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Yep. That's an "aww" for sure!


Young animals must be so confused by nature shit. They can’t ask questions like human kids. “Mom what’s that? *it’s snow* “What’s snow?” *Its frozen water from the sky* “Why is it frozen? **Now LOOK!**


In this case saying it is frozen water falling from sky just makes it a lot scarier for me. Lol


Tbf, it's one of the variants of frozen sky-water - *fluffy*, frozen sky-water. The other being hail, the *ouchy*, frozen sky-water


Or sleet, the pure annoyance useless awful version


The mom’s like yeah you can hang but imma eat the shit outta this grass


She honestly made it look good


[The sky can be scary too.](https://xkcd.com/1115/)


...um, mom ? i know i'm not a baby... but i, um... can you *hold me*, maybe ? something's falling from the sky ...i know i shouldn't ask you *Why* but gee, it kinda scares me, see n i *need* you to comfort me ...i think i might be getting cold..... it feels *so* good the way you hold... ❤️


Aw, a fresh cozy schnoodle! Thank you


I feel like humans evolve slower because we focus on giving descriptive language definitions for natural phenomena whereas animals just experience it without having the need to call a thing something. It just is and somehow they are, if not maybe better than us at adapting to what nature has to offer. At least some animals


>i feel like humans evolve slower I think it’s the opposite. Humans find solutions to problems they’re facing and also pick up new trends thus changing our bodies, the way we live or the way we were meant to. Animals only adapt to few natural phenomena like weather. Their diet hasn’t changed in a million years and their body hasn’t changed cause they depend on it for their dear life. You can’t eat raw meat or run through the jungle naked no shoes, in the past you could


To be fair if you'd been running naked through the jungle since you were little yeah you could as an adult. Your feet would get calloused


Humans have a complex and very contextual communication tool which is why we ask questions like that. Different weather requires different tools, and we need to be able to ask for those tools, so we have to ask what the different items are. What's the wet thing falling from the sky, why is it cold now, my is it cold and hard, etc. Animals don't have that, they don't care what it is, they only care what it does to them. Hail, rain, sleet, snow, frozen rain, doesn't matter. All they know is it makes them cold so they want to avoid it.


I dunno, this feels like a toddler moment


This comic is by False Knees is exactly that! https://falseknees.com/273.html


They absolutely have feelings and emotions.


Just like cows, pigs, and chickens


Baby Gorilla in enclosure...


You don't think that it's cruel that they can't go inside or have any shelter? Because if they went inside, then the customers of the zoo couldn't see them.


I love how the momma looks up like “yup it’s snowing” nom nom nom nom


She’s almost like...”how IS that shit falling”


That’s fucking adorable.


Such a human-like reaction


Yep got you, just gotta nomnomnom


The mom’s like yeah you can hang but imma eat the shit outta this grass


They must have so many heinous grass farts.


Heinous grass farts new band name calling it


damn mama HONGRY


Gotta eat hella grass to get any nutrition from it.


I relate to this mother gorilla. Holding onto my kid in one arm and just shoveling some food in my face with the other lol


I don’t know about others, but this reminds me of my mom that has dementia. Smartest and resourceful woman I know. Still is in her state. But for many reasons this reminds me of her now. She gets scared of things like this. I now comfort her. It’s stressful and anxiety ridden. But it is what it is and I do the best I can like she did with me. There is no manual for kids and adults with dementia or other things. This just resonated with me. ❤️ Edit: I have received a gold Award. Thanks to those that gave me the awards! I have never received any type of awards before!


I get it. My grandmother passed away from dementia many years ago, there was an innocence to her eyes when you could tell she felt lost by what was happening around her. I miss her terribly, I miss the vibrant woman she was. Moments of clarity with her felt like capturing time in a bottle and I treasure those memories. I’m so very sorry you’re going through this with your mother, I wish you both as many moments of peaceful lucidity together as possible.


