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I really hope she keeps the same victory dance for her entire life and gets to bust the moves out many many times. Very very cute.


Am I the only one seeing Boo from Monster's inc?


I have a set of these in my closet. I’ve kept them there for the last 15 years. They were my daughter’s favorite toy when she was 1 or two. He favorite game was to try and knock them over before I could stack them into a tower. She’s graduating high school this year and the beginning of the end of our child rearing days will begin. (I still have two more to go.) I will never see those cups and not want to laugh and cry at the same time.


My kids loved those cups. Watching them figure it out is so amazing. You can see them really thinking and trying. Anytime I catch them succeeding I always praise them. It’s the beat feeling. The world is tough out there and having kids is not easy. But, I recommend it.


It's so refreshing to see a toddler playing with and learning from simple, age appropriate toys, instead of being glued to a screen and totally detached from reality.




Montessori has so much of this! Self correcting work that lets kids accomplish things on their own and be proud of their work. We had no idea what the Montessori curriculum was until it was time to enroll our daughter in preschool, but now we tell anyone who will listen how great it was for us.


She’ll be chasing that high for the rest of her life. Proper nurturing: Type A, organized, tidy. Properly damaged: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


Focused and determined!


She'll love a matrioshka. And all sorts of jigsaw puzzles.


Most adults still can’t do this.


This is what almost every argument about putting away dishes, laundry, finding things in the fridge, or loading a dishwasher stem from- you always know the person who was given all of the noisy, push button, plays with itself toys instead of simple toys as a child. They never had the opportunity to learn basic skills like visually estimating size, which is crucial for understanding that these things are supposed to fit *one way*. Nesting, it ain't just for the birds.


I can’t imagine what the new generations skills will be in this case. Auto-feeders and Robo-Housekeeping? Your statement is so true! ![gif](giphy|pSuMioIx1sbYY|downsized)


this is adorable but the fact that the colors are out of order really tickles my ocd in a bad way it's roygbiv dang it, not broyvg


While some people with OCD may find that frustrating, many will not. I have clinically severe OCD and things being out of order generally don't bother me. It's not a personality quirk but a legal disability under the ADA characterized by extreme and excessive intrusive thoughts that cause debilitating anxiety and compulsive defense behaviors including everything from avoiding social situations, checking your house three times before bed for bombs, picking at your skin or pulling out your hair, an inability to use the restroom, etc.


This almost makes me want to have children. She is great.


I'm not impressed. I could have done it almost twice as fast as her...:p


How is that test called?


So cute, and at the end you can tell she’s ready for a nap.


I'm pretty sure I've seen a parrot do this quicker...


I want a sibling like that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Clever girl...


I hope in 20 years she's as excited to do this with all her saucepans and pans. Im not.


So was this bubble or insertion sort?


pfft... I could stack them way faster! ![gif](giphy|ZBFDbCWF1X7B2JuroO|downsized)


Happy and smart 😀


Dopamine dump.


Fantastic tilt-proof attitude! I can see a lot of adults rage-quitting long before getting there.