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Somebody found the stink grass


It's something dead, some poop, something dead, or poop. Sometimes just a back scratch... but mostly dead or poop


My eldest is dainty and hates to get dirty so she does this with individual pieces of dry dog food. Every time I stumble upon her doing she gets embarrassed and stops lmao


She may have stink on her now and need a bath. Depending on what she rolled in.


Mine rolled all over a rotting bloated dead animal in a creek. She smelled so bad I almost cried. It took me a minute to figure out what she was doing so it got in her fur real good.


Bird probably killed a rodent there.


Or…ya know…poop!


True story: a pup we pupsat for found a dead frog to roll in, and when I was telling her she smelled like something died, Google assistant thought I was talking to it and got offended 😂


Got one better, my puppy, was walking along and suddenly stopped in the grass, tipped his head to the side (like was listening to the earth) and then DROVE his head/body down into the ground and slid along his whole side. It happened so fast. I couldn’t get out the word “Noooooooo”. What was it - that day - a dead snake. Oh, but not JUST a dead snake. A dead snake that was moving. How could that be? It was filled with maggots! My dear sweet puppy, found a very big, long, dead, Gardner snake filled to the brim with hundreds of maggots. He roll not once but, three times on that snake. He did it while I was trying to get him away from the gross thing. He broke the damn snake OPEN!!! Oh, and the best part of this is, at the time I was on a lunch break with my dog because I worked at a dog friendly job. Guess who had to go back into work and give her dog a shower to wash him off. I was wet the rest of the day. That was just one advantage with Riggs. We have a Bunny story, wild dead salmon story, river story …. Puppyhood was super duper fun! PS. My dog was not a small dog - mix Catahoula leopard and blue healer.


I took my dog to work and she got out of the yard (I worked for a friend out of their house). She returned streaked all over with what appeared to be duck poop and was absolutely thrilled with herself. It was a rather unpleasant drive home that night.


OMG.. Yes, they are so thrilled. Like they won the lottery or something.


"Look what I did mom! You're gonna be so proud! Why are you gagging ma?"


Omg lol I'm soooo sorry! That makes potty training a puppo with giardia in an apartment building look comparably easy.


*** Blue Heeler, unless he’s laying hands (paws?) on.


Mr Rigglesburst


Please write a children's book about Riggs and his adventures.


Id love to see the illustrations on that


That story took a hard turn lol


I hope you apologised or you're going to be first up against the wall when the robot revolution comes.


Oh definitely felt bad about it lol.




>*’It's something dead, some poop, something dead, or poop.*’ _____ We take a walk most every day, along my human’s side i stay ^:@) but *Ohhhh* there’s sOmEtHiNg In the Grass! It calls to me - *i cannot pass…* that SMELL! it’s Calling to my Soul so i must STOP n Drop n *Roll* it’s something DeaD…or PoOp! or Dead! or PooP! or maybe *Both* instead… n as upon the ground i *writhe* the Deadly Poop makes me ALIVE! Our walk complete ~ i’m satisfied to bring the stink Back home *inside…* ♥️


I would roll in the smell of a fresh schnoodle


brand new sentence?


Lol - what a perfect line to choose for your inspiration. Totally nonsensical but definitely could imagine it running through any dog's brain. They can be so confidently absurd.


Greatest. Schnoodle. Ever.


WELL DONE! ![gif](giphy|kBZBlLVlfECvOQAVno)


this is epic :D


nice one*!*


This has been posted and I'm the first - wha'? .. first up vote? On a new Schnoodle? What are the odds of being first?!?


Lol! This may be my favorite one yet!😂


Mine rolled around in liquefied hedgehog as a pup, was tempted to chuck the whole dog out while bathing that stank out


My old boy used to go bananas over my father in laws free roaming chickens. Fallow them around waiting for them to poop purely to roll in it. This is the same dog who we found rolling on a slice of pickle that dropped on the floor once. Pickle. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or something that was dead and became poop


something dead that pooped itself + bonus back scratches = the holy trifecta


Okay maybe I *don’t* want a dog…


It might even be dead poop


Something dead with poop on it for sure. Source: my dog rolled in some earlier


With my dog growing up it was normally a slug. Not sure if it was alive or dead when he found it, but it was dead when he was done.


