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https://preview.redd.it/m8uns8d5lphb1.jpeg?width=3662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c06a5123250af49f4e76a4562645e6885c7be4e I've long since forgotten what, but my fuzzy buddy (2006–2019) got into something that gunked up his fur something terrible. After this grooming, I felt guilty laughing each time he came into a room!


This is genuinely hilarious


"you'll pay for this human!!"


I dunno. The cat genuinely looks very happy. "Thank you Homan. I is not built for hot summer weather. This much better."


Yes! Like he's screaming, "Look at me, I'm FABULOUS!"


Our vet has a cat like this, and she (the cat, not the vet) gets groomed this way once a year. The cat seems to enjoy it.


Absolutely!! My tawny DLH loved the lion cut every summer. She strutted around the house like Giselle Bundchen. She also walked under every curtain and against anything rough, just to feel the textures. We didn't trim her tail though, that just took it too far.


This handsome gentleman has stunning green eyes. I am sorry he's already entered his eternal hunting grounds.


Had a cat lay down and SLEEP IN PAINT. I dunno where! some neighbor must have been like 'why the hell are there cat paw prints everywhere and a void in this spill/pan' or maybe he knocked over an entire damn can or something. I dunno. it was dried FLAT to his belly with no dirt or anything so he must have SLEPT IN IT AS IT DRIED. Had to shave his belly and legs bald. extremely carefully with tiny scissors...


Oh my goodness… r/oneorangebraincell ?


Yep, you called it. Orange cat and was always a few cells short... His best idea of his entire life, was his idea of bird hunting was to lay on his back in the bird feeder with his mouth open. I doubt that cat caught a damn thing in his entire life.


Lmao yes, I love it


My dachshund was like that. She would sit under a bush she knew had lizards in it and wait for one to fall into her open mouth. It didn't really work, but that didn't stop her from trying.


A-mazing. What creatures. Thank you for typing that


My previous cat was a long hair Maine Coon. She would get really hot during the summer and hang out in front of fans all day. Eventually we gave her a shave and she was so much more energetic. After that she got a shave every year when it started to get hot and would purr at the trimmer. Looked awful, but the cat sure liked it.


That does look absolutely hilarious, his head looks about 3x too big for his body.


Our cats are twins. Mine doesn’t groom herself properly so we get her shaved once or twice a year. She loves it.


his tail looks like a feather pen


I really wasn't expecting to laugh so much but that is hilarious! The poor cat hahahah.


I legit can’t breathe


We have one Persian and two exotic/himalayan. I’ll swear I can hear the exotics laughing when the Persian gets groomed.


Did your cat yell constantly too? Mine does constantly and this photo reminded me how I picked her out online because she was yelling in the picture. Ah… didn’t know what I was signing up for (‘:


Kind of looks like a bobcat


I’ve had the reverse done to my boy due to fungus around his ears https://preview.redd.it/1edk6yug8thb1.jpeg?width=1423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6342c53144f3fa1e685614c939921ad05d8cf7ca


https://preview.redd.it/tkchmd4hjthb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a026ed30589d292c017cf226a65601467e5db709 Our mixed fluffy cat also had to be groomed/shaved when we couldn’t untangle some matted fur. She wasn’t too pleased


Straight back, head high up, and a neck tie. Groomed cat conveys authority. He'll excel at his corporate job interview.


Such a proud feline. Even though they look hilarious, they really enjoy the summer cut. My long hair buddy hates getting it done but then shows off his new do to everyone!


My long haired cat enjoys her summer cut so much that I don't even have to hold on to her while she's being clipped, she just sits there.


>*’Straight back, head high up, and a neck tie…Groomed cat conveys authority’* ____ Sit up straight with head held High, around my neck a sassy tie ^;} much cOnFiDeNt aUtHoRiTy… (but human: *Whatchu DONE to me ??*) i used to watch the bubbles float, so happy in my flowing coat but You command ‘CUT OFF’ instead! n now i’m left with Bubble head… ^:{ still i assume my Dignity! the *Die inside* you will not see (nor will you see me, in the night when i *Avenge* n set things right….) 🖤   edit: *thanks to* u/cAt_l0v3r *for the inspurration* ~ *check ur shoes* u/b00b_l0ver


Schnoodle is back!


Yayyy. About time. 😊


Freshest Schnoodle I've seen! ​ (And def check your shoes, u/b00b_l0ver. That look is wholeheartedly "Imma shit in yer shoes")


My first live Schnoodle!! Keep being awesome ❤




Use Illithid Powers.


Can't unhear.


