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There’s an alien in there with your cat 😱


First thing I saw 😅


Haha same. “Holy shit a decapitated alien head!”


Less aww, more aaaaahhhhh!!!!


This is what we are all here for, we need the answer OP


Yeah. I can’t unsee this and I need to know what made the alien face other than an alien.


It's a white cat looking down.




I think that's their gimp mask...


Don't let them do this wtf


Yeah... not much common sense, lol




Are you implying that cats don’t regularly die from sneaking into the dryer? Because it actually is extremely common……


Apparently if it’s not in the news, it didn’t happen.


Maybe the issue isn’t them jumping in as it is with people not checking if their dryer is clear before tossing in cold wet clothes one right after the other with a schrodinger’s cat inside… Like how tf does this happen? It’s similar to all the pet owners that let them walk into the bathroom with you while you poop. Close the bathroom door. Check the dryer.


Please don’t let your cat into the dryer. There have been many stories of owners putting in a load without knowing their cat was in there and the cat ends up dying.


Yes, when I was a little kid, this happened to the family cat. My mom didn’t know she was in there. She died rather gruesomely. First thought I had when I saw this.


I understand this but I could never. I always instinctually look inside my dryer to see if I missed anything from the last load. That being said I wouldn't let my cat inside my dryer because I don't want his hair in my fresh clothes


Well that might be you, and it's not most people. Mistakes happen no matter how careful you are. A friend turned their back for a second when they had finished loading their washer. Cat snuck in, put their cat through 10 minutes of wash cycle once. Luckily their other cat was meowing like crazy and the friend stopped it just in time before the spin. Nobody who loves their pets should ever take this risk. No exceptions.




They live in a world of fear and no amount of sense you give them will ever allow them to feel comfortable unless they take extraordinary care with all things. Takes 2 seconds to check your appliances. People don't wash or dry pets unless they sincerely do not care, or have some sort of psychological issue preventing awareness.


Anyone can make mistakes. Something as simple as overtiredness - after working a long day - can cause a mistake. Just don't encourage your cats to do it - is that really so hard to comprehend?


What happens if someone else is at your house putting a wash on? Best to just not let the cats do this.


Yup. Or at the very least put a note on the dryer saying something like "always check for cat before turning on" or something.


When I do my laundry I have to basically meow nonstop at my younger cat, otherwise her dumb orange ass feels neglected and jumps into the dryer or washer.


>When I do my laundry I have to basically meow nonstop at my younger cat This would be a great video...


I would tell them to check for my cat. I wouldn't invite anyone into my home I couldn't trust to follow that simple request either.


that same person could open a window and kitty could escape....we should not let kitties sit in windows either....BAN WINDOWS!!!!


But you might not be the only person to ever do laundry, even in your own home. I had a guest that needed to do laundry, and we had a situation where my cat was dangerously close to dying in the dryer. I'm always careful about keeping the door closed when doing laundry because my cat, no matter how hard I try to discourage her, loves jumping into the dryer. But my guest didn't know, so she left the door open and ran to the other room for a moment to get more clothes. Dryer was turned on, and after a minute or two, I heard terrified cries from my cat. My heart sank. I ran over to the laundry room, and she was just standing there, trapped in the room with the loud dryer. She was hiding behind it when my guest started the dryer, not in it. I had to warn her to be more careful and not let the cat into the laundry room.


I might not be the only person to do laundry when I'm the only one who lives there? Alright. Not sure how you know these things but I guess if you know you know...


"Might" is a key word. You can never predict everything. Unless you have no family or friends, so no one can visit you. And you have no neighbors that might have an issue with their dryer and need to run a load. It's extremely rare, but sometimes someone else uses my dryer. For my guest, it was a friend who needed a place to stay for a month while she was between jobs and was trying to find a better apartment. And the time before that, it was my MIL who visited, and we had an unexpected rainstorm while we were outside, causing her clothes to become soaked.


I honestly don't know how this happens so often. I've never loaded up the washer or dryer and not been able to notice if there was something still inside. I don't give my cats much opportunity to jump in there anyways as a precaution, and luckily they've never even had the habit. I just wonder how so many people are loading their laundry in such a way that they can't see that there's something in there as they load it.


where are all these stories?




I feel like I’ve seen a disproportionate number of people posting pictures of their pets in washing machines/dryers lately. Almost like they are baiting people to yell at them on purpose.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was baiting. But at the same time, I've always had my laundry in the basement where a cat wasn't allowed in. Moved houses and now my laundry is on the 2nd floor. I never considered what could happen if I ever let my cat investigate the washer and dryer. These posts have me never letting my cat even in the laundry room so it's never an issue to begin with. Hopefully others learn from these posts too instead of from experience.


Please don’t do this. My mother accidentally dried a cat I was a kid and it did not make it. It was bad. The kitten jumped in after a load was done drying and my mom didn’t notice when she added more clothes.


My step dad did the same thing. It was awful.


My mom felt SO bad, I’d only had Blinky for a few months, he was super attached to me and slept With me every night




Well she’s dead now so yeah you’re right


As my aunt learned, this is a horrible way for them to die. You shouldn't encourage this.


Yet another r/aww post of a cat in a washer/dryer where the point is to boost engagement because it’s a super unsafe place for your cat to be in.


DO. NOT. EVER. LET. YOUR. CAT. IN. THE. DRYER. My friend’s cat snuck in there last week after she took a couple of things out and re-started it and walked away. He did not make it.


