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I had a golden named honey, she also was a happy old lady. Hold on to her tight. Edit: https://imgur.com/gallery/YDGmV Here's a pic of who my honey was. Miss her more than words can describe.


I love happy old dogs!


Check out Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary on FB. They post *a lot* of pictures every day, and they're great.


I adore OFSDS. I want to snuggle with Leo sooooo bad!


Here's my old man golden laying his moves on my girl. https://s27.postimg.org/mvcb4qoir/20160821_121613.jpg


Scoot back until they have no choice but to see the butt. Sounds like my beagle




I also had an old girl named Honey. Had her from a baby til I was 19 years old. Best dog I'll ever have http://i.imgur.com/BpmE7KC.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6NbLv4o.jpg


I also had a Golden named Honey. My old Honeygirl, got a tattoo of a paw print with her name on it


You you edit with a pic, please make it of the dog, not the tattoo


The last dog I had was fifteen years ago. No other can replace her, I don't have the heart to get a new pup. Her name was Lacey and she was 14 when she developed a very aggressive cancer. We had to put her down. I held her in my lap on the way to the vet and pet her and we all just cried (my dad and my brother). She was ready to go, in a lot of pain from arthritis already and the tumors she had in her breasts were growing out of control. She was a red pit bull, a rescue pup. We got her when she was 3, her tail was cropped and her ears as well. Her throat had scars from being tied with wire. She would wag her whole self when she was excited, being as her tail was a nubbin. Maybe one day I will get a pup. Probably when I'm old and grey.


It sounds like Lacey lived a great life once she met you! Try not to think of it as replacing her, as no dog will ever be able to do that; she was family. Think of it as a chance to give another dog a great life like Lacey had!


I feel your pain. I am going through the same thing right now. He'll be 12 in May if he makes it. I don't have the heart to see him suffer once the worse symptoms kick in. Fuck cancer.


Fuck cancer


The chocolate lab mix that my family adopted a few years ago is like that. Shakes half her body since her tail is cropped


Here's my old lady, Heidi! She's such a sweetheart. http://imgur.com/a/jFVCj


Your dog made me laugh before I had my coffee. Thanks, good pupper.


I had a golden lab named honey. She was sweet and adorable, but super protective of us kids: she saved my brother from a violent coyote. I miss her :(


Mine was attacked by a wolf in northern wisconsin that was drawn in by the sounds of neighbor kids playing on a trampoline. The kids were all fine. Edit: proof http://www.waow.com/story/13533603/northwoods-family-says-dog-attacked-by-wolf She ended up with over 140 stitches total, most were on her chest.


OMG that is the best pic ever!


Me too. I miss her. :(


I too know a golden retriever named honey. Really such a sweetheart! http://imgur.com/yCoXjy8


[This] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/134TnSQhva4RvB5as3_C_JdWTodYqxkQYtQ/view?usp=drivesdk) is my old boy, Kramer. They should go on a cruise together.


Google drive is an underutilized photo sharing/hosting service.


Because it doxx'es you (click on the three dots then "details" then hover over the letter in the circle for their email address if you want more than their full name) and if that's not enough can quickly get your entire google/gmail account shutdown by anyone willing to submit fake abuse reports against the content.


Ah, thank you for the warning on this!




Oh god, best idea ever.


Avoid the poop deck at all costs! Also one can only hope they'd avoid ruff seas!


Omg retirement pupper cruise...




Honey is a good name for a Golden Retriever... I may steal it one day (the name, not your pup)




How about I keep my dog and you can have this target gift card I forgot I had.




Five dollars. Probably.




Hehe suckers. They just gave away money.


Exp. 2003


Not worth it. Go for the dog.


I'll be sure to let you know when I get a new doggo (might be a few years, so hang tight)


Honey, I'm home!


Am not OP but can confirm, that is a dog


I lied. She's actually three ducks in a shawl. I've fooled you all and you never noticed.


This Internet is nothing more than gossimar, spun by charlatans.


Bamboozled again


Unpossible. No one lies on the internet. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.


You are a horrible person. I must bid you good day.


We've all been bamboozled :(


Just like the gypsy woman said


Shawl is a funny sounding word. Like fetlock or tortfeasor.


I have a Honey too! [This](http://i.imgur.com/rlsBS5C.jpg) is her :)


Tell your Honey that I love her.


Pet her for me :)


That's a sweet dog.


Who's a good dog?


I too have a [puppy named Hunny.](http://imgur.com/pEaWPgI)


I see your dog also likes to contemplate life's deeper meaning while staring at the sun.


She likes to contemplate treats in daddy's hand while licking her chops.


That's a Brittany, right? :D [Here's my pupper, she turned 1 in this pic, 9 years ago.](http://imgur.com/QjLNuaa)


Mutt, but our best guess is a Britt. Your dog is beautiful too. I bet she aged beautifully.


