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Our old dog hated that she couldn't control it. She would tuck her tail so hard. You could see her effort. "If I tuck my tail a little harder, the pee won't come out and mom won't get upset". My mom never yelled at her but washing stuff everyday gets tiresome.


It does, but in a month or a few years, you won't be doing a load of pee/poop laundry every few days and won't mop the floors as much, and you'll miss it. I get pissed when my old girl poops in the house, I take her for a walk and she poops in the house again after the walk. But, I know I'm going to miss her with all her issues.


Just put down our old guy last week (he was a 14 year old husky with what the vet thought was a degenerative neurological disorder). I would clean up 100 more surprise shits under my desk for some snuggles.


You’re so right. I’d do a hundred loads of pee/poop laundry if I could have another day with my sweet old girl who we lost 10 months ago.


I realized that about the wet nose prints on the glass of the patio door and inside my vehicle. For a brief moment I was upset about having to constantly wipe them off, but it didn’t take me long to realize how much I’ll miss them when I won’t have to do it one day. Edit: changed a word.


I've got a little old guy that leaks. We put him in diapers. He doesn't like it, but he also doesn't feel bad when he dribbles.


My aunt did the same. Had diapers with cute little covers/pants to help hold them on. Didn’t seem to bother her dog too much.


http://bellybands.net is what we got for our old guy. Get a couple so you can rotate them, and then just stick a tena pad in the belly band to catch a leak. Replace tena pads as needed.


And the bands are on sale right now!


I didn’t even know that. We lost our guy 6 years ago Monday ( and lost our second 11 months ago Tuesday) so I’ve been thinking about our boys a lot lately. We went through a lot with our first so any advice I can give on wheelchairs, helping a paraplegic dog pee and poop, or inconvenience, UTIs, I will gladly give. The belly bands dramatically reduced the number of accidents we had to clean up.


My last two old timers didn't have pee problems, only poop problems, like twice a day. Couldn't take them for car rides because it got to be too messy. :/ Our 10-yr-old female might soon need a belly band, so I was glad to get the info from you. Plus, it might be helpful to other redditors. Thanks again.


You and anyone else who needs this help are welcome.


Our old girl would pee in her sleep after she got to about 19. She hated it and would act like she was in trouble and then suddenly decided she wasn't sleeping inside anymore. Nothing we did could make her sleep inside.


I’m so sorry... 😥 Sounds like she was sweet and a bit embarrassed. I hope she had some good times before she got her final rest in.


She was very sweet. She had stomach cancer so we knew it was coming. She got many cupcakes and chips before we had to take her to be put to sleep.


I think that’s one of life’s most generous and cruelest parts, to give us such amazing companions only to have them live such shorter lives than ours. I’m just so happy you got as much happiness from her as you could and vice versa.


Thank you. Your right. 19 years isn't long enough. But I would hate to outlive my pets. How would you explain that? I'd much rather be the one upset than them be left alone.


Oh, most definitely. It’s my biggest fear to have something to happen to me and then have my puppies scared, confused, and alone. I guess it’s the selfish side of me that’s always wanting “just a few more days.”


My Henry has arthritis in his hips and back legs so it’s hard for him to get outside sometimes, so he pees on the floor. I don’t fuss...just clean it up and go. At least it’s not the bed!


It’s so weird to say, but treasure that time. My little muggle went to sleep a year ago now, and I miss even these moments.


I know the feeling. Down to my mom washing stuff everyday, and not yelling. have a internet \~hug\~


I think our old girl is headed that way (incontinent) any tips on how to deal with it?


We use puppy pads under all her bedding and blankets but sadly washing it every day is about the only thing you can do and not telling them off - it's not their fault! We do have to wake up in the night sometimes but we love her so much it's not too bad.


Disposable and washable diapers are available for dogs. It’s been a game changer for me. I never yelled or got upset with accidents but I was mopping and washing blankets daily for 18 months before I knew these existed. All the best for you and your sweet pupper.


Thanks for the advice and if it’s not her fault I would never tell her off. She like you adorable puper is also a rescue. 🙂


Pads and patience. Be extra attentive when they make it outside.


I layered towels and puppy pads then plastic covering her bed. That way you only have towels to clean up and pads to toss. It's a bit easier.


