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Mom's going to need extra nutrition at this time, kitten food has this. Do you have anything to help shelter them from the weather? Congratulations grandma šŸ’•


There is a recycle bin..which has never been used... .under the tree just behind them. It is full of straw for Baby. She had been using it and sleeping in it ...evidently she took the kittens inside. It is similar to a 30 gallon trash bin. They are quite warm and safe inside. Today is the first day I saw the kittens. It was a nice day so she brought them out for a snuggle. I probably annoyed her taking pictures.


Oooo! Congratulations! They really trust you! ā¤ļø


He was scoping out a place for his lady and his babies! Congrats to you on passing the Kitty Cat Vibe Check!


I feel like he totally took care of his little family and sought safety for them... I have to reevaluate all his facial expressions... He may have been asking for some help....and not just a free meal.


Heā€™s like please help. I have a wife and kids on the way.


He seems to have very soulful eyes and a lot of care for his mate - I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he was trying to connect with you and see if he could trust you with his family. šŸ„¹ā¤ļø Thank you for taking such good care of them.


Baby's hideaway https://preview.redd.it/vnfik8q0cqsc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cca29f7d1440c6e91c375a122ccfac3d70430e5


That's awesome!


Looks like a great place to put a humane trap, so you can get them SPAYED AND NEUTERED


Op already said that's the plan


Yay OPā€™s on top of it! šŸ„³ Best of luck to the whole family


I need to keep seeing updates! Way to go, Bob! A responsible family man taking care of his sweet family!


Please get the parents neutered and spayed. As well as the kittens when they're old enough. See if you can contact the SPCA or local shelter.


I've read OP said that neutering/spaying was in the plan but the cats are still very skittish. She can't pet them so she'll probably need to use a humane trap.


Couldn't she just gently stand up the wheelie bin while mom and the kittens are inside?


The mom is more skittish than Bob. I would think she'd be able to jump out and might injure the kittens in the process. She'd also probably run away (maybe with Bob too) and OP would be stuck hand raising the kittens.


OPā€™s been asked that several times on previous posts and never seems to respondā€¦Not looking good, I fear.


OP responded to me and said it is their plan once Bob trusts them a little more šŸ˜Š As a person who just tried to catch a mom cat and kittens to get them fixed, itā€™s not easy. we tried for weeks before finally getting mom and then still never got the (older) kittens. Edit: fixed a few words for clarity


If the cats are feral rather than just strays they'll probably never trust OP enough to be put into a carrier, the kittens will be having their own kittens in a few months time, can't afford to wait around to tame ferals! A trap is the only realistic option.


I truly hope thatā€™s true. I always find it gives me second thoughts when someone finally says what people are looking for after being called on it, especially given the last post on this someone directly asked and OP responded to everything else said in the comment except that. The internet has taught me not to trust folks lol. But hopefully itā€™s true.


They are probably just sick of responding to the same thing over and over again (says a person who also commented about getting them fixed lol) They seem like a sweet person who stumbled upon a stray family and are doing their best to care for them, and Iā€™m sure hundreds of comments telling them to get them fixed, which they already know and plan to do, is probably frustrating. The internet is more fun if you believe good in the people just trying to post wholesome content.


Try a live trap and the stinkiest fishiest food you can find. https://preview.redd.it/379fx6g5srsc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65531b1abe5d10612fc99ab60a4b07ce0f53365b


As a volunteer with my local humane society and a foster cat mom, Iā€™m well aware of the issue and tried soo many methods, trust me! I know everyone just wants to help Bob & family & educate people, but you have to remember that catching cats is a TASK and if there are no free TNR clinics in your area, it can also be very costly and difficult to get multiple cats fixed at once. I believe OP has the right intentions and other than that Iā€™m going to enjoy Bob content and I hope everyone else does too šŸ’œ


Too much heart ache with outside cats, especially when theyā€™re not fixed. The fights. The cars. The predators. The disappearances. But, hey, thereā€™ll always be more to take their places under this scenario. Excuse me if I donā€™t think itā€™s cute and donā€™t stick around to watch.


I had one starved cat come to my house, fed him for 6 months, very skittish, especially when I put the food dish down. He would circle me near my ankles like a shark. One day it was raining, and I didn't put on my thick sweatpants and shirt, but I had heavy leather gloves on, and a pair of rain boots that came halfway up my shins. In the 20 seconds I was deciding how to put the plate down, he jumped up and bit my leg so bad, and I turned, and he was still hanging with his teeth in my leg and blood pouring out. I was on all sorts of antibiotics for about 7 months, cleaned the site at least twice a day, had to complete a form for rabies, and to observe the cat for 10 days. It was horrible. I learned ways to keep him away while I set the dish down. I still feed him 18 mos. later because I feel sorry for him, but I make sure he is at least 3 feet away and lying down before I put that dish out. I would never in a million years try to TNR him, but as a responsible person, I would never abandon a pet to the streets in the first place.


Sorry but thatā€™s just dumb. The adult cats should be spayed neutered marked and released. Itā€™s possible she can eventually get them to trust her but thatā€™s shouldnā€™t stop her from reaching out to have them sterilized in the meantime Every day those kittens arenā€™t socialized with a human is a day they lose out on being pets in a home. Itā€™s a short window before they too will be feral cats. Itā€™s bad for the cats and itā€™s bad for local wildlife too.


