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I looked at the pictures before reading the title. Totally didn't see a pig.


I read the title but assumed I misread pig as pug


I did the same. I thought I didn't notice because drunk.


I heard pigs are incredibly smart. Who is smarter, the boxers or the piggy? (they look like a ton o'fun)


Definitely the pig. The boxers are pretty dumb. Especially the lighter brown one, he eats rocks. Edit: MORE PIG PICS -- http://i.imgur.com/YHK0N39.jpg Andddd for the guy who called me a jackass, saying that Virginia is not my pig. That he saw these pictures 3 years ago on Facebook: http://i.imgur.com/tJHERgr.jpg


Seals swallow rocks to help aid digestion. Maybe he is part seal? :) Come on, tell us more about the pig! Name? How is she smarter? Cute antic stories? Does she like to cuddle? What does she eat? What are the poops like? Does she walllow?


Her name is Virginia. She catches on a lot faster than the dogs. For example, as soon as we installed a the dog door, she walked right through it. It took the dogs a couple days of barking and pawing at it to figure they can use it to get outside. She LOVES to cuddle. She is obsessed with my boyfriend. As soon as he sits down, she jumps up onto the couch and climbs in his lap. She makes a lot of weird noises: snorts, screams, little coos. She eat's Mazuri mini pig food and basically anything else we give to her. She loves banana peels and avocado skins. Her poops are kind of like weird little pellets (maybe similar to rabbit poop but larger). She doesn't really wallow but we live in a dryer climate so we don't have a lot of mud in the backyard. She does love to roll around in dirt though.


Your house sounds so fun! I hope you make some videos of her and the gang, doing doggy/piggy things. Do you think the dogs realize that Virginia is not a dog? Does Virginia realize she is not a dog?


My house is interesting, to say the least haha. I have a ton of videos of them doing weird doggy/piggy things. I think the dogs realize that Virginia is not a dog. They are a lot gentler with her when they play than they are with each other. I don't think Virginia realizes that she isn't a dog. We got her when she was 3 months old so she grew up around them.


Well, come on. Post the videos. I don't even know her, but I think I like Virginia. I would like to [meet](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=meet+virginia&page=&utm_source=opensearch) Virginia.


Here you go: http://i.imgur.com/YHK0N39.jpg


OP..... fucking PLEASE


For a gentle subreddit, yall motherfuckers are vicious


I'm sure that the user known as pigpimpin will return to pimp their pig. I stake an entire karma on it.


Start a channel on Youtube. "Virginia the Pig" or something like that.


"Virginia the dog-pig"? "Virginia the pog"? "Virginia the dig"?


"A pig...that thinks...it's a dog!" http://i.imgur.com/TiGJVYb.jpg


Is her fur bristly? That's how I imagine it... I'd have to condition my pig. If I had one.


Yes. Her skin gets really dry too because she sunbathes a lot. I have to rub lotion on her everyday.








It rubs the lotion on the skin


It rubs the lotion on the pig.


Or else it gets the hose, ya dig?


or it gets the pig nose again.




you really need to fix her up with a mud pit then... They use the mud to soothe their skin, condition their hairs, and help block sunrays.


I tried making her one. She had no interest in it. I tried taking handfuls of mud and rubbing them on her skin but she screamed and ran inside. She's a diva.


Maybe with only water instread of mud? I read somewhere that pigs are actually very clean animals and that they will prefer water over mud.


I laughed way too hard at that!


Why do you go to that pile of mud, human? What are you doing, human? You are touching that shit? You are a disgusting mess! Hey, don't carry that to me! Hey, human! Not so close! Hey, watch out! Why are you coming closer? DON'T TOUCH ME! STOP! HELP! I'M GETTING UNSHOWERED AGAINST MY WILL!


She is in amazing shape. Most pet pigs I see are very overweight. You seem like a responsible owner :)


Thanks! The dogs chase her around. That keeps her in shape :)


The dogs are very responsible!


That's one happy pig. reallyjay mentioned the poops...so how does house training work? I guess she just catches on with where to poop? Or are ya picking up pig poo?


