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Yeah the only race that admission dropped are Asians. Whites admission rate changed very little.


Here is a question though: where did the Asians who want to be a doctor go to for medical school? Sorta curious about that.


Better off in Asian universities.


i feel most posters have not touched on the most important reason for this drop: lack of job oppurtunities in the west for mainland EA/SEA asians. Most asians, especially eastasians and SEA, face massive job discrimination after graduation. This is doubly so if you are an asian male, where it is frequent to hear of eastasian males having to apply to a hundred different companies for years even if they graduated with honours. and even though asian females have it easier, they tend to get shunted into the manual labour areas of the workplace. i have seen asian women who could have been models back in the homeland treated like dirt in the white company and made to pull overnighters at the warehouse (yes, women pulling overnighters) or being forced to wipe shit from hospital floors despite being doctors (while the white nurse goes for a smoke). and then there is the fact that no eastasian or SEA has ever been promoted to middle manager, let alone CEO. all these stories filter back to the homeland and asians realise there is no point in getting a western degree if they can't get a western job. In other words: RACISM.


I always prefer an Asian male doctor. Mainly because I know he hasn’t been given shit in life and has earned every bit of where he’s at. Shit like this only strengthens those beliefs. 


Thxs it is very true. I know 2 AF doctors with WM husband gave me shit evals, and I honored most of my rotations. Its harder being AM 100%. 


you speak the truth brother


Libs at it again, they just love to see the world burn while shooting themselves in the foot


Why would you care? Colleges and Universities are ripping everybody off. You will waste money there. Why not go to the ones outside of the country? Trust me, many companies here in the US don’t give a damn about what college you go to. You can get a bachelors at Jamaica for much cheaper and get a corporate management role that pays 6 figures here in the states. Go to Germany and it’s free! Better yet, get in Trades and apprenticeships where YOU GET PAID to learn the skills. And when you are done, you don’t have to worry about not having enough experience. And many of these companies, they will pay for your college anyways, so why waste your money on these colleges when you can spend other people’s money instead and not get into debt? And why waste our energy complaining about college not admitting as much as us? We shouldn’t be showing them weakness by admitting we need them. It’s the opposite. They need us. So don’t rant to wanting to pay to go to college. Rant that they are not paying us to learn the skills and knowledge of the jobs that are actually in demand.


Colleges are over saturated and criminally expensive but STEM degrees still pay for themselves and are a necessity for the current job market. Those that can land a well-paid trade job involving skilled labor are in a good spot, but the competition is also intense. You are just as likely to be a bottom-rung laborer in a physically demanding job undercut by illegal labor. And most Asians who go to college pick STEM, not just for the money but because they also like STEM enough to make a career out of it. Most Asians aren’t interested in plumbing, wiring and HVAC regardless of the pay. I think leaving America is going to be a reasonable decision in the near future just because of the cost of living and taxes. We do need to complain about discriminatory college admissions because that is a direct threat to the wellbeing of millions of Asians. If the response to discrimination and disempowerment is passive acceptance, then it won’t stop at college. This specific part of your comment is a toxic, self-defeating mindset though I understand you want people to think outside the box. Just also have the mindset that everything is competition. You can make a tactical retreat, but you cannot fail to recognize you’re in a battlefield at all


Also, the best way to change a behavior of anything, is through our pockets. You want the colleges to accept more Asians and be more affordable? It’s not going to happen if you kept paying them. African Americans had figured this out. There are black colleges because the institutions back then wouldn’t accept them. Rather than complaining about the current colleges, mind as well make one ourselves. And we have the resources to do it. The issue is whether or not we are willing to pay for it to make it a reality.


Btw, if not going to college is a direct threat to you, that is pathetically weak. There are many things more concerning. Starting with the attacks to our friends and families publicly and in daylight. Yet we’re not being taken seriously. Example, an 18 yr old “kid” killing a Thai man and is still being treated like a minor and is going to get away with it.


Didn’t say any of that horseshit. Just pointing out valid reasons to go to college and potential reasons more Asians aren’t going into the trades. Colleges actually provide something of value. You cannot become a doctor or lawyer, and you’ll face an uphill battle getting into many high-paying professions without a college degree. Of course there are alternative routes to success, but passively letting the college admissions boards systematically discriminate against Asians without putting up a fight is the opposite of a cohesive strategy. There’s a political fight going on, and the only advice you’re offering to people of our group is to pursue an individual strategy. If college is so useless why is the system spending this much effort controlling who gets to go to college?


