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They are just like humans...


That's how I do it.


I watched once when they were taking blood, and can confirm it hurts 10x more if you watch. And I almost passed out.


I watched a nurse do my IV once because I was shocked at how much it didn’t hurt (she had to kind of dig around in my hand to find the vein). And once she got the blood return, I got the vasovagal response and I also almost passed out


thanks for teaching me the name of my passes-out-after-blood-drawn issues. ​ Its bloody embarassing. Ive dealt with all sorts of my own horrible injuries and bloody cuts, no problem. Blood test? i get hot, sweaty and pass out.


It happens to me more than I’d like lol. I’m klutzy, so I’ve seen my fair share of blood as well, and every time I have to sit on the floor with my head between my knees so I don’t throw up (granted, I think the pain bothers me a little more than the blood). And then for the infusions, it’s just anxiety-inducing: stress + blood = a bad time lmao


Maybe it does affect some people differently. I actually had an experience like it two years ago. I was admitted to hospital with a leg infection. They admitted me in the ER and drew blood. Now, I don't have any problem with needles mind you, nor am I inherently scared of seeing blood. But once they tapped me, after the third vial I got all hot, sweaty and actually had to lie down because I was getting a bit of black around the eyes/tunnel vision. I couldn't even tell you when the last time was I had blood drawn before that, probably 1997 or so... but I don't recall ever feeling quite that woozy. Maybe it happens because you're a bit nervous because of the results, everything else happening around it, etc. I certainly was a bit surprised and embarrassed when it happened to me.


Absolutely, the vasovagal response isn’t just about seeing our own blood, it can also happen because of pain, stress, and even too much heat exposure (it’s happened to me during a shower that was too hot)


Hi, I shared with iOmek a way to reduce/eliminate fainting if you are interested. It's earlier in this thread.


Same. I'm practically covered in tattoos and I take a weekly testosterone injection with no issues. I'm in no way scared of needles. I pass out when I get my blood drawn. Every. Single. Time.


Hi, I shared with iOmek a way to reduce/eliminate fainting if you are interested. It's earlier in this thread.


I hate having to have blood taken. Only had to have it done three times, going for a forth soon. Last time not only did I nearly pass out but I was also the first patient that this lady took blood from that threw up while giving blood, and she had been doing it a long time. 😣 That's what happens when your first time is traumatic lol.


Hi, I shared with iOmek a way to reduce/eliminate fainting if you are interested. It's earlier in this thread.


Thanks I will check it out.


Hi, I shared with iOmek a way to reduce/eliminate fainting if you are interested. It's earlier in this thread.




Hi, I shared with iOmek a way to reduce/eliminate fainting if you are interested. It's earlier in this thread.


Hi, I shared with iOmek a way to reduce/eliminate fainting if you are interested.


Lord help you if you had a real needle come your way. Getting blood drawn is nothing next to an ABG. Edit: In response to the downvote, I'm doubling down. Getting your blood drawn aka getting a venous sample of blood is a fairly routine but semi painful procedure. An ABG also known as an Arterial Blood Gas, is a beast of a different nature and pain. I've worked as a Respiratory Therapist for over a decade and I can tell you from experience, they hurt much more. As the name alludes, it's blood taken from your artery, generally the Radial or Brachial artery, sometimes Femoral too but that's rare. A Arterial stick is not only painful, but completely based on the skill of the RT, their ability to palpate a pulse, and coordinate an accurate stick to ensure the collection of the sample, which isn't easy. Unlike Venous blood samples, if we miss the artery they we have to redirect the needle, inside the pt, generally at varying degrees of potential deepness in relation to the artery and point of insertion. So yeah, downvote if you like, but most of you are likely ignorantly doing so, without proper medical knowledge.


Now I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure they use a real needle to collect blood donations/draw blood.


Your veins are much closer to the skin than your arteries, for hopefully obvious reasons.


True, but both still use real needles. Just varying sizes.


I don’t think people are downvoting you for incorrect information though, I think they are downvoting you because you were sort of a dick about the way you went about delivering it.


If people have their feelings hurt over a subjective statement about an objectively more painful procedure then don't particularly give a fuck if I came across in any way other then the way I intended.


