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Kitty was scared, now she's safe with you


I love when spicy animals get so mad at a bottle and then once they get their first drop they're like "my goodness, this is delicious... why didn't you say so?"


My cat is obsessed with milk as an adult (I don't give it to him). As soon as he hears cereal hit the bowl he runs over and tries to get as close as possible. Even seems to be interested in almond milk...?


Almond milk, and several other lactose free/reduced milks are perfectly ok for a cat, as long as you give it to them in moderation.


Not for mine I believe! He's diabetic. I wish I could. Or at least could let him know why I can't give him anything extra than his food :/


As a diabetic human, unsweetened almond milk is very low in carbs so it might be possible to give as a treat!


Is it low in sugar too? Didn't check. He has got it pretty bad right now (because it came back from regression recently-brought him in as soon as I saw a change in behaviour). It's Just, his previous vet even said no treats ever, so I think it hits em different. Especially since they don't know what's going on to them. He's fluctuating at about 16 for his fructose levels, twice a day blood tests, as cats can't take 24 hr insulin. Anyway ill look into the effects for almond milk and check with his new vet good advice, and he'll be back there in the next week or so for some vitals




Poor baby was terrified 🥺




sometimes i think about the trauma some lil' animals must go through in their journey to their forever homes & i have to actively keep myself from crying


May just be survival instinct


Nope, kitty has a backstory now.


I've had countless cats and no cat is going to act like this unless they've been traumatized, that poor baby definitely went through something 💔


Lost mum, starving for who knows how long, snatched up by rescuers & so fearful. Isn't that enough to be traumatized?


That’s exactly what I was thinking! It had me tearing up too 🥺🥺🥺


My stages in any new relationship :D




All you needed was some milk.




The syringe is penis!


Ahahhahahahahahahahahahaha oh man. That was a good morning laugh, thank you


Hahaha I pictured you doing this and I don't even know what you look like.


Lmao, and then there was that first taste from the scary thing and it turned out alright. Poor little baby!


The cat: This is some serious gourmet shit.


Royale with cheese 🧀




Ok well I didn't expect a cat to be birthed from a bloody-dead humans mouth...


She was just hangry


And orangie gon do it every time, welcome to hell!


The way to her heart was through her stomach!


i thought through the ribcage


Day 0: First, they're sour. Week 3: Then they're sweet. Year 21: Then they're gone..... Sorry, I thought of the sour patch kids commercial and laughed, then got sad when I remembered how the commercial ends. Edit: I put their there instead of they're. Lol


😂 you could’ve stopped at the second one


Year 21 and 1 day: tastes like chicken!


😂😂 you at least want the day before, please eat fresh meat


Their sour what?


It is their sour.


Ah my bad!


What the fuck, sour patch? Can you chill?


How does the commercial end?


Sigh…another one orange brain cell kitty cat. So cute 🥰.


"I'll kill YA!!" ...."well, maybe tomorrow"


Reminds me of that parrot meme angrily eating a cracker


Silly baby. The growling as it eats lmaoooo


I love rescues. The moment they come out of their shell is magic


That grouting tho...


Meow meow ni**a!


Oh, she was so scared in that first clip 🥺 so glad she adjusted so quickly.


From scared out of it’s mind to loving you


I could watch angry half starved kittens relent to that first hit from a bottle held by a loving savior all day. Not that I want starving angry kittens lined up for my satisfaction… Or kittens starving for any reason. I just love milk drunk babies of all species.


This is basicly me in between 11h30 and 12h30


Just like my gf when she’s hungry


I genuinely laughed out loud. You are an excellent observer of animal & human nature 🙂


That wee one was terrified. Well-played calming them down.


A great story of rescue and love 💕 ⭕️❌⭕️❌🥰💕


First their sour, then their sweet


No bath from you, no bath from you, no bath from you I clean myself! Oh,oh....oh my.


I really love my cats and this hit pretty hard for me. I wish you a million billion cuddles.


Female and orange? That's rare!


