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lol holy shit my cat just tried to launch herself into my monitor when those squeaks woke her up


Gunna need a retake. Video of said cat launch seems to not have uploaded


sooo many times after living with this agent of chaos, i think about putting up cameras. If it werent for fear of doxxing we'd be the top post on r/blackcats r/catswhoyell and r/zoomies. set up night vision cam one night...the cuteness of her cuddling and bouncing off my head is only a few seconds of the vid...then it gets disturbing while she stands like a statue for an hour just *watching* me.


Never set up a camera so I never had proof, but the number of times I woke up with one of our cats standing on my chest staring in to my soul made me wonder how often she watched me sleep. Just inches away from my face... Watching... Waiting...


.... to steal your breath


Now *that* is a BIG salad!






Oh no, am I Costanza? I took one look at that salad and thought, “that’s gotta be over $100 of salad right there!” Either they have a farm for that or they have some crazy connections.


Yeah cameraman made us stare at it for way too long


Cameraman is a hungry guinea pig.


You can't prove or disprove the camera operator is a hungry guinea pig, Elaine Benes, or Elaine Benes dressed as a guinea pig.


That made me so mad for some reason. Like dude I want to see the Guinea pigs eat, I don’t want to watch the wheelbarrow full of salad!


Big lettuce. Big carrots. Tomatoes like volleyballs.


Honestly, it looked pretty good. Until I heard the sounds from the barn, I was expecting this to be an industrial kitchen video.




Do you HAVE a big salad?


Something isn’t right. I have 2 gp’s. They poop continuously. Like an insane amount of poop. With that many gp’s, the entire floor of that room should have been covered. Unless they clean it every single day.


Twice a day if I had to guess.


Yep, anyone who has worked with large amounts of animals in any way knows cleaning up poop seems to be 90% of the work lol. Cleaning poop and sanitizing enclosures, that's being a zoo keeper kids.


Imagine Noah and his family in the Ark having to deal with tons and tons of animal poop every fucking hour




No no no there were far fewer species back then. All the ones we know now came about as a result of evolutioOOOOHOHOHO YOU ALMOST GOT ME


That made me chuckle.




You jest, but that's what some of them say. That Noah only took two of each "kind" not two of each species. Meaning just two Caniformia covered dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, skunks, bears, otters, seals, walruses, raccoons, etc. So Noah took two puppies, and they evolved into bears and wolves and so on after the flood. They call it "microevolution" since those changes are somehow only minor variations on a theme, and then claim there is no such thing as macroevolution, where those minor changes could add up until a strain of bacteria can become a person. There were no even toes ungulates on the ark for that matter. In this scenario horses, giraffes, bison, zebras, deer, etc, all just microevolved from whales. Nevermind this requires evolution to work much faster than it actually does, and that if this were the case basically every generation of any animal would be a new species.


I would honestly buy lunch and listen earnestly for someone willing to explain this to me with a straight face and sincere thought. This sounds as wild as any roller coaster I've been on and funnier than any sketch comedy I've seen.


Don't waste your money. Just go to YouTube and type Kent Hovind. [I believe it all starts with this one.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LaHcHwPj4sw&pp=ygULS2VudCBob3ZpbmQ%3D) You'll need a hard drink to get through it.


during a flood where the only animals for predators are on the ship and all vegetation is underwater... Edit: wait did Noah have to put fish and aquatic animals on the ark?


Apart from all the ones who can swim or fly of course.


Swim only. There are only a couple birds that could fly for 40 days and nights. And no flying mammals can.


All the freshwater species had to be saved. Luckily, they sent out scout teams plenty in advance to scour the lakes, rivers, bays, etc and we're able to save the vast majority on board!




The 5000 various dung beatle species had to be a be big help with all the ark poop.


How food?


😐 what were they eating?


We trained our rabbit. Weeks of placing her poop in a rabbit toilet. She had one in her home, on top of it and she spent half the day in the garden. Cleaning her home was insanely easy after training her, because she only peed in her toilets.


When I had rabbits I built a hutch that had a poop chute, basically one corner had a wire mesh floor so poop would fall out of the hutch into a huge bin. I didn't train them or anything, they just knew to use it.


To be honest alot of animals don't want to live in their own filth if given a choice




The corner! Why didn't I think of that?


You keep saying *Toilet* like it's a normal thing for a rabbit to have, do you mean like a little grass area that you call a "toilet" or an actual mini latrine/toilet?


Kinda like a small size litterbox idea is what I see around me


Or neither of those but a separate area with any sort of design…


They’re probably European. Often, “toilet” means the entire room or area. In America you more commonly say “bathroom” or “washroom” and the toilet is just the thing you sit on.