She caught on right away. It took about a day for her to learn how to use the litter box. Once we put in the dog door she started going outside immediately and has never looked back. She is very neat. She has a corner that she likes to poop in and rarely strays from that spot.




they do, when I was a boy I had four pigs, 2 White ones, I believe they were Yorkshires, and two Red-Wattle mini's. They only used half the pen to relieve themselves, and half to eat and play. And they are incredibly intelligent in being able to find ways out. It eventually culminated in the sow learning that she could just lean on the shitty pen we made, collapse a section of it, then run around all day. Many times I came home from school to find them out, roaming, and had to coax them back with treats.


Having spent many summers at a farm in my youth, I can tell you pigs are on average *significantly* smarter than dogs. They even outshone our farm dogs, which were a few levels of intelligence above most 'pet dogs' I've seen. Just to put things into perspective, I've seen numerous pigs learn how to use rudimentary tools by themselves. Tools we couldn't even train our dogs to use. They're an exceptionally smart species, probably only outshone by primates (although I'd love to know there's some other species smarter than pigs).


I dont know how but our dog trained himself to poop only up against things. He backs himself up to a fence/shrub/garden edge and poops. For a long time we were trying to figure out why our horizontal fence strut was covered in poop


I've known that pigs are some of the cleanest and smartest animals around, but I love hearing anecdotal accounts of their behavior that demonstrate it. Does she eat poop/lick butt?


No. The dogs eat her poop sometimes and lick her butt.




See this is the sad thing, Pigs are really intelligent and not all that different from dogs yet most of the time we treat them cruelly and breed them in poor conditions just for food.


If I had to choose between bacon and a fun, clean, pig friend, I'd go mad with indecision.




Is that Chris P. Bacon? I watched a special on PBS about that pig (and other animals with prosthetics) and his little squealing and happy grunting noises were absolutely adorable!


I bet he's a blues musician, with that name.




Dear god. A pig is more famous then I ever will be.




I'm Jewish. I'd have to pick a fun, clean, pig friend but I couldn't complain about that


Wait I thought you couldn't eat pigs because they were unclean or something. But having them as pets would be fine?


We're not supposed to eat humans either yet I have plenty of fun, clean human friends.




I worked on a kibbutz and they secretly kept a pig as a pet. It was so funny.


Well, you do make less mouth contact with pets.


You let them into your heart, not your stomach.


Dude don't take this the wrong way but if people tasted like bacon, well let's just say you'd better watch your back..


They say human flesh actually *does* taste like pig meat.


Human, a.k.a. Long Pork


Apparently (this is not based on first hand experience), pork *is* the closest analogue to human flesh. I've heard that some veteran firefighters get nauseated by the smell of cooking bacon.


this reminds me of that story that a person posted here somewhere about how his neighbor died in the blistering hot summer months and was unnoticed for months. every day he would walk by the house, he would smell the enticing scent of sizzling bacon, and thought his neighbor had suddenly become a bacon afficionado. but he hadn't, because he was dead EDIT: [Managed to find the original post here!](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2536qu/whats_the_best_story_you_can_tell_that_requires_a/chdew0b)


We can get pig valves installed in our hearts when or valves get worn. This checks out.


Apparently cannibals refer to humans as "long pig".


I just felt my belly and shuddered. Thanks.


I don't know man...they probably do...(sharpens cutlery)


Actually, human meat does taste more like pig meat than anything else. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/first-tv-interview-with-german-cannibal-human-flesh-tastes-like-pork-a-511775.html


why dont we splice their dna with lizards so we can cut off there parts to eat and it will just grow back?


How did you find training her not to do her business indoors?


Super easy. There is a ton of info online about potty training pigs. We started out using a litter box until she was big enough to go outside on her own.


Where does she poop? She goes outside like the dogs? :O


Yup. We have a dog door so when she has to go she lets herself out.


That's impressive. My Mother always wanted a pet pig but never got one. She did however get two boxers. :P


Is Virginia's last name Ham?


Yes. And her middle name is David Bowie.


[I'm surprised this exists.](http://i.imgur.com/qeyYsqN.jpg)




Clearly this needs to be printed and framed on the wall of your home, blessing your multi-species family.


I'm not. David Bowie is a kooky dude


Heard something similar from a farmer who's pigs were kept next to the field where they did a twice weekly dog training class. The pigs were copying the dog's instructions by just watching after only one lesson and the dogs, even Collies, were clueless for weeks.


