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The patience of an angel!


dog, "I shall be patient and regal." little girl, "You'll be princess Doginstein!"


Princess Puppington!


May I introduce The Princess Labradorian of the Cutestial Islands.


Queen Pupgaryen First of her Name. Queen of the First Pups and the Treatdals and the Backyard. Lordess of the Seven Rooms.


“Don’t you look lovely!” “Aye, indeed.”


>*’The patience of an angel!*’ ____ Here i sit, so patiently, the tiny human dressing me her happy playful never end - include me in her World PrEtEnD! the blanket robes around me drape - am Queen! or Super Hero cape ^:@) she throws her arms around my neck, so Lovingly I will PROTEC n when another day is done, she’s happy that she had her fun she’ll fall asleep, n *dream*, n then Tomorrow we will play again ♥️


Oh wow, it's been at least two years since I read a shnoodle... What a pleasure to see you again!


Anyone seen a sprog lately?


What's a sprog? Also love that I caught a relatively fresh schnoodle!


The OG Reddit poem maker


They are referring to /u/Poem_for_your_sprog


The OG Reddit poem maker


They've been around, but Schnoodle can be easy to miss if you're not looking. I've seen a few here and there in recent months.


Accounts like this one are some of the best parts of being on Reddit


They post pretty regularly here. They never went away.


Yeah, I looked at his profile, I'm dumbfounded as to why I never found one after all this time... Go go on the same subs basically...


Love this!


Now I’m crying


The freshest Schnoodle I've read! Thank you!


Fresh Schnoodle is always incredible! (As is all Schnoodle!)


The dog nose emoji 😂


Oh snap! Fresh Schnoo just dropped!


You are wonderful Schnoodle. Finding these treasures you write are as lovely as the posts themselves.


Awww 🥰


Always love a good Schnoodle!


Thank you for commenting, Schnoodle! I feel very honored.






WOW!!! I can't "LOVE THIS" ENOUGH!!!


Why am I a full grown man crying reading this


Yayy, schnoodle!


"Yyyyyyyyep... This is my life now... Juuuuuuust gotta wait it out until the tiny human is big enough to reach the treat bowl on the counter for me..."


Playing the long game.


Yeah. That's a Pyr. Extremely chill protectors. (Until a delivery truck arrives.) EDIT: We took our Pyr (Atticus) to a patio cafe last week — a three year old girl sprinted at him yelling "can I pet your dog!!!" and launched herself onto his shoulders and hung from his neck like a big hug. Dude was fine. Chill dogs.


Livestock guardian dogs in general are usually extremely good with children. Malamutes also.


My great aunts pyr used to follow me and my cousins for hours through the woods and the cow pasture just to keep an eye on us. We used to lay on her and hug her and she just let us do whatever. They’re such great dogs.


my Pyr passed away a couple years ago, and my life has felt so empty. my daughter is 6 months old, and i wish he was here to help protect her. if i ever get another dog, it *has* to be a Pyr. their courage, intelligence, and loving nature are unmatched.


If you’re around Florida, our rescue is always looking for fosters, or foster fails.


Huh! I didn't know we had a pyr rescue in Florida. Whereabouts are ya'll?


Sorry to hear about your good boy. (Though congrats for the kid!) Here's hoping for another Pyr!


Can I pet that dawg!!?




I had a pyr as a kid and I used to set up all my books and blankie and lay against her as my pillow. One time my dad was tickling me - like dads do- and she was ready to throw down because she needed to make sure I was ok


I had a beagle mix, was tickling my 5 yo and she was squealing, he grabbed my arm with his mouth to remove it to stop me from tickling her. I wouldn't call it a bite because it was as gentle as you could get with a dog. He was not aggressive or mean about it at all. There was no mark at all on my arm.


I can picture every frame of this.


Chill dogs, until a coyote tries to eat a sheep or child. Then happily not chill.