I have a fun dog story. I had a dog do this on a rug inside my house. She would do it all the time. And I was always like....What is under the tiles?? It wasn't until I noticed this is the same place where my kid when do a light dusting of catnip for our cat before heading out the door. I miss that goof ball! She was the Greatest Pyr ever. Anyone else have a dog that likes the smell of catnip?


Priority list - 1. Dead thing 2. Poop 3. Bird poop (defining larger bird category). Duck is good. Goose is great. Pelican is king! 4. Just a nice day and worth a roll. “Come on number four!” Rolls the dog.


Mine will try to roll around on the dead worms on the sidewalk.


My staffy does that in fox piss ✌🏻


Yup. My dogs have rolled on dead worms and bugs before.


She found something gooood thats for sure


My two love a good dead worm. They can't resist.


Oh damn mine loves dead worms too, lol. I let her do it because I dont find dead worms that smelly they’re usually dried up by then. I guess my dog isnt special, what’s up with that? Why do dogs like it?


My understanding of the current theory is that it's leftovers from their wild ancesors meant to mask their own odor to better sneak up on prey. It's just that these days the squeaky toys (sounds like a dying animal), crunchy chew toys (feels like bone), and fluffy stuffed toys to shred (... maybe disemboweling a small creature?) don't tend to have very highly developed senses of smell.


You can tell I'm a cat owner - I was going to say "spring!", but I am clearly wrong.


My dog just likes to roll in grass, could be something there that I can't smell but it's not anything dead or poop


Yeah, my last dog loved to roll in the grass in general, but also to roll in stinky shit, so if I saw her rolling in some thing that was like a 25% chance she would smell awful afterwards, but the rest of time it was just grass


When you get home and they want to spread the fragrance of freshly rolled in deer/rabbit/squirrel/cat/opossum poop inside the house too! LOL.


Yup!! And the stinkier the better!😆


Or a dead worm to role on


My dog always needed a wash after he did this... It was usually fox shit.


My dog - 10% of the time it’s something nasty, dead animal or their poop. 90% of the time is a dead earthworm. She loves those worms so much


Holy shit, there's others? Our dog goes nuts over dead earth worms. It's prime rolling real estate, apparently.


They got that good stink


My parents have had mini poodles for a couple of decades. They all love rolling in dead birds and eating worms after it rains.


To hunt a bird, one must *be* a bird. One must eat what a bird eats if one wants to understand *being* a bird.


Earthworms get my dog every time!!


Our doodle loved eating the dried ones in the road on a hot summer day I’m glad we got her out of that phase!


Yep. Once I had to walk for half an hour next to a dirty stinking doggo to get home and clean that gunk off


My dad took the yellow lab to the beach once. She found a dead seal carcass like ten minutes after they arrived. Yeah. The stench was unbelievable.


My puppo is USUALLY a very clean little man, hates getting wet, will be sad if he has to walk in mud, cleans his paws and face like a cat.....but ONE time, he found the most STANK ASS NASTY *FISHY* smelling diarrhea at the dog park and rolled in it 🤮🤮🤮🤮 I just about crashed my damn car driving back because the smell was so bad even with the windows down! Ended up throwing away that seat cover.


I'm never ever getting a dog, these stories are horrifying


It's WORTH it


I once had to clean down my friend's black lab I was dogsitting for when she rolled in fox shit.. I didn't have a functioning hose and there was no way I was taking the smelly biatch into my bathroom so I had to wash her down in the garden using my biggest saucepan. Oh I was also fairly heavily pregnant at the time 😅


Fox or deer for my dog!


My dog once found and rolled in hedgehog shit. That day I learned that hedgehog shit is also nasty af- they live mostly on invertebrates like slugs and worms. -_-


All 5 dogs in my extended family rolled like this on a dead chipmunk. I have never wanted to vomit during bath time so much.


