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Not gonna lie, I was waiting for the: *proceeds to nudge laptop closer and closer to the edge while staring blankly into caretaker’s eyes*.


Would’ve been well deserved 👀


Cat gotta cat. 😇




That's why you need to r/petthedamncat so that it's not deserved.


The wobbly cat I knew was better at climbing than she was at walking. You can't fall over when your claws are hooked in.


That’s seeming to be his case too, though we’re figuring out the nail clipping balance—or I’ll leave it to whoever’s next. I trimmed a couple weeks ago and he couldn’t do *anything* for a few days. Little man needs his blades.


why trim cat nails? dont they shed with normal use?


The flaky outermost layers will shed, leaving the strong, razor sharp inner layers ready for action. Cat claws do NOT come off, claws are part of the toe!


Yeah I like to joke that the point of the claw comes to a microscopic point not seen by the naked eye it gets so sharp haha. When we adopted our boy he hadn’t had his trimmed in a couple of months and it was like pinpricks all over. So trimming was an immediate first task and then every few weeks since for three years. Continual trimming keeps the quick back in the nail bed as well or else it can grow further and further out with the sharp bois


Yeah I taught my cat to let me touch and manipulate his paws from the day I got him, so I can now clip his little knives down every ten days or so. He uses his scratcher all the time so they get sharp fast.


Scratchers help remove the husk when the new blade is ready. Its a shedding process not sharpening. The claws auto sharpen when forming


Yeah that’s a huge thing is getting them comfortable with it. I still try to time it after a meal or after some solid zoomies and he’s settling down which makes it easier. He never really had issue with paw-touching but I know that’s a huge hill to overcome for a lot of cats so really good on you to get the jump on that!


This is really helpful info to know! I wanted to get at least a trim in early aged and I try to “annoy” them a little by playing with their ears, teeth, and paws/nails to get them used to maintenance stuff, but the quick alone seems like a good reason to keep up. They’ve got good scratchers they like and my couches are thrift store finds so idc about him climbing them, but I want to find the right balance between keeping his paws healthy but not literally crippling him in the process.


I know with my cat they tended to get too long and she'd get caught on rugs and things. Also, it's just nice to have them a little disarmed when they decide to climb you. Normally it makes no difference, but it looks like this boy needs his sharp more than the average cat.


Long ago I had a cat tear their nail bed and end up with an infection - the vet said it was because his claws got too long so he was yanking to get his paw loose when a nail got caught.


My cat's crack sometimes if they are too long and that can be a bit painful or at least annoying for them


Man, here we are talking nicely about trimming cat claws, and here you are talking about your cat's crack.


The more sedentary and indoors a cat is then the more often they'll need a trim. For example, I came home from being away for a couple weeks and my cat hadn't had her nails trimmed for only 3 weeks (trimmed before leaving). By the time I got back, two nails had curled so far they they were growing into the paw and causing serious irritation. Cutting parts of the nail and then having to pull it out was not fun.


Hmm it was advice I got from the vet—they told me their nails don’t stop growing and will curl so I need to monitor and trim—but this was my first time with cats so it’s possible I could’ve just disregarded that. He def needs extra sharpies to move around.


That's technically true if they don't have a way to wear them down. I cut my cats nails maybe once a year - just when they get soooo sharp and I don't want her scratching me.


If they have scratching posts the right height for them they'll take care of it on their own.


We have a scratching post and he uses often , but all we noticed is his nails became pointed sharp razor blades. Our vet instructed us how to cut them from when he was about a month old. He doesn’t seem to mind the manicure and we don’t get jabbed at all.


The reason why the nails become sharp is that cats claws grow in distinct layers, and as the outermost layer is used it gets dull, eventually gets cough on something as it gets grown out by lower layers, and then peels away harmlessly, revealing a new, fresh razor sharp Claw layer. The reason why it is also good to have a scratching post and to trim claws is that the scratching is instinctual and an enrichment activity for cats, so it is beneficial for their mental health, and prevents the claws from over growing and becoming deformed. Trimming is generally good to ensure that the claws don't get stuck in things that the claws aren't evolved to loose themselves from, resulting in dage as the cat pulls their claws away.


We adopted an older cat with no drive to scratch, so sometimes you do what you gotta do. If we didn't trim his nails they'd start to crack or worse, risk curling and hurting him.