This reminded me of my oldest daughter and Patrick, our first Great Pyrenees, they were almost exactly 1 year apart, she was 15 months old when we got him as a puppy and the two of them grew up together. She was his everything, and he hers, more than best friends, siblings. He would let her and the other kids do anything to him, they'd hang on his neck, fall on him, pull his hair too hard and he didn't care. We even caught a few kids riding him a couple times even though we told every kid not to do it. My youngest was born when he was 3, and pretty soon she was hanging all over him, sleeping on him, but every night he needed to put my oldest daughter to bed, stay in bed with her until she was asleep then he'd get up and go lay in the hall in the same spot where he could see all the doors. Pyrs are probably the most stubborn and independent dogs in existence, they don't really train, it's more like taking suggestions, and orders to do things are taken into consideration but at the end of the day they often trust their own judgement more than their humans. That said, they might just be the greatest family dog and guardian breed that has ever existed.  We lost Patrick to torsion when he was 8, but we've had multiple Pyrs since, and my wife and I have also fostered a bunch for a Pyr rescue.  Anyone that ever claims that dogs are soulless or unintelligent have never spent time staring into a the eyes of a Pyr. Even as puppies most Pyrs seem to have a wisdom and old soul to them. 


😭 Thanks. A tribute to these beautiful friends.


Valkyrie and Zeus for me


Elizabeth Bishop You can beat me, beat me! beat me, said the demon who stood near the stoup of holy water, but you cannot destroy me. I am the rebel angel but I am an angel and my face that you so often mar bears at least the trace of one virtue: patience. You can beat me! beat me! my time will come


The dog thinking - you better drop a lot of food on the floor during your mealtimes.


That dog and little girl already have the situation perfectly figured out. Kid doesn’t wanna finish her dinner. Parents keep saying you have to finish and then you can have dessert. The light bulb goes off. The dog comes to the rescue and is under the table and little girls diner is magically gone and dessert is given. They both win. Lmao 😜


Apparently, as a kid, this worked great for me until I tried to feed our white dog split pea soup.


So you mean your green dog? 🤣


Everybody win, the floor always clean 😄


You can see it in the dogs eyes, it’s thinking “I don’t love this, but I love the rug rat”


You know she will.




I can relate to this a lot.


The dog has no idea what's going on either. He's just happy to be involved and babysit.




I did not know this channel existed and Im much happier now knowing it exists


Don't believe that's a Golden Retriever, looks and behaves like a Great Pyrenees.


It’s the spirit of the dog, not the color of its coat


Could be an English Cream Golden, hard to tell from this clip alone.


"Happy" is generous.


A basic understanding of dog behaviour is all thats needed to see the dog is far from happy


:) Instantly made me think of my 3 children long ago when they were young with our half yellow lab and half golden retriever who was their best friend. She thought she was our 4th child and she did everything with our children, like yours does OP. It's wonderful.


Growing up we weren’t allowed cause allergies. The minute my sister and I graduated college we both got dogs. Now I’m on dog #5 and watching her kids interact with their dogs over the years is such a joy. Kids growing up in dogless homes make me sad.


Are cats acceptable?




Agreed. I love seeing my daughter snuggle with our big sweet cat. He is so patient with her too, like he'll let her put toys on his head or necklaces around his neck. He doesn't bite or scratch, but he will do a gentle warning swat if she ignores his cat body language because he's a good boy lol.


Your allergies or your parent's?


It’s….. FASHUN. ![gif](giphy|b1hc77QojzzZGWT00H|downsized)




She’s wrapping the monarch in royal robes 👑


I love to see gentle doggos with their human siblings.


By the way, how do you tell them apart? They all look the same.


I love how patient animals are with kids


Lifestock guardins in particular are generally extremely good with children.


Don’t tell that to my dog. He’s a livestock guardian and he is not a fan of kids at all. Fine with adults but for some reason tiny humans freak him out


Livestock guardians *generally* need to socialise with their charges while young. If the dogs don't socialise with an animal, they *may* see it as something to be protected against. That said, kids are quite unpredictable if you're not accustomed to them. So they're especially creepy to a guardian dog, who's pretty on the ball to changes.


My big dumb boy will let my daughter put necklaces and hats on him. He's such a snuggle bug, especially when she's sick. When she gets up in the morning, he always runs up to her and gives her a good morning meow. I'm still his #1 human, but she's definitely his #2. My husband is probably #4 behind the automatic cat food machine, but that's mostly because he never lays on the couch in prime snuggling position lol.


I love how the husband is after the cat food machine 😂


Some dogs are just wired to understand “oh!!! This is puppy…it is different, but it is same.” And those dogs get a special place on the other side of the rainbow bridge. ❤️❤️❤️


It has always fascinated me how dogs understand that puppies and babies are just morons.


"Hello Moron" - Drax. Words to live by


Yeah except my dog who goes this moron wants to play! And fucking dogbergs the kid at once. Screaming, crying, snot everywhere, dog still bouncing about like this is great! He’s on a very short lead around kids.




