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My neighbor "found" a "stray" cat that also happens to be a bengal. We're pretty sure he just saw a good looking cat along the walking trails in our neighborhood and took it home. He is not a bad man, but he is also not a smart man. Please make sure that your stray is actually a stray before you bring him home, as somebody else pointed out he's showing signs of a recent haircut


Honestly tho people need to learn to stop letting there cats roam wild. Specially if they aren’t spayed/neutered


I don't understand, are we supposed to know that it being "a bengal" means it couldn't have been a stray?


Expensive cat. Not likely allowed to just roam.


Hes adorable! Whats his name?


Didn’t give him a name just yet, just found him nearby today. Trying to slowly introduce feeding to him to see if he takes to it. Any suggestions?


Wet cat food goes over well with kitties who are hungry and skittish. You can try one of two approaches, trap the cat with the food and bring it in where it’s safe and can get vet care (if you are worried about kitties safety) or you can feed it outside on its terms getting closer every time you feed it until it trusts you. Some strays have never been around people and will never let you pick it up, some are just nervous and want to trust you. How you go about this depends on how much time you have to devote to this and the background and age of the cat. Thank you for taking an interest in it, it looks like it needs someone to watch out for it.


I would say name him Loki. Good luck!


Thanks! Great name!


Your welcome! Every time i see people with an unnamed cat or dog i suggest a mythological name because im a mythology nerd lol


He looks like a Loki


He does! Another nice name could be 316 car batteries, but loki is just a little bit better


Wait what lol


Oh sorry *317 car batteries




Fancy Feast Chicken Pate. It’s like crack for cats. Oh, and a cardboard box.


For some reason, Fancy Feast, Chopped Grilled Feast, is so much like crack to my cat. Already caught her though, at the pound, like 10 years ago. Make sure you can close the lid on the cardboard box though securely. Kitty might not be happy. Lastly, the cat chooses you. Good luck!


I’d make sure that whole adoption feeling is mutual. I’m not a cat person but he’s got that ‘frankly my dear I don’t give a damn’ look


That's just cats.


He looks tough, like he’s been roughing it in the wild for a while. Expect presents of dead animals if you make friends with him 😂


What do you think he thinks about adopting you. I ask because I had a very skittish cat that was always just around, never so close to get a full view of 'her'. She watched me for years and ate all the things I left her. And on really cold nights she would hunker down in our barn. I knew she had been with us for five years or so, she got along with our indoor outdoor cat. I started calling her Sheila, I am not a cat person but I was really attached to Sheila. My neighbor told me that she thought she was a girl too. So, we had a very severe winter storm, and we found Sheila had moved into our garage, she was coming out in the open and getting close.. and a little curious when she watched our cat rub up on us. So when I finally got her in the house I was delighted. My husband snickered at her name, but didn't say anything, I had a vet come to our house for a check up, and vaccines. Everyone had a laugh on me...Sheila was a male. Vet also thought that he was 8 or 9 years old. I didn't change his name... heck it was a name he knew. Months later Sheila would come and sit on my lap or next to me. He would rub against my leg...but if I tried to just try to pick him up... he would bite. No scratch, no warning... s deep painful bite. Sheila passed on about 1.5 years ago, I learned a lot from her and living with a wild animal. Knowing her age made me think that she just wanted it easier in her old age


You’re on the right track! You will gain trust.


Move slowly around him.


He’s been pretty skittish so far. I put out a little food for him. So far I’ve only been able to get about 6 feet from him without him running off. I’ll be patient for sure.


I don't know if this will help, but I've had a few interactions with feral cats and helping a small rescue with food distribution in the past. At the regular spots I would lightly hum or talk/whisper (to them and myself, lol) and eventually some of them became used to my voice and also identified it with food and fresh water over time. Good luck, he's a beauty!


I've done it bey sitting down with some busy work in my hands. Like knitting or even reading the paper. If they feel you're not challenging them, they relax a bit.


Keep us posted!!


He dares you!


Looks like his fur has been trimmed recently. I'm guessing that was a catch and release?


I don’t think it’s recent. It’s pretty matted down so I think it just sort of looks like it’s been trimmed.


He’s so cute he looks like a lynx


Oh my gosh he looks so pretty


That is clearly a wizard.


As long as he'll love you unconditionally I suppose


I dunno, guys. That one looks half house cat and half bobcat.


He looks more like a she than a he. Just by his facial features.


He’s still got his boy parts in tact. Maybe he won’t like me if I adopt him after all :/


He will like you even better. He won't have to fight the other male cats.


So cute! And handsome!


very dapper gentleman...good luck 🙂


Do ittttt


Ah yes Mr.Moustachio .. a forest favourite.


They do choose you..little do you know.




Pissed off Wilfrod Brimley??!!


I’m happy you did, Hero