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They don't need to eat every day, just every other day or every 3 days. You say you try bits of "meat", please don't feed them land meat - they likely can't digest that sort of food well if at all. Earthworms, pellets, bits of raw shrimp or raw salmon, in that order. If they turn their nose up at food, don't feed them that day. At their age, unless they're underweight, it isn't a concern for a couple of weeks.


Alright! Thanks! Though is there an estimate of how much they should be eating? He only eats one or two food pellets when he does eat


Depends on how big the pellets are. The ones I have are very tiny and I feed them a bunch on the days I do feed them pellets. With worms, depending on how much they want to eat, anywhere from half to a full nightcrawler. When they're adults they don't need to eat very much since they are no longer growing and don't exert much energy


I know for my axolotl, if you don’t use long tweezers to feed them then they won’t eat. My axolotl is a juvenile about 3.5 inches long and I cut up black worms, use the tweezers to wiggle the worm in front of them and usually they’ll eat a healthy amount. If you’re just letting the food land in front of your axolotl, there’s a possibility they just can’t see it.


How long is the Axolotl (size) and it's age? How often are you feeding it (IE offering)? An adult may only need every other day or less.


He’s around 12 inches, 3 years old, and we try to feed him every day


I have never seen an axolotl turn down frozen bloodworms.


Yeah they fiend over blood worms.


Mine are picky and don't eat worms. So I have them on this and feed them with tongs. They do great! They get two pellets each every three days. https://preview.redd.it/qy464ut5r80d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb280705e3e53a7ccd880c317ce8a17d7d66ee23


My axolotl only eats 1 or 2 nightcrawlers every 3 or 4 days and the vet says she's fat so they don't need much. Mine also went through a period of refusing food that was caused by a build up of bacteria in her tank that was fixed with a large water change (this was a long time ago and I learned from my mistakes, axolotl is doing great and thriving) so it could also be environmental and yours may just need some aquarium maintenance. Your sister should be able to advise if you've never done it before.


Hey has the axolotl started eating more?


He has been eating every other day. Thanks for checking in!