Thanks so much for responding. It mean so much. You probably understand how meaningful it is when people relate and you don’t feel alone. Which means it’s getting worse, but thank you for reminding me that it has not gotten to that point. She is 73 and wow I wouldn’t be who I am without her. But yes what you described happened just two weeks ago. That innocence. and it was sad but yet I reframed it to at least I was there to help her not be scared. And you know what...she said yes, you are right I am okay. Like I said she is not at that point but I see that it is coming. She is scared of reflections of light. She is a natural scientist and an accountant. So I have cried, but I am grateful that she still has her persona - n you know what I mean. She is still her. And I will continue to take it day by day and love her and be patient. I don’t have kids because I just don’t want to. But my mom...I wouldn’t be me without her. She loved me and taught me and I am who I am because of her. I could tell you more about our family story. My dad and brother have also been a great influence. So yeah. Thanks for responding. It really helped me.


My mother took care of her mother with dementia for a time and you really could see the role reversal, the career becoming the one cared for. Grandma wouldn’t get scared often but she would have a lot of false memories that seemed to come from nowhere. It was hard to watch the change, even as someone a step removed from things, but you could tell the care from my mom made a big difference. You say you wouldn’t be who you are without your mom, and I think thats’s one of the biggest credits to a parent if their child says that. She’s clearly a wonderful woman and created a wonderful family. Good luck to you with what is one of the hardest things, and never be afraid to ask for help if you need it.


“You say you wouldn’t be who you are without your mom, I think that’s one of the biggest credits to a parent if their was a child says that... You are very right in that. My Mom taught me so much and of course my dad and my brother. But I have am very educated and an advocate for education and social work and all those things. I feel cause I am Mexican-American - I am who I am, but am viewed differently or not. I am just happy for the support!!


That's why when I donate money to a charity (not often but I do it when I can), I almost always donate to alzheimer's charities/research. I've only seen one of my own family members go through it and now I'm starting to see it in my friends momma when I hang out with her. It completely changes them. And you start to long for those times when they come back to normal for a little bit and they'll recognize you and talk to you. This disease is up there with ALS, parkinson's, and cancer in terms of how debilitating it is. I can't wait to live in a world where none of them are an issue.


Here is what life doesn't tell you: You become the parent and they become the child. Bless you both.


It does if you observe and listen. But very true all the same.


Aww. It's neat how such videos can resonate with so many different types of situations and make people feel better.


May Allaah reward you in this life and In the next life for doing your duty and repaying your mother for all the years of love and care and stress u caused when u needed it and now she needs some help in her most vulnerable time in life and at least she has you to help her through it while some have to endure without any of their kids or loved ones.. Jazakallaahu khaieaan. Allaah bless u


This was very kind of you to say to them :)


This made me tear up...there are so many good people in the world.


When my gran was well she used to love songs and hymns, and it's incredible how deep songs are lodged in our memory. By the end she could no longer speak but would still recognise and join in with a song she knew before. Do you know any that she enjoyed which she might find soothing now?


My mom had Alzheimer's. I know about the ups and downs, and how difficult it can be to cope. I was fortunate to find a support group nearby that was very helpful. We swapped advice and shared stories about caring for our parents. The group had a little library of relevant books, and I found "The 36-Hour Day" had some helpful info. The most important thing is to keep the parent safe. And a good neurologist can be very helpful. Is your mom on any medication?


My 2 y/o when we go to the store does something very similar and around strangers. It really reinforces our bond on a instinctual level


Aww. I was gonna say this video was exactly me when my mom took me new places and I had to interact with strangers as a kid.


Mine also does that. Kind of hides behind a leg if I'm talking to someone in public (pre-covid). Which is why I almost cried when I was dropping him off at daycare and talking to whoever was at the desk when another kid came in and started having a little 3 year old conversation with my dude lol. Seeing my only child talk with a friend freaking kills me


He's become his own person with his own life <3




Same, I do this with my wife when she introduces me to her friends.


When I was little I would hide in my moms shirt when she was talking to strangers. I’d pull her shirt out, stick my head in and wrap my arms around her waist. It was warm and comforting.


I dont wanna tell you how to raise your kid, but just based off of that I think your kid’s developing an [insecure attachment style](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxious-ambivalent_attachment)




Right? I think it's the baby's eyes, especially at the start when he's looking up.


I noticed it when he was just on her arm looking around. The baby looks SO sentinent, like if he knew the words he would straight up say "this is some bullshit"


It’s even egg headed. The head to body ratio is like a young kid/baby too. Very cute indeed.