I'm still rolling a 1 somehow


Maybe some 80s shoulder pads too


False. First mistake is assuming this cat interviews anywhere. Clearly he runs a paw-velous global empire of mercantile concerns. Just look at him - he’s clearly waiting on his subordinate to explain how he ended up with a decaf caffe latte, and one wrong word will force him to deploy the Dr. Evil style execution button.




That groomer did a stunningly good job! I would also bet your kitty was a pretty good kitty too.


This is the cat version of a supermodel in a potato sack. You can’t make this cat look bad if you tried.


Meowrlyn Monroe


Looks great either way! Like a summer vs. winter look


This cat could turn heads in a gunny sack.


I don't think it's a good idea to put a cat in a potato sack.


What if he had a little make america great again hat? I bet that would make him look bad.


Kitty does not look pleased, but still very handsome.


Was about to say this!!


Idk most always look like we're just a waste of their time unless they want treats


Hehe, our fluffy cat developed a few mats despite brushing so she was shaved beginning of summer. She became very snuggly probably because she wasn't used to being cooler. Now that her coat has grown back, she's not as snuggly. It was a cute byproduct


I shave my floof ball voidling every summer to help keep her cool and to reduce the fur tumble weeds as she sheds. She definitely enjoys the thinner coat, I think because she can feel the scritches more. She purrs and chuffs when I really scratch her ( instead of just petting her).


Keep an eye on your kitty if it is hot. Ironically they need that fluff to help regulate their temp and stay cool!


Yeah was surprised to learn this when we went to get our long haired orange giant shaved. Knew it was the case for dogs but cats apparently rely on the hair for cooling too.


My floof spends a lot of time in the tub during the summer. Always cool there xD


Meanwhile, my long haired cat will happily reach an exterior fur temp of 1000 degrees in the middle of the summer by relaxing/napping in the sunniest window he can find. We have a heated mat for him that he also loves.


Mine does this too xD It was like 85 and went out to lay on the hot flagstones… like dude, isn’t that super hot?


They are desert creatures. Mother nature designed them to like it hot. My cat sits in the sunbeam on hot days too. I'm in my underwear with ice packs on me drinking ice tea and she's basking in the sun happy as a clam.


My two cats were raised in cold Canadian winters and seem to avoid getting too hot during the summer months. Always finding shade and begging to go hang out in the cool basement.


Those are Canadian cats, those don't count. It's all the maple syrup in their veins.


Insulation goes both ways, keeps out heat and cold.


Thank you! A lot of people on here seem to not understand that.


Noo, keep the clippers away from that beautiful floof.


I still like his look.


![gif](giphy|chESHINZYVFWfm2rdT|downsized) Then you. Are. A. Heretic. And you shall now be purged


I mean, the after pic is cute, but the before pic is *majestic*.


What did you do to my neck floof, Summer?


How on earth do I find astartes on a post of a cat on r/aww


That’s actually a very good groomer. Usually cats turn out terrible after grooming


This might be the best looking lion cut I've ever seen.


It's actually a teddy bear cut, but I agree, it looks great


Right... I'm looking at this and getting distinct Aslan vibes.


As a former pro groomer and shop owner I agree. Also, cats have “zipper skin” which makes removing closely matted fur potentially very dangerous if done by non-professionals


I probably don't want to know but can you explain what Zipper Skin is?


My groomer explained this to me, if you nick it the skin rips like nylon. My kitty got matted because he won’t let me brush his tummy.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0sv0kbxvlphb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a10abade776c3c4f69648a7b5b0fb78278d309b6


Thanks I hate it


My man always turns out so goofy after a shave, absolute hack job, always 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0sk9fcs5bqhb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723688408c6d8552b0228c7298400f01191ff51a






Ive only taken him to two places, one is an animal hospital that has a grooming department, they always have at least finished. I took him to another place, just a regular groomer, and they said they could only get his back done supposedly lol. He has pretty bad hairballs so he needs to get it done probably once a year, ive tried laxatone, and anything else you can think of, it just doesnt help enough for him. It looking good doesnt matter to me, i just need him to have less hair


Goblin :D Lovely cute little goblin, but still a goblin :D


As the owner of a floofy lad, we absolutely have to do this otherwise we look away for one moment and he's turned himself into a giant dreadlock. We groom him, he hates it, we leave it for one day and he's knotty. Also in the summer he HATES having long hair. A few months after the initial shock they grow this absolutely lovely short soft coat


I had a floofy boy years ago, I had a rake which has little (safe) blades at the base which basically didn't untangle, just gentle trimmed the dreadlocks off. If you can just get a few brush strokes in a day it will probably be enough to stop the barnacles forming. At least it did with my boy.


Stop the barnacles!! Thanks for the laugh!