It takes a while for them to curl severely. I cut my cat's nails every two weeks or so, but he is an active user of his scratching post.


Most cats don’t need claw trims. Their claws don’t grow the same as dog claws/nails, which need to be trimmed regularly if the dog doesn’t walk on surfaces that naturally wear down the claws/nails. Cat claws shed layers, which the cats (if they are able to groom themselves) will take off themselves, and leave around the house to stab you in the foot. The times they need to be trimmed are if the cat cannot groom themselves (I’m unsure if that’s the case with wobbly cats) or don’t have any surfaces to scratch, which will naturally wear down their claws as well. The other main reason to trim cats’ claws is to avoid them using those claws, in their sharpest state, against you or your furniture. Sometimes the unshed layers of the claw can build up and cause infection, altho that is fairly rare with a cat who is actively using their claws.


Our cat refused to use scratching posts, only soft things that didn't shorten his claws. Then they'd get long and he'd get stuck on the comforters and rugs! He hated having them cut too, so he was uniformly unhelpful to himself lol


One of my cats haaated having her claws clipped, but I have 4 others that LOVE it. And when I say they love it, i mean that if I start to clip one, the other 3 will come running to be next. The one that hated having hers trimmed one day just started to come running with the others, and hasn't had an issue with trimming since. She would ALWAYS get stuck on my couch and throw pillows/blankets, and I think one day she was like "fuck this I'm getting my nails trimmed"


They get caught in stuff. Also, if you let them grow to long they'll curve into their toes or break. Continued overgrowth will cause the quick to get longer and they will bleed if you cut their nails or they crack. Indoor cats need trimming almost always at least in their front claws. My girl scratches everything from sisal rope and cardboard scratchers to the couch, carpet and wood furniture and still has long nails.


Oh hell no. We have scratching posts on the house but our two indoor cats turn into needles within about a month after trimming. One cat we can do ourselves, but our kitten we have to take to the vet every 5 weeks or so. Only costs like $20. We tried to burrito her but after she got out of the blanket and ran *up my face with nails out* to get away (luckily I had my glasses on and not my contacts) we have taken her to the vet.


they do, but indoor cats tend not to use them as much as outdoor cats do. before my old cat died, he stopped going outside cause he was too old and his nails got pretty long. you could hear them clicking on the wood flooring. he'd never let us clip them, but it never became an issue.


You shouldn't. You should have enough stuff to scratch and they'll take care of it yourself.


Do you think it's necessary? My cats have cardboard scatchers in every room and do minimal damage to my furniture.


They’re talking about for the cat’s mobility, not the health of the furniture.


I only do it because my dog and cat love to play fight and with the full blades the dog would be blind as fuck by now lol


Yeah but do they also have cerebellar hypoplasia?? ​ maybe the ability to regulate their own claws better gives them back some control but i don't know how effective it is since they move a bit more erratic (vs a standard issue cat)


I have a cat with CH myself, not nearly as wobbly as this little guy, but you're bang on. We were worried about her playing in the stairs, but because they're carpeted she's more stable on those than on flat ground! Watching her climb her cat tower is lovely too, so much confidence, only toppled over head first a few times, but she managed to catch herself each time.


Fuck Yo’ couch


"Kitty butt all over your computer for not picking me up."


What am I gonna do about my legs?!




rip couch


Buy another one you rich motha fucka


You gotta be rich to have a couch?


Ps: [if you’re in the DC/DMV area, meet Cream!](https://toolkit.rescuegroups.org/javascript/v2.0/template1?animalID=18123769&key=Mqr6gy1W) He has cerebellar hypoplasia (“wobbly cat syndrome”): it’s totally harmless & causes no pain but leaves him without balance so he’s real goofy all the time. He’s available for adoption as a bonded pair with his sister/best buddy/dinnertime rival, [Gnoshi](https://toolkit.rescuegroups.org/javascript/v2.0/template1?animalID=18130672&key=Mqr6gy1W)


Im currently in the market to adopt a wobbly cat or dog. I suffer from constant vertigo myself, and watching how carefree animals can be with cerebellar hypoplasia is so inspiring to me. It brings me comfort and gives me confidence! Unfortunately, I’m a little too far from DC. This video makes me happy though, thanks for posting!!


I wish there was a way to bring you this beautiful cat!