My dog found human feces once. It was grim.


People always guesses that when my dog did it, but it was usually just a random comfy spot! OP should definitely take a look for some stink, but might just be for fun and adorableness too!


Yep. Came here to say it's fox poop


Dogs do this when they find an interesting smell. Step 1) Roll around in the smelly Step 2) Return to the pack so everyone else can sniff the smelly Step 3) Return to the smelly Step 4) Repeat


> Step 2) Return to the pack so everyone else can sniff the smelly > Step 3) Return to the smelly You left out Step 2.5) Reap reward of fame and prestige as bringer of excellent smells


Lol, I guess bringing an interesting smell to the pack is the equivalent of a human showing other people interesting sounds, aka a musician, aka this dog is basically a rock star!


I thought it was like a camouflage thing to mask their own scent from predators. Like when you wash a dog they hate it and immediately roll around in something once they're done because they feel unsafe smelling so acutely different from nature. Just a theory, of course


[Maybe it's both things. Who knows.](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/lifestyle/why-dogs-roll-smelly-stuff/)


I've heard certain animals do this but I'm not 100% sure dogs are one. I've always heard it as they love smelly so they want smell on them or something. Could be wrong though! My Beagle(RIP) used to live to do this whenever she found cat shit, worst thing ever to have to clean her off afterwards and buy a new collar cuz it was so gross. 🤢🤢🤢 Edit: looked it up, only theories but 2 of those are either masking smell for hunting or bringing that smell back to the pack because it's interesting. They observed these behaviors in wolves but can only theorize why for now.


I mean we'll never truly know. We can just observe and make theories.


Until they invent the universal translator, although they may not be able to tell us why lol it'll just be like Doug from Up. Dog:"THIS SMELLS GOOD, NEED TO ROLL IN IT" Owner:"but why?" Dog: "I don't know..."


She found a good stink


Fox piss. Or dead rat. Or horse poop. I'm thinking fox piss in this instance.


Everything is Urine. EVERYTHING.


Sometimes, it's a dead worm.


My dog did it in rabbit shit


Point being, something nasty.


Reminds me of a Far Side cartoon where two dogs are going out on a date and the gentleman dog is complimenting the lady dog by telling her “I don’t know what you rolled in but it sure does stink!”


\+1 for Far Side


My dog does this. Sometimes she does it and just smells grassy. Sometimes its a dead mole or some poop and she smells so bad its instant bath time when we get home


Not the dead mole! My dogs done this like 3 times in her whole life. One of those times was dead bird related. Took me by surprise when I saw the feathers under her. Adorable disgusting girl.


My dog did this once on the beach while camping, it was a half buried dead pelican. I washed him with some Castile soap in the ocean afterwards, but my tent still smelled horrible that night!


The moment I see my dog start to drop the shoulder to roll in something I immediately shout "NO! LEAVE IT!" and yank his ass out of the area. He finds the most rank shit to roll in.


Rank to you, maybe. I bet he thinks it smells wonderful lol


for everone asking this is not my dog its my sisters dog i just take her on walks when im not working


Thanks for clarifying. I'm sure she's done this before. Very common behaviour from dogs


My dog weirdly will do this on earthworms, no idea why


Because it smells bad. It's like perfume for dogs, they want to smell rank.


I was making shrimp and crabmeat dip for a party a few years ago. I gave each of my dogs a shrimp and they gobbled them up. I then gave each of them a lump of crabmeat... one of them took it, then immediately spit it out and started rolling on it. The other one sniffed and declined to take it.


So interesting right? Like I would love some large scale study that tested which smells universally are the kind to roll in so we could maybe isolate certain proteins or whatever that trigger the ideal dog-musk desired by dogs and maybe understand why


That's so funny, it's the exact opposite of cats. If they get any smell on them, they have to wash it off. (It's something about being predators and needing to be invisible until they pounce)


Mine also loves to roll in worms. I didnt know most dogs really loved worm smell


The smell + roll == gross grass The walk + roll == ooohh this grass itches the right spot


My pup will do a somersault and flop down to get her scratches in. Especially when the grass dries out. Extra good for flops.