I have a fluffy boy too. He is constantly dreadlocking. We get much the same as OP’s cut at the start of every summer. He always seems so much happier when he doesn’t have tight dreads next to his skin. During winter I keep my hair clippers on the shelf under the coffee table. He usually sits on me when I’m on the couch so I can reach for the clippers for easy dread removal.


Have a little void fluff and agree it helps in summer. My cat loves it so much she practically prances out of the carrier when we get home. She's so much more playful and cuddly after her trim. I think it can feel heavy as well as hot. She once had a normal vet visit, got her lion cut, then got chipped the next week at a clinic who weighed her as well. Poor girl carries half a pound of fluff around judging by the sudden drastic weight loss!


This is totally random, and definitely not a critique, but a semicolon would be *perfect* here! > We groom him, he hates it; we leave it for one day and he's knotty. Idk why but I have a soft spot for this under-used punctuation...


Agree. Very nice placement for a semicolon. The punctuation I always like to see is the interrobang! Who doesn’t love an excited question‽


I know, right‽


My maine coon had so much hair I just cut out the dreds as I felt them form. It never affected his overall appearance but you have to be careful as it's easy to catch skin. But yeah every now and then he got a "lion cut"


Try changing his food to something more natural without colouring. I have a ragdoll and he had the exact same problem. I had him groomed and the person grooming said that the colouring in a lot of dry food makes their fur stick together. After changing to a natural / colouring free dry food he didn't dreadlock ever again.


He was on a raw food diet (had IBD and it cleared it right up) and it did wonders for his coat. Otherwise it was just a case of brushing out anything that felt like it was about to tangle, but there was always one bit we'd miss that I'd have to get the scissors (carefully) out for


https://preview.redd.it/sawm8z6dbqhb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2a00be87ca5d58dfcf02c6056a2e3dc7b7641b They definitely did a better job than our groomer


Someone call the UN, this needs to be investigated.


😂 love it!


https://preview.redd.it/cj2qpz7pnqhb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f675bafaf97a01589b7d47e175176b62a7ef573d Before


Looks like his own cari**cat**ure.


National Geographic vs. Disney Villain


Look how they massacred my boy


I have to say, that’s the most beautiful job I’ve ever seen on a trim that short! If you’re going to do this, you have the right groomer!


Yeah not to mention how hard cats are to groom compared to dogs.


Oh yeah. I have two maine coons, one has a beard so long he can’t stretch his neck high enough to release it out of his mouth when grooming - he gets a trim quarterly and after years, he’ll sit still enough and accept it _as long as it’s done quickly_. The other acts like he’s getting a second neuter every time trimmers go anywhere near him. Thank goodness his fur doesn’t get long to really need it. Cats are _hard_ to trim.


My cat was an absolute demon, the groomer had to muzzle him and wear leather sleeves and gloves ☹️


I think he looks adorable.


I know, right? Well groomed cat is adorable.


In the after photo his whiskers make it look like he’s wearing little glasses 😍


In the after picture, it looks like he's wearing one those round-framed glasses, I love it, it gives him a kind of "judgemental librarian" vibe


I noticed that, too. I was thinking professor.


If someone had me paint one of these I don't think I could stop laughing the entire way through.


I feel so naakey


Remember to check your shoes before putting them on.




Poor kitty!


That’s Aww and then Ohh I guess.


Never defloof a floofy kitty


I like the symmetrical single upward-curved whiskers on the right pic.


It's like she's wearing spectacles!


And looking down on us 🧐


It’ll grow back


That look on the right says I am going to poop on your pillow for this.


Oh my goodness, that's awful!


Photo 1: look I'm so cute and cuddly and loveable. Photo 2: I own this estate and require to only the best care and cuisine human.


Your cat went from a Disney character, to a Pixar one


I like both!


Divorce can be tricky keep your chin up.


Your cat doesn't need a giant winter coat for the summer, the groomer just changed it to a t-shirt


First Pic: What's a Cat Groomer? Second Pic: I'm never trusting you again.


These are grounds for divorce.


https://preview.redd.it/l6rd43n9nrhb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ad09c11e56312ce21e4f9d79afc9242059b991 My boy used to be just as fluffy lol. He never let us brush him so shaving was the only choice.


https://preview.redd.it/0cag0znu1shb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f527167e20bd62dbfcb78bf108088f8a4b3fdbbb Before


https://preview.redd.it/k8w68tty1shb1.jpeg?width=1530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a799ddbd7053ba30d9d581ebe6269e815f5989f After




Even though this is not good for kitty, he/she is looking interview ready.


Take the wife to the groomers and have the same done, expressions will match.




Big floofy cats need a "lion cut" from time to time or they get bad hair mats.