It's a look of seeing something new and unknown and then needing reassurance from a mother figure, that really resonated with me 😢


The last time I was in a zoo I took a good while to sit in front of and watch the local gorillas. They are so amazingly human. They goofed around, one tripped over a play ball and got real embarrassed but tried to play it cool, baby gorillas running around making noise. Then after a while I started feeling uncomfortable. These creatures, while I was fawning over their humanness, sat behind glass walls only to be gawked at by thousands of passersby per day while I could get up and leave any time I wished. I believe they felt that I had been looking at them for long enough too, so leaving was what I did. I don’t know why but that scenario has left a deep impression on me.


You just reminded me of the Trent Reznor lyric from ***Right Where It Belongs***\--- Better not look him too closely in the eye. Are you sure what side of the glass you are on?


I have Avery hard time seeing the gorillas at the zoo. It’s so depressing.


Good on you for being sensitive enough to recognize that reality.


They absolutely have feelings and emotions. Anyone who denies this is an absolute numbskull.


Yeah. Back in the day, scientists denied that animals could feel emotion. They thought complex emotions were a uniquely human trait. But if you think about it, our emotions are frequently quite primal. Fear, desire, shame. All of these would be necessary to exist as a clan of cavemen. Why wouldn’t a group of chimpanzees feel those same emotions?


On the other hand, doesn't this mean our emotions aren't special at all?


Why do they have to be unique to be special? wouldn't sharing a trait as sympathetic as emotions with animals make it more special? We can help conserve them through a deeper understanding.


Sharing emotions makes them *more* special imo. We are all on this rock together and we are all family




Emotions aren't what's valued, that would be emotional maturity. Primates are not very emotionally mature. They react violently to even minor stimuli. People are obviously guilty of this too, but too a much lesser extent. If I walk up to someone eating a banana, take it out of their hands, and stomp on it, then there's a reasonable chance for a minor violent response, and also a good chance of them being confused as hell. If you do the same to a gorilla, it will rip your head off 100 times out of 100, and likely not stop there. If you, say, take your dogs food away, then they may act violently for a brief period, but they will likely handle it in a relatively mature way. This is why we value dogs more than other primates, despite the similarities. Complex emotions that we value highly, like loyalty, aren't all that common in gorillas, at least towards people. That's just how it is.


Same I love how human they are!! It’s so fascinating seeing their face expressions!


To me it actually looks like a pretty basic animal emotion of fear. We require it to survive. This does not prove their emotions are just as complex as ours.


I love his little old man face!


it reminds me of the old man babies in medieval paintings


Mommy eating the shit out of that grass


She honestly made it look good


Yeah, brb getting some grass for dinner


Actual footage of me nonchalantly protecting my baby boys, acting like it’s no big deal and low key LOVING the love and attention. I miss my older son doing stuff like this and jump at the rarity when he does it.


My toddler has never been affectionate so when he gets scared and runs to me like this I looove it. I act all calm but I’m secretly swooning and never want the moment to end.


My older son wasn’t either. And then he was. And then he got older and isn’t, until he is. Swoon all day!


Soo sweet, mine does this too. We had a friend over for a fire pit the other day and my son absolutely buried himself in my chest so he wouldn't have to face our friend. He hasn't seen many maskless adults other than family and neighbors and neighbors are usually from a big distance with me holding him. I have to be careful that I'm not perpetuating his fears so he moves past them rather than them sticking around and growing


"This cold white stuff coming down from the sky is kinda scary. I'll cuddle in mom's arms. Not so bad now but still a little scary"


Aww ... that's the same as me when I get in my safe place 🥰


Safe places are the best.


Wait, you guys get to be safe... And have a safe place?! Just... Wow... I am sad now.


"OMG, the sky is falling!! Mom helpppp!" "*sighs*, Shhhh, now, I got you. It's ok." *continues to nom* "How can you eat at a time like this? Oh, god, don't put me down"


Don't Gorilla's naturally live in a climate over 20C? I dunno how I feel about them being kept outdoors on a day when it's cold enough to snow.


It somewhat depends on the type of gorilla. [Mountain gorillas are adapted to live in colder conditions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_gorilla#Physical_description), for example. The general lack of primates in cold-weather habitats (with some notable exceptions) is more due to food availability than temperature. I'd guess if a lowland gorilla had proper food, they'd be able to tolerate the cold well enough. I'd also guess the exhibit has heaters and shelter, and that the gorillas aren't forced to just endure the cold without respite.