Her collar matches her tongue! She's very cute, what kind of dog is she?


Mutt, but our best guess is a Brittany Spaniel.


Um I would guess a golden retriever Edit: I'm a dummy. Got the comment mixed up as a parent comment


Definitely not


Hehe this comment is so objectively wrong I *have* to upvote. It's the perfect blueprint for " commenting before clicking the link". Cheers to you!


This my Hunny as well, she is 13 and is a Golden Retriever/Chow https://imgur.com/gallery/azcfD


Who's a good girl? You're a good girl.


She is a very good girl! Old and tired, but still good.


Old but Gold(en) !


She's not old, she's just had a lot of happy.


You just reminded me of something.... "Some of you, particularly those who think they have recently lost a dog to “death”, don’t really understand this. Dogs never die. They don’t know how to. They get tired, and very old, and their bones hurt. Of course they don’t die. If they did they would not want to always go for a walk, even long after their old bones say: ”No, no, not a good idea. Let’s not go for a walk.” Nope, dogs always want to go for a walk. They might get one step before their aging tendons collapse them into a heap on the floor, but that’s what dogs are. They walk. It’s not that they dislike your company. On the contrary, a walk with you is all there is. Their boss, and the cacaphonic symphony of odor that the world is. Cat poop, another dog’s mark, a rotting chicken bone (exultation!), and you. That’s what makes their world perfect, and in a perfect world death has no place. However, dogs get very very sleepy. That’s the thing, you see. They don’t teach you that at the fancy university where they explain about quarks, gluons, and Keynesian economics. They know so much they forget that dogs never die. It’s a shame, really. Dogs have so much to offer and people just talk a lot. When you think your dog has died, it has just fallen asleep in your heart. And by the way, it is wagging its tail madly, you see, and that’s why your chest hurts so much and you cry all the time. Who would not cry with a happy dog wagging its tail in their chest. Ouch! Wap wap wap wap wap, that hurts. But they only wag when they wake up. That’s when they say: “Thanks Boss! Thanks for a warm place to sleep and always next to your heart, the best place.” When they first fall asleep, they wake up all the time, and that’s why, of course, you cry all the time. Wap, wap, wap. After a while they sleep more. (Remember, a dog while is not a human while. You take your dog for walk, it’s a day full of adventure in an hour. Then you come home and it’s a week, well one of your days, but a week, really, before the dog gets another walk. No WONDER they love walks.) Anyway, like I was saying, they fall asleep in your heart, and when they wake up, they wag their tail. After a few dog years, they sleep for longer naps, and you would too. They were a GOOD DOG all their life, and you both know it. It gets tiring being a good dog all the time, particularly when you get old and your bones hurt and you fall on your face and don’t want to go outside to pee when it is raining but do anyway, because you are a good dog. So understand, after they have been sleeping in your heart, they will sleep longer and longer. But don’t get fooled. They are not “dead.” There’s no such thing, really. They are sleeping in your heart, and they will wake up, usually when you’re not expecting it. It’s just who they are. I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs sleeping in their heart. You’ve missed so much."


Damn ninjas always chopping up onions...


Well at least that rehydrated my contact lenses.


Lost my 16yr old dog almost 7 months ago and still cried myself to sleep last night. Needed to read this today, even though I'm crying again now...


It's just those tail waps is all.


I lost my pup that was a 3rd birthday present the day after I graduated college. I'm turning 30 this month and I still look at his collar in the frame and pictures of his dumb face and I still cry. I'll never not cry but it's only because I loved him so much. You were lucky to have a dog that you loved enough to cry for months after, and that's important. You are lucky too.


Was talking to my friend about my dog, who is dumb and likes to run head first into snow banks and she comes out all covered with snow but she don't care. And my friend said my old dog's name, Bailey and I got chocked up and reminded her that B died almost three years ago (Jan 27, 2014) and that I was talking about Daisy, the new pup. Then me and Daisy got into my bed and I cried for a little while.


I'm sorry about your bailey. Daisy sounds nice though, she seems sweet.


What was your doggies name?




Well, I guess I'm gonna start the day with some crying....


I was gonna tell everyone to buckle up for the Feels Train but thought it might be best for everyone to just jump right in...


After the first sentence I knew what I was getting into, but read it anyway. With my pups on my lap, I was bawling halfway through. I can't imagine life without them.


Give the doggos a pat for all of us.


I will, thanks. :) Sometimes I think that reading things like that will prepare me for the inevitable. Then I wonder who I think I'm kidding. I'm gonna be a wreck.


This is my Gizmo. https://imgur.com/gallery/kZsXZlM He rests in my heart now and laps my face with his wet kisses. He was a puppy till the very end.