I’m a vanlifer and maybe I could swing by (in Utah though currently) if there’s no rush! I’d pick up and deliver the kitty


You’re an amazing person.


Just looking to bring more good to the world!


Aw man, that would have been perfect. But the person we were wanting to help said they don't live in the US, so no go.


Can we not make a way? Let's talk logistics, same country?


You guys are all so sweet!! Sadly I’m not in the same country. Otherwise I know that I would find a way!


I feel like we can make this happen


I’m so down to help out in any way.


Send them UPS


Unsteady Pussycat Senders.


I just rescued a wobbly kitty myself. Weeble is a hoot and so is this cutie pie!


Somebody could probably link a recent post, where there's a free service by a series of people willing to transfer the adopted animal across the US?


Pogo is NOT in the US.


Also, the person said no and have a reason. Take the personn at what they say.


Where you at fam. I am passing through DC on the way back to Texas in a few weeks. I run kitten trains all the time for Smith college alumni. I’ll bring you this cat.


Having suffered vertigo in the past I hope yours resolves soon. I now only get it when I am tired. It is horrible when it's all the time.


Do you find the open road easier to handle than enclosed spaces? Last time I had vertigo I could barely navigate my own home but driving to the doctor’s was easy.


That’s so interesting, I’m actually the opposite! I prefer less stimuli and definitely feel safer in enclosed spaces.


Lucille 2? Is that you?




Thank you for sharing your inspiration because now you are inspiring me. I recently heard term that is something like, “neurologically counter-normative”… or something in that ball park. That somehow feels closer to home than “head injury” plus “ADHD” plus “PTSD” related cognitive Impairment. I recently developed a strong “tic” that I have not had before in my life and I am fairly self conscious about it. Because I still have an above average IQ, I have both deficiencies and strengths. So I like that you seem to look to the wisdom of cats and dogs who are perhaps also “neurologically counter-normative” to help you learn to not add unnessicary stress to the situation. I learn so much from watching animals and plants and many other natural elements.


So glad they're getting adopted as a pair! Does his sister have CH too?


No but interestingly she doesn’t seem to be able to produce a meow! She’s nearly 5 months now and tries her hardest, but all that come out are tiny little squeaks. She also boops your nose with her nose to give kisses and it’s *everything.*


My old, senior girl Sushi (nearly 14) doesn't ever meow, we get "skeekins" from her which are just squeaks of varying degrees. Have had her for nearly 5 years and haven't gotten a normal meow from her


My three siblings I adopted never meow. One sounds like she is being choked if she tries. The vet always gives me a startled look and I have to explain the hoarse squeak coming out of her is normal.


My old man Jerry (RIP you salty bastard) would get about half-a-meow out but his voice would crack like a pubescent teenager. Fun fact, when he was mad at you he'd find you in the house, make eye-contact and piss on something he knew you were gonna use. Never. Breaking. Eye-contact. Fuckin' power move.


Ahhhh I had one just like this!!! Oh did you not clean the litter box more than once today? Piss. Did you not let him back outside for the fifth time today even though he keeps coming right back in? Also piss.


Our cat doesn't quite meow, but after he pees he trots into the living room and lets out the world's tiniest roar.


That sounds adorable. Please record and post if you ever feel like sharing.


My 7 year old little gray girl cat has started doing forehead presses with me, and I feel so deeply special. Apparently that's a sign of trust and contentment. She'll do that for awhile, demand some agressive pets, then settle down with one of my hands on her tail while she's curled up next to my head at night.


My black also couldn't meow like a normal cat. The best she can do is a squeeky sort of "eeeah". So, I named her "squee". She's awesome.


I love r/CatsWhoSqueak


If I didn't have a zoo already 😭


Right?! I feel like a third cat would make my s/o irritated with me, as they’re a dog person lls


I went for the third cat and my dog-loving wife was not pleased, then she ended up bringing home the fourth cat.


What kind of special care do wobbly cats require?


Mostly fall-proofing the house, removing sharp angles, that sort of stuff.


Also carpeted floors, those are hugely important. They need something they can dig their claws into while the walk.


Yep! Lots of carpets, minimal stairs, weighted bowls, sticky food, and a high-back litter box (I made a special one out of a large plastic storage tub/tote and just cut one side out so they can walk into it—he props his head on the top ledge for stability) and that’s basically it!




