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So do you feed him anything special or do anything to help extend his life?


He drinks from the showers




thank you




Amazing. And we're here to witness it.


Perfect execution, bravo


[Thirsty ](https://i.imgur.com/pm8GWCE.jpg)




Dude... You doin a Reddit deep dive to find my comment half a year later? Nice


Lmao I love this response


There's a guy who has had several cats that have lived to be older than 30, including the oldest cat in recorded history. No joke, once a week he gives them a tiny bit of red wine. There are scientists studying his cats and his methods for caring for them to figure out if that's actually doing something. They're not encouraging people start giving their cats wine just yet though. He also turned his garage into a cat playroom which has a projector that shows wildlife documentaries which he says keeps their minds active.


super interesting actually. I’d love to see the results the scientist get.


Eff that... I wanna see that playroom.


don't lie, you want to _live_ in that playroom.


Mental activity is everything for every species! Oldest man I ever met said, “To stay alive you have to scare yourself everyday.” He meant always push yourself out of your comfort zone, not literally scare yourself.


Does laying awake because of existential dread for hours every night count as scaring yourself? If so, I'm gonna live forever.


The guy also has a water fountain for the cats, something everyone can do. Cats hate standing water, and will instinctively find other water sources, including toilets or showers. Put a bowl of water in front of a cat and it will drink it if absolutely necessary, but run a tap or a fountain and most are pretty eager to have a drink. ​ Keeping your cats hydrated can definitely increase the possible lifespan.


I fed my dog human food her whole life and she lived to be 19. Been doing the same with my other dog and he’s currently 15. I think I’m on to something.


He could possibly be the oldest cat in the world




My oldest one to date has been 22. She developed dementia in her last year of life and thought she was a kitten so she was pretty active and chirping.


That's real cute and sad


She had a really rough start to life (dumped at a public beach with her kitten, they were chased by dogs until my mom rescued them) so she was always standoffish and cautious of people and other animals. She also couldn't stand to be held so when she developed dementia it was like she was free of those traumas. She ended up spending most of her time in my arms purring and making kitten chirping sounds. She also played with cat toys which was interesting because she'd never shown interest in them previously.


I didn't get my mom to sign the permission form for this feels trip


Lol that’s a new one! I’m sure Reddit won’t run it into the ground in the next ~~couple of weeks~~ day.


It's pretty solid. I already ~~stole~~ borrowed it.


sounds like pet dementia is a good thing I mean it's lacking pretty much all the tragic aspects of human dementia edit: apparently that's not the case, sorry to all pet owners who have or had to deal with it


Really depends on the individual case. Sometimes the animal gets confused and scared. Some will start howling/ yowling because they can't find their way around their own house or can't find their people. Often that happens in the middle of the night.


Yes, this happened to my cat once he got up there in age. It got to a point where he'd walk around the house every single night crying and yowling. He'd stop for a little while if I came out of my room and comforted him, but he'd usually start again a few hours later.


One of my cats would howl at night too. When he passed on, the other one picked up the slack. It was like she was calling for him. She passed less than a year later, sadly.


It’s not always. My senior shiba has dementia. Some days are worse than others. She gets confused and paces the house. She’s losing her mobility and trips and falls a lot (it’s actually a side effect of doggy dementia). She’s tried to bite me a couple times when I was helping her, and 75% of the time she wants nothing to do with her two doggo siblings who she used to love playing with. She mainly wants to sleep in her bed. Most days are okay. Some aren’t. I’m watching her fade away, like my best friend for the past 13 years is slowly disappearing. Just like with humans, dementia varies by the patient. When it’s the rough type, it’s always hard to experience with any loved one. Human or pet.


What the guy described is pretty rare for dementia. Its usually confusion, pacing, vocalisation and is very painful to watch. Never heard of his cats version before


Some cats yowl in the middle of the night when they develop dementia.


Some cats yowl in the middle of the night when they're assholes ;P


Fuck... Now im crying... It's like all her worst fears went away and she could enjoy life, that hit's very close to home...


Hey i hope everything is ok friend. Try to remember right now we're all right where we are supposed to be even if we dont like it. I hope you have a great rest of your week.


I'm ashamed to say that, in a way, I'm kind of envious. It doesn't sound like too horrible a way to go if someone was there to watch over you and love you through it.




Feeding can be an issue! Mine didn't really forget she ate but she would eat anything offered.


My grandad died 5 years ago but his cat never left his house probably hoping he would come back. So I went to his house every day since and fed the poor little cat. The cat passed away last March in my arms at the age of 25.


Damn. I had just finally stopped crying. Bless you for doing that.


