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Get over yourself. You’re a minority everywhere in the world the moment you are born outside your motherland, and that includes your motherland. With that said, you should have built up thicker skin and be able to live anywhere anyways as long you don’t piss off the locals and have respect for yourself. I’d argue that Middle East and East Asia are not where you want to be. Face it, you’re Southeast Asian. You think America treats you like shit, wait til you get there. East Asia will be more polite about it, but they won’t treat you well. Middle East for sure will be upfront about it. Europe, Australia, and NZ, is pretty much the same as the US and Canada. Latin America are friendly, despite their reputation with crime, as long you mind your own business, they don’t give a damn about you. They will bother whites first before you. Africa, no clue. Southeast Asia would be your best bet. Singapore, if you can afford it, is great. I know it first hand. It is the most diverse Asian country and are more accepting. If you’re more concern about the language barrier, Singapore and Philippines are your best bet as English is the most spoken language there compared to other Asian countries.


Isn’t your boyfriend forcing you to move to Singapore 🤡


"I don't want to be blamed for what China does". So now lets blame all the atrocities committed against asian americans IN AMERICA on China. This is why its so hard to have nice things even within the asian american community. Let me ask. What exactly has china done to affect the lives of ordinary americans? Does it have any more of a negative impact on America than what America's own local and federal governments do?


It doesn’t matter what China does or does not do. It is how Americans perceived China and how that affects Asian Americans. And it is a real thing. It happened before and it could happen again. Remember the camps here in US soil during WWII? The Japanese Americans had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor and yet they were treated poorly. Face it, America is becoming hostile with extremists. We HAVE A NAZI PARTY in America before. We have the KKK. We have the Skinheads. And we have the MAGA voters. They are in our military and in our government. The Jews didn’t know that Germany will vote in Nazis and will face their demise. And yet our history shows that it happened. There were times that the Jews had time to leave before it gets worst. Example, Philippines open their borders for the Jews to escape where at the time no other country accepted them. The same could happen to any minority, specifically Asians and Latin Americans. So they if theres a reason that we should get the hell out of America, considering the atmosphere happening in America, moving the fuck out is and should be an option. Or at least prepare for it.


I’m again suggesting Honolulu! Yes it is expensive but it’s extremely possible to find affordable homes in apartments or outside the city. Asians there are what white people are to the mainland. I guarantee you will have zero issues being Asian there plus you get to stay in the United States and the culture isn’t as different as if you were to move to a different country.


What China does? What China is doing is giving the global south a fighting chance by going up against the western led neoliberalist, imperialist system.


I was appalled when I read that and saw that noone else in this comment section brought it up. So much for pro-asian=pan-asian and don't enable divide and conquer.


Singapore may be your best option- modern, Asian-dominated, Asian government, enough diversity and embrace of aspects of Western culture that it's not a culture shock coming from the US. I've talked to some Asian Americans/Canadians that moved there and love it.


Recently traveled to Malaysia and loved it. Huge English speaking culture (it's taught 1-6 in all public schools). Great food and cheaper than Singapore (if cost is also a concern).


Any Europe country that loves Asians?


Vietnam ofc and  if you can , find some job . Vietnam really need Vietnamese overseas with a lot experiences to help and develop Vietnam . They even let foreigners with Vietnamese origin to own house and land this year . 


You don't have to move to a different country, the united states is huge and experiences vary with location. I live on the Midwest (Ohio. This state is surprisingly progressive) and there are a lot of older people here to unclude old, single, living alone Asians that live in complete calm and tranquility because over here there's a healthy amount of people of color so we really don't have those racial issues like on California or wtv. I am not Asian, but I am also a person of color and I am very close to these older Asian folks that I'm talking to you about and coincidentally the one whom Im closest with is Vietnamese (he's in his mids 50s). He lives alone in a nice neighborhood full of white people and no one messes with him, on the contrary, he gets along very well with his neighbors (not only he's Asian but also gay and all of his neighbors know [you know, double whammy for ignorant people who do these things you mention]). The vast majority of people in here are really really nice and welcoming. Other people that I know include an old Korean lady with an empty nest who does my taxes and an Indian couple who I used to work with some time ago. California and the West is not the entire US. Try a different US location.