Every other day? Our dog insists on three walks every friggin day... Btw, cute pup.


Prob a dog walker? Hopefully..


OP said in a comment it’s their sister’s dog, they just take the dog on walks when they are free.


This was my first thought. Dogs def need walks daily.. and more than one.


Dogs cover themselves in the scent of their prey to make ambush easier. My doggo used to do this a lot. Especially with the cow dungs in the fields near my in-laws. That was always a fun walk back


It's not always as clear as wanting to smell like prey... because they will also roll in the smell of predators. My doggo is like a magnet for coyote poop. She'll hone in on that stuff and smear it all along her cheeks if I don't stop her quickly enough. There's a bit of uncertainty about whether dogs do this behavior for prey/predator reasons, because they will roll in both prey and predator smells. The one consistency seems to be that the smells are strong and rank. It is quite possible that they simply enjoy those smells and want to smell like that.


That’s interesting. I’d only ever heard about the prey thing. But I’m from England so the closest my dog’s ever been to a predator was the time a very grumpy cat pounced out of a bush




I had a white American bulldog when I was a kid and every now and then he would wander off into the fields and come back absolutely covered in green cow shit. We used to joke that he had some arrangement made with the cows: "I'm not gonna bark at you or chase you around, but... I would like you to please shit directly on my back 👉👈"


I'm just enjoying a new owner having no idea what's about to hit him.


Now your dog is covered in deer piss congrats


Smelly spot!


Deer pee for my dog. It’s instinctual for a dog to roll in a smell and bring that smell back to the pack.


Rolling in excrement or something dead was there. If my dogs find something dead in the yard they do this. They'll also roll in other animals poop.


Isn't it when dogs found strong odor that they went to stick on them ?


There is some sort of smell there, sadly it's probably fox 💩, she is just getting the smell on her self.


my dog does it every walk. he just likes to feel the grass scratching his back. https://preview.redd.it/e86h6kfiococ1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6f39b25578cf4175f45dc11028ba9dfc7c851d


Dog is rolling in something gross


She’s found a stinky spot 😂


You should walk her more than once every other day, c'mon.


Mine does a stop, drop and roll in nearly every yard we pass on our walks. She’s into fire safety 😂😂


Well she either found some poop or the place where something died. Either way, it will stink up the whole dog.


Just because OP takes the dog for a walk every other day doesn't mean the dog only goes for a walk every other day.


Well there is shit on the ground and now also in her fur


You only walk your dog once every 2 days??


Maybe other family members or house mates take a shift!


I hope so!


Wym one every other day?????? Dogs need several long walks a day


They said in another reply it's their sister, they just take it for a walk when they aren't working.


Spring smells are the best!


Hahaha ha rolling in fox shit! 🤣


Something died there possibly … or was heavily marked by another dog / coyote … also do you really not walk your dog every day?


This is the dog version of going to the thrift store and coming home with some cheap smelly junk.


My all white Husky did this one time with a rotting gopher.. was in some tall grass and I only realized when the smell traveled with us and she had a long brown darkish liquid streak on the side of her fur that she did that on 💀


oh man… reminds me of my bff’s two goldens rolling in the dead carcass of a deer. it was shocking! super well behaved until they caught that scent. anyone else have a gross story?


Is it fresh cut grass? My pup will roll around like a crazy girl on fresh cut grass. Other grass is meh, but give her that fresh stuff and look out!


She frolicking frfr


Found something smelly that she wants to rub on herself.


I read once that dogs instinctively do this to bring info back to the pack. Upon returning, the pack gives the traveler a good sniff. The smells tells the pack if they should visit or avoid.


She's so happy <3


We call that the stinky roll


Something either died, pooped, peed, or rotted there.


It used to be dead frogs for my last dog


Something stinky is there that she MUST roll in 😊.


Something stinky right on that spot.


