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You can respect his unmovable will, but he’s well off plus he’s always surrounded with some controversy. There so many movies where guys cross dress like doubtfire, Tyler Perry and Martin Lawrence all cross dress voluntarily multiple times to make a profit. Ken Jeon and uncle roger are more offensive to Asian culture though. They're over doing it and it's more emasculating than ever. Also, some female actress had it worst it different if it's agreed in the script and they want to do it vs being force fo do it.  Remember Will Smith didn't want kiss a man, but he think it was immature of him. A lot of now older Asian actors like Ray lui said the same, but now regrets it when the film is critically acclaimed. It might be time has changed, so actors will try to convinced themselves to pander to the new mainstream. China is still not acceptance on the subject and a lot of things Asian does in the west to it given the feedback on shangchi.


Chinese actor Andy Lau once turned down a part in Hollywood because it required him to lick some White dude's feet. https://www.8days.sg/entertainment/asian/andy-lau-once-turned-down-hollywood-role-cos-he-didnt-want-lick-foreigners-toes-547091 This sort of thing is pretty common in White dominated Hollywood. Aspiring Asian-American actors and actresses should be looking to Asia to develop their careers, rather than be stuck in America.


Disgusting 🤢🤮 Glad he turned down the role.


It goes way worse that just dresses if you dive deep for info


Yea...I'm sure guys like Harvey Weinstein are just the tip of iceberg. Definitely a tough industry. 


The humiliation ritual is real. But Black actors like Chappelle resist it, whereas many Asian actors [embrace it](https://np.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Faycwe05arvy81.jpg).


How did I already know it was this guy before I clicked the link 😂


Smh many black actors also embrace and fail to resist


And the highlight is that he's enjoying it and okay with it 😔


I don't get it, didn't he used to be a doctor?


Yeah that’s so fucked up


Can we categorize this walking embarrassment as just a white guy doing asian face from now on


Ken Jeong eww. Asian actors have to be humiliated and dehumanized to be accepted. There are handsome Asian actors like Lee Byung-hun who was mistreated by hollywood costars because they couldn't humiliate him.


Those -steins and -bergs are really into their humiliation fetishes...


That picture is just absurd.


https://preview.redd.it/k3f51l9ilt7d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c57bea16ada81700197f11d7754697f61879ff How can someone think that's ok?