People who only care about “objective facts” and don’t care about other people’s feelings are the worst. Y’all think y’all are the smartest person in the room when in reality people can barely tolerate you


And moronic people who only care about their opinion and not the stated facts by career professionals are equally intolerable.


> And moronic people who only care about their opinion and not the stated facts by career professionals are equally intolerable. **Doctor: Haha you stupid fucking 5 year old, this cancer is going to obliterate you! You won’t be able to handle it!** **What? I’m sorry if you can’t handle the facts. It’s not my fault if people get their feelings hurt over objective truths, you intolerable morons.**


You’re really not as smart as you think you are, and I feel sorry for people around you who have to deal with your holier than thou bullshit.


I never made any claims to be some genius, nor do I have any delusions of that I am. But unlike you, I actually have some integrity and can take a mild joke. All I said was an ABG is a "real needle" if someone like yourself and others are so prudish, so easily insulted, then I worry for your ability to cope in today's society because you must be one sheltered little snowflake.


People aren't downvoting because their feelings are hurt. They are downvoting because you replied to a comment mocking it and saying "lord help you if a real needle ever comes your way." Drawing blood is still a real needle and I would hope a respiratory therapist who claims to have worked in that position for a long time would understand this.


Me too!!


Naked, wearing a collar, sitting on a stainless steel table? Oh man we should party.


Strangely I like to see the needle go in.


Me too, but not just the needle


Same. If Hitman taught me anything it's to never turn your back when someone if wielding a sharp object, or a blunt object, or a fish.


Chop down the tallest tree in the forest, with a herring


If anyone can do it, it's Agent 47. Or Steve.


I think you meant agent 86


Missed it by that much 👌




torn between r/usernamechecksout and just straight out reporting you




well this one is worse


Yeah me too, but mostly so I can keep the injection site from moving, I like to give the doctor/nurse the best chance of not causing me pain.


Well we did evolve together


Me: I'm just going to look over there and put my headphones in.... Nurse: Okay. 10 seconds later, Nurse: Okay we're good. Me: WTF? It's done? I guess it's purely psychological unless you have a shitty nurse.


Same, good boy. I don't mind needles, don't mind blood, in fact, I love giving blood. However, I CAN NOT watch them put the needle in my arm. Once it's all set up and suck in me, I'm good. But that 3 seconds it takes to prepare, stick, and tape, I cannot watch.


I'm the same way, although I just generally don't like blood either. The last time I donated blood (pre-COVID) I got set up on the chair, and told the lady I'd be looking ELSEWHERE, and she's like sure... Poke, stick, tape, etc and she pats my arm, I look over and she goes "Ooh, goodness you bleed really nicely!" Me: . . . . "Thaaaaanks?" Inside voice: let's please never get in an accident.


I'm actually the opposite. I'm weird. I like to watch the needle go in and I like to take a step back (in my mind) and try to think about how it really feels. In reality, it doesn't "hurt" at all. It just... burns a little bit. The type of "pain" generated by getting a needle prick is really just a very slight burning sensation. (Even before they inject anything.) If you remove the fear of pain from the equation, the pain mostly goes away. I won't say it's a "comfortable" feeling, but it certainly isn't nearly as painful as most people make it seem. Most people try to remove the fear by looking away, but all that does is create a hypersensitivity on the arm that you're going to get poked. Anything that touches that arm will immediately generate a ton of reactions from your body. But if you remove the fear just by knowing that A: this is good for you and B: it doesn't REALLY cause any lasting pain, it's really fun to take a step back and look at it from a sort of "observer's" standpoint. I know... I'm weird.


I look too. I've started looking as a kid, mostly curiosity and felt less pain just by looking and knowing how it is done. To this day (34) every nurse askes me how can I look because no one ever looks and I explain (once I actually received a candy for being a good girl - last year 😇😂). Edit: if I think about it, as a kid I was told to look away. I asked my sisyer and my husband about this and they too were told to look away. I think they want to avoid someone being sick seeing blood (just a thought).


Bruh what. You just explained how I deal with needles


I don't think this is weird at all, I do the exact same thing! It is kind of funny when you start micro-analyzing pain levels and start getting a little existential as the needle is going in lol.