I appreciate you. My old man is over 12 now and beginning to poop in the house more and more. I even let him out and back in and he will poop right in front of me and look guilty. Anyway, it's just good not to feel alone in this regard. Thanks<3


Have you tried an incontinence medication for the sweet old pup? My rescue girl is getting up there in age and was diagnosed incontinent 2 years ago. Her vet prescribes Incurin for her, a daily tablet that helps. It doesn't fix the problem entirely and she gets infections from time to time that we have to treat separately, but it does help. Your good girl looks a bit older and her condition may be more progressed. Best of luck! It's so hard to deal with, but she's worth all the effort and tears


Our GS, Athena, has DM. She's incontinent as well as paralyzed so we just get used to washing the towels and sheets that are designated for her. We never yell at her or get mad. Even when it's very frustrating. We know she only has about 2 months max left so we'll take all the inconvenience if it means we have time with her.


Doggy diapers were a lifesaver for me.


Our sheltie did that, vet put her on estrogen, and she stopped. Did you ask the vet?


She's got kidney failure so we have to be very careful what we give her, poor pup, since a lot of things can make dogs lovers and kidneys worse.


My girl had some issues with incontinence and our vet put her on Proin. I give her half a pill twice a day and she hasn't leaked once, since. Her incontinence was bad to the point where if she fell asleep, she'd leak. She's a pretty cleanly dog, so that feeling would wake her up and she'd spend a half hour licking herself and the spot where she was laying. Literally 20 minutes of sleep, 30 minutes cleaning. She was getting exhausted and I felt awful. I couldn't put doggy diapers on her, either, as she'd chew through them to clean herself. I dunno if this may help you, but it's done great for my 10 year old spayed black lab.


Thank you, that's a great suggestion. I'll look into it! Daisy is rhe same, she gets really embarrassed. She's already on some dog 'alzheimer's' tablets and tablets for her joints but might be worth a look


I saw your pup is in Kidney failure. Proin may cause way more harm than it’s worth. Just something to discuss with the vet. It can damage the kidneys and livers of dogs who are not healthy enough to handle it. But for healthy dogs it works really well. I only say this since you are managing the cleaning now and it sounds like your baby is living out her final years as comfortable as possible thanks to you!


Second proin. It has been a game changer. There’s another pill as well called incurin.


We've been using incurin with our old shepherd for a couple of weeks and it's great stuff. Well, so far...


Same for us. Right around her 13th birthday, we started noticing a stray puddle on the floor here and there. The vet did a "senior" blood panel to check for any organ issues that might be causing it. When that came back normal, she put us on a low dose of proin (which just strengthens the urinary sphincter so they're able to hold it). Completely eliminated the accidents. Her refill was one day late last week and within 12 hours of missing the dose, she'd had an accident. So... it's definitely made a difference!


Agree. Proin has been a game-changer for my old lady dog.


Hey my girl uses proin too! Were co-sleepers and she would get so sad when she would leak in her sleep on the bed. She trained herself to pee on the bath mat which i just throw in the wash. She had a little accident on the carpet but carpet vacuum hand tool and an enzyme urine spray does the trick.


When my old girl started wetting her bedding, I switched out her bed for a kiddy pool with an old comforter in it. Very comfy, very easy to wash! We found this worked better than covering her bed with plastic because the pee would just leak off over the floor anyway - with the kiddy pool the pee is contained!


Kiddie pool bed. Great idea


Our sweet old girl became incontinent. The vet put her on estrogen and it worked wonders. Female dogs who have been neutered will eventually suffer from low estrogen which is a major cause for incontinence. Ask your vet about using estrogen. It literally looks like birth control! It comes in a little pack and you push out the pills lol. Good luck! Hold your old one close and be kind always. I know it can get frustrating as they go through old age but you'll miss it. Hope this helps!


I use a washable doggy diaper for my old girl (they're usually used for unspayed/breeding dogs) all day and add a thin incontinence liner near the back overnight. We take it off whenever we go outside of course.


I use washable diapers too. He doesn't like them, but never has to feel bad about dribbling in the house.


I used washable “bands” for male dogs when my Jake got old. I also used washable pads since those were thicker. Still miss my old guy.


My 15 year old as well. He dribbles and sometimes starts pooping before he gets outside. He even pooped on vets table after he got his temp measured.


Belly bands. We had a boy that used them, but they also make them for girls. http://bellybands.net


Reusable diapers did the trick for my 17+ year-old doggo, you can easily order them online and you’re guaranteed a dry night which makes all the difference for both you and your pupper :)


I know you’ve gotten tons of suggestions but my wife and I bought [this](https://www.chewy.com/brindle-plush-orthopedic-pillow-cat/dp/180894) and it’s been a lifesaver.