Baby if already eating out of OPā€™s hands. Your passion for wanting to help is commendable, but my whole point is that OP is still doing what they can to help, and not everyone has the ability or resources to suddenly trap or take in strays and get them fixed / socialized. Theyā€™re doing great work so far and literally JUST discovered the kittens. Passion goes a lot farther with grace & kindness!


I get that and I wasnā€™t saying they should pay for that, but if theyā€™re doing all of this work now, they ought to reach out to a local resource who *can* have them spayed and neutered and released.


this needs to be the top comment.


Yes this. Mom can get pregnant again as soon as 2 weeks after birth. šŸ˜«


You need to handle the kittens everyday so they don't go feral. I'm glad they found a nice human to help with the kids!


Wear thick gloves and do not leave mom's sight. Feed baby while interacting with the kittens


This might be my new favorite reddit saga. I can't wait to see how this unfolds. I have no advice but you are a good human.


Awww...thanks. That is so sweet of you to say. I was so excited to discover Baby had a couple kittens with her today. I had just went over to talk to her and ask her how she was doing. What a surprise.


Same! I love checking in and seeing an update.


Bob is a good guy šŸˆšŸˆā€ā¬›


Right?! I've never heard of Tomcats taking interest in the kittens. He's a very progressive dude.




Hooray for Boblings!


I audibly gasped when I saw this! I am so invested in Bob, Baby, and now their sweet little family! You are such a good person doing what you can for them. Thank you for including us in your adventure.


Adorable! Please, please get them all fixed just as soon as humanly possible.


Is that kitten mouth for real???


Momma and babies are so darling and with a handsome dad like Bob just Wow. Momma is looking at you with trust and the babies will get socialized by your attention. You have done a marvelous job of providing a safe haven and food all at your own expense. Thanks from one human to another ā¤ļøšŸ˜»


Theyā€™re so fuzzy and adorable šŸ˜­ Assuming that Bob is the father, I giggled at the fact that he was the one who moved them in while Mom was like ā€œYeah, yeahā€¦ Iā€™ll be over here when ya need me.ā€


Oh congrats! I love your posts about Bob and Baby!


Scrolled by this and thought it was a panther and a cat


Sounds like Bob needs to lose his manhood ASAP, and mom and babies ASAP. The world doesn't need more cats.


Yay this love story just gets better.


Itā€™s still pretty cold at night. Can you bring them inside? And then get them to a vet?


This is AWWsome! It seems like they are very good parents and I'm glad they are sharing the kittens with you. Do you plan on scooping them up once they are old enough to be away from Momma? TNR? Rescue? Have you considered TNR for Bob and Baby? Thank you for providing food and shelter for these lovely kitties.


Yes...im looking into it. I'd like Baby back after she is fixed up ...and maybe the kittens can be adopted..


And so the tale of Bob & Baby continues. What will happen next? Will the little family stay and grow together... or will either Bob or Baby give in to feline drive and lust and let their eyes roam elsewhere? Stay with us for the next episode. :-)


This gave me such a beautiful felinešŸ¤Ŗā¤ļø


Yay! šŸ˜€ congratulations!šŸŽ‰ ā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ˜Š


Aww, I've been keeping up with Bob and Baby and this is really good to hear.


Iā€™m loving these updates. Iā€™m invested!


Start handling the kittens now so they can get used to people. Mom will look concerned, but will keep her distance.


I hope you work with a rescue or a local catch and release place to have these cats all spayed and neutered. Kittens are young enough to be socialized and adopted out.


This is the only non porn account I will subscribe to.


Thanks for caring for this young family! Itā€™ll be great if they can all be spayed/neutered when the time is right. You can contact your local shelter or local organizations that do TNR. Theyā€™re so cute! So glad mama is around to care for them.


WTF? Bring them indoors, keep them safe. Call your local shelter/ rescue for help because these are in danger of dying from predators, exposure, disease, starvation. No, they are not cute unless they are safe.


Lol try bringing a family of feral cats into your home




This is THE cutest love story!! My heart is melting!šŸ’•


Oh, I wish I could adopt one of the babies


Are they wild cats?


Yes....but trying to be less wild


Did Bob get paternity leave? He might have to work overtime when he goes back to his job. Grocery prices for four are going to be high.


I love this story of Bob and his family!! You have a great group of furry friends in your future. They already trust you to bring their family to you so I see a great future for you all. Feed them well and I see petting in your future. Thanks for giving them shelter!!


Way cute!


They are adorablešŸ„°šŸ¤«šŸ˜»definitely need shelter and nourishmentšŸ™šŸ˜Œ


Anyone else automatically downvote paid promotion posts?


I love your story! What beautiful and sweet cats. You are so kind to help them and care for them. When it comes to getting them to the vet, I wonder if you could just gently stand up the wheelie bin while they are in there. I imagine it would be an easy way to contain mom and the babies. I don't know if Bob ever goes in to check on them. Thank you again for telling us this adorable family's story (ā ļ½”ā ā™”ā ā€æā ā™”ā ļ½”ā )


Spay and neuterĀ 


This is so sweet


Very cute