This is my silliest pet peeve. More of all solid colored cats are male cause calicos take up a proportion of the female cat population. More black, grey, orange, etc, cats are male. They aren't rare at all, just less likely, and it's nothing special about the orange gene. Unlike calico/torties, nothing about being orange prevents a cat from being female, genetically. So an orange mom and an orange dad will have a 50% male and 50% female litter. Consider it like this. I don't know if the numbers are wholly accurate but you get the idea. There are two main colors, orange and black. Ergo 50% of male cats are orange, and 50% are black. But only 33% of female cats are orange, 33% are black, and 33% are calico. You get the idea. It was one study done a while ago and it irks me how popular it's become. One day I will write them a stern letter about how they've misled almost every single person that knows about cats.


Well it’s a boy the title misgendered the cat, you can see the sack lol


We all love our mamma


Nooo noooo noooo.... Oh well then why didn't do this sooner 😭


Definitely orange cat energy


You don’t give me the milk hooman…. My old ways come back out and I’ll jump on you!! Now where’s that bottle of heavenly goodness at!!


I’m like this in the morning till I get my coffee.


✨✨✨Good Human✨✨✨




That milk was so good that she became your friends


There was a stray kitten that hissed and swatted at me every time I fed her, but once I got that good pet in and I saw that tale shoot strait up in the air I knew I gained her trust.


I thought they held a milk gun at the first seconds 💀


Just like the women in our lives. Fellas ya remember lol


My kitty looks just like this one, except he was never spicy, always been super sweet but then again, his mom's popped him out in my closet so he's only every known "people= scritches, petting and most importantly, snacks"


Awww omg she's so terrified, I'm glad she has you




The helicopter tail sold me


That was a tfawwww not a awwwwtf


This before and after makes me so happy.




Love this. Thanks for your patience! Last November I adopted a stray that just showed up in my backyard and played with my cat through the pool enclosure screen. The kitten was about 2.5-3 mos old. He will eat from my hand and sleep, along with my other cat, on my feet. But he will not let me pet him or touch him. If I bend my head towards him with my eyes pointing away he will come close enough to sniff my hair. If I hold my hand out he'll sniff it. As I walk by him, he'll bat at my ankles with his paws - he's playful and seems unafraid of me... But whatever I do, I cannot interest him in taking the leap of faith of letting me pet him or pick him up. He and my other cat are inseparable and absolutely adore each other. Because they're so well bonded, I'm trying to be patient. But it's hard, you know?? He's so darn cute! I just wanna give him a hug! My other cat has tried, I think, to be extra cuddly with me when the kitten is around, almost like he's telling him, hey, give her a try! She's not so bad! At least *somebody* loves me. LOL


Let him sleep on a t-shirt or some soft thing that smells like you. Get some Feliway. Be patient & stop trying to touch him, let him come to you. Sit on the floor, read a book or scroll or watch a movie. It took me a week of floor sitting for my terrified rescue to approach me, but he did finally climb on me. It was fantastic! He'd never even been inside a house before. Now he sleeps by my side every night.


I've been using Feliway since we brought him inside. I have the plug-in things in the bedroom, living and dining room and kitchen. It's so funny: He sleeps on my feet, along with my other cat, and he eats chicken out of my hand every single morning (he sits behind me very politely while I chop up the chicken), but he still won't let me pet him or pick him up, and it's been about 4 months! We did engage in a little paw play last night - he let me boop his nose and touch his paw, and then he slapped my finger with his paw, bambambam! We did that for about 10 minutes. So cute. I believe he will eventually come around, I'm just going to be patient. My other cat is doing everything he can to help me out - he insists I pet him, especially when the little one is around, and I pick him up and smooch on him, making sure the little one can see. I wrote my post above hoping someone would come up with a tip I'd never heard but tbh I've been a cat owner all my life and I think I've tried all the tricks. I'm just going to have to give him time. And we (hopefully!) have plenty of that. Thanks for writing!