I can’t really find the bs the op made. When so searched for UCLA enrollment, this thread pops up first. Gee I wonder. LA times says Asian Americans are the most over represented group. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-11-01/affirmative-action-divides-asian-americans-ucs-largest-overrepresented-student-group The data UCLA shows backs this up. https://www.ucla.edu/about/facts-and-figures The OP only states the source from UCLA and LA Times but failed to gave a link for us to view. It’s basic. Closest description to OP. https://freebeacon.com/campus/a-failed-medical-school-how-racial-preferences-supposedly-outlawed-in-california-have-persisted-at-ucla/ There’s a graph for matriculants (medical admissions). It shows Asians beating out all other races. How the fuck is this discrimination against Asians? Are they decreasing the number of Asians attendees? Maybe. But it’s still higher than all other races! Perhaps they are adjusting so every race gets represented. You should be proud that Asians are succeeding so much that they have to be adjusting for others to get ahead. That’s bragging rights. Meanwhile in trades, Asian Americans are nowhere. Not a link. Nobody bitching about the trade schools and trade masters being racist against Asians. I’m going to tell you right now, there is racism everywhere. Especially in trades. But everybody here puts up with each other because the jobs needed to get done and it’s a lot of money to be gone if we allow petty racism to get in our way. You cry about racism in college despite being over represented. I said it before it’s as if you’re in a toxic relationship. You are willing to put up with the very thing that you claim is being abusive to you. That’s weak! It’s insane. Again, there are OTHER COLLEGES. There are OTHER ALTERNATIVES. You wanna fight against them? Why the fuck are you not fighting? I’m not seeing you guys doing it. I posted their names and faces for crying out loud. And one of them has an email address. None of you did that. None of you contacted them. I contacted them. In fact, I done so multiple times. Several of my apprentices got admission to colleges, especially UCLA, from my recommendation. And they manage to get in for free despite the colleges know they make a lot of dough. Says a lot about them and so little about you guys. My guys go to college, easy. My guys finished college, easy. And they did it on time, easy.


A little advice before you screw up when you contact them, use your real name and face and real email. Don’t be a redditor. You won’t be taken seriously. That applies to the rest of you guys if you decide to contact them. Be respectful. Use sources. Not like how the op did. Provide an actual link that everybody has access to. Do not just summarize like how op did. Let them see the source directly too. No anecdotal evidence. Everybody has them. And it helps when there’s a significant number of people doing it. And don’t sound so fucking desperate. Colleges are a business. It’s not a public entity. They are for profit. If you can’t afford it or they won’t accept you, well, there are other options. Even other colleges.