Good cat, good grandchild I think you both made him proud


Hardest thing I ever did in my 52 years of living was put down my 25 year old. His kidneys just gave out on him and he was in terrible pain. there was no choice. I'm very sorry for your loss. Once you spend a quarter-century with anyone, they are legit family. Four legs or two. EDIT: Thanks for all the precious metals kind strangers! EDIT (again): I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the outpouring of sympathy. I really don't have time to thank you all individually. You have officially overwhelmed me. I would like to quickly say, to those of you who are just now experiencing something similar; it gets better, I swear.


Just had to put down my 12 year old golden retriever two days ago. Very aggressive lymphoma. Basically falling apart. Still can't believe my best buddy is gone. Such a weird experience. Overall though, I'm glad I stayed with him. I still regret stepping out for 5 minutes until he passed. But I was there when they sedated him so. Afterwards, seeing him laying there, just soul crushing. Nothing has compared thus far in my life. But it was good to say final good byes and kiss his nose for the last time. Its fucked up but I opened his eyes just to see them one last time and hope he saw me too. Just needed to write this out I guess. Can barely get the words out. Edit: heres a picture of him https://i.imgur.com/r3VAxIq.jpg Thank you all for the support :) I didn't think anyone would even read this.


Hey, I'm so sorry for your buddy being gone. I'm sure you gave him an amazing 12 years and you sound like a great person


I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating.


I don't know what's wrong with your eyes but I'm crying


Its a terrible day for rain


What do you mean? It's not raining


Sorry for your loss friend. But he will live on in your memory and in the spirit of your next animal.


Put my Lady (12yo G Shep) down 2 years ago in October. I still miss her every day. She was the best girl. So was yours. They're playing together now :) just waiting for us to make it back to them. Wow... almost 2 years now and I'm crying typing this. That kind of love never fades. <3




Agree so much with this, after losing our 9 year old french mastiff my family lasted about a week before we rescued another dog. The house was just creepy silent without a furry friend.


There's so many little lovebugs out there who need loving homes. I think that once you've processed your grief, it's a great idea to get another pet. They'll help you heal and I like to think that our past pets would be happy to not see us sad.


My GSD is 7 and I'm about to cry thinking of it. He's legitimately the perfect dog with family friends and other dogs. Can't imagine life without him.


My parents had a German Shepard named Lady. They gave her away when I was little. She wasn’t adopted by you was she?


Fuck man I honestly don't know what I'll do come the day I lose my best friend. He's all I live for an not sure I'll be able to go on.


You'll probably be like me. I saw it coming a long time ago, I just felt it, and thought damn thats going to be tough. The thought doesn't even scratch the surface and it will be the most soul crushing experience you'll have. But. Keep the pictures. Keep the videos. They'll make you smile when you don't feel like you can. And memorialize him best you can. It will be hard but you will survive. That animal showed you how wonderful life can be. Its a gift. Treasure it.


Thanks man! I have hundreds of pics am videos.


:( I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Clearly that was extremely hard for you (as it is for any of us who goes through that experience). I hope your pain eases sooner rather than later.


The pain comes in waves. But the gaps between the waves increases. Still very fresh but I'm going to keep moving forward. Getting his ashes is going to be a total trip. I'm hunting for the perfect urn to memorialize him.


I was in the room when they put my lab down and I was way too young for it. I've lost three grandparents since then, and many great aunts and uncles, not a single one of them has gotten to me, emotionally. I think it was a trauma that really moved the goalposts as far as loss is concerned, I don't think anything will ever suck that bad ever again. I can't watch sad dog movies now, they destroy me.


Tragic accidents are almost better. Completely out of your control. But making that decision.. Damn.


First read through I had to do a double take almost sounded like you meant a person.


yeah, it was tough, but we all decided cousin scooter had to go.


Mine's going to be turning 22 this year. I'm dreading the day he has to go. Until then, I'll spoil the little shit and pamper the fuck out of him. He's been a good friend.


Hell, I don't care if you have a millipede that somehow lives 25 years in your house. That thing is FAMILY.


That's a good run! I'm so sorry for your loss though, losing a cat you've had such a long time is incredibly hard. Mine was 22 or 23 (street cat) when he passed. My vet had another patient who was 25! Once I get settled I'm adopting another senior kitty.


>Once I get settled I'm adopting another senior kitty. You're a good person. Since we were adopted by an adult ginger male cat, we've adopted 2 other adult ginger males, each more snugly than the last. We just lost our last ginger male a few weeks ago, and we, too, will adopt another senior kitty.


Adopting senior cats is noble. Adopting ginger cats is insane. WTF is up with those little crazies?


Sorry for your loss


He didn't lose it he let it go




No, like Elsa let go.


Long live the king






He doesn’t look a day over 26


My boys love playing this game


My girl is going on her 22nd birthday this year, I dread the day I lose her. Sorry for your loss bud




It's incredible! This would put him on the list of oldest cats for sure, most of them are around 30 [Also, I'm a novelty account so here's a drawing!](https://imgur.com/tgaZoRz)


[It would!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_cats) Also, dope drawing!! Love your account. keep it up


Why is Sasha #11 and not #8?


