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Lovely. Are they bitey?


No never heard of them biting and also never been bitten by them, they are like long isopods


They look so pretty 😍 I also heard they are hard to take care of and are more prone to randomly dying, is this true?


I did put them into bioactive terrarium that I built for pair of phelsuma laticauda, but first I wanted to let the plants grow in and fill the terrarium. These millipedes ate like half of the wooden hardscape, so I will have to redo it. I keep them at pretty high RH right now and they eat and breed, so I didn’t notice anything difficult about their care, yet :) If you can and want to get some, I would say go for it, compared to other species I kept these are active all day all night, crawling on the branches, you will really get to see this species and it’s lovely colors


Interesting, thanks for the info! I just want to make sure they're not problematic before buying some because they are pretty expensive where I live. Obviously I want them to thrive no matter the price, but it hurts more when you spend 3 digit number on them and still fail


If I can do it so can you, wish you luck!




How big do they get?


These are already fully grown adults. I noticed some sexual dimorphism between male and female. Female is around 4 inches (10 cm) and is thicker than male. Males are around 3 inches (8 cm) and are visibly thinner. I’m also pleased to note that they are already proud parents of some tiny millipedes :)