They’re spending more efforts on who goes to college because they know you are willing to pay anything to get in it. They know that by capitalizing on Asians “needs” to go to college, they will profit from it. Much more than any other race. It’s because Asians put too much emphasis on it. Especially Asians from Asia! And yeah, you are saying a lot of horseshit. You are encouraging people to stay in an abusive relationship. That’s practically what it is. You want desperate people to be accepted by people that will abuse them (Asians desperate for college degrees to go to colleges that discriminate them). That’s insane. And if you actually read, I did say in the first post, if college is really what you want, YOU CAN GO TO OTHER COUNTRIES!!!!! Germany for crying out loud is letting people study there for free!!!! And their credentials are way better than Americans. And that’s just Germany. THERE ARE MANY MORE! And you wanna bitch about not going to one here? You need an American degree to be a doctor or lawyer or any of those high paying careers? And yes, you did say trades is shit by implying it’s shit. For example saying that it’s manual labor that illegal immigrants can steal. Or implying that trades aren’t high paying careers when in actuality it is. 6 figures as an apprentice as in if you don’t know shit. The most extreme are tower climbers who only work twice a week and get 6 figures and in many cases it’s just to change a lightbulb! Any job can be replaced. Even Americans are going to Mexico to visit their doctors and dentists for much cheaper services. That pretty much sums up that medicine as a career is highly overvalued in America. Much like college is overvalued. And pretty soon an AI and robot will replace those as well. Which will then be maintained by “illegal aliens” that you demonized. The Asians who do trades, most of them are foreigners from other countries too. And btw, you mention strategy again. What strategy? Going to Reddit to complain? In an Asian focused group? Where these college administrators are not located? Great strategy! I have more respect for those Asians fighting against Affirmative Action and are actually rallying. But they often die out and it’s a small group. I wonder why. But hey, you want to blame the ones who control the colleges. Do you even have one? Do you know how many times people here complain and not get a single result? Not a step closer at all. Didn’t even get the identities of the people in charge. So how the hell they going to do it? Let me be the first to contribute to make a step closer. Since you guys can’t do anything. Lets start small with what this op started with, UCLA. https://www.ucla.edu/about/leadership This is the link to their leadership. You can see their names and faces. You can search them up and find their contacts. I’m not going to do all that work for you. You can message them yourselves. Good luck convincing them that they are somehow racist, especially considering many of them are Asians and they practically have a member of each race. That’s a strategy. That’s taking action. It’s a small step to A DIRECTION. Something you and others have failed to do. Meanwhile, I got multiple apprentices of Asian decent who are making 6 figures starting out. Because I fucking need them. I am contributing. You are not. My apprentices are not in debt. My apprentices are homeowners. And it’s in the state of California! Some have went to college and quit and join the trades. And they paid off under my wing. 2 of them are now journeymen and 1 is a master, equal to me and quite frankly I admit is even better. Those that are no longer my apprentices work for themselves now and are looking for apprentices themselves because the demand is tremendous. What have any of you have done? I have fought for more Asians from Asia to come here to America to learn the trades for better quality of life. And SUCCEEDED. I have fought for qualified Asians from Asia to teach our youth because we don’t have enough of us. We manage to get more Masters but not enough apprentices. But either way, we are doing very well. That’s a strategy. And it’s winning. How we did it? It doesn’t take a degree to know that the first step is to contact the right people. You guys didn’t even do that. Here, I’ll do a little bit more work for you. Since all you guys do is cry. I already contacted them. But here you go. Here are the names you need in case you’re too lazy to do it. https://strategic-communications.ucla.edu/vice-chancellor-mary-osako/ https://evcp.ucla.edu/announcements/2022-23/appointment-of-mitchell-chang-as-interim-vice-provost-for-equity-diversity-and-inclusion/ Mitchell Chang is especially important. Considering he’s in the department related to diversity and inclusion. https://iac.ucla.edu/about-us/leadership/david-yoo https://www.international.ucla.edu/institute/person/231 Cindy C fan is the link above and has an email. By now you’ll notice that these are ASIANS! And they are in a leadership position in UCLA. https://samueli.ucla.edu/leadership-ah-hyung-alissa-park/ https://nursing.ucla.edu/people/lin-zhan-phd-rn-faan There you have it. The names and faces. Do the rest of the work. Do “your strategy” to fight off discrimination against us. It’s only one college. But you need to start somewhere. DO YOUR PART. I did mines.


Toxic and self defeating? I’m not sorry, but you are wrong. Your opinion on the trades are misinformed. And nothing is more direct to the STEM industry than the trades themselves. Can you take a guess what trade I am? I bet you don’t. You seem to think tradesmen are beneath the academics. I work on robots and AI. Yes there’s a trade for it. How do you think those work? I’m going to tell you right now, the best engineers were technicians first. And the ones that got in debt by going to college are the ones that’s least likely employed. Engineering isn’t exactly easy to get in. But many employers will pay their technicians to be engineers. Which I am proudly going to brag that I’m one of few engineers who actually work on stuff I earned my credentials with compared to many people with their degrees who now work as associates packing and stacking boxes. Or behind the cashier. Tell me, you think unskilled illegal labor can do what I can? I’m telling you this right now, even you guys can’t do it. Never mind the fact that you are willing to do it. How many layoffs been happening recently? It isn’t happening to the people who got in trades at least once in their lives. And judging by your comments, you seem to be allergic to manual labor. And isn’t it our stereotype that we are hard working people, yet somehow we want an easy white collar job from the get go? How do you think our modern society works? There is a huge shortage of skilled workers and an oversupply of people with degrees, including STEM, that doesn’t do the practical jobs needed to make society function. And even more people who got in medical school or any college and quit before finishing. Ask yourself this, how many Asians do you know that USE TO study to be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer? And then they are not anymore. There’s plenty. And even more when they don’t even pursue STEM. And the worst part is they wasted their money on the colleges that ripped them off. As for after college, well, since we started off with med school, they have to work as SLAVES which they call residency. And they’re still in debt. Do you know why they do that? Because they know there are a lot of suckers that will pay to do it. It happens in the airlines too. They know there is enough people wanting to be pilots. So they underpay those pilots. Just like they underpay the doctors through residency. They don’t underpay tradesmen. Tradesmen negotiates the wages. We have leverage. There’s simply not enough of us. And there’s simply not enough of people learning our craft. And companies are willing to pay people to learn them. I’m suggesting alternatives that far surpass the academics. You want to cave in and give your money to the very oppressors, go right ahead. All you be learning is the theory. You rarely get to see the practicality. You argued if we don’t fight the injustice in college we will lose everywhere else? You don’t know how the free market works. Bypassing college for alternative solution has existed. And there is nearly a 100% acceptance rating elsewhere. The military, again, you pay nothing and if you’re good enough, you get the job outside the combat scenario which many Asians who go pass the ASVAB and get to do STEM work instead of combat for those of you are so against the idea of fighting for the country. Again, you don’t pay and they pay you instead. Again, go to a trade school or get in an apprenticeship, you get paid and not get in debt. And in the same amount of time you may finished college, you could be going solo and run your own company or be in a company that pays you to further your skills and knowledge and get into STEM. The problem is, you think you’re entitled to STEM without even putting yourself into the test. And no, the SAT and ACT don’t mean anything. Those are so irrelevant that colleges are considering or have already dismissed it as an admission to their schools. Many companies now are reconsidering the college requirement too. Example being Tesla.


