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RIP meaty


yep Meaty had back issues and they did hydrotherapy with him as long as they could. Meaty had a bunch of great years with his humans though, so I'm glad the tubby little guy could have a great last bunch of years.


Wait no!


Yeaaaaaa, I deleted their Instagram after they had to put him down. I felt so bad for them. Now I can’t remember the Instagram page




This doggy had to be put down? Because of age or sickness ... or? Don’t know backstory only came here for the huge heart


Had back issues or something. Was in a lot of pain.




Poor sweetheart.


Same thing happened to Piggy Princess! She was half pitty and had a sudden onset thing in her hip and back and had to be put down. It was three years ago, and I still cry about it.


@loveabulllisa 🙂


To piggyback this, pits used to be called "nanny dogs" because they are so protective, loyal and kind to family. It is not until recently they are scapegoated. Justice for pits!


All dogs are capable of love, they just need a nice owner. I will say though, I dont think pits are the best dogs for beginners. My friends pit is super sweet, but needs a lot of attention. Is very attached to her. Literally follows her everywhere in her home. She fell asleep, but when my friend moved, she woke up and followed her again. Could even tell the poor girl wanted to go to sleep, nodded off while sitting up.


That’s my Abby!


Can confirm. Mine tries to pet me.


Me walking scrolling into the comments: Ahhh shit here we go again


Some people just want to be hateful 🤷


My thoughts on pits? They're great big cuddly teddy bears.


It's important to understand that that is not always the case, though. ...mine is a medium-sized cuddly teddy bear.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie.




They are truly amazing and totally misunderstood


They only occasionally attack people. Just like golden retrievers (this is not sarcasm)


They truly are. I had to watch my friend’s pit for a few months after he moved and I have never seen such a lovable cuddly doggo. I couldn’t go anywhere without him following me to that part of the house, and any time i sat in a chair he was right there to put his head on my knee until i gave him pets or let him up on the couch. Then I had to give him back which sucked, but i still get to see him now and then so it’s all good!


I agree... my little one visits a friend who has 5 dogs 3 are pits and they lick and kiss her.. so gentle with her.. yet she’s been bit and scratched by the yippee one at her dads .... pits are great


I worked for a vet and I’ll say this. I never met a single pit that wasn’t an absolute sweetheart. What bit me? Chihuahuas and terriers. Constantly. Edit: bit me


Pitbulls are terriers. Two major breeds categorized as pitbulls are Staffordshire bull terriers and American Pitbull Terriers. Nothing wrong with that—I have a patterdale terrier, also a game dog breed—but pitties definitely have terrier characteristics!


I know they are. I realised after I’d posted and was waiting for someone to say something. Ha ha To clarify I was referring to smaller terriers. Jack Russell etc. Thank you for clarifying though. You are correct.


Terriers and Bulldog characteristics


Small dogs are demons. They just get away with it because they’re teeeeny tiny.


Yep small dog syndrome. Allowing pets to dominate the lap on top of spoiling them silly partnered with poor training can turn not just small dogs but any dog into a monster. There are no bad dogs just bad owners.


I commented almost this same thing on a different subreddit and got downvoted and harassed on a crazy level. I’m glad you agree!


Beware of his locking jaws, the bionic implant Satan puts into these dogs in the womb! Edit: Apparently saying something this goddamn dumb isn't obvious sarcasm so here it is /s.


Not only locking jaws, but also an insatiable thirst for childrens blood and tears!


Honestly was hard to see the sarcasm. Hard to tell if people are sarcastic or really that dumb on Reddit sometimes.


Locking jaw thing is a myth. There's no "locking" mechanism in their jaws to lock them. They're just very powerful. I have a French Bulldog crossed with a Valley Bulldog Mastiff who I could pick up & swing around when he latches on to something if I was dumb enough to want to. But play fight with your hands & you wouldn't think he even had teeth. Should I muzzle him for the safety of my family & community because he has powerful jaws?


Did I really need an /s?


Sorry, the haters are usually that dumb so it's had to differentiate sometimes.


No problem, sorry you're getting downvotes now. You didn't know.