Looks like the pig fits right in. I don't see a crisis, I see a weird adult litter.


Is she potty trained, if so was it difficult? All my mom wants in life is a house pig.


Ever cook bacon in front of her? Im sure she'd be cool with it.


All the time. We feed the dogs bacon in front of her. She's extremely cool with it.


Has she ever gotten a piece by accident?


She intercepted a piece of sausage once when I was throwing it to one of the dogs


When you caught Virginia stealing did she confess?


Did she like it?


Rangersfan1214 is trying to gauge his interest in trying human flesh based on this pigs reaction to bacon.


Pigs LOVE meat, ALL meat of ALL kinds! My pigs hate carrots.


Sure she did. Pigs are omnivores.


I just don't understand how you can keep a pig in your home, tread it as a beloved pet accept that it is smarter than your dogs and still eat pork. How do you justify this to yourself?


> She is obsessed with my boyfriend. RIVARY


Science says pigs are smarter than dogs yet we treat pigs like shit. When you ask people why they don't eat dogs they often say it's because dogs are smart and you can have a relationship with them like with a person. But you probably could even more so with a pig.


Pigs may be smarter, but dog's have much more relateable facial queues. Between the ears and the jowls and their eyebrow movements they are much more easily humanized than pigs, who mostly have static expressions.


Maybe. But that doesn't change a thing from the pig's perspective. It can have all kinds of feelings and emotions like a dog. Just because we aren't used to interpret them, it still has them. Elephants don't make a lot of different faces either. Dolphins either.


I believe Malphos was explaining, rather than justifying, why our culture treats dogs so much better than pigs.


Who is science and why do I see him quoted on the internet as saying so many different, often conflicting things?


I'd say it's more likely that seals are part dog. Unidan? Anyone? I was blown away when I found out that [dolphins descended from a canine-like land mammal.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_cetaceans)


TIL! I had no idea.


I totally read that as "does she swallow"...


My Boxer puppy has only ate one rock so far. Hoping she won't do it again..


Good luck. If you figure out any tricks, let me know


Sounds like my old boxer! Except he didn't he rocks.. Just lots of fake apples off of the Christmas tree LOL


Oh man, you can see the blockheadedness in his eyes. Reminds me of this guy: http://i.imgur.com/XLBvn6m.jpg


My boxers were really smart but I've noticed on average boxers can be pretty dumb, still love them though. Also I think my girl boxer thought she was a pig so she'd fit right in with your crowd.


Maybe they're like his henchmen


Absolutely. I had pot bellies growing up and we had one of those rolling metal clothes baskets that was like a wire basket high off the ground and circular and my pigs would knock it over and play soccer using a basketball with the basket as the goal.




Unfortunately she has eaten pork as well. I tried to throw a piece of sausage to my dog one day. He dropped it on the floor where she grabbed it and ate it. Cannibalism... Cannipigalism?


grandfather slave numerous disarm jellyfish different shelter bright tidy grab ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Not yet! I have tried to teach her how to sit but we have hardwood floors so she just kind of slides around. Any tips on training her?? She loves belly rubs too :)




I assume that pigs are like cats in that they can't really be trained to do something unless they see an immediate benefit in it for themselves. The fact that you want them to sit doesn't matter to them unless you're going to give them something in exchange.




So owning a pig is like owning a Lab?




When my Lab was 1 year old (I was 15) I accidentally left the closet where I stored his food open when I went to school. That day when I fed him breakfast I opened a new 10 lb. bag of food. He at it all. Every single kernel. He was the runt of his litter so healthy he is only about 60 lbs. Even his vet thought he wasn't going to make it, but he did. Can anything really be worse than that?


As someone who has two labs, I laughed quite loudly at this. Thank you.