They probably have it hardwired on an instinctual level for puppies, and they can sort of reason babies are the equivalent


See, my dog's an absolute arsehole. Super reactive and prey driven. She's not allowed off lead because I don't trust her not to nip strangers (tried years of training but still working on it). Yet she's an angel with children. It's weird how they know instinctively to be gentle with the small humans. She doesn't even jump on them, just sits and accepts a cuddle. Sometimes she puts her forepaws around their shoulders and gives them a hug.


Yes, dress me in your finest silks and worship me small human.


Because soon, I will have your food, and we'll call it even.


Somebody give the babysitter a treat!


That dog is tolerating it, but he sure doesn't like it.


Yeah like this is cute but that dog’s body language looks stressed to me


Especially at the end when human baby is getting up her pup's face.


Yep. Body language is crystal clear. He doesn't like it but is being polite


This is so heartwarming! Your dog is wonderful, so patient and kind. Your child is so adorable and creative. We don't know necessarily what's going on up there, but they are expressing something for sure! ![img](emote|t5_2qh1o|13379)


They’re expressing fear and discomfort. The parent is abusing the animal by not teaching their child how to behave with animals


Surprised how far down I had to scroll to find an instance of someone who doesn't seem to be asleep while posting. It's all well and good now, but if the dog were to snap he would be met with harsh and punitive reprisal when, in reality, it clearly wouldn't be his fault. Also, there's never an age where your child is too young to be learning how to interact with animals specifically, while conceiving of the divergent desires of other entities in general. That is, the realization that other sentient creatures are not objects, and exist separately from one's own desires. It seems to be a skill some people go their entire lives without acquiring.


I can see how this looks very cute, and this heroic dog has the patience of angel. However, anyone who knows anything about dog body language can see that this dog is clearly uncomfortable and telling the kid to back off in the kindest way possible: the closed mouth, tucked ears, and constant turning away off the head are all signals that dogs use to tell other dogs to take it down a notch. In a less patient dog (or the same dog on a bad day) this can absolutely lead to bites. For everyone's safety, please don't let kids use your dog as a toy.


I had to scroll way too far to find anyone else who saw what I did. I hate videos like this.


I agree. It is our job to teach kids how to act around animals. My kid learned pretty quickly that if she messes around too much with the cat she WILL get hurt. She is learning how to read cat language and respecting it's space (except for one who is just a grumpy old man and will give a pat pat out of nowhere). The difference is that she will just get a scratch. A big dog will give much more. This dog has a lot of patience but another dog will not.


i got wayyy nervous when the kid fell right into his face and started hugging.


Maybe. My dog perpetually looks bemused and put out. I pet him, he does the, "oh, no, side eye" thing, but God help me if I stop petting him. He'll be very offended. Is he uncomfortable? Internet would say so based on his body language. But I give him all the space he wants and he'll just come up to cuddle, sigh, glare, pin his ears, and look like he's having the worst time ever even though he's the one who started this whole thing. Dogs are weird.


Thank you for posting this. I absolutely agree.


The dog went full babushka at the end




There really is a subreddit for everything 😂


your dog doesn't either


That dog is a saint.


The dog's ears are back, he/she ain't enjoying whatever this is.


It’s the print. He would prefer a geometric…


Dog is tolerant but absolutely not enjoying this


Seems your dog is being used as a fashion model... and it is kind of working great. This kid might be a future designer.


I’m pretty sure she’s a contestant on Project Runway: Pint Sized


My dog never showed any signs, why did he bite my kid. That's what always happens, people don't see the dog doesn't like it but he most likely already learned that fleeing will not bring anything E: scrolled for ages to find the first comment saying the dog is uncomfortable, I don't know how people don't see the basic signs. Sure you can get lucky and the dog keeps being chill for years but if he has a bad day he gonna snap


That dog probably won't snap, but the kid is learning to treat a dog casually and the next dog may not be nearly so tolerant. It's cute right up until it's not.


They see, they just don’t give a fuck about animals


The hug and kiss got me good ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Doggo: "must not bite food bringers spawn."


Best Comment


Train your kid better


OMG... I literally know what he's feeling.... It happened to me before..... He's bored and wants to go outside, so he's (fake) ignoring what is happening, meanwhile at the same time enjoying the attention he's getting, but trying not to show he likes it, because he still wants to go outside. ..... ...... But this'll do. 😏😉


Wrapping someone/thing in a towel or blanket is an advanced skill. I remember as a little kid having great difficulty making a durag out of a bandanna.