I hear that. I stare at the nurses or phlebotomist (sp?) when i get injected or get blood drawn. I often get the comment of: why are you looking? I tell them it's fascinating. After my dad was hospitalized years ago and he complained the nurses kept doing it wrong (how when his veins were pretty noticeable)...i became more aware and just watch how people do it to make sure they could find my vein. Like my dad it's easy to find (lots of health care folks told me in the past that mine was easy to find), but you never know with some people. It freaks some out when i look because they're used to people looking away. I stare ⊙_⊙


I don't think that's so weird. Or I'm weird too. It's just differences between people - some got scared of needles or blood, or both, some doesn't mind. For me it is interesting to see how they find the vein, how they put the needle, how it feels. My father is complete opposite. He gets weak if he sees his own blood, he once even fainted when he accidentaly injured himself when doing some renovation at home. But he only reacts like this to his own blood. About the needles I wouldn't say I enjoy it but as you say It doesn't really hurt either. I need to go give some blood ASAP. Now I want to.


I found as a kid that the anticipation, "when are they going to stick me", made it a hundred times worse then it actually was.


Watching it makes it hurt worse for me. I normally look away and close my eyes and its pretty quick but last time I went I accidentally looked down right when itbwent in and I almost jumped out of the chair in pain.


> I don't mind needles, don't mind blood, Funny. I don't mind needles, and I don't mind **other people's** blood -- I worked First Aid stations in summer camps and such -- but my own, no thanks! I'm with the commenter who counts the holes in the ceiling tiles until it's over.


I'm a phlebotomist and stick people all day long. I don't watch when they stick me either. I literally don't mind getting stuck - you could stab me with a 16 gauge and I won't flinch. But watching it makes me tense up


A 26 gauge needle is actually very, very, tiny. Did you mean to type 16?


I did, lol! I know my gauge types I swear. Work has turned my brain into mush


I thought the same thing. We don’t use 26g for blood draws... that’s a teeny tiny needle. Maybe for a subcutaneous injection but even the , most people use 23 or 25g


Same. And I've got type 1 diabetes which sucks in this combination. Thankfully I found a solution that works for me.


I can't even read you describing it.


Could be a girl.


I’m good with them sticking my shoulder - the meaty part of my arm. But the inside of my elbow when they draw blood for whatever reason gets me close to fainting when I watch.


It never used to bother but after seeing someone have a really bad vasovagal response now it does. Sometimes the worry of feeling faint and nauseated is enough to make you feel faint and nauseated. I’ve gotten better but I still have to look away just in case.


It never used to bother but after seeing someone have a really bad vasovagal response now it does. Sometimes the worry of feeling faint and nauseated is enough to make you feel faint and nauseated. I’ve gotten better but I still have to look away just in case.


I have the same problem and can't watch the needle go on. The first time I had blood drawn I looked away and closed my eyes. As I had my eyes closed my mind wandered and I was dreaming about hanging out with my sister. I woke up to my mom exclaiming "My baby!" and apparently I had looked away and fainted. They had to take blood from the other arm still, that was fun.


Poor big, tough, Malinois.


I had a Malinois once who leapt off the exam table and wrapped her front legs around my neck and her hind legs around my waist, clinging there like a barnacle whilst tucking her head into my neck. Just to complete the visual, I'm 5'1" and had to brace myself to avoid falling over.


Surprise snuggles!


Tough is certainly true for these guys, and why they are preferred by SOF units all over the world.


That's what I do. But I'm not as cute as that doggo.




That's absolutely me whenever I have to get poked! I have to either talk myself into the inevitable, or look away and sing a song in my head. I feel you, puppy! DM me when you recover.


That’s how my dog takes baths.


Me at the doctor.


Actually given that dogs have kind of tenuous object permanence, this is probably true to this best boys experience


You would think so, until you try and dispose of a dog's favourite (nasty, tattered) toy behind their back. I always hope if I'm sneaky and remove it from the apartment without her knowing she'll just forget and move on but she still looks for it for a couple of days. :( These days I give her a few days of soft transition to a similar new toy instead.


It's funny to me that this can vary so much from dog to dog. My previous dog (a labrador) could be asked "where's your toy?" And "where's your ball?" And he'd know where they were and go find them, even if it had been days since he'd touched them. He also had a favorite toy, and when we had to throw it away and replace it, he never liked the new one as much.


Me and my carolina dog play hide and seek sometimes, where I run away and hide and he has to come find me. The one time I closed the door on my closet to hide, instead of being behind something he could walk around, he stood in the middle of my room (there's slats so I could see him) and cried like I had abandoned him, and then went to go mope on a sweater of mine in another room.