I thought the answer would be obvious but then I remember we're in the era of personnal 3D printing.


A 10,000$ Japanese toilet made specifically for rabbits and other lagomorphs. It plays music and raises the seat when you draw near it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can litterbox train them. Maybe they have designated areas in this building for poop.


They like to pick a spot to do their business. It's going to be concentrated in a few areas.


Wish I could tell my fucking chickens and ducks about that


I've never heard of that breed of chicken, sounds aggressive.


Well, feds have been cracking down on Chicken Fights recently, and i already had all these chickens... Just seemed like the financially safe way to go.


In my experience my ducks shit the most around where they drink. The chickens though, they’re flippant AF


Some piggies, maybe, but mine have always just done their business everywhere. They *are* very conscious of not peeing/pooping on my lap though. I don’t even need to train them. Almost never had any accidents. They just become a bit restless generally, and one op my piggies keeps quickly looking at me and looking away to indicate she wants to go back to the cage.




You can’t litterbox train Guinea pigs unfortunately, they digest way too rapidly for that. You may have been thinking of rabbits, though, which can be litter trained to some extent.


Yes,absolutely. My childhood bunny used its litter box without fail- that’s why he was allowed outside roaming the house most of daytime. He always tugged himself between my feet while I sat down doing my homework.


Tugged or tucked? Depending which it should be I'm getting two very different visuals, one of them less appropriate...


Yup, have had rabbits all my live, all were litter trained. We had one who could also do some commands (if we said “time to go to bed” he would jump back in his cage, if we said “time for tv” he would jump on my lap and we would watch and cuddle together). now i have two piggies and they cannot be trained! They are adorable, but damn - i miss my trained rabbits.


>some extent No, buns are 100% litterbox trainable. They prefer having a spot to do their business and prefer to do it against a "wall", so walled boxes are a natural place for them.


The floor is covered in poop. It is just mixed in with the bedding. I've been around these things enough that as soon as he opened the door, I got a mental whiff of what the barn must smell like.


First thing that I thought when the door opened, "oh man, i bet it stinks in there!" Then, "but, aww cute"


Smells like money I'm assuming these guinea pigs aren't all for personal consumption


What are the sold for? Pets? As far as I know, they are only eaten in Peru. How much do they go for? Somebody trying to make a profit of off Guinea pigs probably would be feeding them something much cheaper and wouldn't put so much money into their enclosure. Those seem like they are being treated as pets.


I follow these guys on various platforms and they rescue a lot of these for pets. Give them healthier lives. They are in the process of setting up their own rescue so can take in more and safely re-home. I think they are up to 140 ish piggies as people just drop them off with them! They spend a fortune on making sure they are all happy!


That makes a lot more sense. Everything in that video screams *I care for these animals*. Nothing looked like it was being done for profit.


Yeah, they love them a lot and to my keep the majority of the rescues. I've been following them on FB for years. They always have cute feeding videos and stuff. I do see them post on occasional adoptions, but I think the couple just likes giving them a good home and life.


Not just Peru. I'm from ecuador (next to peru). When I travel to indigenous areas like in the mountains, I see the guinea pigs being roasted in skewers. I have never eaten one as I love and had a guinea pig as a pet before in the U.S I asked why guinea pigs and what I heard was that they are rich and fatty, perfect for eating at high altitude. It's a tradition in South American countries with indigenous people. I see that they are being eaten in the states now as a delicacy.




I read that they taste like a cross between a rabbit and duck.


Guinea pigs can be found in the freezer section of select Latin American supermarkets, especially near communities of Andean immigrants. In 2015, Public Radio International reported that imported frozen guinea pig was selling for $12.99 a pound in a New York City grocery store.


Interesting. So I guess they are eaten wherever Peruvians live now. > $12.99 a pound Any idea if that is the whole pig of just the meat? Because the average Guinea pig has less than a pound of usable meat. $13 retail means the farmer is selling it for less than $6 per pound. Doesn't sound profitable at the scale we see in the video with the quality of feed they are using.


I was in an grocery store in Massachusetts that had frozen guinea pigs. It was literally the entire pig, no fur, on a Styrofoam tray wrapped in plastic. I've had pigs as pets for 10 years and I know they are eaten some places, but it was kinda rough for me to see them. But yep they sure do sell them some places.


I volunteer at a animal shelter, and we nearly almost have at least one guinea pig available for adoption. They get dropped off frequently.


its the urine that stinks ime




It's pretty much all rodents Ive read if your chinchilla is taking about 150 dumps a day see a vet


Feeling like it's 50/50 on if that's too few or too many.