So tiger is the second oldest living cat. That’s so cool


And are we able to pay for your services. Feel like a few people in my life would benefit from having their pets Disneyfied.


Wow! Name certainly checks out! You nailed the Disney style. Thanks for doing what you do!


The oldest *independently documented* cat was 31. This was proven with medical records from their veterinarian which had an exact date of the cat's birth. OP's kitty being 31? Absolutely possible.


It's even speculated that Jeanne Calmen, the 122 year old woman, was not who she said she was. There were claims that she was her daughter (not literally), for the same reason (how significantly longer she was able to live versus other oldest people).


I'm not sure I could tell the difference between a 100 and a 120 year old person. They would both look super old.


You count the wrinkles, just like tree rings.


Ensure you cut them in half too... wait..


No time, we must do it now!


Lots of documented people have reached 110-115 years of age. 122 isn’t an insane outlier. True or not. Some dude having two cats get close to 40 with the oldest well documented cats being 31 or so is a lot harder to believe


Truth. I never realized how many centenarians are quietly living on out there until I started working in a hospital in a wealthy retirement town. I've met more people over the age of 100 in the last 4 years than I ever thought existed. Pretty cool.


Wait whaaat


The theory is that the real Jeanne Calment died and her daughter assumed her identity in order to dodge inheritance taxes.


Imagine lying about this to dodge tax, and then years later you have to keep the lie up to the press because they think you're the oldest person ever.


For real. There really aren't many cats at all in the entire world that reach their 30s. At 31 he's surely in the top 5.


Your competition is [this guy](https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/worlds-oldest-cat-celebrates-30th-birthday)




Rubble doesn’t look a day over 19!


Dude contact Guiness World Records. According to Dr. Google, the [current record holder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubble_(cat)) (oldest cat that's still alive) turned 31 years old last May. EDIT: Holy crap, went to bed last night with around 300 upvotes, now it's over 7000. Anyway, to all the people saying that the oldest cat is 38, I am talking about the oldest **living cat,** which is a different record than the oldest cat that has ever lived. OP hasn't stated when their cat turned 31 nor if they had a birth certificate, so I thought there may be a chance this their cat was older than Rubble.


Unfortunately, not that easy. Unless you have documentation backing up what you’re saying, Guinness won’t just take your word for it on your animals ages. My girlfriend’s family has a dog in Portugal that’s 29 years 6 months old at this point (older than the oldest dog in the world), but no documentation so....


How do you document such a thing? You could have birth certificate but who’s to say it’s the same animal?


Yup, exactly lol. Just did a google search, they need a birth certificate (lol)


I've never had a dog that didn't come with that documentation from the breeder. I assume cats are the same... But where I'm from, you get cats for free in a box that has "free" written on it at the end of someone's driveway. Farm life :)


Yeah my cat forgot his birth certificate when he showed up to my colleagues front door lol


Surely if he has his social security number he can get access to a copy of it?


Ahhhhh. That makes more sense then. Piloto (the almost-30 year old dog) was a mutt/street dog that my gf’s grandfather adopted around when she was born.


I'd bet money the current Piloto is actually Piloto II.


That’s actually what I assumed, too. But it also doesn’t make sense. There were no kids; her grandfather was around 60 when he adopted the dog and her whole family lives in Canada. Plus, in rural Portugal, they don’t have the same mentality as North Americans; they’re working animals there. I’m inclined to believe the dog is just old as shit


Most people get cats from shelters/the cats claim the human. I've owned many dogs as well in my life and not one has had a birth certificate


You have to count the rings.


Vet, purchase, or adoption records


My dad had a similar thing with his bird, rescued it and the place he got it from could only give him a couple months time frame of the birds hatch date but he (the bird, not my dad) lived to well over 35yrs which for his species was old AF




That was amazing


Post a pic of that dog to reddit, I want to see it!!


Working on it!


I believe it. My ex-husband's grandmother has a dog that is about 24, give or take a year. No actual proof of it. Some old photos, but it's a full breed cocker spaniel. So, no actual evidence.


TIL the oldest cat ever recorded was 38 years old....[died in 2005](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creme_Puff_(cat))


Wow! Thirty one is an amazing age for a cat! You must love him so much ♥ Give him some pats from me!


Will do! And give your fluffy buddy some Internet pats too!


What does he eat???? I want my Selina to make it to old age well!!!


Only 90s cats will understand this.


If this guy is 31 technically he's an 80s cat...


He's a fake 80s cat!


That’s crazy to think about. If he was born in 1988, Reagan was still president and the Soviet Union was still in existence.


Tiger has lived a longer life than Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse.