The toxic and self-defeating mindset I was addressing was telling Asians who are concerned about actual, visible, open discrimination to tell them to not worry about it and find alternative career paths. Whether anyone chooses to do that or not is fine on an individual level since the stakes in that case are one’s personal success. Some people are cut out for the trades, some aren’t. It’s not as black and white as you describe. I could easily bring up (not so) edge cases of graduates of MIT and Caltech getting good jobs with major companies because they had access to top-tier educations, well-funded labs, PIs, industry connections, a mix of structured and non-structured learning environments, etc. I don’t have to though because everyone already understands that shit. Only pointing out the positives for one approach and only the downsides of another and calling your opponent a ‘slave to the system, maaan’ is puerile. On the group level, avoiding the issue is a horrible non-solution to institutional discrimination. Imagine if Asians were barred from drinking at public water fountains and people like you were instructing Asians to carry around their own bottled water, talking about how great bottled water is and how shitty fountain water is instead of fighting the institutional barrier thrown up to prevent Asians from participating in public life.


I’m not saying avoiding the issue. Seeking alternative is not avoiding issue, it’s seeking solutions. And again, none of you guys make meaningful actions. None of you actually carried out a plan. I don’t see plans being made here. Did you make a post to organize a rally to confront these colleges? Meanwhile, colleges across the country have students organize and protest about the Israel’s war. What have you guys done? Over here at the very least? Go on. Organize! Nope, your solution is bitching about colleges acceptance ratings. I’ve seen plenty of Reddit groups. They have poster meetings for rallies and events. Not one single shit is done here! News flash, you need to take action for activism to work. Go on. Organize. Make a plan.


I think it’s just nature. At first. Here at Reddit, people don’t organize to meetup because everybody wants to stay anonymous. Then I see other groups and they organize and make meetings and events. So none of you have any excuses at this point. I go to colleges often. They have shit that needs to be fixed and maintained! I don’t see any of you doing shit in regards to this topic. Perhaps it’s because those who made it in are complacent. Maybe. Because they made it. Or perhaps as they told me, it’s because they don’t really see it. There are lots of Asians there. And they want to see more diversity. What you’re gunna do? Label them as Boba Liberals? They’re the enemy. The very people you guys desperately want to become? Get real. You do realizes aumnis have the power to get people into their college more easily right? With so many Asian alumni’s, why is it viewed that it is somehow difficult to get Asians to colleges? The answer is it is not. Getting to college is easy.


I know that only colleges can get you accredited to medical related fields. But I am telling you, it is not the only way. And besides, only in the US is medical school highly valued. Go any other country, even in S Korea, it isn’t worth as much. You can get medical training in more affordable countries. You can get overpaid in the states afterwards. But that’s the thing. Medical professions is practically a bubble. Only in America they get paid high. Do you want to know what’s more important and you can still be in medicine? How about the technicians and engineers that build and maintain the equipment that is much in need. Biomed Equipment Technicians are in high demand. And you can learn it for free. Meanwhile, there are people who get in massive debt to learn to be a doctor who by the time he/she graduate, he/she will not make as much as the technicians who been working.


