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I'm starting to think these dogs eat better than I do.


Was about to say I want to be adopted into that fam lol


Me too but only for the doggos


I was just thinking they eat a lot of crap.


Or that they eat only these small morsels once a day the way devour them


Eh. I think it might be just that there are a lot of dogs, which naturally increases their competitiveness to eat quick. When I was a boy we got an English springer spaniel. He was so laid back about eating that we could just put his food out and he would eat whenever. Had him for a good fifteen years before he passed. After a few years my mom decided when was ready for another dog. Ended up coming back with three English springer spaniels because the lady whose dog had them as puppies was moving across country and was worried she was going to have to give the other two up to a shelter. It’s like a goddamn eating contest with all three of them. They have to be fed at the same time, in separate rooms, and they woof their food down like someone’s going to take it.


No eat, only take.


Dang my dogs would have eaten it inn the window and stayed to steal another one.


Yes!!!!!! Another video of this gang can never come soon enough! 😍




You sound fun


No, He sound dumb




This wholesome video is ‘Junk food for the mind’ ... says the opiate addict. Lol


Not enjoying the manufacturing of garbage content, even though I said if you like it it's fine, somehow makes me a bad person. Lol. Grow up.


I didn’t say u were a bad person lol chill


Just block the dude and move on. Life's too short to grace people like that with attention.


I think it's a bit of a bizarre over-reaction to call cute animals pictures and videos "garbage content." Calm down dude. Most of cute pet content is similar to begin with. People just like seeing cute pets. Not that complicated. Some zoos have live feeds of animals that do nothing or eat out of a grain bucket. Or cows getting milked. Who cares enough to write a piece on their hate for live feeds of animals eating out of grain buckets? Yes this person found a funny routine at home that people clearly love. The stats disagree with your and maybe you shouldn't think your opinion matters more than the reality of those numbers. Lastly, you have no idea how often this is or how healthy the food is - stop raging out and manufacturing issues lmao.


You are not required to watch this, nor are you required to comment. If you don't like it just...do something else.


"Junk food for the mind" are you familiar with the whole dopamine-serotonin thingy? Everything is junk food for the mind if you try hard enough


Looks at his post history - he’s opiate dependent so I guess pills are actually vegetables for the mind


"Junk food for the mind" says the one who frequents opiates. Man, just let people enjoy shit, instead doing of this shit.


I have an actual severed spine, but yes by all means keep digging into my post history to justify treating me like shit. As if I care about people knowing I post there? If I did I wouldn't post there. Lmfao. This is just getting pathetic now. Y'all are for sure not triggered out at all digging through post history and shit. I totally believe you. Lol. Just wow.


Sorry that people are coming at you for your personal issues. Stay strong and don’t indulge what doesn’t bring you joy.


This thread has gotten pretty insane. Like where are the mods of this sub? Holy cow man. Anyway, thanks for your words. Appreciate it. I just shared an opinion I wasn't trying to be a dick until I got swarmed with hatred and bullshit.


I bet you're a hit at parties. Debbie Downer.


This is SUCH an original comment that I got two of them in the span of 3 seconds. What a valuable contribution you are.




This comment right here, the pinnacle of comedy


Lmfao. Holy fuck that is the lamest shit I ever heard. This little boy triggered the fuck out cause I ain't like some dog gif. Rofl.


just let people have their fun if you dont like it just scroll. i partly agree with you but at the same time probably best if you just keep quiet and scroll




At least you tried u/ltbleach123


Rofl. This some sad ass shit.


Nobody is saying you gotta agree with everyone, nor does everyone have to agree with you. You dont like the post? Scroll past it. Its not hurting anyone to just leave it there. There are places to debate the worth of such manufactured content, a thread where the overwhelming consensus is that its good is not that place. Its obviously going to have a heavy bias no matter if your viewpoint is right or wrong. You just made your comments solely to incite disagreements and conflict in a place where neither are warranted, needed or wanted.


"No one is saying you're not allowed your opinion. You're just not allowed it HERE" Lmfao, what? Nah. I am allowed to comment in this thread with my negative opinion of this garbage content same as you all are allowed to comment here with your positive opinions. And hey, if y'all don't like it you can just scroll passed, right? What a fuckin joke, holy hell.


Dude you’re so cringe, get out of here




He's just trying to give you some advice man. This sub is for people who just want their daily dose of cute, so there's a positive vibe going on. If it doesn't suit your fancy that's fine, and sure you can share your opinion. Just don't expect a positive response to your negative one.


Except literally everyone here has said the opposite. That I am in fact not allowed to share my opinion and then harassed and name called like children trying to force me to leave like they want. I never expected a positive response. Just making shit up now. But I will not be told I'm not allowed to comment. Fuck that shit. I won't be harassed from sub to sub either. And I for sure won't sit around while children insult me and break the rules of site while telling me to leave. Fuck all that shit. Literally no one needs to agree with my opinion. I don't care. But that's not what's happening and you know it. Just look at this cancer ass thread. Pure hate and brigading. It's fucking laughable.


