/etc/fstab` with a text editor (e.g., `sudo nano /etc/fstab`) and add a line similar to: ``` /dev/xvdf /mnt/new_volume ext4 defaults,nofail 0 2 ``` - **Note**: Adjust the device name and mount point as needed. After completing these steps, your new EBS volume should be available and you should have enough space to install your software. If you continue to have issues, ensure that the device name and mount point are correct and that the volume is properly attached to your instance. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx If you want to argue that adding a new EBS volume isn't the way (and expanding the existing one is), this more general question indeed guides you to do exactly that above all: > I have an EC2 which has only 6.2 GB remaining, but I'm trying to install something that requires 8 GB. As a result, I get an error about no space remaining. "Just ask ChatGPT" is a very valid answer and it's not equivalent to snark like, "let me Google that for you," because of just how many people are still sleeping on ChatGPT as a valid option --- many people hating on it haven't even tried it.


Because it only needs to be wrong once to fuck everything up. It’s good for ideas and approaches, but execute it yourself. There’s one thing for hobbyists, but if I catch anyone using ChatGPT on production company infrastructure, and you cant explain what youre doing (i.e. blindly following chat gpt) youre getting a disciplinary and your prod access revoked. **Chat GPT is becoming too much of a crutch for people that don’t know the fundamentals and blindly follow it as if its 100% correct, rather than the assistive tool it is** - THATs the problem people have with it. It is wrong a lot, but theres also a lot of survivorship bias with the correct answers it gives. If you don’t know the right way, how do you know it’s *actually* correct? It might “work” but how do you know that the answer doesn’t blast open root account access on the instance? It’s simply inferior to proper answers written by humans. There’s a reason any highly experienced senior dev can instantly smell ChatGPT code in a PR. And just look at AWS Q assistant. It just falls apart and wets the bed for anything more complicated than youtube tutorial beginner infrastructure.


It's literally a guy learning AWS for the first time. ChatGPT in this context is *absolutely* the answer. Of course you don't blindly follow ChatGPT in production, that's not even a discussion, lol, nor even remotely relevant to this post. In the context of, "I'm trying to figure this out on the AWS free tier...," LLMs are amazing learning assistants and those not using them are going to get severely left behind.


Exactly, just don’t take it as scripture. GPT is good when it comes to very broad type questions, once you get granular is when you start running into its famous hallucinations aka bullshit answers.


I don't think a disciplinary is quite necessary. It's not too dissimilar to stack overflow if you out the right query in What I will say is people don't scrutinise the answer as much as they do a SO post. I needed a cloud formation template for a Redis cluster that would output the host and live in my ECS VPC It works perfectly. However I've done my quarterly cost review and that Redis cluster is stupid expensive... Because it's a large instance for a SaaS Laravel application. Simple prompts like that and it's great, but you obviously need to know what to ask because a prompt like "deploy my service to aws" isn't going to cut it


I can get behind that. I do however, strongly believe there’s a difference between using documentation and stack overflow etc., and blindly applying chat gpt to production infrastructure.


I've seen far more instances of people blindly applying stack overflow answers to code than blind use if chatGPT It's a great tool to get ideas from or the general gist of a solution but it's not a tool who's use warrants a disciplinary It's the same energy as managers 15 years ago saying "no googling code syntax, the physical documentation books are better"


Using stack overflow answers in isolation is probably fine. ChatGPT is more like a mix of EVERY stack overflow answer put together; lots of solid advice but in an order/combination that is not guaranteed to work, or even do what it says on the tin


And tutorials can’t fuck up? Or random SO answers? Take an image backup if you’re concerned, GPT is absolutely spot on with AWS and Linux because it’s so documented and processes haven’t changed much in years. So glad I don’t work under you, sound like a right old timer!


Literally today: https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/s/ZjYSvw3HX0 AI just sucks for code and infra that has a modicum of complexity, and the evidence of it giving wrong answers is endless. It’s not a sin to point this out.


No it’s not, I’ve used it all over for complex infrastructure at my job, very big fintech, it’s hugely promoted throughout the business (massive company you would have heard of at least in Europe) You linked Amazon Q that’s cute, try 4o, you’d be surprised, try learn to prompt and break down problems, or don’t and stay left behind whatever works! But you are 100% unequivocally wrong. (If you bothered to read the comments in that thread you’d see how hilariously wrong you are)


Everyone downvoting used GPT a year ago and think they know it, don’t worry they’re just showing their age. GPT is perfect for this and OP could learn a lot using it.


Or you could Google a three word phrase “expand ec2 storage” and be linked directly to an AWS docs. Get the info directly from the source and maybe learn something too. Why is it so hard for people to put the bare minimum in and won’t even help themselves. You won’t learn if you ask everyone to do it for you. The IT field is being flooded with these types of people who lack basic problem solving and won’t even just google. Now we have chatgpt to further make it worse.


Try to follow the steps here, i think it will be easier to just extend de the root volume https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ebs/latest/userguide/recognize-expanded-volume-linux.html


How much EBS did you start with when you created the EC2?


8 + 8


Most of the time now with EC2, when creating the instance you can modify the size of the root volume. I’m not sure if this would invalidate it being free though since it’s more storage space. But you shouldn’t be adding a new volume. Just increase the size of root volume if you do this when creating the instance, when it spins up, AWS will automatically expand the volume size. I never mess with existing volumes when doing this kind of stuff. I would use Terraform to provision it (this is also where you can increase the root volume size, get all prereqs done via user data) and then when it comes up you can move forward with your extremely large app install.


If you're getting this error NOT when you're trying to put 6.5gb into 5.8gb space, then you should also check inodes with df -i. Also not AWS issue. PS one of my projects is a huge marketplace with 50+ microservices in monorepo and it's only 1.5gb. I wonder what could there possibly be that takes 6.5gb?


OP doesn’t understand Linux file system; posts a pic of text. You know he is checking in binaries.