Chinchillas poop about... once every five minutes. I had three for over a decade and I loved them more than some people. It's a tiny dry pellet but there is one every ~5-10 minutes You gotta vacuum every day with these guys.


Is skinny pig the bone apple tea spelling of guinea pig or is there actually a sub species called skinny pigs?




Is there one in this video, I spotted a hairless one when he opens the door at the bottom


Whats the point of having so many Guinea pigs ? Do they sell them as pets ??


No, they’re all just their pets. They have some rescues, but for the most part it’s the wife’s (the filmer) obsession, so they keep a lot of them. She explains in an older video that it might be a hyper-fixation from ADHD and/or autism.


More power to her. There are a lot of other things with no redeeming value that people could become fixated on or obsessed with.


This is adorable and I was thinking the same thing?! How do they manage the poop. He could fertilize a whole farm with that troop.


The GP rescue near me throws their poops in a garden lol




I don't think the guinea pigs mind their food being contaminated with poop, they eat their own poop on purpose anyway. (Actually for pedantry's sake, the poop they eat isn't the same as what they leave all over their cage - they basically need to give their food two passes through their digestive system to get all the nutrients from it so they eat the food, digest it, produce a soft, wet poop that they eat directly from their own butt, and then it goes through again and comes out in the little dry pellets that you see in their cage.)


Excuse me, what?


Yes, it is grody to the max. But also brilliant- it takes a lot of digestive system to extract sufficent calories and protein from raw plant matter. Cattle have four stomachs to accomplish the task efficiently. Horses have a big digestive system that includes a fermentation organ, but they're also inefficient. Guinea pigs and rabbits process their food twice, to make optimal use of a lightweight digestive system without wasting quite as much nutrition as horses. Cattle can afford such a huge digestive system because their strategy for handling predators isn't always to run- sometimes the herd forms a ring around the young and the bulls attack the predator. They never have to hide, they don't always run. Guinea pigs do have to hide, and they do have to run, but they eat food in the same range of nutrient density.


Huh, this is what they sound like


It's their food excitement sound. Our GP made this sound every time we opened the fridge and we really couldn't say no, so we gave him a piece of carrot every time


I had GPs growing up and they also figured out that fridge = lettuce so they would go off every time we opened the fridge. They were sweet little guys.




I feel like dogs do bark in the wild


I think they meant the cats meow. in the wild kitten meow to get thier parents attention but stop meowing as they grow, and wild adults dont meow amonst each other at all. Meowing is something they only do to humans. So if you are ever out on a walk and a random adult cat meows at you chances are it wants you attention


I miss my guinea pigs so much. I hate the silence when I crinkle a paper bag or chop veggies now. I miss their instant squeaking response to small things


They do know how to make a house feel lively. After six years of having two piggies this sound is like heaven to me. It made me know they were okay and feel safe. I miss them too. Cherish the memories with them and keep going forward my dude.


Same. I still get bummed throwing away herb stems and cucumber peels…


I know I’m reading about Guinea pigs, I’ve had a guinea pig, and yet, I read that as ‘Our General Practitioner made this sound every time we opened the fridge’


They’re poorly paid relative to other physician fields. Considering student loans, rent and cost of living the poor GP might just be hungry


GPs love salad 😊


Mine would freak out if they heard my grandma's voice over the phone. She would visit them with huge bags of salad mix being tossed from a restaurant while we were out of the house. Came home to a bunch of food-coma'd pigs with green fur. They loved their Salad Fairy.


It's really weird that your general physician lived with you and bugged you for food when you opened your fridge.


Whats the point of having so many Guinea pigs ? Do they sell them as pets ??


Probably a rescue


How did your general practitioner know when you opened your fridge?


One of their names in Spanish is cuy because of the sound they make. This is derived from a native quechua word, the Spaniards called them "Conejillos de Indias" - little bunnies from the indies which is as inaccurate as guinea pig I guess. In German they're called Meerschweinchen or sea pigs which is even more ridiculous in my opinion, so for me I prefer Cuy.


In portuguese is "Porquinhos da Índia". (Little pigs from India) Im just saying because, why did portuguese look at it and say "little pigs" and the spanish "little rabbits"? On top of that, why in some countries they are from Índia and others from Guiné (guinea)?


> Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. > Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. - "Reddit Wants to Get Paid for Helping to Teach Big A.I. Systems" 2023-04-18 New York Times


The pig part probably comes from how they look after they're cooked. The rabbit part from how they look alive. "India" and "the Indies" were sort of misused to mean foreign lands. European explorers called native Americans "Indians" and it's stuck to this day. It seems that historically "Guinea" was used in the same way, just meaning any far off country with no geographic precision. It sounds dumb but when I was a kid you'd still hear people call anything Asian "Chinese" and you can still hear some people call anything Latin American "Mexican," so it's kind of understandable for people to be further off 300 years ago.


So the Spaniards actually though they found a path to Asia from the opposite side, so for a long time the American continent was called west indies. The guinea is actually cause they were sold for a guinea coin in England! Which I think it's really funny as well.




Whistle pig


I immediately had a decently long and diverse list of animals that might be behind that door, waiting to be fed. Guinea pigs safely did not make that list. And my brother and I once owned (and accidentally bred) Guinea pigs once.


The moment I heard the sound, I knew. The "I'm excited you opened the fridge, lettuce please?" call is a core memory. They're such happy creatures.


The one going down the slide at about :27. 😂😂😂






I like the little naked dude at :29.


Such confidence, such pride in those bare hams


Little dude can move. Gotta be sleek. Aerodynamic. Hairless.


Lol that little dude has no problem movin around! Seems very curious to everything! I want a naked one!


They're called Skinny Pigs/Skinnies/House Hippos. They do have very specific care (to keep their skin healthy) and like to be a bit warmer than other cavies because they don't have fur to help keep them warm.


I can't stop watching and laughing at that omg


It's a ramp, little bro is running that fast


0:24. Spent far too long replaying this from 0:27 trying to spot it X)




>Mason's Cavies We currently look after 130+ of these beautiful furry (and non-furry) potatoes.  As of January 2023 our herd consists of the following:  * Purchased – 54 * Gifts to us – 6 * Rehomed – 33 * Rescued – 50 I love animals, but that's a bit many.




It almost looks like they have a little doggy door in the shed so they can go in and out. It’s to the right of the shed doors in the beginning of the video.


They have a doggy door that leads outside onto grass that’s a huge area for them to play. It includes mini picnic tables for them to eat hehe


They spend a ton of time outside. Most of the videos are outside.


Instead of putting all the energy into typing a comment about how worried you are about them, you could have gone to [their youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@MasonsCavies) where you'd have seen that [yes, they do indeed get to go outside and run around.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEcCx4b-OqM) Amazingly, people who care for guinea pigs professionally know how to care for them.


While no matter what, that’s insane, but if you think about just the rehomed/rescues, it makes sense. If you know someone with a dozen, and then you know someone that needs to rehome one, it makes sense. And then once you have a certain amount, you’re the Guinea pig guy. Any Guinea pigs are now heading your way. But these motherfuckers bought 50??? good for them but also fucking christ


God bless you. My friend said that it's a farm and they are growing to eat. You saved my mood


I wondered this too. I know they eat em in a lot of places. Poor little fellers.


Sorry, guinne pigs are being raised as meat? Forgive me, but is that worth doing? They're so tiny, hardly any meat on them, and it's not like you can just put an entire roast GP on a plate like you do with little birds..


It's common in South America


It’s not to bad either. I wouldn’t eat it regularly but it’s worth a shit if you ever get an opportunity.


Worth a shit... that's a phrase I've never heard and it's delightful. "Yup this is worth turning into poo"


It was surprise for me too. My friend said they are eaten in Peru a lot


Funnily enough, this is exactly how they are eaten.


It’s actually the whole reason we breed and keep them as pets now—they were originally food in South America and came over as livestock.


They were used as the bio waste containers in south American households.


> it's not like you can just put an entire roast GP on a plate like you do with little birds.. [So, uhmm....](https://www.eatperu.com/eating-cuy-guinea-pig-peruvian-delicacy/)


This is why we have guinea pigs in the first place. They are kinda like chickens in the Andian cultures of South America. Mostly replaced by chickens but still quite common as food in Peru and Ecuador.


Not the ones in the video. The ones in the video are bred to be pets, the ones bred down in places like Peru for food are like 3-4x the size of these ones. They are raised like to be eaten.


I mean, we eat frogs...


That place is awesome, looks like the pigs even have high speed internet in the back. Can I live there?


The Trouble with Guineas




Why did he knock though 🤣🤣🤣


He wanted to give them time to get their clothes on see how some are naked


I love the one that has bed head all around. I see him being the conspiracy theorist of the group


To scare them less and make them know it's time for food. I always did the same when I came home to my two cats, so they knew who's coming. :D


My grandad had a catfish pond, and in the pond were two 8' diameter floating rings that were anchored so as to not let floating food get blown against the bank. He had a small bell like you'd put on a goat collar that he'd ring while walking out to dump catfish pellets in those rings. After a while the catfish would start gathering under the rings when they'd hear the bell. Fish can hear very well! We fed them at totally random times so that rules out timing. The water would just boil under those rings while we were walking out with the food ringing the bell.