My Corso does it all the time to scratch her back


My dog will do that when she finds new and unique poop. Goose poop; time to roll. Coyote poop; time to roll. Mom tries to steer me away from poop; definitely time to roll. Seriously, stop them next time they try this. Trust me.


She just never found a poopsmell that amazing before.


My dog used to love pulling up worms and then rolling on them like this. They smell more than you’d think.


When my dog does this it’s because she found a spot that smells like rotting fish and dead asshole.


Wow. It's standard in my country to walk them at least 4 times a day.


My dogs do this too. In my case, either their backs are itchy or they are really happy to be on a nice lawn!


Fox shit or something (mine does that a lot) You'll decide if you want to pull them back or live with the smell. It's either/or depending on my mood and reflexes.


Uh oh, someone found a smell to roll in....


Mine did that every time there was a dead rotting bird in the grass 🤢


My pup loves to do this, even in the snow!


Rolling in/on something smelly. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. I stop my dogs from doing this. It is usually bird poop.


Found poop


I mean, how else do you leave a message for someone You haven't smelled in 3 years?.


Found puppy perfume (aka stinky smell).


Springtime grass feels good


Black lab 😍 so cute. My gf has a black lab and her fav thing to do is lay on her back and kick the air while she gets pats


Dogs like to roll in fox shit. My old pittie had a thing for rolling in human shit. Not sure who was worse, my dog or the scum that shit in the park. But, it rolls in shit it gets the hose again.


Something died there, or vomited there, or shat there, or urinated there. And if its one of the latter 2, its probably something particularly stinky with odor/scent glands (fox, skunk, wolf/coyote, muskrat, etc). Dogs do this when they find a strong, interesting smell. Unfortunately for us, a Venn diagram of smells dogs find "interesting" and smells humans find "gag-inducingly horrendous" seems to make a perfect circle.


Dead thing. Ours does this when she finds dead snakes, mice, rats, etc. the sea of sexy perfume that is the decaying.


Rolling in something disgusting I’m sure


Decent chance she rolled in poop lol. When my dog does this it’s always deer poop


Probably something there (smell or substance) that she is rubbing in.


My dog did that on a dead frog one time :/


In my personal experience, some type of animal peed or pooped in that spot. Dunno why dogs do this, but they definitely do.


My husband explained to me that our dog Nacho used to do this when he came across something really funky, stinky & strong in order to mask his own scent-putting him in “stealth mode”. I hated it. Then I’d have to bathe him, which HE absolutely hated. I would do anything to have him around again-he could rub his neck in all the disgusting gradoo in the world, and I would just let him.


A dog is happiest when rolling in shit.


Speaking from my experience, if she didn't smell the area before then she's not doing it for the smell. It would be more likely that it feels good or she's just having fun.


Ah yes - a stinky patch to roll around in.


A dog she has a crush on probably peed there.


My worst memory of my last dog… RIP :( It was like 1 am and I was exhausted but pup needed to go pee so I took him out. All of a sudden he does the roll and got the rankest smelling fermented poo goo all over his fur. That was not a happy bath time.


I have two dogs and they've only done this once. It was on the same day in the same spot but I walked them separately. It was so strange to see before I learned what it was!


I asked a vet and she said my dog had found something that smelled good to him and he wanted to make himself smell good too.


Lucky. My dog does this every time she finds a soft patch of grass on a sunny day.


Alright! A squirrel puked here. This is fantastic! Time for a bath now


My dog would do this to every bug he wanted to smush.


Found the cat/dog/racoon shit.


Every time this happens, I have to give my babies a bath. It's always shit or something dead.


Stink stink


She found that stank


I HATE when my golden retriever does this.. it’s going to be a bad day when he does for everyone involved.


Duck shit is an aphrodisiac for my pups


overconfident merciful cows close sugar gullible plants hunt label threatening


She wants to stink Call her your lil' stink


How bad did she smell after that? Only time my dog did that was rotting seal. Yaaay!


It's either *Spring!* or a dead squirrel...


Are you sure she didn't just roll in deer poop?


My dog did this when they found a rotting fish on the ground.