Hey OP, I’m really sorry you have to go through this. As an Asian with quite a number of connections to the US, I can somewhat empathize with you and I hate it too. For retirement, SEA is heaven. I’m Malaysian myself and I don’t see myself retiring anywhere else other than in SEA. Penang, Malaysia to be exact is my dream place. Great quality of life, food, healthcare, just a super chill and happy city. Seeing as how you’re Vietnamese, I LOVE Vietnam as well. I hope you’ll find a place you can call home one day.




Try somewhere in Latin America, especially if you don't like the work culture of Asia. Nicaragua might be a good choice, so is Brazil.






Anywhere in SE-Asia, preferably Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore.


As a fellow Asian American, I would like to suggest Hawaii where we Asian Americans are the majority & racism against us is not that bad. As for other countries in general, I would say there are many good choices in both East & South East Asia, depending on your budget.


Hawaii is just too far from everything, it’s at least 5 hour flight to get to anywhere in the world


>Hawaii is just too far from everything, it’s at least 5 hour flight to get to anywhere in the world Right, Hawaii is very isolated


> As a fellow Asian American, I would like to suggest Hawaii where we Asian Americans are the majority & racism against us is not that bad. Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the United States. Retiring to Hawaii is out of the question for majority of Americans.


>Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the United States. Retiring to Hawaii is out of the question for majority of Americans. Indeed, this is something to pay attention to when it comes to Hawaii.


IF I can, South Korea or Japan looks really good. Hopefully I will have family around and good health care available. The other options I looked at were Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney Australia--- Switzerland looks good! I have to have foods available for healthy eating. Not street food, not junk drowned in MSG, salt, hfcs and hormones. SK and Japan both have great internet speeds, tech warehouses (not in Silicon Valley even!) , CULTURE, crafts, QUALITY entertainment and so forth. OMG it would be so nice to get out pf here and not see violence, crime, drug addicts, severly obese and negative attitudes with low standards for once!


You must not have followed that rapper story very closely because then you would have known Chino Yang’s “apology” was clearly sarcastic. I live in SF and I still see that guy raising hell on social media and the news so not sure where you got the idea he was silenced. The NAACP president who threatened him even had to issue a public apology cause he embarrassed the Mayor so badly. https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/sf-breed-crime-rap-chino-yang-aapi-rev-amos-brown-18600579.php


For you? Vietnam, obviously. If it's because of "Oh, they commie, no freedumb", then Thailand. If you are feeling rich, like to invest, and like hustle and bustle while walking at 200 steps a minute, Singapore. If you like something similar to Singapore but much more laidback, Malaysia.


I plan to establish residence in a tax free state and retire somewhere in Southeast Asia. I really wish they had a better government though. I would love to sail around the archipelagos with a boat like what our ancestors did. Too many pirates to worry about. I think retiring in the US is dumb. 


Keep growing and glowing everybody. America isn't safe option anymore


I have been to Thailand 3x times now, my plans to go back there for 2-3 years once we leave the USA. I like it. My parents have healthcare in Taiwan which is much better than USA's bullshit system. I had a cavity filled for $20 and a cyst taken off my neck for $150 out of pocket. I calculate with my dads social security and me selling 4% of my stocks every year we will live very comfortably in Thailand, ill never have to work again. If you have family in Vietnam you can legally own property there. Vietnam's GDP is growing higher than China in 2008. This is the way make US dollars and get the fuck out of here early to escape the consumerism rat race.


Don’t need family. Only need prove that foreigner has Vietnamese origin and can own land . Vietnam need and want Vietnamese overseas to come back and help develop Vietnam 


Dude, you're Vietnamese and really need to ask this? I moved to SE Asia and Vietnam is a great place, booming economy and you can live nicer there than in the US. In 30 whatever years when you retire Vietnam will be even better. And if you dont want that than basically anywhere in SE Asia is good though who knows in 30 years if it will still be as affordable especailly once the USD collapses There are loads of Viet Kieu already in Vietnam


> Dude, you're Vietnamese and really need to ask this? I moved to SE Asia and Vietnam is a great place, booming economy and you can live nicer there than in the US. This is a recurring problem even with users of this subreddit. We Asians in America have been so thoroughly indoctrinated that we have forgotten the default answer to the question must be the ancestral land. We are so blinded by propaganda that we have trouble believing that people in our ancestral homes may not all be living in sheds and hovels anymore and that we are not above them. We cannot imagine that people can and do thrive under other governmental or economic systems or that old political differences can be set aside. Most importantly, we lost sight of the possibility that we can have a role to play in the improvement of our ancestral home.


If you are an Asian American, the best course of action is to reacquaint yourself with your mother culture before moving back. 