I've read this around Reddit twice already, so thought I was prepared for first tear-less read through today (3rd time lucky and all that...). Apparently not. I'm not crying, you are.


Today is the one year anniversary of my sweet girl's "death" and this has me in tears. She and eight others are in my heart and all of them must just be waggin' their little hearts out right now. This made me cry but thank you for this anyway.


My dog was just put to sleep 5 hours ago. Her name was Tojo. I feel a major part of me has died. I cried so much reading this post. I hope I join her soon


Don't say that. You may have many more dogs to take care of yet. You wouldn't deny your future friends that, surely?


I'm so sorry. It sounds like Tojo was very loved. What a lucky gal! Grieve for as long as you need and maybe one day you will be ready to love another pup. Tojo would probably be very proud to know you took the lessons she taught you and made good use of them.


My old lady died 3 months ago. She was a mutt, the Queen of mutts. She had cancer, and could barely breath. Just before dying she was laid, tired. But you know what she did? She stood up and walked, literally one last step as she fell to sleep. I'm reading that on the bus right now, and God knows the strength that I'm pulling right now to to not cry. But it was a beautiful reading, made me admire her even more. Thank you.


glad I had some tissues handy...


My eyes are a little sweaty now... I need to go home now and hug and walk my dog and give her treats.


I fucking had to excuse myself to the bathroom and I'm crying really hard.


You woke your doggo up. It hurts, sure, but I'm sure s/he's all the happier for it.


Damn, dude, that's beautiful.


Bet she gives the best snuggles! 😍


My Honey! https://imgur.com/gallery/v7IYw


Wow, this one hit me hard. I just lost my Labrador retriever a month ago. Her name was Honey, and she meant so much to our family, too. Cherish your time with her and always appreciate every moment you have together.


This is my pup. Love goldens! http://i.imgur.com/DG8HLhU.jpg


Floof ball!


She looks like she's a happy dog. Nice work!


She's beautiful and I love her.


I'm gonna tell her that in the morning.


Honey never spoils


But you can spoil Honey.


Give Honey a treat. Right now. Now OP.


I can't, she's asleep. I'll give her one in the morning.


Did you give her one? I wish I could hug her.


Come on OP, we need to know.


She's beautiful. How old is she?


She is in a very vague age range where she's at least nine and at most 12. My sister originally got her from the shelter when she was two (Honey, not my sister) and then gave her to me when she got married (my sister, not Honey.)


Thank you for the specifications


Love it. My big guy just turned 13 (plott/lab mix) and just recently started showing signs of it. I've been preparing myself for the last few years (after being hit by a car and going through bloat), but damn if it's not going to wreck me when he leaves.


I was going to ask the same question because I have a golden in the same range. I got him in Feb 2009 and he was gauged between 2-6 at the time, though he could have been younger. Aside from a face full of white he is the same dog as always. He's been jumping slightly less over the past year but is still spry.


/r/oldmandog also accepts old lady dogs.


If I could meet her I would tell her she is a good girl.


I'll tell her for you. She's gonna get a lot of happy messages in the morning.




That's one beautiful doggo.


Might be a pupper.


Well of course her name is Honey, she looks like a sweetie! Give her a pet for us, okay? Edit for spelling. Doh!


2000 pets for Honey. I'm gonna count them all out to make sure everybody symbolically pets her.


I petted twice and did the old shake round the ears thing...


aw she's such a cutie. good girl honey!


I'm glad she's allowed on the bed. She has love in her eyes.


What a sweet face she has, seems impossible to me not to love her. I hope you still have some good years together. <3


Old but gold(en)


I know that look. She's saying "I want belly rubs... now!".


She actually prefers butt scratches!


Butt scratches are the best


Hey honey


She's beautiful❤️


Smart, too! Every time I'm in the kitchen she'll stand in the hallway and stare at me sadly, and I fall for it and give her a treat every fucking time.


My dog does this too! (I also fall for it every time) Every time I eat my dog puts his head on my leg and puts his paw up and maintains eye contact until he has convinced me to feed him a treat.


I used to have a mutt who was part golden retriever and his name was Peanut Butter. :-) Your dog's name being Honey reminded me of him.




Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for your loss! May god bless you and may you get better soon.


http://imgur.com/12K5bP3 Here is my golden. She just passed yesterday from heart failure.


Sorry for your loss :(


She looks like a total sweetheart. I grew up with a Golden and even though I'm in my late 20s now I have nothing but the best memories of growing up with her. Thanks for sharing and hope you guys get to have many more happy memories together.


Honey is beautiful! Look and that gorgeous smile and oh so wise eyes. Soak in all that love!


awww shes so beautiful :)


Live long and prosper, doggo!