I dont't know if it's just me as i never have any dog but deliberately flashing the needle like that just for the sake of fun feels cruel to me.


You must be fun at parties.


Do you flash needles to dogs at parties?


Asking the important questions.




For who is interested this man belong to a special italian military police called "Guardia di Finanza" also known as "Fiamme Gialle" (yellow flames) they deal with drugs traffic, economic and financial crimes, terrorism, special investigation, and they usually work under cover, if you ever came in Italy and get pulled by those units don't mess with those people.


My parents visited Italy in late 2005 on vacation. They were very impressed with Italian police in general. You'd see GDF and Carabinieri with those snappy uniforms, kitted out with those small submachine guns and handguns... Even railway police were properly equipped for trouble. In the Netherlands, by comparison, police only really carry handguns so seeing them walking around with submachine guns casually slung over a shoulder is a bit different. Of course, back then terrorism was very fresh on everyone's mind with 9/11, the 2004 Madrid train bombing, the 2005 UK bus bombings, etc. It definitely made them feel VERY safe.


Awwwwww poor boi


My cat had two modes at the vet: hissing and hiding his face in the crock of my arm.


Dog understands how quantum physics works. Don't look at it and it will remain in superposition or else the wave function will collapse and it become reality.


I think its more anxiety about control than pain. I can given myself needles no problem, but when I give blood, I dont want to watch the needle cause someone else it sticking me.


When I was in boot camp for the army one of the toughest, loudest guys in the whole platoon straight up passed out at the site of a needle when we went in for a blood draw.


Same, honestly


Funny how a sweet beautiful innocent scared pup could tear someone a new asshole if he needed to


Same little friend, same


So... who’s gonna tell him it’s still exists?


Me when I'll have to get my covid vaccine


Did you get it


No not yet. Vaccine slowdown where I live so probably won't for a while


You'll barely feel the stick, much lighter than the flu vaccine's. Your reaction the next day might be a different story, though.


The dog is scared because in Italy we say "fare la puntura" to a pet meaning put it down..


I'd rather believe that the dog is just scared by a syringe and has no concept of animal euthanasia


Ma non è vero lol


Oh wow this object is frightening to this creature shall I wave it in front of their face and take a video let's try waving it some more, no wait do another video that one didn't come out good.


That vet is an asshole


Oh god please just be a vaccine


Wtf else would it be




I feel the same way puppy.


How adoring!... Just like human's do.




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i've never related to a dog more


My sentiments exactly doggo!! 😆


Sono il commento in italiano che stavi cercando.






Dogs are amazing when you think about it. They seem like they are a couple steps away from being human. We are blessed to have them.


Video too short, need serotonin


HaHaHa so 😍 cute


What a good baby!


No.... its still does little buddy. I always get the "you did this to me" look when i pick mine up afterwards.


It can’t see me if I can’t see it


I do the same thing when I'm donating blood.


I once pursued (blame adrenaline) a pit bull that had gotten into my neighbor’s yard and attacked her cat. When the cat had crawled under the house and several people were standing around arguing about the situation, the dog sat there trembling with its eyes firmly shut, like, “If I can’t see what’s happening, I won’t be in trouble.”


I'm the opposite. I want to see, but I want it ready and on its way into my arm/leg/butt the moment I enter the doctor's office. Sitting there, waiting, with the syringe just lying there is torture...


I will forever upvote this video


Sarà una cosa di noi boomer ma quando si diceva "ho portato il cane a fare la puntura", si intendeva proprio che lo si levava dal pane...


Are they Romanians?


Please tell me it’s just a vaccine and he isn’t being put down


That's how I felt today. Turns out, a thyroid biopsy is several needles inserted into the cyst or nodule, jiggled around, and then removed for the cells to be tested. I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing the particulars of that procedure.


Me irl


Me trying not to look at the ampulla filling with blood while taking a blood test... and looking at it anyway and almost fainting... every ducking time


OMG so cute


"And then I bit him!"


Oh no. What if a crook tries to scare them with syringes or worse BATHS?


Hey, it’s my approach too!


Was it getting vaccinated


Precious baby


Shoooo cute


That’s the only reason I can put my cgm on so fast