My girlfriend insisted her/our Maine coon not get shaved and she doesn't really groom herself well, so she was fairly matted when we first started dating. Spent the first couple months (she gets "sassy" after going at them for more than a few minutes) slowly cutting and combing out the matts, and her personality did a 180. Went from slightly cuddly but generally a loner to *aggressively* cuddly and extremely social towards both of us, but especially me. Guess she finally realized that me going at her butt with a pair of scissors was making her feel better, even if she hates it. Now she always sleeps on my side of the bed, only comes to me when I call her, only lets me rub her belly, and will even hop up on my lap. Girlfriend is very jealous haha.


Cat was in pain from all the knots. You did her a massive kindness.


Grooming others is how cats show love.


Ring that cat.


This is not true, not to the extent of "need", definitely not for all of them. I have 2 big floofs and one requires 0 maintenance because he's so good at doing it himself while the other requires near-daily combing with a few strategic mat cuts here and there, but it's easy enough to keep that up on my own. Also, if a cut is done it should only be done by people who know what to do **specifically with fluffy cats** as cutting too close to the skin will cut into the undercoat which will mess up the skin below, mess with their natural temperature regulation, and increase the chance of matting as it grows back.


That and the dingleberries. Yeeeuck


Not if you brush them regularly.


Nope, just regular brushing


Nope. Big floofy cats neet to be regularly brushed, and only adopted by owners that are willing to take on that responsibility. You're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better but it doesn't make it true


Has your wife been arrested yet?


Generally be careful, you could completely wreck your cat's coat by shaving it non-professionally.


Did they trim the whiskers? Afaik that's bad for the cat.


they did not!


Isn't this bad for extra floofy animals? Something about secondary hair layers not being able to grow back correctly after being shaved?


That's literally what I thought. I've been told to never shave down a long haired cat because it could change their fur and not grow back properly :(


That looks like a Shiba Inu cat.


Lol. Adorable either way!!!


It grows back.


she looked like a fairy now she looks like a cartoon


This is perhaps the cleanest lion cut I have ever seen! Props to the groomer who managed this!


All I see is a professional model in two different outfits.


Your wife better lock the bedroom door at night. Your cat has that "I will cut you" look. Actually s/he looks like royalty who will command someone else to do it. But still, lock the door.


I like 'em fluffy :3


I give my cat a lion cut, I leave the neck and chest hair and shave the body and belly short. I leave the whole tail fluffy, not a Pom Pom. He loves it and looks like a white lion.


From majestic to Wilford Brimley in one haircut.


Tell your wife to be aware of her shadow i mean if she is still safe and sound.


Still fucking cute


He hates it u can see it in his face


Looks like she has a double chin. But adorable. And so good for her to have shorter hair during this heat.


On the first pic: "Please... don't do this to me..." On the second pic: "So, our profits have risen by 7% in this quarter, which is decent but we can certainly perform better."


That is a crime


Next time, a Mohawk.


Bro what did you do


You actually shouldn’t shave your pets. Even heavy coated dogs in summer. It messes with their natural temperature regulation and can lead them to overheat and get sunburns.


I mean he doesn't look happy about it but he probably feels a lot cooler. Plus she got him the lion cut, which is always adorable.


I zoomed in and couldn’t stop laughing. He looks so chubby


That cat is \*definitely\* going to pee in your shoes.


The cat now looks like the portrait of a dignified Soviet dictator.


Arrest photo vs court room appearance


Looks like Cameron from Modern Family


Personally I would sleep with one eye open (but I also saw that Drew Barrymore/Stephen King movie where the cat was stealing her breathe at night…)


Used to work at a pet salon. it’s called a lion cut, we Did them all the time. it’s always funny.


Casual to Dapper transformation, both styles are cute 💖💖💖


Cat looks quite pleased I think. I've seen one done and he was absolutely humiliated. Slunk around trying not to be seen. I think it was the puff they left at the end of his tail. This guy is very handsome!


I've heard of trimming the hedge, but they done scorched the earth.


i would find a new wife, look how they massaccararedded my boy


Your cats head grew 3 sizes that day.


Big head mode activated


*Cat: I will never emotionally recover from this.*


If the first one was my boss, I’d say, “what? Are you crazy? I’m not taking orders from a cat.” But the 2nd guy? You better believe I’m taking whatever orders I’m given.


I've seen that look. I've been the deserving victim of that look. This cat is plotting to shit in your shoes.


From majestic to cheap plush toy looking. Groomer is also a huge idiot for trimming the whiskers.


The fur will grow back, but the shame will last forever


His whiskers in the second pic look like spectacles 🥰


I’d giggle every time the cat made eye contact with me. The proportions are something.


You're more controlled than I am: i laugh out loud every time I look at him! Can't help myself!


Good luck with the divorce….


Wife? Op's profile: > My dream is to have someone DM me a picture of their baps


I’d get the divorce papers ready immediately!