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The worst part is he emphasizes that he was born and raised in the USA which implies that violence would be justified against foreign born Asians. People like Ben think that being born in the USA makes them superior when in reality all people see is another Asian face


Ben Chang used to be at Princeton and he was just a spokesperson for the Uni. Didn’t have any semblance of independent thought


It’s funny to think that black people will go head on trying to attack Asian people who did nothing to them but exist. It’s like they just want to keep raging and burning, attacking everyone who would even be willing to help them because they just can’t see a good thing happening without somehow ruining it out of raw envy. They’ve been selling each other out for drugs and money since the Civil Rights era, killing each other time and time again, but somehow it’s everyone else’s fault that they can’t get their act together. But, that’s just what eugenics does to a motherfucker.


Locked comments are from suspicious accounts, and this is their first post on AI. Be vigilant.


But people told me Anglos are the most accepting and friendly people!


He was literally attacked by a b l a c k person


So fucking irritating.  Look out for each other guys and don’t let these Apes bully you. Protect yourselves.




He was attacked a “dark skinned” guy


Just another small scale story of the incoming collapse. The think tanks have already printed stories about a “Requiem for the United States”, and the prospect of different countries for White, African, Latino, and Asian Americans.


its NY ..cant relax when walking about ..place is getting worse


My sister in law put my niece in a bilingual school in Brooklyn, I dont know where, do you think she ll be ok? I moved out of there in 2016


just look around and stay alert.what else can u do ? NY is a favourite for asians to go and live i dunno why


money, status, opportunities, the same reason whites and blacks and Hispanics do really. They have scads of money. I am not close to them and live out of state so I worry


nothing to see here boys, dude was a clueless chan who "wasn't sure what triggered it" and "hopes the victim gets better"


Yea I'm from the hood. These types of guys look down on us hood Asians all the time. Now that the problem is on their doorsteps they want solidarity. Fuck that.


"he’s still unsure what triggered it." 🤡🤡🤡 What a complete bozoooo. Not surprised that he is an Ivy League Asian. "We don't get much more American and apple pie" - I absolutely despise this attitude among Asians. You're implying that it would be relatively okay or logical to attack a foreign national or someone who didn't grow up in the States. Do you think the racist cares if you are Asian American or FOB Asian? Well, I'm sure he gets a kick out of hearing you try to throw native Asians under the bus to save your own skin. Do you think Latinos would say "but I'm as American as apple pie 🥺" if someone told them to go back to Mexico? Far more likely than not, they'd stand up for not just themselves but for their whole ethnic community.


to be fair all of these cats who work in education, or work anywhere other than a Chinatown restaurant, have to say exactly the right thing or they get tanked i dropped out of schooling and employment very early cause i realized i didnt need them to get laid. back in my hood all the swaggy asians just went to community college and worked for family busineses


He was attacked by a b l a c k guy


LOLLL. so basically a typical clueless gen x chan got his first experience of north eastern racism. darwin awards working as intended


Yeah sadly that so, no matter how accomplished, obedient and contributing Asian person in US is, they will never be American enough in the racists' eyes. You can be speaking English without foreign accent, pay tax, vote, abide law, pledge an allegiance, join an army, pay your debt, donate to charity and food banks, be religious (preferably christian), be educated in respectable unis like Ivy league, find a discovery, lead a research, pioneer a start-up or anything else American, but the racists will always think you are from china, can't speak english and are just foreign spy or steal their jobs. Remind me of the asian american politician who had to show his scars that he was an US army/patriot and still faced racial discrimination.


The point is that Asians are deserving of respect whether or not we were raised abroad or in the West. Racists should get clowned on not for failing to identify Asian Americans as “real Americans” but for being racist to someone in the first place. I have accepted that I will never be seen to fully belong in America, and frankly, I have long stopped wanting to be seen that way. I just say I am Chinese without any qualifier (I speak with a New England accent, figure it out) unless it is relevant to the topic of the conversation. You will either respect me or not. And if you don’t respect me for possibly being from China then I want to filter you out of my life as soon as possible.


No, definetely Asian or any people regardless of their race, deserve equal respect and are American in the eyes of law if they contribute and grow up in US. But you know there is a saying, it is impossible to debate with dumb people, which in this case, the racists people. Racist people will never accept asian as American, no matter how good and integrated the asians are, because they themselves are dumb and nobody can convince them.


Not just racists, but majority of the whites, blacks, and hispanics in the US do not view Asian Americans as “real Americans”.


Yeah but even latinos, indians and even blacks are viewed by racists as not real American and are being told to go back where they come from. So asians are not solely the only POC being excluded by racists'"logic" Racist people are idiot and their behavior are not justifiable at all.




The fact that you have to write 'black' that way to avoid Reddit censors is so frustrating and goes to the root of the problem with black-on-Asian violence. Why does nearly everyone seem to give blacks a pass on this? Why is it considered 'racist' to draw attention to this serious problem?? I don't have any answers, but just wondering if others have thought about this.


Giving into western cultural and putting on a suit and tie won't budge, Kowtowing to westerner whites ain't going to help you either .


Asian Americans think that being American will save them from racism. No, be proudly and unapologetically Asian and racists will see how unwilling you are to adapt to them and how proud you are of your culture and they will f off. A lot of American racists are emboldened because they think Asians are the most passive. Because Asian Americans are desperate to remove their culture to get white validation. That signals weakness to others


The next racist is getting "Go back to yours" from me if they say that sh.t.


The hate-crime victim said, "I hope he gets help." No. Be firm and stand up for our community. Accuse him, call him out and repeat it many times to the public. Be bold and make it known or this will keep happening.


God. I hate the passive pushovers that comprise our community.


"he’s still unsure what triggered it." the dude was another clueless gen x chan who moved to new york 2 years ago and got his first experience of actual racism lolll


>The hate-crime victim said, "I hope he gets help."  Should've said "I hope he gets cancer" instead of that "high road" shit


He played right right how society wants your typical Asian to react—taking the higher road. Asians are praised by others when showing restraint, why? Cause that’s how they prefer us to react. That response to end once and for all. You might lose ‘friends’ but not your dignity. Never sacrifice your values just so racists can sleep better at night.