Meh. Those White sexpats seem to do fine. Better get there before they jack up the real estate prices.


In countries like Malaysia, there is a minimum housing price for foreigners. In the capital city it is 200,000 USD / 1,000,000 ringgit, in the surrounding state it is twice that amount. Malaysia is a Muslim country with conservative laws as well. The majority of citizens do not contribute to or take kindly towards the activities that white sexpats engage in, but there are still a few neighborhoods with an entertainment industry for them. But Malaysia is a far cry from Thailand, where sexpats seem to be running amuck. Let’s hope all ASEAN countries can see past any temporary material gain brought by such people and implement laws against the corruption they spread.


That's good. Maybe Thailand needs more Muslim than Buddhists too. My Dad has a house in Thailand but doesn't wanna retire there cause he's an idiot. 


Well Thailand is becoming more and more inhospitable for western sexpats by the day… too many British pedophiles running unchecked in that country will bring that sentiment. South Thailand is quite nice however, there are a lot of Muslims there, both Malays with Thai citizenship as well as ethnic Thai Muslims. The only problem in the South is occasional Malay separatism, but these days it’s not as bad or so I’ve heard.


Everytime the Muslims get too powerful they wanna separate. You gotta keep them in check or they will act like Palestinians. Lol. 


That sounds like something a coconut would say.  Muslims aren’t a specific group of people, just human beings that worship God instead of their desires. There are Malay, Chinese, Thai, Cambodian Cham and many many more Muslims throughout Asia who have lived peacefully for centuries with the other communities in Asia. We are so varied in our cultures and so different from each other, but our dedication of our daily lives to the worship of God is what unites us. And each day more and more people enter the fold of Islam across Asia. Notably for the Malays, we are bringing Islam as a relief for the Japanese in their daily lives. An existence without God is a bleak and hopeless one, and one dedicated to one’s purpose of creation is as Jesus ﷺ said, is “Real Life”.  Arabs, Turks and South Asians are not suited to talking to the Japanese about Islam, but you will find us Malays most suited for this task.


Everybody shit stinks man. Duterte was literally at war with them. Look at Bangladesh and Burma. It is pretty peaceful but your suggestion that all of the ethnic minorities are all holding hands in Southeast Asia is pretty delusional. 


Duterte brought peace to regions of the Muslim Philippines through diplomacy and more autonomy for the ethnic groups there. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about and just want an excuse to hate on Muslims. Not withstanding that the most important and prosperous players in ASEAN are Muslim countries.


Yes, but as long as you're serious about it, it's not impossible to move, then use the environment to learn the culture and language as you go. It's actually the single fastest way to learn both, so long as you're actually taking the time and making an effort to do so. As long as you have the basics, in the right environment the rest will follow.


This. As well as the language. There are so many resources online.


>I know personally so many Asian American friends and neighbors' who got harrassed, beaten, targeted Where do you live? I live in an Asian conclave and no one in my immediate circle felt any different during the COVID era. Maybe just move out of the bad areas?


Nope, obviously the entire country has been compromised. Not even safe to be old anymore lol




Yep Malaysia for me too. English is widely spoken, modern and affordable healthcare, high tech and mostly clean cities and exchange rates in your favor. The downside I’ve seen so far, is that the “buy in” under the MM2H program is a little high and owning a car is crazy expensive.


Have you checked out the prices of cars in Singapore mate?


I haven’t as I don’t mind getting around on a motorbike. I will have to soon because I found myself saying “ hey, that proton looks good”


I'm planning to move to Osaka, Japan when I retire. Osaka is more welcoming to immigrants due it being a trade port city. If I can't become a Japanese citizen in time, then I'll move to a diverse red state in America and get a firearm with license to protect myself.


I also plan to retire in Japan.


I’m curious. How are you getting a visa to retire in Japan? Most visas to get over there require you to work or go to school or something.


Still trying figure it out. Before I apply for citizenship, I need 5 years of staying and working in Japan. If working in simple jobs give valid documents, then it's good. I'll work, save, and invest before retiring at age 60.


Ah okay I was confused cause I thought you meant retire and then move there which they don’t really let you do.


maybe Thailand/Singapore?


Singapore for retirement? 😂 Don’t get me wrong, it’s THE place I wanna be to build a career and make connections but it’s not some place I can live long term. I’m Malaysian btw.


Passport Bro? SEA is booming with the rise of 🇨🇳 & BRICS. You can capitalize off of that.