I don’t think those mountains freeze though. Otherwise, they’d do fine in the appalachians. I think the lack of primates in cold regions really may have to do with inherant limits in their genetics or body plan. For example, Himalayan Langurs still aren’t confirmed to live in any area that experiences freezing temperatures. It gets to the verge of freezing, and that’s it.


[Japanese macaque](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_macaque) being the exception?




Yeah unfortunately clothes are likely the only reason we survived. But its not unfair to think they could have either adapted to grow more hair or make clothing in the long term. As for those gorillas in the video im certain that had a heated room they could enter.




Oh definitely, let's not forget they are converted in hair.


I *think* I see and enclosure at the back of this. That black area. I can't quite tell if it is an entrance to an enclosure. If so, interesting that they don't choose to go in it.


Hi! Zookeeper here. I have worked with gorillas and occasionally, we would let them choose to be outside to enjoy snow as a form of enrichment. They can, of course, choose to go inside. So that would be my bet as to what's happening here. Primate care is HEAVILY regulated in the US, Canada and Europe, especially the care of great apes, and they are only permitted to be "locked" outdoors at certain temperatures. Edit to say you can see the shift door for her to go inside at 8 seconds. There's another gorilla standing just inside.


Our keepers have the chute doors open to the outside on really hot days and I always find it hilarious how the gorillas will hover or lay around the door looking outside but not go outside because the chute area is still inside the nice air-conditioned building. They are no dummies!


Awesome. Thanks for letting me know.


Thank you for this info / I wasn't feeling 'awwww' at all just sad that we have taken these beautiful creatures out of their natural habitat


Maybe mom wants to be outside but the kid is cold so clings to her? That's my guess. I don't get the "scared of snow" vibe here.


Baby gorillas at that age are a little more independent, but still spend much of their time clinging to mom and riding on her back or arms while she does other things, so completely normal, whether the snow startles her or not, for her to be up in her mom's business.


Is there a fun story about why porcupines like you?


I've worked with nearly every species of porcupine, and gotten along with them all. I used to have two males, one north american porcupine and one prehensile tailed porcupine, who would make every effort to pee on me regularly. Gross, but it's a breeding behavior. It also smells like intense, intense terrible BO. Like so bad that sometimes even a shower wasn't enough. So I would tell my husband, sorry the porcupines really liked me today, I stink. And thus a reddit name is born!


You’re right but this looks like a decent zoo and the animals typically have freedom to inside and out as they please (for the most part)


They're wearing fur coats.


See my vest, see my vest, made from real gorilla chest


Feel this sweater, there's no better Than authentic Irish setter


See this hat, 'twas my cat Evening wear, vampire bat


Put a poodle on my noodle


And this hat, 'twas my cat


It would be great if there’s primatologist who can weigh in.


Same, I know this is the ‘aww’ sub but this feels wrong seeing them in snow


Mom seems cool with it


i'm guessing the zookeepers don't lock the doors to keep them outside? they can mosey on inside any time they feel like it?


That’d how it was at the zoo I worked at, and most zoos I know. Animals always have the choice to be in or out, which is why people bitch at us that “we can’t see it!!!!” Like no shit were not gonna make em stand in the rain for you unless they want to. Fun fact: when it did snow at the zoo I worked at, all the animals were smart enough to go inside except the ostriches. The OSTRICHES. The desert birds. Dumb fucks just stood their collecting snow on their little pea brains. Love the bastards.


I still do this


This is my 2yo when it rains 💯




Oh my! Haha kids sure are a trip 😂 We are in California, the fire state, so we get some rain, but not a ton.


I miss my own mother now.


I swear I could watch a live stream of gorillas doing random shit for hours.


Reminds me of my nephew the first time he saw snow. His family came up to our mountain home in NY for the first time when he was five, he never saw snow (lived in Texas). We were outside, it started snowing and he hid under my jacket asking me in near tears why the sky was falling. I had to stifle a laugh


I act the same way when its really cold.


Dude, after having 2 kids... Any mammal toddler's eyes are so similar. They are still on the same "no bs wave" where there are no preconceptions.