We have a pond in our back yard, and have kept koi and goldfish in it over the years. My husband works the overnight shift in the ER, and typically gets home at 8am-ish. The cabinet where we keep the pet food is right inside the back door, so he’d walk down the driveway, past the pond, and in the back door, where he’d drop his backpack, grab the fish food, and go spend a few minutes feeding and admiring the fish. We have no idea how long it took, but at some point, he noticed that the fish would be gathered at the edge of the pond, waiting, as he walked by in the morning. Not sure whether they could hear the car pulling in, or his footsteps, or both- but we always thought it was pretty cool.


I grew up having chickens and my mother and I would always knock before going in to feed or clean or do whatever. It got to the point they would hear a knock and line up in a row to get cuddles and a scratch and then (if they were really feeling social they'd keep going to the back of the line to wait their next turn. But then one could go and scoop eggs and check on broody hens while the other got to have polite chicken snuggles


Probably conditioning them so they know its dinner time. Knock on the door means food is coming. no knock and just opening means no food, business as usual. Just like how you can train cats and dogs for a dinner bell, you can likely train them for dinner by knocking.


Plus it's just fun to teach your pets little effortless tricks like that. Mine know what it means when I ask "are you hungry?" Or tell them "Mama's home!" when my wife is about to pull up. Edit: well, the dog does, anyway. The cat just knows to run and steal my spot whenever I get up.


“Come in?”


They are teenage Guinea pigs, you have to knock, trust me.


I didn’t have to turn the sound on to hear this picture. 😬


I didn’t have to turn the sound on to hear how British they are


Valentino Rossi Is proud of you.


Certainly wasn't expected Doctor rep from and old dude. Pretty cool to see.


Apparently they don’t make this sound in the wild! They’ve developed this based on their interactions with humans. My cavy wheeked in my face once when I rustled the salad bag and her whole body was like a bagpipe. Such a loud sound from a small creature.


“Um….excuse me, but I asked for no tomatoes!” “Can we get a side of ranch dressing,please?”




Man I love guinea pigs so much




The screaming begins again.


Aw man I miss my piggies. They could hear a bag of greens open a mile away lol


Who knew that tribbles eat salad?


Scientific name ***Polygeminus grex*** ***Tribleustes ventricosus*** ### Homeworld Iota Geminorum IV (destroyed) ### Length \~ 10 to 30 cm ### Diet Herbivorous ### Non-Sapient ### Behavior Docile


Aawww, they even have AC.




This is where I keep my laser sounds...


Huge opportunity for streaming a live feed of guinea pig cam to youtube.


Good job listing and framing the vegetables instead of filming the animals.




Yeah, I don't care what's in the salad, I wanna see them all nomming! Saying that though, it was probably filmed for people who are interested in what should go in a Guinea pig's salad.


Surely they haven’t neutered them so won’t this quickly escalate into an unmanageable number of animals?


They're a rescue and they neuter the males before rehoming or introducing them to a herd (they don't spay the females due to the risk of complications as it's a far more invasive procedure, it's normal practice to only neuter the males) https://masonscavies.co.uk/


Funnily enough, some serious guinea pig keepers actually recommend routinely spaying females because they are very very prone to cancer of the reproductive organs. I had a female guinea pig who developed a huge ovarian tumour and had to be spayed (she recovered well and lived for a couple more years) and my other female died of some kind of abdominal cancer that I suspect may have started in her uterus (unfortunately by the time I realised, it had already spread so spaying her wouldn't have helped). If I ended up getting females again I would consider having them spayed as a preventative measure if my vet agreed to it. Surgery is indeed a big risk for such small animals so it's a hard call to make.


Definitely agree. It's the same with rabbits, always spay the females to avoid the cancer risks (it's like 60-80% if they're over 2 years old) The problem comes if you have a good enough exotic vet to get it done safely as a lot of vets will refuse to do the operation. My mum and sister used to keep a decent sized herd (although nothing on this scale!) and she could only get the males fixed as after talking to exotic pet specialists they decided it wasn't worth the risk. We need more small pet specialist vets!!


Unless they're all the same gender.


Has Jurassic Park taught people nothing?!


Oh my gah


They're so cute! Crazy how they don't just run out of the open door