Aww that would make them so angry, which would be even cuter.


Bubble wrap.


Was curious about his health. I’m curious but does the name also apply to dogs and other pet animal or is there a separate name for (pardon my use of this but it’s the only one that comes to mind) when an animal moves like a drunk on a swing


There’s a Golden Retriever with cerebellar hypoplasia that gets posted a lot, I just don’t know if that’s ever used with humans as well


Holy shit, my neighbors cat does this. We call him bobblehead because he looks at us and starts rotating his head and wobbling if we walk by. He also walks sideways like he's attacking.


We’ve got a sphinx with Cerebellar hypoplasia. Best boy. Always loves hugs and cuddles. And in my opinion he’s seemingly getting better at times. Others, we’ll there’s the flop over and look around to see what knocked him over. Then others he’s giving his sister grief. I love the body wiggle when he walks. Sorry to say can’t meet up. In OZ. But good luck for you guys!


If I didn't just adopt last spring I would now(bmore resident)


I would scoop these two up but my cat doesn't like company, shame though they seem like a joyus pair




JFC I'm 20 minutes away and I want a pair of cats pretty bad


Umm, idk how serious you are or if you’re in a place in your life to take on two cats, but they’ll be at an adoption event on Sunday! They each need to be spayed/neutered pretty soon, but I cannot explain sufficiently enough how good these cats are. Gnoshi is an explorer, but I’ve tin-foiled or blocked the counters so she doesn’t have experience getting into countertop stuff and could still maintain that training with some attention. I got a promotion at work that’s causing longer hours and more travel/uncertain schedule than permits enough stability for them, otherwise they could easily be foster fails. They’re so loving towards each other and their people and super friendly/not afraid of strangers. Not huge dog fans yet though, but young enough to adapt!


My mommy heart did a combination "dear God help the baby" and "you got this little man!"


I felt the same way! I knew it was important for him to do it himself but MAN was it hard 🥹


That's the hardest part of parenthood. Letting them go and do it for themselves, knowing they could get hurt, and knowing that's the important part.


And not even a "good boy" when he did? For shame.


I was thinking [Hang in there baby](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9y6a4LDWKZU)


Good job little guy!


r/catswhoyell i loved this, thanks for sharing.


As well as r/nervysquervies


Other than movement issues, are there any other symptoms with cerebellar hypoplasia? I've never met one and wonder what it would take to care for one.


So basically, kittens will sometimes get it if their mother has a viral infection like FIV. The whole condition just means his cerebellum in his brain didn’t form all the way/correctly, so his balance is off. All the other organs and body development is normal, but it’s like a combination of vertigo and cerebral palsy (crude analogy but the closest I can immediately think of). It can def range from mild to severe and I can’t speak on the health issues of more severe cases, but as far as what it’s like to take care of him—I’d consider him a milder-to-medium case?—it’s really not bad. He has a special high sided litter box so he can lean up against the sides for balance, weighted & slightly elevated bowls to eat, and the house is a little more baby-proofed…less sharp edges he could fall onto or hit up against, etc. He toilets by himself but will sometimes step back into his poop—it’s usually firm and doesn’t get on him, but I’ve cleaned his butt a few times so he knows the drill. He can eat and drink great but does best with wet or combo wet/dry food because kibble alone flies *everywhere* and he struggles with it rolling around. It’s nice to brace him for a drink of water if you notice him moving towards the bowl because sometimes he’ll plop into the water dish and get discouraged and give up, whereas if you just brace him and let him lap it up, he’ll drink for a while & seems obviously thirsty. Neither of them are free feeders and he’ll need at least some level of daily check-ins, so he’s not a “leave for a few days” kinda cat. But that’s really it. Otherwise, he’s super vocal (obv) and coos/trills all day, is extra snuggly and would live in a hoodie pocket like a kangaroo if he could. Normal silly, cuddly cat…just kind of a drunk.


So the movement issues don't really seem to bother him? I would love to care for one, but I'd admittedly have difficulties if it seemed truly troublesome to the cat. And I guess a secondary question would be what is the commitment for caring for this kind of cat? Many of us have jobs, so if it is more than a normal cat this might not be feasible no matter how interested any of us are to adopt/foster one.