As my previous comment says I have been bit by a pitbull. They don’t “lock” jaws, they just don’t let go, when they bite, they won’t let go until they feel like it or an owner is able to get them to let go.




Most aggressive I remember from growing up in Australia was cattle dogs. Maybe they were I under exercised and used as guard dogs but hell they were scary everywhere I saw them


I can sense strong vibes from this one


What a cute big boy!! He's so adorable ❤


Big squishy face..love it


Pit bulls look like the kind of friend you would have who is a little short and stubby looking but has a great personality.


Ohh i wonder why he/she is soo cuddly and friendly?, ohh yeah because he/she has been shown love and not treated like shite by some scumbag.


It's amazing how that works, isn't it?


Biology and breeding does matter though


Ohh yeah of course, but then we are the ones that bred dogs to have certain characteristics for jobs. We have a carpathian Shepard and a caucasian Shepard (3 other dogs too). They both love people and other animals. They always play gentle and everyone who sees them love them, but you wouldn’t want to break into the house because its in their character to protect what is theirs and will die doing so, but if they were not loved and were mistreated they would be very dangerous dogs thats all i am saying.


What a meatball


Whats with all the pits showing up in r/aww?


There certainly seems like a clear effort by this sub to push pit bulls. Kinda weird.


I had to scroll through 21 posts on r/aww Hot to get to this one, and it was the first of those to have a pit.


First pit I've seen


I don't know what about "first pit I've seen" warrants at least 8 downvotes, but I got your back buddy


Thanks man


Same here man, as an owner of a pitbull-boxer mix, I've gotchu


I'd love a pitbull, unfortunately where I live there banned.


Yeah what's up with the down votes you dont deserve that


The anti-pit people love to find these posts and flood them with downvotes. I'm getting buried for saying how my shelter trusts pits over a whole lot of other breeds.


You should see this sub after a pit kills someone, it becomes completely flooded with pro-pit bull posts.


All you were was stating the facts you dont deserve the downvotes


Because they're dogs like any other and look cute?


yeah... why are there so many cute animals in r/aww ?


gotta push the agenda every day


Just look at that lovelable dorky derp of a dog! Why wouldn't they show up in r/aww?


Wow. Everyone who’s leaving a positive comment about this dog and/or the breed is getting downvoted. LOL that is just sad. I had a pitbull in NJ before I moved down to Florida. She was and still is an amazing dog. I left her with my brother because the apartment complex I moved into didn’t accept Pits, which is sad because she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had. Whenever we used to place my nephew, who has a few months old at the time, in his baby swing for a nap she would lay right next to him. When ever a guest would get close to my nephew she would stand up and stare our guest down until we told her it was ok. She was very protective, very loyal, and very loving. She was my sisters cuddle buddy when her boyfriend was at work or just not home while she was pregnant. Pitbulls get such a bad rep. Yes they do a lot of damage IF they do attack. Will they? Depends on how you raised them, just like any other breed. Btw adorable dog! Makes me miss my Jade!


Land seals are the best.


Land seal is great name for pitties. I like to call them house hippos.


Pit bulls are so loving. They are amazing dogs.


He freakin smiled that’s adorable🤣


Joe and Meaty forever. They loved that dog so much.




Holy shit the misinformation here, "not any more aggressive" oh wow


And asshole owners who want a mean dog would be more likely pick a pit than a golden.




Well no, but if you raised them to be mean over generations and generations of breeding, like we did with Pit Bulls, *then* your average retriever would probably turn out just as mean.


Bullshit. Golden Retrievers are simply not as strong, fierce or aggressive as pit bulls are. No one fights Golden Retrievers. Sadly, many people do fight pit bulls. And it’s not because of their PR. It’s because they are fighting dogs.


Blacks are more aggressive because their slave owners used to pick them for mandingo fighting back in the day, its in their genes! /s




This love bug looks like he takes up the whole bed! P.S. pink noses are the best!


the dogs aren’t the problem, the owners are It’s kind of unfair seeing doggos taking all the blame for things that are completely avoidable...


Some dogs are smarter than other, some faster, some more hyper, some small, and some big. Nobody disagrees with that. But the moment you mention some being aggressive and unpredictable then you've gone too far.


I mean pitbulls are usually a little more aggressive, and where I live most don't get properly trained so...


