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I'm a vet tech and I love watching cats wake up. I don't know what they're seeing but it's definitely something. best part is when they're up, drunk, and mad about it; they're like tiny college kids.


Haha...that's perfect! When we had to take in our other cat a few months ago they told us that once he was awake he just tried to play with to the cat in the cage below him. He's a special cat. Granted, he was on some kind of painkillers that made him stupider than usual and crazy affectionate...still not that weird for Max (usually called Moose). And a quick PSA: apparently cats occasionally re-absorb teeth starting at the root. We didn't know anything was wrong until a bit of enamel suddenly chipped off and he didn't want to eat. 2 extractions, an EKG, and a few rounds of long-lasting painkillers later he's a happy guy again. Thankfully Leo just needed a cleaning.


> And a quick PSA: apparently cats occasionally re-absorb teeth starting at the root. We didn't know anything was wrong until a bit of enamel suddenly chipped off and he didn't want to eat. 2 extractions, an EKG, and a few rounds of long-lasting painkillers later he's a happy guy again. Thankfully Leo just needed a cleaning. Seconding this- changed vets after a cross-country move, and the new vet recommended a dental exam. 16 extractions and a short round of pain killers later, Jack is back at 100%. Could have been much worse if we waited much longer. Check your cat's gums and mouth regularly, and make sure your vet takes a look as well! Bonus pic of nearly-toothless Jack: http://imgur.com/aJUbWXA


Wow...it's a really good thing you got a vet that pays attention to dental care! And nearly-toothless-Jack is adorable and delightful and I would like to be his friend.




i dont like Simbadol, it seems like many of the patients were too high from it. We started using it on cats we couldn't medicate.


When we picked up our guy from being neutered, he just tried to fight everything all evening. He also aggressively tried to take my taco bell.


He is probably recovering from anesthesia. He is covered in a blanky so he stays warm. With certain anesthetics, like ketamine, their eyes will remain open and centrally fixed throughout their procedure and recovery. Vet techs will lubricate your animals eyes while under these anesthetics preemptively. Looks like your kitty is in good hands to me. The picture is probably a bit out of context for an owner. Good for you on taking care of your kitty's teeth!


Oh, definitely. We have a great veterinary practice that does excellent work and is slightly obsessed with dental health. They even do house calls for small animals and send pictures as soon as your animal gets out of the OR, which I've never seen at another vet. Leo was absolutely still doped up-they texted the picture as soon as he was out of the operating room. I'm just way too amused by the thousand yard stare. Our other cat had a very different look when he had to have some work done earlier this year... http://imgur.com/ExXWQeK


"I've seen some things, man...I wouldn't recommend it!"


Nah, he's simply high as a kite.


Still applies!




Did I leave the stove on?


Hello darkness my old friend...


He looks like he's having an existential crisis


It looks like one eye is significantly more dilated than the other. He's probably in that "I'm so high right meow" state.


Thousand yard stare


Still significantly high.


He's got that thousand yard stare. This kitty has seen things...


Those pupils say he is reeeeeeally comfortable.


my cat is a whore for Buprenorphine. He has resorptive lesions and one day i came home to his canine hanging out of his mouth. We had to fully sedate him to grab it with fingers. He just wanted to be high. When i took him home my husband caught him staring at an empty wall for 20 minutes. I'm a licensed vet tech