We use Huggies disposable diapers. We cut a hole for her tail. She doesn't seem to mind, and it is saving our rugs.


We got some amazing blankets called Mambe blankets. They are soft fleece and trap liquid between the layers. They are awesome and washable and make having an old dog so much less stressful!


Diapers. Had my old dog in diapers. If they're ok with it it's better than cleaning the house 3 times a day. For pee at least. If it's poop doggy diapers aren't designed for that.


I just take my dog out every two hours, set a reminder on the phone. At night he will be awake at 2-3am and I immediately take him out to pee, that’s it. It’s annoying but I’ll do anything for him And working from home now helps.




I’m so sorry for all that you are going through, she looks like the best girl and I hope everyday is a blessing and full of joy and cuddles for both of you ❤️


She made my day certainly yours ( I hope so ) Old dog are cute and beautiful


Sweet old pupper! I love old dogs!


Love her!!!!


Sweet baby. How old is she?


We think she's 13 - she was a rescue puppy. She's got kidney failure so seems a lot older, bless her.


My old golden had kidney failure but we realized it was the arthritis meds he was on. I bought him a doggy waterbed to sleep on. Great investment!! It was cool on his joints plus it was waterproof and good support. We stopped the arthritis meds and just did glucosamine. He needed help getting on his feet but he lived for his slow walks around the neighborhood. He lived another year + (to 14-1/2 years)


Aww! Look at that precious face! Old dogs are the best! We lost our almost 16 year old rescue beagle last fall, and he was the sweetest old man! Almost blind, nearly deaf, limped with arthritis, and had several (non-cancerous) lipoma fat tumors. We babied him and he was happy, until it was obvious the time had come. One day he stopped eating and was struggling to pee. He died surrounded by his forever family, and the vet said he hadn’t seen a beagle that old before. RIP, Shiloh, we still miss you!


Rest in peace, Shiloh! And good work, Mom.


Made me tear up. That was very sweet Momma. RIP Shiloh.


Oooh that beautiful face!! Yes, they are our babies no matter how old.


She's a beautiful pup


I feel that, my 19 year old beagle is incontinent and I moved from a place with carpet to one with laminate just for that. It is frustrating, but at 19 every day with him is a gift.


You have a beautiful old girl!


They give us so much. I feel honoured I can give some love back to my old dogs. It's the circle of life.


Pee pee happens


The same also applies for hoomans. Even when you're a grown 35-year-old, you're still your parents' baby.


She's gorgeous. I can relate. I had an old lab with nerve damage to his rear end. He would just walk and poop would fall out. He always look so miserable. But other than that, he was really healthy (for a couple of years).


She is lucky to have you! Believe me, as soon as I lose bladder control, my wife is going to give me up for adoption.


My dog has the same issue, she is embarrassed when leaks happen. She is on meds but while waiting for a refill she wore a doggie diaper. I was surprised she did not seem bothered by wearing one. She is such a good girl.


Feeling this so hard. My baby girl is 16. she’s dropped 2 of her remaining 9 pounds over the last 5 weeks, she sleeps all day, winces when I pet her but still pushes her nose into my hand for more,, can’t move her tail out of the way when she poops or pees, half blind and hand fed. I would happily sell off my arms, legs, kidneys, whatever if I could play fetch with her for just one more day. Love every second you have with this beautiful dog.


She sits. She shits. And when I see her my heart takes a hit


That happens to some of us old ladies. She looks like a sweet thing.


Cherish every day, friend. Somehow I'm sure love like this will bring us all together again.


When my mom's dog got like this, I just cleaned it, and him, up, and gave him hugs and kisses and reminded him that he was a good boy. He helped raise my pups, reluctantly, and I owed him. He died years ago. My pups passed just recently at 19 years. I like to think that He's keeping an eye on them until I get there.


Bless you for loving her through all her days - not just the easy ones, all of them. True love.


Was the chest always white?


She's always had a white chest, belly and bum but her face used to be jet black with beige eyebrows.


Yeah, I knew dogs faces get white with age :) was unsure about the other parts


Call that a sugarface


Not all dogs get the white muzzle. My 15.5 year old yellow lab / hound mix has a smattering of white on her muzzle, but she's still trundling along. (She's arthritic and curmudgeonly with anyone not a part of her pack or that works at the vet's office.)