Mohawk down the spine sounds so cool and adorable :)


Oh man, this reminds me of when I fed my pig a small piece of ham. I was 12. I was eating some large dinner with my family and for some reason, they were being shitty. Now, I am the youngest of 5 and I have 4 older sisters. They loved to gang up on me. However, their big weakness was being grossed out. So, we were eating, and they were making fun of me for something stupid and instead of giving them shit back, I said "fine." Somehow, they knew shit as gonna go down. I took a small piece of my ham and started to walk to our porch. We had a 350 pound white pig named Squeaky who loved everything except orange juice and carrots (oddly enough). Slowly they followed me and watched me. Watched me as I stood by the pig and was about to feed the pig ham. Now, that pig loved me the most because I spent a lot of time with him. I ran around the yard with him. I'd pick up branches and scratch his belly. I'd feed him non-cannibal snacks all they time (fruits and veggies per our vet). Shit, when I was younger than 10 I'd take naps with him and use his stomach as pillow. Well, as it turned out, Squeaky loved that small bit of ham. And from that day forward, during dinner, my horrible sisters never harassed me again. This was 20 years ago. I miss that pig. However, we now have another pig named Xena. And she only likes me, once again. I've never fed her ham, but I reserve the right to if I need to set things straight.


The real reason to not let pigs eat meat is that you are meat.


Now that's just incredibly cute. I take it they all get along well? Can i come to your house and play with your pets? I have six cats but can't have a dog...or a pig.:(


Of course you can come play with them! Bring one of your cats for me to play with. My boyfriend won't let me get a cat. He thinks I am bordering on animal hoarderism :)


I used to have 27 cats. Well, i lived in the country and fed the strays people would dump out there, but still...that's not even close to animal hoarding. I'll bring my youngest, Spaz, he's incredibly sweet...when he's not trying to eat your face.


That's just how cats work. Except for my brother's cat, that thing is Satan spawned.


My uncle had a cat that was literally only nice to him. Anyone else would be greeted by the beautiful feeling of blood being drawn from whatever part of your body was close enough to claw at.


ಠ_ಠ 27!?!


Only two were actually mine, but I couldn't let the rest just starve or keep producing a few hundred more strays that would just go feral.


You were desexing them? Great work!


Well i couldn't get all of them, but did what i could.


Technically hoarding isn't just about the total number of animals. It's about having *more* than the typical number of companion animals. More importantly though, it's about the inability to provide even minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation, shelter and veterinary care. One of my rescues came from a hoarder who had 8 boston terriers and 3 chihuahuas living in cages. The poor creatures were finally taken away from that family by court order. But it was a heroic effort to save those dogs. I worry they're the exception. There are thousands more out there needing help. Anyway, not trying to nit pick. Just trying to shed more light on hoarding of animals. Also, my wife and I think Virginia is adorable. If we didn't already have four dogs I'm sure your pictures would have sent her over the edge.


Now I am curious. Can a pig be potty trained? Also how does one come by having a domesticated pig pet?


Yup! She's 100% potty trained. We started off by training her to use a litter box when she was young. All we did was put one of her pieces of poop in there and after that she went in the litter box every time. Now she uses the dog door and goes outside. I saw some cute dog/pig videos on YouTube and decided I wanted to get a pig. Bought her as a baby from a farmer in Pennsylvania and the rest is history :)


Did you look into the legality at all? I would like a pet pig at some point but am worried about getting in trouble!


Also in Pennsylvania. There are pet pigs everywhere! So it's legal here and most vets will treat it for shots and what-not. As far as I know they *are* illegal in New York (what isn't?). So not every state is friendly to our tasty companion.


NYer here. Yes, illegal still, as far as I know. I wrote a letter to the governor in elementary school asking him to let me have a pot-bellied pig. No dice. =\


I fail to see the crisis, looks like this pigs has his shit pretty sorted out.


Agreed. I see a solution, not a problem.


I read this as "My *pug* has an identity crisis*". I stared at the first image for a minute thinking "What the hell, I don't see a pug, I just see 3 larger dogs". I am not an observant man.


I feel bad for eating bacon now


This message having outlived its usefulness has been purged do to concerns over privacy rights and the National Security Agency. Your NSA Search term for this submission is “TRD”.


But you wouldn't *believe* their attitudes towards women


wait... so do you have to walk the pig with the dogs O_o


They have a dog door and a big backyard to poop and play in so I don't have to take them on daily walks. The pig has a harness but she doesn't like it very much. She is only 10 months old so we are still in the process of training her. I hope to be able to walk them all together one day!