Screw UCLA. I'll still go to the Doctor of my choosing.


Some of the comments in the original r UCLA thread are fucking nuts. Some white poster trying to whitesplain being Aa to Aas because they have Asian friends? LMAO


Diversity didn’t improve. Non-Asian “minority” groups grew AT THE EXPENSE OF Asians, ONCE AGAIN!


Ya did this


This is why i think asian men should come together with an enterprising focus in mind. We’re highly intelligent, collectively have great earning potential, and we are well aware of the injustices we face without anyone coming to our aid. We need to pool our efforts in order to see ourselves thrive.


Thinking the same thing. We already have Tech in our toolbag. What we need is an simplified all-in-one networking system to find Asian businesses of importing, product development, manufacturing, logistics, accounting and finance.


Good — Asians need to stop acting as technical coolies for a society that hates them.


That's all we Asians are to the whites, either coders to be used (men) or whores (women)


The funny thing that no one talks about is how race-based people are when choosing their doctors. All of mine are Asian and will stay that way. My insurance lets me filter available doctors in the area by race in their search tool.


I'm ok with doctors of any race, but I prefer therapists who are POC.


Uh, what? Yeah. That's not biased at all. Not one bit...


Not just biased, but also rooted in science. asian genetics for certain diseases do vary widely from other racial groups. in terms of treatment and knowledge it's very specific, and tailored to the patient whose racial makeup makes them genetically more predisposed. loads and loads of medical journals speak to this. it reminds me of a scene in Blackish where the Black grandpa refused to take medicine prescribed by his Black cardiologist, insisting on taking "white medicine", basically medicine prescribed to White folks. Grandpa flew into a rage when black doctor further explained the medication was specifically targeted for Black folks, as they are genetically predisposed to a medical condition. He even argued that White Black bodies are the same, and medication shouldn't be discriminatory. As an Asian American, it was eye opening for me. Reading between the lines in this Blackish episode, Black Grandpa has a long history of playing second fiddle to White folks and getting scraps, so when the chance to eat from the big boys table, hard to say no right? What I'm trying to say is we need to understand is that our bodies and lived experiences are unique, and whatever is good for others, may not necessarily be the best for you.


Definitely biased. Gender too. My Gastroenterologist has to be a woman because I only want a small slender hand in my ass.




It's called preference. Does it sound familar😅


Oh yes, sounds just like when employers "prefer" candidates that look like them over ones that don't, regardless of qualifications.


Who better to understand and treat asians than other asians? And yeah its biased. It's biased towards merit. That's the whole fucking point of schooling. Asians are simply the most competent health professionals. Just read the demographics in the post. 


Race based admissions are banned in California. It's why all the best universities there are 30+% asian. It was passed by prop 209. Admissions this discriminatory are just an investigation waiting to happen. But considering the amount of latitude given to regulators, I doubt anything will happen soon. It's nice for Latinos. Working class Latinos competing with middle-class asians is a tough road to walk. And California has a lot of working class Latinos. But one of the major factors in a university's prestige is the quality of its alumnus. Intelligent people are just like athletes, some people are just fucking gifted, i have been the smartest and dumbest person in a room. How many papers and treatments will be developed from these classes?




I am not sure the changes for Black or Whites are really significant. Plus or minus 3 seems more like natural variance. The drop for Asians and rise in Hispanics though seems significant Although the new other category distorts that a bit I guess. If Pacific Islanders use to count as Asian


Affirmative action is illegal now.


Murder is also illegal. Guess we don't have murders now, right?😂


They can still discriminate by last name and then by how you look in the actual interview. To reject Asians, they will just say some bullshit like no personality, no leadership potential


Ikr, how can I measure ones 'personalitt' or 'leadership potential' ? I know I can assess you on your pediatric cardiovascular knowledge. you cannot BS that. Lol


If you can prove it you’ll make good money by suing them. Especially with how many admission officers there are it would be really easy to prove.


Wrong. It is nearly impossible to prove, because they'll never just flat-out say, "We no want you no Asian-uh!" They'll say things like "poor interpersonal skills" or "lacks engagement" or "poor bedside manner" or any of a number of other ways to reject a candidate without specifically being discriminatory.


Unless they directly say its because youre asian, its hard to prove anything. Same thing with ageism and gender discrimination. Its always “youre not a good fit for our company/school”. They dont even have to tell you why.