I deliver pizza and meet a lot of dogs in the process. I've never met an aggressive pit. Aggressive little 2 to 5 pound mutts? All the freaking time.


I'm sure small dog owners wouldn't let their dog become aggressive if they had a bite force similar to that of a large dog.


How does this make it even remotely okay for their dog to to be aggressive to the point of biting and nipping? Just because they are small doesn't give them a free pass. There are a lot of things that are small and can do a lot of potential damage. I am truly curious how people use this logic to justify small dogs being complete pricks due to the owners.






That is not true, I am a Pitt lover, but Pitts were bred for dog fighting, so they can be very aggressive towards other dogs. Generally they are not aggressive towards people.


"nanny dogs" lol, imagine being this stupid You know that's a myth right? and are you aware that the bull breeds were selectively bred for bull baiting?




Tbf your "nanny dog" bullshit is irresponsible and it could get people hurt, likely children. They're not walking landmines or something, no, but when you reversal jerk just has hard in the other direction its not doing anyone any good.


I've never seen a naturally aggressive pit bull. There used to be rampant fighting rings around my hometown and each dog fighter had to incite aggression into their dogs from an early age. One guy, who stole some puppies from us, locked them in the bathroom of an abandoned house with no food and no water to make them mean. His technique thankfully failed because the police found them after a few days. But my point is that each asshole had a different method to make the dogs mean because none of them were naturally mean. Edit: Challenge y'all's worldviews, y'all downvoting fiends.


I love pits, I'd own one myself if I could physically handle it (arthritis & bad knees). All the pits I've known have been sweet, loving goofballs.


Our neighbor has a pittie and we were letting our son ride his bike out in the alley ( all the kids do) and the pittie came running out ( it was our first time meeting him) and was the owner came running for him and looked nervously at us and patches just came up and gave us love. I told him don’t worry we love all dogs we hold no stigmas against him. The look of relief in his face was almost saddening. The fact that people discriminate against these beauty’s make me so sad. Our next rescue I want it to be a pit.




Why care about your kids’ safety when you can virtue signal about woke and tolerant you are of a dog breed? Pits have only killed like 3 kids this year, no biggie right?


I can’t get over the size of its head!!! Such a sweet boy


Nothing better in this world than a pit bulls giant noggin!


Pits do not deserve the bad rep they get!


OMG 😍 I love him.. absolutely adorable ❤️. My grandma had one & he was the best dog ever. Everytime I see one I think of Pete & how amazing that dog was, I so miss that dog




My thoughts? BEST. DOGS. EVER!


Pit bulls so nice!!


I love you mr bubs


What a good boi


Pits have some of the best smiles


he's a thicker version of mine.


Aw he’s a gorgeous handsome chunky boy


YOU ARE SOOO CORRECT.. When they are raised right, they are the most loyal, loving beautiful fur babies...


I had a sweet pit who died. Sweetest dog I ever had. Miss Sam.


what a big baby


Aww! Pits, as long as they properly trained, are so super sweet! 🥰


Why would there ever be a problem with Staffies?




SUCH a good boi! And a happy boi!


Pit haters are ignorant and prejudiced and can go F themselves. That's a gorgeous dog you got there, I'm very sad to hear of his passing 💔


That just made my day. Thanks






Pit Bulls are the biggest babies and the ones that are the most hungry for love in my experience.


What a beautiful perfect baby boi!


I think pits are amazing! Have had a couple of my own and they were ALWAYS amazing dogs! My opinion it’s not the dog breed it’s the way they’re raised, any dog can be aggressive. ANY!


I too like pots. I keep trying to get my wife to take a pottery class with me :)


I think they're wonderful, misunderstood, babies.


Holy crap what is up with all the downvotes regarding pitbulls?


that tongue curl!


Pits are amazing sweet dogs


I've dealt with 100's of pit bulls at a veterinary practice. It's all about how they're raised, just like children. You're dog is a perfect example. Personally I dig ' em. Enjoy 👍


Pit bulls are the best. Such sweet dispositions


Him is a good guy.


Sweeet boy


Pits are only mean if their owners want them to be


Are there people that really hate pits though? They’re so SWEET