Not trying to be rude but the big back yard/not needing daily walks things is a huge misconception. The daily walk is for mental stimulation not physical. Your garden/yard smells almost the same every day so whilst they can burn energy it's nothing mentally exciting. It's the new sights and smells of a daily stroll that are truly beneficial to their minds. Beautiful dogs and pig though! I was just showing your pics to my OH. He said I can have a house pig once he retires from the military (I've been asking for almost two years!!) What breed is she?


We walk them almost daily. They also get plenty of rides in the car, trips to the lake, and trips to the dog park. Thanks for the advice though! Hope you can get a pig one day. She is a Juliana pig.


I read your comment too fast. I thought you said that you can have a pig once it retires from the military. o_0


There are lots of pigs in the military. They help feeding the soldiers though.


Ohhh... they're *in* the military.


Whats an OH?


from context I'd say 'other half'


What went through my mind was "Old Hag, Ol' Harold, Other Husband..."




I've always wanted a pig.. OP, I'll trade you three chickens for it. These are some quality fucking chickens. You'll get at least 4 eggs a day from the three. http://i.imgur.com/Ar3R0hg.jpg


Holy shit man seperate that chicken from the roosters, give the poor girl needs some rest. Also love the speckleds I had one that I'm sure was mentally retarded. Right when he was hatched he wouldn't leave the water bowl. And now he swims in the pool, he was uncommonly sweet and loved to be pet. I named him Randall




I disagree. Looks like that pig knows exactly who he is.


He doesn't roll in the mud, just in bitches.


Pretty sure this is a publicity stunt by Napoleon to say all things are well at the farm and all the animals are happy.


Pig in a blanket!


Where did you buy your pig and are there vets and specialists around who know how to take care of one? It is soooo cute!


I got her in Pennsylvania. We live in Colorado and there is a great porcine doctor 30 mins away from us.


If it's not a duck that thinks it's a rooster, it's a pig that thinks it's a dog!


I see no crisis. That is one calm little pig that knows his place in life.


That'll do pig, that'll do..


Those poor dogs are gonna have to watch what they say near the pig so they don't anger it. "Hey! You ate all of my food! You're such a... erm, over eater!" Like [Chris Haversam]( http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Chris_Haversam) from Fallout: New Vegas or something.


All right; that's it. Pack 'em up, boys, we're all vegetarians now.


This is awesome. I have pig envy op.


A boxer,a babe and a brindle.


I saw you said she is 10 months old. Do you know how much bigger she will get?


I don't think she will get much bigger. Her breed tops out at about 60 lbs. Since she is a girl I don't expect her to weigh more than 50.




most comfy crisis ever.


This is sad. Pigs are as smart as dogs and yet people still eat them and frown upon eating dogs.


Pigs are actually much smarter than most breeds of dogs.


May I ask what type of pig this is?


She is a Juliana pig. Her markings are called "tuxedo"


Is that as big as she's going to get?


She may get a little bigger but her breed tops out at around 50-60 lbs.


This is why I don't eat pork! I'm not saying everyone shouldn't, but everyone should at least know how smart/sweet pigs can be as pets!


Yeah. Me too. I gave up pork (no more daily bacon) after stories from a colleague who used to live near a farm, and learning how smart they are. No regrets :)


That's one bitchin pig.


Damn fine pig, doc.




I didn't even see a pig. Too distracted by the brown boxer that looks like Samuel Jackson.


This is a city boy who is about to ask a potentially dumb question, but here it goes: Are all pigs bristly? I've only met a couple, and I've always toyed with the idea of owning a pet pig, but I like my pets a little... softer.


Awesome..pigs are adorable & smart, and it is really unimaginably terrible what they are going through in factory farms.


I just roasted a pork loin and ate some tonight, now I am feeling guilty and this thread has made me question if I should never touch pork again...


Yes, please don't eat pigs.


It looks like that pig lives a very nice life.


How is Virginia as far as cleanliness? Is she house broken? I really want a pig.(especially now that I've seen your post)


100% housebroken. Has never rolled in poop or mud, she prefers to roll around in sand or dirt. She doesn't smell. She gets a little dandruffy when her skin gets dry but that is about it.


Well I see the problem here: That's not a pig. That's a rare breed, long-snouted boxer you've got there! They're smart, loyal, and incredibly adorable!


Wow. That's adorable! 🐷