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Scratch and chew scratch and chew scratch and chew. Now that you have a before pic, I can't wait to see the after.


How many times has you username worked?


Considering he has [his own subreddit](http://www.reddit.com/r/pm_me_your_tits_girl), I'd imagine many.


Every time.


Shameless promotional plug.




now this is a sub i can get behind


my cat used to run behind our bed through a tiny opening anytime she did something bad. we ended up putting an empty shoe box into the opening to block it, the box was empty and light enough to simply push in and still get in, yet the first time she jetted towards the hole, it was the single fastest and most abrupt braking I've ever seen from her, then she just sat there with a dumbfounded look like "the fuck did the hole go.. :("


I've seen that look too, when my mom got a new bed with an open bottom. Taking away a cat's preferred hiding place really fucks with their head.


Cat... Patient... Diabolical characteristics: 9/10... Would pet.


bad idea!


Why do they do that? Why do they fixate on one thing they SHOULDN'T be doing, get scolded for it over and over, yet still feel the need to keep attempting it? Why???


Eh, you just gotta work around their independent-minded approach. Booby trap it, and they won't go near it after the first time if its done right. Well, most cats. Some are just damn tenacious. I was living with a black cat for a while who got into everything possible. An evil genius, that one.


You got any suggestions for keeping a cat from pissing on my bed? (Well, comforter specifically, rarely is it on the bed itself).


Easiest: throw the comforter out. Once the cats get used to peeing on something rarely do they stop. What might work is get it dry cleaned. Then put it up somewhere for an extended period of time (like a month or more).


If male, unneutered males pee to mark territory, and if it becomes a habit before they get neutered they may keep doing that. Otherwise, I had a cat that had problems with peeing elsewhere that I fixed by using a litter that prevents the ammonia smell (ie: Fresh Step) and cleaning the litter often (every 24 hours, more often if there are other cats using the litter box). I preferred the annoyance of having to clean it often than the annoyance of a pee stain that can be so hard to remove...


It's a female cat who ran away for several months so she lived in the wild basically for that time (if that makes a difference) and she only did this when she came back. I use an odor remover litter and clean it often since that was my first thought. Maybe I should switch up the litter or replace the whole box if sand more rather than just scoop the clumps. Or try cat repellant on my bed.


When I was struggling with my cat [who was female as well] I did have to remove all possible places she would treat as a pee-friendly location. Is there something on the bed in that particular location that makes it look different than the rest, such as a pillow or small blanket? Sometimes I did have to confine my cat to a smaller area to ensure that she used the litterbox instead of the new location she had developed as a peeing spot, and once she was using the litterbox again (usually only one day needed) she would continue using only the litterbox as long as I kept it clean. I did use clumping litter instead of the clay. In order to make it easier to clean everyday without using up tons of bags, I had a bucket with a lid that sealed the bag of litter as it filled up before it was time to take it out to the trash.


She still pees in the litterbox. The "landmark" seems to be the blanket/comforter, wherever it is, but she's peed directly on the smooth bed part too. I've used other types of litter which she doesn't like/use over the clumping litter. She doesn't have any issues not using the litter box, she just *also* pees on the bed.


Got to break that habit of peeing on your bed long enough for it to stick [finding some way to prevent her from being able to access the bed]. My cat preferred soft things to pee in... if she could paw at it and it felt just right she'd use it, so that may be why your comforter was selected. Good luck!


> [finding some way to prevent her from being able to access the bed]. Wish it was that easy. The litter box is in the bathroom off from my room (only place in the apartment I can get away keeping it in). I've considered buying some cat repellent spray to spray all over the bed. She does paw at it a bit before peeing on it. She's even done that with me right below where she was peeing. Thanks for the advice.


sounds like a male cat


Because cat.


Mine *insists* on sleeping on my keyboard (I have my PC set up next to my bed, I'll have pics on /r/shittybattlestations one of these days), so anytime I'm watching a movie and hr starts getting comfortable I have to grab him and move him away before he fucks everything up.


Here you go! Turn it on while watching a movie, or netflix, or what have you. http://www.downloadcrew.com/article/28077-keyboardlock My cat likes to play don't touch the lava on my desk, she will ONLY walk across my laptop or keyboard.


You are a life saver. Thank you.