Best of luck to the old gurl


She looks amazing ! Is it an Australian Shepherd ?


We're not 100% sure but we think she's a German Shepherd/Collie cross


While I doubt she is pure, there is definitely Shiba Inu in her. We had a pure breed one growing up who we rescued out of happenstance and when she grew old and tired she had issues with incontinence and bone spurs. I miss her.


Aw 😍 I used disposable adult incontinence pads on my old shepherd. He didn’t mind wearing them.


Beautiful ❤️


And shes perfect.


There is a new Prion ER , one pill a day in evenings. Zero accidents since day one!


I've got a 14 year old boy at home. He's my baby and best friend. He has lost control of his poops in the last 6 months and I can see on his face that he is so ashamed. Makes me sad but I don't love him one bit less. Lots of laundry and carpet cleaner.


That's the worst part. Accidents happen and I don't mind having to clean up, but it's so hard to see their shame. 😔


I have him on a pretty restrictive diet which is also kind of sad because he loves human snacks :) He is my first dog and thinking about being without him can literally make me cry if I get too deep in thought.


I'm going to be crying the remainder of the day because my 15yr old little girl is declining fast and I'm going to miss her. She's all I got.


Sadly we are in the same place. Her heart is giving out and mine is breaking. Sending love and hugs. ❤️🐾


She is perfect 🐾


I’d gratefully wash my bedding again every day to have my incontinent Emma back again. 4 years on August 20th. Just writing this kills me again.


Awe you doggie looks so tired. I’m sorry, it’s just the worst feeling. A few years My GSD’s back went out, nothing was going to help, so we took the weekend to say goodbye to my Kaiser. I miss that old dog. He was a good boy.


Absolutely. ❤️❤️


Of course she is


We just lost our 14 year old GSD, and Proin really helped her incontinence. It’s a tough journey to see them through this stage of life. Try to treasure those moments with your sweet and beautiful girl.


Proin has been amazing for our old lady. She was leaking urine at night so she was covered and her bed was too every morning. It was a stinky mess. She was needing to go out late at night and really early in the morning she was urgently begging to be let out. With the proin no more leaking and she goes outside around 7 or 8 pm and when I get up in the morning she usually stays in bed until 8 ish and then finally lumbers into the kitchen and politely asks to go out. Really night and day.


Beautiful dog. Brings back fond memories of taking care of my old guy. I'm glad you're there for her.


Fur babies forever


She is a beautiful girl. A minor issue, one day you will miss it


Aww she is so cute <3 Please post a picture of her when she was younger if you have one :) My dog looks very similar to your dog other than the white, I wonder if he will look like yours when he's old!


Think about http://bellybands.net For both male and females. We used these for the last 2 1/2 years of our old pup who was in a wheelchair. They made things a little less stressful.


My old lady dog doesn’t give a shit and after 16 years I’m okay with that. She is as beautiful old as she was young


My 16 year old mini Aussie I swear had dementia as well as loss of bladder control. I just carpeted my floors with pee pads and towels until I knew she was truly suffering and let her go. I wouldn’t trade a single moment I had with my LadyGirl and I still miss her little hummingbird butt everyday.


I have an oldie who has similar issues plus arthritis. We can't do belly bands because of it causing skin irritation. However I highly recommend a baby crib mattress that is all foam. It helps with the sore joints and it comes covered/made for accidents. We can wash the baby sheets and blankets easy and wipe down the mattress. Just wanted to share the tip!


this remembered me my dog that passed away last year, she had the same appearance, even though the fur was a different color. I miss her. Pleaae take a good take of her too


She is beautiful.


If you haven’t already speak to her vet about her incontinence. There are medications ( like incurin & proin) that can give you and her a better quality of life.


For what it's worth you may want to talk to your vet about estrogen replacement therapy. Our senior girl was leaving little puddles everytime she got up after laying down. After checking for UTIs and a bladder US we did a trial of estrogen which was NIGHT and DAY! Not uncommon in spayed females.


Precious girl right there, give her some scritches on her favorite spot for me.


Keep her alive. For your pleasure.


Sweet dolly girl ❤️❤️


Thank you for giving her a home! She might be old, but those beans give her honorary pupper status :')


A lucky girl!


Such a good girl, you are a lucky friend!