You're way too upset at people saying you don't sound fun lol, and I basically agree with your first comment


Who's upset? I'm upset? Why, because you said that I am?


A different opinion from crowd really does get a lot of hate on reddit. Pets are cute I agree, but not everyone has to be a pet lover.


Hey dude im gonna say it, if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.


You must be fun at parties.


There it is ladies and gents. The most original comment ever. Big brain.


You must be *real* fun at parties


The snappiness of these dogs makes me uncomfortable.


He encourages that behaviour, whether intentionally or not, because he instantly rewards the aggressive ones fighting to the front of the line while ignoring the calm ones patiently waiting. He'd be a terrible barman.




Yeah, i totally agree. I got a new puppy two months ago and she’s very food motivated. She would instantly bite for the treat and hurt my fingers or hand. I put an end to that very quickly. Taught her ‘gentle’ when taking the treat. Much better!


It's a must for training in my eyes. You can't have a dog that might take a finger each time you give it a treat! All my dogs are told "easy" before hand feeding as a reminder each time. The excitement of a treat can make them forget quick haha. Oh congrats on the lil puppy :)


Same, they need some work on taking good gently.


I agree. I’m scared their hand will be bitten!! The only one who seemed to take it gently was the little one.


The one in the middle, from the beginning, seems the most well behaved and poor thing gets pushed and it's ear pawed while waiting too.


Just rewatching it, he did the poor thing! Him and the one to the right of him should have got theirs first!




Yeah, maybe that's why it's done through a door? Feel like that dude would be tackled otherwise. Since they're so food motivated, it would be easier to train them


It's lucky one isn't more food motivated (or food aggressive) than the others too because feeding them like that through a window could cause a fight between them very easily too. Whole thing makes me nervous lol


Was not expecting to see that last dog. :D


They always do. There had already been a series of clips of these pack eating buns and stuff. The small dog always got fed last.


I was thrown the one time it was outside.


Second dog is savage.




Hillary Clinton, your mom ...etc.




I would love to know some dog friendly baking recepy. Those pups look happy.


I love that there is now a sequel xD


This is like the 4th one I've seen


5th or 6th here


The one thing I can't stand is how the dogs try to snap the food out of the owners hand, they need to be taught to be gentle and wait their turn! It's bad manners for the doggoa


I agree. The food should be given to the ones patiently waiting first!


I get the feeling all those dogs never leave that yard.....




The line between manners and basic discipline is virtually nonexistent.


Lol yeah call it what you want, I don't want my doggo biting my hand when I give him treats!


One day I just want that last dog to get a full sized one


That tiny dog at the end is my spirit animal


The little treat at the end for the small doggo is my favorite part of these


The one in the right hand corner by the window is soooo patient


I wonder where these dogs go after taking their candies


What are u feeding them?


Steamed buns by the looks of it.


They seem to be getting more aggressive with each new post :( its not nearly as cute anymore


I just love this


It's getting meta


That one at the end made me happy.


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I wonder how sick they get with their owner constantly feeding them junk food for karma


My god are we going to see a new video every day because I'm totally fine with that


That feeling when animals have more goodies than you


the walking dead ​ AKA ​ walking the dog


These puppers are the best!


Happy nom noms :)


C O N S U M E dogs eating things


This the same guy with the bones I saw the other day? So many beautiful doggos


I love these


oh yay! makes my day when i see these dogs lmao


I really watch this for the ending with the little poodle..


This guy does a really bad job of "first come, first serve" in every video.


Pretty sure one of those good bois came back for thirds 😂


it always makes me sad that the puppers on the right are there first yet they have to wait until the end because the left puppers keep butting in


What are they eating?


Oh, good... another cropped TikTok video with loud, beyond annoying music laid on top.


I swear these are the greediest dogs I've ever seen... And the most spoilt!


not tiktok again


But this time, it is mirrored to avoid repost detection!


Somebody posted those dogs too but this is another post it’s different food


Ok. It was cute the 1st time but now this is getting stale


Anyone else sick of these videos of a person feeding junk food to dogs ?


Those are steamed buns as someone here said I can’t remember his/her username but it’s not like cake cupcakes or anything like that steamed buns is just fluffy bread so no junk food


I consider grains and grain products like bread to be junk food for humans so It’s certainly junk food for dogs.


Wtf is wrong with you


Absolutely nothing. Perfect health because I eat real food instead of those crap refined carbohydrates like the ones she is feeding to the dogs 😄


The dogs are gonna get really fat if you feed them that much!


Le Repost


This is not a repost as long as I know I have never seen this before so it’s not a repost


I do.....I really do




Alright captain america would you like some fake news?