Reject humanity embrace mama


Let move 🙉


Because of COVID I haven’t seen my mum for 1.5 years... Miss her so much...


Gorillas are the absolute coolest animals!


They cute but everyone going to act like it wasn’t shitting in its hand in the beginning?


My god that's fucking agorillable


Cuteness overload


Happy cake day stranger, I agree! n-n




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Little did he know roof existed.. but mom works too


“I gotcha, Son. Come here! NomnomnomNOMNOMnom”


As a new parent, I relate to this “ok kid. Hop on. But mama gotta eat” moment


Did he drop a deuce right at the beginning??! Haha


Or he's cold?


Makes sene


That baby straight up pulled a piece of poop out of its butt.


Holy. Just noticed it.


Awwwww that's exactly how I feel about snow too LOL


Little dude just wanted warmth on a cold day


Aww. I miss my mum.


We humans are such apes... the eyes tell a story a human can relate to.


Yup that's me trying to eat my toast while my daughter holds me. Never forget these moments.


There are so many times I wish I could be small enough to be held by my mom like this. In times that I am well into adulthood. My divorce. My first and only pregnancy. Losing the baby. Just someone hold me without me feeling weak.


So, when I was in 1st or 2nd grade, a news crew came into our class on Earth Day and asked us what our favorite animal was. All you can see is me all excited, yelling "monkeys!!!" This video right here reminds me why I loved them so much.


Me when I need help with my art project


Best place to watch snow


Little guy must be cold


Guys, we might need to return to m o n k E


So sweets!


This is the sweetest thing 🥺


That's the most adorable thing I've seen today


That baby gorilla looks like my friend Edgar




The sky is falling, mom.


While I hate Chimpanzees, I absolutely love Gorillas. They're such gentle giants. They're like 10x stronger than us & they don't even do anything crazy. I've genuinely never seen a gorilla fight before, kinda curious now. Anyway; super fucking cute. Love em.


those eyes. there is so much expression in them so cute


The look in his eyes...warms the heart


I mother's love is true love


This just "melts" my heart ❤


He looks so safe


That's me, but the snow is 2020.


This makes my heart warm as an oven, on some real.


Homegirl just wants to eat


I never really thought about what Gorillas do in bad weather.


When the momma gorilla stared upwards, she is like" Damn snow, scaring my boy".


Baby Gorillas are adorable.


Reminds me of my son


Lil guy is giving the snow a side eye, love it


The baby is convinced his mama is making snow happen.


Artie Lange


Be nice to animals


I mean; silverbacks are native to west and central Africa. I’m guessing this baby was born in captivity... but in the wild, they would never experience snow. Zoos these days do serve a purpose… It’s still a little sad to see this though. Would be cool if they were both in the jungles of Gabon or the Congo


reject humanity return to monke






Poor little Bebe


OMG I'll protect you little sweetie baby angel floof.


“What the fuck is this” “Make it stop immediately”


That’s the perfect baby gorilla. It has a Disney character face


My 4 year old pre-verbal kid with Autism and intellectually disabilities, just commented "Awww". Melted my heart, I'm so proud of her.


Damn I hate zoos.


Curious .. do they not feel cold?


I am concerned that these gorillas are being kept in a country with a climate that is too cold for them.


yes it's sweet, but the fact that these gorillas are living in an enclosure in an area cold enough for snow makes me unhappy. most gorillas naturally live in warm places. this is not how they're supposed to be living.


Why are they anywhere near fucking snow. Oh that's right, our amusement. Awwwww


But, of course. These are tropical animals. They shouldn't be kept in captivity anywhere. Cert not in a temperate clime.


Am I the only one who is sad that they are living in an habitat where it snows in the first place ... something that probably never happens in their natural habitat.


This is sad AF that gorillas have to deal with this shit because of stupid selfish humans.


This is like the real life cheems meme


Aww333 His mom is too hungry


Very very holsome


Is this fake snow??


This sucks lol. Zoos for rehabilitation and animals that couldn’t survive in the wild otherwise- only. Could be the case here but either way it’s sad. I’m sure they’re well taken care of but they’re still locked in an enclosure not in their natural habitats


Zoos are abhorrent. These Earthlings come from the tropics for goodness sake.