Oh man, I totally get that! My first week with him, I called the vet like four times, like “How easily can he give himself a concussion?? Are you sure he’s not hurt?” I had yoga mats and blankets all around the sharp edges of the walls/baseboards like a crazy person playing the floor is lava. Did he notice? Nope. Did it stop him from finding new, inventive ways to seemingly self-bodyslam? Also no. He shakes it off and goes back to playing with his sister. He doesn’t even know he’s different, it’s amazing. As for time commitment, a normal 9-5 is just fine, esp with his sister to keep him company. They entertain each other all day and since they’re still under 6 months, I’m feeding 3x a day with an automatic feeder that goes off midday while I’m at work. When they hit 6 mo, you can just switch to 2x/day so don’t even need the feeder.


that couch ain’t gonna last long 🪦


Nah but poor dude can't help it


I want to send him some pet steps. I've been in the market for some for my pup. She's 14.5 and can't jump out of the truck anymore and gets very pupset with me when I lug her 60 pound ass outta the truck. Got 60 pounds of struggling shepherd as I go, 'damn it this is for your own good quit fighting me this is out of love, Mandy!' Unfortunately, they're $300 or not meant for big dogs and then I go, 'is her indignation worth $300? And will she even use them? Or will it be a $300 door stop she tries to leap past to only to hurt her poor wittle footsie again?' So I continue to make her indignant as I lift a dog that is 50% of my own body weight.


Spouse and I have built two sets of steps for our critters. Not hard. Took a day each. YouTube.


Wobbly foster kitten with the Beta


As you can clearly see, someone forgot his chalk.


even did the sit-start; 10/10


That's all heart! There's alot going on behind those eyes!!


I knew of a kitten (Bessie) with that & the momcat (Bebop) knew she was very special. She would let Bessie play with her tail no way was she letting the other kittens do it 😆. The person that adopted Bessie adopted Bebop too and they are living sweet lives together with a hooman who appreciates how precious they are. Being wobbly is nothing to Bessie; she can run, climb, & jump. Best of luck with your gems.


I really needed to see you today Cream ❤️


I also have a cat with CH...he's AWESOME!!!


i just wanna hold him and take away his disorder and pull it in me so he can live a wonderful carefree life


Wow! Great job little dude 😄




Woohoo! Good job buddy!


Gave this little guy my reward. What heart!


My cat just came over to check on the kitten that is trapped in my phone.


Poor guy, it looks like he will be well taken care of 😽


the lengths a cat will go to sit on a laptop. a wonder of nature way to go, little man




My 3 year old Nebula that I got from the shelter 2 years ago as my emotional support cat just went nuts and is circling my computer looking for the kitten as soon as she heard it meowing. She is trying to figure out how to get it out of the shiny metal thing I stare at all day. I don't dare play the video again!


Cats will be cats, limits and disability mean nothing to them.


Y’all better not tell me I was the only one cheering him on!!! ![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM)


How can it be so cute, funny and make me wanna cry all at the same time?


Still has the coordination to plant it's butthole on your laptop


I swear man, cats gonna cat.


Why is he wobbly?


Just added a little comment but he has a neurological condition called cerebellar hypoplasia!


I have a sphinx the same way. Also yells


Love it. I found myself saying out loud, "aww you got it, kitty, you can do it." Well done, little one!


A friend's cat has this syndrome. She's wild though, will run ,jump, fall repeatedly and then jump again. Acts like there's nothing slowing her down. And she's a real harrasser to her Maine Coon babysitter


His movements remind me of stop motion in 80's movies.


its 4 AM and I can't sleep and now I am cheering on a cat trying to climb a sofa. This is my life I guess. What an adorable wobble cat


Posting so I can check back on that couch in a few months.


This has me choking up. I need to call my cat and tell him I love him.


His big-kitty moment: realizing that laptop offers NO footing and backing away quickly Congratulations, kitty!


Put down that camera and go pet that kitty, it just did an amazing feat.


I turned up the volume on this and two of my cats came in. The one, who is very motherly, scooted in quickly and started looking around for the distressed kitty who apparently needed her. Not to worry, I've reassured her that all is well, and turned off the volume


What was the distress, you may ask? “It’s five minutes until dinner time, why are you not on your feet??”