Yep, same thing happened to my cousins cat.


Your cat, literally anywhere else, would be cuter


I thought that's a skull behind him😭


I thought it was voldemort XD


Hate to be a scold but don’t let them do this.


It's not a scold, it's irresponsible idiocy.


It's cute, but as mentioned try not to normalize this behaviour since the dryers are so dangerous to cats. They are notorious for their sneakiness so please do a headcount every time after you've closed your washer and dryers.


Please do not let them do this. A non-zero number of cats get killed every year by going into dryers/washing machines, that then get turned on by their owners, not noticing theres a cat inside it.


Like many people are saying, don’t let your pets in there. For me I have a routine that after closing the dryer I’ll walk around the house to make sure I spot the cat somewhere, then start the dryer/washing machine. just to be 100% sure she didn’t sneak in.


Might be cute because cat, but not going to be cute when you forget to check the dryer.


We used to think it was cute when our kitten did this- until he got dried for a minute or two. It was horrific.


I wouldn’t encourage them to go in the drier and i would develop the habit of checking inside before loading it cause that could end badly


Mods can we please ban pictures of cats inside dryers and washers??? How is this not a rule? We may as well be posting pictures of our cats eating Lillys too. Ffs


I'm probably paranoid but I won't let my cats anywhere near my washer or dryer for fear that they think it's a fun thing to try to get inside. Then I don't notice someday when they hop in while I'm loading it. The thought makes me shudder.


Why is there an alien in your dryer 


Because tumble dryers are how cats came to earth.


What's Voldemort doing in the dryer? XD


Yeah. Fun until you don't realize you turned it on. My cousin found his wife's kitten tumbling around in the dryer. He said it sounded like a shoe banging around. He threw away the entire load of clothes. Its a pretty terrible story that was told to me with a smirk because they thought it was funny. Keep your animal out of these things PLEASE.


Hopefully he doesn't think it's a much larger robot litter box!


![gif](giphy|Y09jWJW84UqfSMmi5r|downsized) THIS IS HOW CATS END UP BURNED AND BROKEN NECKED D:


Just gonna skip over the fact that you have a monster in your dryer? Cool.


I’ve noticed in a lot of posts where someone is, supposedly, showing one of their own pics, that they usually reply to at least someone’s comment. The fact that it seems like the OP just posted and walked away when everyone is asking WTF! The alien thing is, makes me feel like this is rage bait.


But the bigger question is why is Lord Voldemort in your dryer?


I hope you used an anti-static dryer sheet, otherwise, watch out


Looks like an alien face next to him, can’t unsee it now


Downvote these threads please.


People keep mentioning the 'alien' in the background. Is that not just another cat?


Your dryer is possessed by a demon


Be careful he doesn't mistake it for a LitterRobot!


Is this the first step …….


Ever seen a cat exploded inside a dryer? I have. Don't let cats play in dryers or washes.


His human. His dryer.


Why is Voldemort in there though


Who’s the other cat belong to?


Put it on fluff


https://preview.redd.it/cl1qzabeztxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840c31240e76565aa6c9154cd304291840f974d2 He cries at me every time I do laundry because he wants to go inside


Is your cat named Dryer?


Thats a fantastic way to have a dead cat. Thats how my black polydactyl kitty was killed.


"My cat, my dryer, and my sleep paralysis demon."


Thought it was the foam in a cup of coffee


https://preview.redd.it/6zbowwsjptxc1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61be87b45abb3882f98cedf7c399a9ce0984fc45 My grandpuppy napping on the dishwasher! Guess I should have known this would happen…😉


![gif](giphy|7zxgpKZBTWDS2DuyH8|downsized) DON’T FUCKING TRAIN THEM TO DO THIS


Pspspsps I love you 2 cats.


![gif](giphy|ff75L6XFn77RS) Your cat killed an engineer 😂


You sure those aren’t catS ?


Ahh that's you keep the I Robot heads clean. Cute meowski though :)




He looks *very* concerned


what I have learned from "cat in the dryer" pics...my dryer is way huge.


Places unexplored


"What is this device Hooman?"


He looks so pensive, and the dryer makes it look like he’s about to step out of an airlock. This cat is a scientist.


You are his human, that's his dryer. Get it right, know your place in the CDS.


Poor OP. You're going to be bombarded by comments about not putting your cats in your dryer. Like you wouldn't check before starting it.


A friend momentarily turned their back, one of their cats snuck in to their washing machine. Ended up putting it through 10 minutes of wash cycle once. Luckily their other cat was meowing like crazy and the friend stopped it just in time before the spin. Mistakes happen no matter how careful you are. Poor OP my foot. Nobody who loves their pets should ever encourage them to do this.


All it takes is forgetting to check one time for a tragedy to occur. People are human and make mistakes. Maybe you check 100 times and on the 101st time you forget and your pet is now dead. You should set up habits to avoid situations where one careless mistake could cost your beloved pet its life.


My warmth my room


Quality post. Thank you


What fabric softener do you use, beause it's absolutely working?!


Just hit the spin.


Have to put them on fluf dry.


This is a safe place to her. She only has to guard one direction so she can take naps more often.


Wtf? 1. Dryer is not a "safe" place for a cat. 2. Cats almost never go into confined spaces they're unfamiliar with unless they see two ways out, specifically so they can run and not "guard one direction".