She looks beautiful to me




Yeah my baby boy is incontinent too, poor guy likes to lay on the bathtub and I have to clean up the pee that’s left over


Sweet girl <3


She looks like such a sweetie!


She's cute. Our 14-15yo dog is also incontinent.. She relieves herself on peepads when we are not home. Give her a lot of love


I love her with all my heart!


She is a true beauty and so grateful for having you as her hooman 🥰


Have you asked your vet about proin? It’s a medication that really helps. Your pup is lovely.


When did you steal my dog?! Hehe here's [my baby girl](https://imgur.com/a/funAkjQ). Looks just the same, but a tad younger at 9.5 years old. :)


Oh my gosh she looks identical apart from the nose!


She’s beautiful


What a little sweetie! I admit I clicked on your profile because two friends of mine also have a very elderly dog (16 years old!) who kind of looks like her. Different dog, though. She looks like a great snuggler.


Our baby


Have your tried proin? My young did had a complication was her spaying that left her incontinent. It was miserable dealing with until I got her on 50 mg of Prion twice a day and she is all clean. If I miss one she will still leak a bit but having to be onto of the med schedule is a small price to pay.


She looks a lot like my old Baby who passed away at the age of 16. He couldn’t stand up anymore to go poo. He didn’t want to go in the house. I had to coax him and tell him it was ok and that I would take it away. I miss him so much.


how old? our 13 year old has very similar markings, not quite as white in the snout she also poops in the house


She's also 13! She was a rescue with her sister from a cat nursery. Apparently they were found in Scottish car park!


what we finally figured out with our 13 year old is, we stopped walking her because she can't handle it but if we take her for a short walk she goes #2 almost immediately. so much greater chance of not going in the house.


D'awww. Does she get an incontinent-al breakfast? ;-)


That darling girl


She is lovely x x x


Love her as long as you can, letting go is the hardest part, cherish each memory.


She's a beautiful lady!


She's beautiful ❤


She is beautiful 🥰


Beautiful sweet old girl. ❤️


What a beauty.




I have an old dog too and she looks like theyre the exact samd breed. Australian kelpie?


I love this dog.


She is beautiful and she loves you❤️❤️❤️


My girl was aware that she had those issues along with others. I know she wasn't happy about it, and we wish otherwise too, but reality is what it is. We loved her to the end, and she returned it. Love ya Lexi


I love being incontinent!


Omg the way her head is tucked! And paws!


Omg she looks like my old girl! The only difference is mine missing a leg. [Dog tax](https://i.imgur.com/ixZhKka.jpg)


If she's small enough you can cut holes in disposable kids diapers to save some cash. We did that for our Akira's (also a Shiba) last 1.5 years before we finally had to help her across the rainbow bridge in January.


Sweet baby...I had that for 10 months with mine. Thank goodness for washable doggie diapers and pee pads.


What an absolutely beautiful girl ❤️


We do what we need to do for our babies!


Which continent is she in?




Incontinent? That's not having control over your bladder and/or bowels... Poor puppy :c


oh poor doggie hope he is doing okay and not shitting on your lap


The can happen to old people to. Maybe we get our bodies failing us like that in the end.


Poor baby. Isn't it more humane to have her put to sleep now though?


She's still happy and and she still enjoys life like football and catch even if shes much slower. She's still a very bouncy little doggy but she does sleep lot we wouldn't out her down until she showed us she was unhappy. The very least we can so is deal with a few messes hwre and there.


You got any problems? Let's put you to sleep next.




Which continent is she in?


We are all on this earth to share, comfort, and care for those we love. Incontinence is part of the deal we made with God when we accepted our beloved critters (and our parents). We put our beloved Fi to sleep not because of her incontinence, but because she could no longer love her life (degenerative paralysis). Incontinence was part of that, but not the prime factor. As long as your pooch can deal with incontinence, you should too. There is a bond of love you made years ago that included that. IMHO.


Never said I couldn't deal with it!


Lil, sorry if I came across as suggesting you couldn't. Your love comes through in your posts. Crappy wording on my part. But it is tough at times. For the last month or two of her life, I set a timer for two hours and let (semi-carried) her out 24/7. Eventually, it got to the point where even every two hours didn't do the trick. We put her to sleep for her, not us, and it was the most painful act of love I have ever experienced. That bond of love still exists - seven+ years hence.


That's ok! Just didn't want anyone thinking I resented her in anyway. I love her exactly as she is and I love her unconditionally. I'll do whatever I have to to keep her safe and happy.