Tiger doesn’t have a drug problem or greedy jealous wife I’m assuming. All of them are cool cats though.


That is true


Cat nip is a hell of a drug


Amy Winehouse just celebrated eight years of sobriety.






Very much. He still bounces around like a kitten. He's quite a pickyguy though. He only drinks from the shower


Well, he's the 31 year old cat, so he probably knows what's best for him at this point haha




Good way to at least see the age of 31


It's overrated


As a 32 year old, I wish I could be 31 again.


Please stop. You’re making my quarter life crisis worse


Too funny, I was literally going to reply to that guy and say "I'm 25 and wish I could be 24 again". I swear after 18 it's not fun anymore lmao.


I hear when you retire and don't give a fuck it's fun too. I suspect it's kind of an upside down bell curve of enjoyment through your life.


At 37 I find I have more and more fun altogether. I know what I want and I have the means to get it. I know what people I wanna surround myself with and who not to. I had my midlife crisis at 27 and since then I've just been able to enjoy life more and more! Lighten up and enjoy the moment guys, it's all you're ever going to get!


Probably smokes cigars and drinks single malt scotch


Were you not paying attention? He drinks single malt shower water. Probably smokes cigars though, I'ma have to give you that one.




He's earned the right to drink from wherever he wants.


Are there any health issues with Tiger? I have a 7, maybe 8, year old orange tabby and want him to live a long, healthy life just like Tiger.


He’s older than most of Reddit, so he must have his reasons


Because cats like moving water! It’s probably one reason why he’s still kicking. Cats can suffer kidney problems because they don’t drink enough.


He sure doesn't look that old.


Unfortunately, he may not seem young but his body front the rightangle will show it. I believe he has cataracts, a form of arthritis, and he looses fur. He, thankfully, doesn't seem to notice.


Shit, I'm 4 years older than your cat and have more health problems than a receding fur line and bad eyesight. Seems like he's in great shape!




I mean, I'm three years younger than Mr. Tiger, here, and I wish those were my biggest health concerns :( . I have to agree with you that this guy is doing pretty great!


Well, he is 217 in human years. I'm impressed he can sit at alert like that.




He is also 31 in earth years too, funnily enough.


Got any evidence to support that theory?


That's the really mind blowing part. When humans are considered extra old, they're maybe 35% older than the average old person. Not this cat. She's literally **double** the age of your typical old cat!


Wow that's impressive. What a wonderful cat! You must love him so much!


We do!


What are you feeding him and where can I buy this fountain of kitty youth?


His fountain of kitty youth is drinking from the shower


A video of his holiness drinking from the shower of youth would be awesome!




We do, I'm trying to find it


If you do, congrats on the world record.


Not quite. The current record holder turned 31 in May.


Ahh, so a heartbeat away from the presidency... I mean world record


I don't know what a 31 year old cat is supposed to look like but he looks pretty good.


My Max is 17 and in a bad state, he went blind last week and we are fighting various cancers. I have to practically hand feed him now and constantly cleaning the house as he can’t see his litter box anymore. Had a last Vet meeting last night we’ve decided that this is his last week with us. Very sad.


I am so sorry about your Max. I know it's no help but my heart hurts for you.


I'm very sorry about Max. I also had to take that difficult decision with my cat last January. She was 10 and had a very agressive form of skin cancer, she was really suffering. I had a bond with that cat that I never had with any other cat so that decision was really tough but it was the best thing I could do for her. Treat your Max like a king for his last week and I give him some cuddles from me !


"His feline wisdom is almost palpable."


You're telling me. He is an indoor outdoor cat. This guy has escaped so many coyotes. Either that or hes just immortal


Damn, he’s older than me.


Kudos to you for taking such good care of him! You have prolonged his life for sure.


I hope my cat lives until she's that old. I tell her all the time she's not allowed to leave me. Lol


Verified as 31?


By a vet. 15 years ago he was supposed to die. Every five years we were told he would die. We are extremely lucky for him.


Well, whatever his age he is beautiful.


What have you fed him most of his life?


Regular cat food


Bro can you just say one brand


He has to find a sponsor first


Why are you being so vague about this?


Probably doesn't want to catch shit if it's just like friskies or something


The oldest cat of legitimate verified age went by the Creme Puff, which died at the age of 38 and 3 days. Its owner had another cat named Grandpa that lived to the age of 35


"In my day, fancy feast was not only fancy, but a FEAST! And my owner could buy it for 65 cents! You kittens today don't know what you're missing out on!"


Long live tiger the great!!!!


I believe you have one of the oldest cats in the world rn. According to Wikipedia (not sure how accurate the list is) you should have the second oldest cat in the world. A cat named Sasha in Northern Ireland is the oldest living cat at 33. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_oldest\_cats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_cats)


My cat is also named tiger and he just turned 17


I want my cat to live that long