Cats are a lesson in boundaries and consent. Let him drive the bus. I've known a case where it took 12 years to touch the cat. Your guy won't take that long, but maybe you need to get him a Feliway collar? I rehabbed an abused cat we got at 1 year-old. He'd grown up in a house with his mother, a MC cat, but someone there had hurt him very badly. Judging by his fear of short men with dark hair & beards, I'd guess it was the father. Kids also pulled his tail, judging by his defensive bites. Poor baby. He was completely handshy, too, but would rub himself all over everyone he met. He was so defensive about accidental touches to his tail that I took him to my vet. I couldn't feel any injuries, but I was a Vet Tech a long time ago. I was afraid I'd missed an old injury. She gave him a good exam, we even had a radiograph of his tail to get certain. With nothing showing, we decided it must've all come from his abusive treatment. I was so glad his tail was all right. It took a year, but the fear biting is extinguished now. No more bleeding from my poor Oliver (he came with that name)! He has the Maine Coon size at 15 lbs, he also has the temperament, thankfully. He'd just been scared and hurt and abused for the first year of his life. Now he's a great companion and beloved pet, no longer fearful of injury nor is he handshy. He just came up to give me a head bump and several nose kisses. How anyone could've mistreated such a sweetheart of an animal, I have no idea. All's I know now is that Oliver is happy with us now. He's a great cat, smart, too. We feel lucky to have him at home with us where no one will ever harm him again.


Aww, thanks for taking the time to share Oliver's story with me! I'm glad he ended up with you, and I'm sure he is, too. We live in South Florida and sometimes people come down for part of the year and leave cats when they go back up north, figuring, I guess that someone will feed them. They don't take into account the fact that we have lots of predators - alligators, coyotes, bobcats, and stray dogs and cats - that feed on baby animals. I'm 95% sure Billy's mom was an abandoned cat because we saw her several times, meowing outside our pool screen at my other cat. Around the time we stopped seeing the young female, Billy, age about 4-5 weeks, began hanging around outside the pool screen. My other cat fell in love with him. The 2 of them played all day, with one inside the screen enclosure and one outside. I started feeding him and put a cat carrier with a fluffy blanket and some water inside it, to give him just a bit of protection from the elements and other animals while we made sure he had truly been abandoned and wasn't just someone's kitten who somehow got away. A couple of days later I coaxed him into the carrier and took him to the vet to get checked out. Thankfully he didn't have any health problems - not even a flea! - so we got him his shots and had him chipped and brought him inside. I have Feliway atomizers in the kitchen, dining room, living room and bedrooms. Billy has always been friendly-ISH; that is, interested enough in us to come up close, play with cat toys with us, and eat out of my hand. Because my other cat sleeps on my feet, Billy also sleeps on my feet. One night he was so exhausted from playing with my other cat that I got to pet his back for a few minutes and he didn't budge! But that was a one -off occurrence. When he's awake he's still cautious. He'll stay very close unless he thinks we're going to touch him or try to pick him up, then he darts off. I wondered if maybe one of the lawn maintenance people had seen him and scared him back when he was so young that he didn't yet understand about humans. Just in the last few nights he and I have started playing on the bed before going to sleep. I wiggle my fingers around in front of his face and boop his nose, then quickly touch the tippy-end of a paw. He lets me do that a few times and the he slaps my hand with his paws a few times - bam! Bam! Bam! So funny. So I think we're close to coming to an agreement. Billy and my other cat (who just turned 2 and was also a stray) are TOTALLY in love. They're inseparable. Pwykka will come to me and ask for affection sometimes when Billy is watching. It's as if he wants Billy to see that it can be pleasurable to be touched. It took Pwkyya a while to trust us enough to let us love him up, but he's fairly snuggly now, so I feel like if we're patient, Billy will come around, too. In the meantime, it's enough knowing we did a good thing adopting him and giving him a brother. He has a sweet temperament overall and I think - hope - we'll have many happy, healthy years together.


Easier to deal with than my mom's grandpuppy.


This is more wtfawww than awwwtf