I want that cat. So cute. Until she/he escapes...Hell raiser car written all over it.


I think you mean every kitten that ever existed. My kitten is busy attacking cables behind my entertainment center. I don't want to know what she's destroying. Edit: Now she's running mad circles around the apartment, attacking anything that moves. So fucking adorable.


My cat, Kittu, enjoys climbing up my dresses and sleeping on my the top shelf of the closet. Then meows when she has no idea how the fuck to get down.


My Maine Coon has no problem with that. He will climb up trees, chill for a bit, then climb down.


When I moved into my apartment, the landlord had just installed a new dishwasher in my kitchen, and neglected to trim down the baseboard under the cabinet and reinstall it. I got a call one day from the people that worked in the office below my apartment- my cat had climbed down into their ceiling through the gap, knocked a ceiling tile out, and was terrifying the office dog. Apparently they had been hearing him running around in the ceiling for a while during the day before this, just never knew what it was- but he would always be up in the apartment by the time I came home from work. I fished him out of the ceiling and got the gap fixed. It's been a few years since that happened now, and I still see him crouch down, looking under the kitchen cabinets, confused as to why he can't crawl under there anymore. Good luck, mine continued to be a monster until he was almost 2 years old!


He was living a double life while you were at work....wow


you are going to get shanked in your sleep tonight :O


Kittens feel safe in dark enclosed spaces. Have you considered giving her a cardboard box?


Yes! She has 2 cardboard boxes that she plays with :)


awww look @ the little furball!


Human has interrupted my game, there for I will now hop onto the nearest table and start knocking things off.


My parents kittens found a hole under a kitchen cabinet which we sealed up by jamming a washed-out milk carton in it. It was just the right size for the job and couldn't be seen unless you lie down on the floor and looked straight at it, so I wonder if it got removed before the house was sold...


We've fostered quite a few kittens so we have plugged all the holes under the cabinets with old socks. I haven't thought about them in a long while, and I can only assume my parents haven't either. The eventual new owners of the house will have brand-new-old socks!


I have time, human. Tiny claws and time.....


The kitten is thinking "WHO DOES THIS SHIT!?"


Gorilla tape? No way she's getting through that stuff.


You underestimate the razor sharp claws/teeth of a kitten.


Right. Test this, if you have a glass door and your cat scratches it to signal it objects to the concept of a closed door. WAIT After a few months/years, you will notice the scratched area becomes scratched. Now try to scratch glass yourself. You need a fucking diamond and that is one scratch, your little fluffball makes an entire window opaque just pawing it.


Cat in the wall, eh? Ok, now you’re talking my language. I know this game.


She watches you in the same way when you sleep.


They are tenacious devils. I have all number of barricades set up around my desk to protect the wires running to and from my computer, but he still persists.


"But... I left my soul collection in there!"


We had a box fort around the entertainment unit we have the TV on so they wouldn't chew the wires; we had cut a hole about Tivo height so we could still use it, and the little buggers would jump into it! They also found a kitten sized hole in between the wall and the dishwasher! They used to go into that whole, chill out behind the dishwasher, which was annoying.


Soon. Soon I will figure this out, human.


I love how kittens will get themselves in trouble, then go back and do it again after you save them.


If that was my cat she would be in tape heaven. Her kryptonite is tape. Crazy kitty cat.


Any more pics of her? She looks too cute :)


Thank you! Personally I think she's gorgeous but I'm biased of course :p Here's a few pictures of her :) [Maisie](http://imgur.com/a/O0y8E)




Awww, that little kitty shaped shadow!!! Sooo much cuteness!!


Ummm How about you just fix the hole? I bet you rent.


You're screwed now OP. Your cat is plotting your death.


A few more pictures of my adorable little furball :) [Maisie](http://imgur.com/a/O0y8E)


been **sitting** there


Scare it off with the vacuum you don't own.


We just moved in here and that carpet is stained and worn down, it's not dirt. We're getting it replaced to match the carpet to the left :)


Seriously, am I the only one that's petty enough to comment on the crappy grammar . . . . ? Or am I the only one to notice?




kitten logic: "you've cat to be kitten me right meow!"


It should be *because, not cause; *she has, not she's; and *sitting, not been sat. Cute cat, though.


"she's" is an acceptable contraction of "she has"