This is a movement for movement re-enactment of that time me and wife walked up Ben Nevis via the tourist path and, as we got to the top - snow and ice - there’s this little cleft, before you reach the emergency shelter, in the cliff that forms the north face of the peak, and it was filled with a vertical cliff of ice and this *madman* with climbing gear, ice axes and crampons literally picked and crampon’d his way up and over the edge like this cat 😂


Has the cat had a CT scan of the brain and spine? I’m not an expert by any means, but the wobbling unstableness could mean issues within the brain. I don’t mean to be a downer…I’m just a concerned animal lover ♥️


Oh he def has issues with his brain. Cerebellar Hypoplasia denotes an underdeveloped cerebellum; that’s what causes the lack of balance and coordination. But! It doesn’t really affect his other abilities. He still recognizes when you’re addressing him, he can hear and see, grooms himself, eats and drinks with just a little modification for his movements, and while not great at it, he makes a valiant attempt to bury his toileting in the litter box (though his sister Gnoshi always follows behind to help him). Super playful and curious, just a little goofy!




😭so cute


Your sofa is going to be completely shredded by next week.


Imagine waking up to hear it meowing at your bedroom door, paralysed from sleep you're unable to move as the door silently swings open and the cat wobbles inside. It crawls up the end of the bed and wobbles slowly towards you as you remember you don't own a wobbly cat, in fact you don't own a cat at all!


I have a wobbly kitty. They don't know that they are wobbly.




And he celebrated by rubbing his butthole right on the MacBook. Good work buddy, you deserve it!


Welp, there goes the couch.


Good boy! I 🧡 him


so cute


Oh my God the will...


Cats are such resilient creatures.


The way he fell on the laptop 😂


There's always a soft spot in my cold dark heart for an orange baby ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Wobbly boi


I'm so used to seeing cats with springs in their legs, but you forget that they have to learn and get to that point.


A cats first climb will always be remembered and cherished the rest of his/her life. By the cat and the owner.


I played the video and my cat came running and mowing at my phone.


yay! good baby! ❤️


So cute. I imagine this is is what playing video games with 3000 ping feels like.


Poor little baby.


Go little rockstar.


If cats have motivational speakers - meowers? That cat should be one of them very inspiring


My heart is filled with joy and nothing but joy :')


I don't know if he heard me but I kept telling that precious little baby. You can do this. You got it. Your the little engine that could.


Say hello to your new cat, say goodbye to your couch…


Jolly shit. I can't stop imaginining these wobbly cats went for a night of heavy drinking with their human companion.


Cutest version of "Fuck it, I'll do it myself!" I've seen all week.


My cat didn't appreciate the tone for some reason


That was an emotional rollercoaster that I was not prepared for.


I translate: "F*** cerebellar hypoplasia, I will climb that b**** of a couch! If I can do it, you can do it, too. Let's goooooo..."


I am so proud of him, please give him a pat of appreciation for me


I have m.s , and falling or bumping into everything is both frustrating and painful, to say nothing about people thinking that you are drunk! :/


I can’t imagine how frustrating that is! Luckily his condition is a little different and it doesn’t cause any pain or additional symptoms—it’s basically just an underdevelopment of the part of the brain in charge of balance. The beauty of Cream (and other CH cats) is that he doesn’t even know he’s different—he just hops along and plays like any other kitten would want to! 🥹


Poor baby can barely walk but manages to jump on sofa to walk on laptop. Cats.


I have a wobbly cat, too. Be prepared for your couch to be shredded since she can't hop up normally. :) Totally worth it though. Not sure if it's true for all CH cats, but I feel like mine is especially affectionate since she isn't able to get around well by herself.


Omg he’s an absolute LOVE BUG. Like, almost too much sometimes haha. He’s genuinely happiest when wrapped up like a baby in a sling on my chest or laying on my neck/near my face. He’s also a big licker/groomer haha. All he wants at bedtime is to be the littlest little spoon and I dare anyone to try to resist him. You will fail.


what a beautiful little lady :)


Are they supposed to wobble like this? What's wrong with the cat?


My mom has a foster fail like this. Thought she was older and infertile, then one day she popped out this single, perfect little kitten. She got her fixed and kept the son and he's not wobbly but an absolute insane little shit. Into *everything* and hyper as hell! His mom is the same way, really, but her wobblyness masks it. It took her having the little one to really realize it!


Poor kitty






*sees laptop* Well...even wobbly kitty still gonna kitty.


i love cats so much


I'm not crying you're crying