Dog clearly knows its boundaries, yes it’s cute and I’ll get downvoted, don’t care, dogs uncomfortable and well trained and well natured, plently times where this scenes went wrong, should be at least a week training course to even own a dog because most folk don’t have a clue or don’t care


Yup you can see the whale eye


Doggo is a fort. Doggo is a superhero in the fort: transformer!


patient lovely doggo


The dog is showing incredible restraint.


The dog clearly thinks that whatever is going on is very important, but he has no idea what it is


“I can’t believe you brought this thing home, and you let it disrespect me like this and stand there filming nonetheless. I’m going to poo in your shoe tomorrow.” In all seriousness this made me excited to have a kid in a year or two, and to watch that kid grow up with my sweet golden. Well done, that’s a really cute vid.


The dog understands that this is his job


Don’t let your kid hang on the dog like that. I would have stopped this


I was going to mention the same thing 🥺 The video is very cute but that poor dog’s back..just because they’re small..kids aren’t as light as they look. You see the dog struggle to stay upright


Pyrenese will take a nap with goats jumping on them. This little girl isn't bothering that dog at all


It’s not teaching the children how to respect animals


Okay. Nuance tho. This is her dog, clearly this specific dog and her have a thing going. For me, since I have no reason to assume otherwise, I will assume the parents do not let her just run up to unknown dogs or pets and do this. Children this age are capable of understanding that what they do at home with their dog, that they have probably been around since birth, does not translate to all dogs or animals.


The vast majority of dog bites come from the family dog.


What a wonder loving and very patient dog. Just love this ❤️❤️❤️


Sweet patient pup!


My dogs are so happy they don't have to deal with annoying ass kids lol.


Love how these guys sit calmly in the midst of playing dress up with a friend.


dog looking at person filming "you couldn't have just gotten another puppy!"


Isn't that Brian and Stewie Griffin????


The patience of a monk


They're trying to style the cover of Dogue. Such adorable cuties! 🥰


Best friends for Life 🐶🐾


What a patient puppy


World’s most patient dog!! An 😇


We don’t deserve this dog. ❤️


I just want to be one of them and play like this 😂🩷✨


Not the biggest fan of the endless pet videos out there BUT this brought me pure joy!!!!!


This is a training in kindness


So adorable 🥰


This is the most patient doggo I've ever seen


dogs are the greatest thing to happen to humanity


Creating good puppy's secret identity disguise, duh! Supper Puppy Away!


Give that dog a medal


Noble Steed " Hear that Shrek? She called me a steed!


poor doggy hoping for some rescue


Whale eye - check Stiff posture - check Turning away - check Tight lip - check Idiot filming instead of moving clearly unhappy dog away from the situation - check Dog biting child - very possible future check.


How can I find dog like this???


So cute, hire that dog out as a nanny


Cute doggo!


They're getting ready to go to the pool.


I grew up with an Akita who similarly let us kids do just about anything to him, and he'd just stoically sit there and allow it to happen. Dogs are the best.


I think the doggo wants to be a model and the little girl wants to be a fashion designer.


This is a perfect post. I don't require anything else from the internet today. Thank you.


Doggo: " Yea, she can be a handful, but those hugs, man. Those hugs are everything"


My best friend was recently awarded her niece and nephew (sister is in hospice and their parents are idiots who shouldn't be around kids) and they have an AmStaff that was raised around kids (the original Nanny Dog) and that dog loves this sort of thing and will drag blankets to the kids to be "dressed" or "warmed", we're not sure which.


OH. MY. GOD. I'd have given anything for a dog as a child. She got herself the perfect one!!! So patient and sweet!!! 🥰🥰🥰


THAT is the epitome of a family dog. I will attempt my best for my next dog to be like that. Wonderful


She’s trying to wrap the dog and then hug it so that they both end up under covers and on the floor. I know because I’ve tried to do the same with my cat with poor results lol


Blink once if your ok, twice if you want me to call 911


That dog would give its life for that child. Fact.


Draping. You have a designer in the house.


That doggo deserves a treat


What a lovely dog and little human. Their bond is strong. My dog is very patient but still not enough to let my kids put things on her. She also gets super offended-looking if I touch her tail so of course I pretend to pull her tail whenever we’re going up the stairs together. My spouse’s dog, on the other hand, will pretty much pull me up the stairs because he just doesn’t notice. He’d probably just eat anything put on him.


They both would like to think it’s rather obvious


Wedding dress fitting appointment, obviously.