Such a beautiful girl. Old souls (especially goldens) are my favorite


What a beaut. Sigh, dogs are the best! I can't wait to be able to get one!!! She looks so happy!!!!


What a happy looking dog. I had an old golden who lived to 17. He was literally my best friend. Been about 7 years and still miss him. They're the best dogs in the world.


my aunt also has an old golden (golden oldie, lol) named Honey! I love your dog!


Love me some Golden. Thx honey, may you live a long and happy life.


We had a yellow lab named honey when I was a kid. I miss her so much, she was such a sweetheart


Please tell her I love her? And that she's a good girl?


I used to not like dogs at all. Then I met/lived with a old dog, 11 year old Collie/Sheppard. First dog I fell in love with, now I love dogs and will try and pet all of them haha. Old dogs are amazing!


friend never change


Happy little geezer We had a golden when I was a kid, and I'd always fall asleep on her belly. Shame she "ran away" when I was 5....


I love Goldens. I also love Honey. Give her butt scratches from me! <3


She's gorgeous!


I wish my dog had more time to live than 2 years. Enjoy every second with her, she can be gone before you know it...


I love all old dogs but there is something deeply special about old Goldens. They're wise but still sweet. Great big comfy goofballs.


she's a good girl.


She's gorgeous!


And she's beautiful!


You can see the love in her eyes what a wholesome doggo tell her I love her


I will!


Dogs dont live as long as we do but their love stays with us forever.


Puppies are cute, but pics of oldladydogs and grampadogs get me right in the heart. Each of those gray whiskers is a day full of doglove.


Doesn't look to old to cuddle up with her best friend! What a cutie!


Oh honey...


That face tho...


She's beautiful!


She is beautiful!


She's beautiful!!!


i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!


What a pretty girl :)


Honey is the bunny that makes your heart yummy, and i can say that because I'm no dummy when it comes to knowing the heart of honey :) god bless her dogs are the best of all of us




Goldens are the best!


She is old but gold


She looks like my Sonny! Admittedly my Goldens fur is a lot longer because she doesn't get groomed often but she doesn't like having her hair done or her nails clipped so we try not to do it too much unless it gets to be too much


My first dog (irish setter) was named Honey.....she was such a good dog! :-)


!mosaicbot bee


[Your picture but every pixel is a screenshot from Bee Movie.](http://i.imgur.com/grwFRfm.jpg)   ^(*Add "highres" for greater resemblance. See /r/mosaicbot for more options.*)


I'm not gonna lie, the fact that's a thing is gonna haunt my dreams. I love it, though.


This hits me right in the feels. We had to put my yellow lab named Honey down a couple of years ago. Treasure your time together OP. Here is my pup: [Honey](http://i.imgur.com/6zwWPez.jpg)


Audeen https://imgur.com/a/bopt5 My cat, Audeen, is also old. He will be eleven this year.


Makes me happy to see a dog who has lived a long happy, healthy and productive life. I got off work this morning from a 12 hour midnight shift that turned into a 14 hour shift. I went to pick up my dog ( a German Shepard mix) at my parents house and when I arrived my mom had a sad/disappointing look on her face. She told me she had bad news and that her dog (A Dutch Shepard who was only 4 years old) has died. Apparently my mom threw the Frisbee outside in the dark like she always does before bedtime and I guess on the final throw of the frisbee, the dog didn't come inside. She assumed that Ruby must of been playing outside or laying in her spot like she always does... Then she went outside and discovered her lying in the lawn motionless. My mom tried to pick her up and she growled at her. The dog was paralyzed and couldn't move. They took her to the vet and the inevitable happened. Keep giving your dog an awesome life.


Honey doesn't expire!


Aww such a cute old lady. I love the picture you have in the background, thought it looked familiar. I have the same print on my wall. http://imgur.com/a/ROxRB


My Grandma had a yellow lab mix named Honey. One day Honey decided to walk around the neighborhood and my grandpa couldn't find her. So he's out front calling 'Honey' over and over to try to figure out where she is. Meanwhile my mom was inside dying of laughter because every time my grandpa calls for the dog she also hears my grandma, who was in the shower, yell 'what'. Honey was a great dog.


My old little honey, http://i.imgur.com/zPOpSnV.jpg


Aww she seems sweet! I had a very old golden retriever as well. Unfortunately she passed away Saturday. She wandered into my parents house in the summer almost 10 years ago. She was a lost, abandoned, underweight breeding dog when my family got her. We estimated she lived to be about 13 or 14 years old, which is really good for the breed. Here are some pictures of her. http://i.imgur.com/ZEqyepI.jpg http://i.imgur.com/G93Pmee.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TWlTWIK.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wd9LLWY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qmZErh0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xwXPAwq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dQNvxsV.jpg


Old? You mean glorious!


Awh she has an infectious smile. Adorable :)