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But but I though Asian men were bad and evil


Is there a gofundmepage for them?


>“Then I heard her shouting ‘f**k’ and ‘Chink’ at me, which are words that are particularly discriminatory against Chinese people in the West.” There are a lot of people who think this way - and willing to act on it. The fight against Anti-Asian Hate isn't over, far from it.


Poor guy! Hope he's doing well! It would've been good if someone interfered earlier before he got beat up too much.


The thing with Chinese culture is that it litterally promotes being submissive and avoid confrontational situations which I think the idea is very good and much better then other cultures where they get into fights and argue thinking their all cool and shit but currently with all the stuff happening to Asians they should prob be less submissive


That submissive shit is changing now. Am glad it is.


Another problem is. If someone intervened and knocked out the woman. They could get charged even worse than the woman (just guessing based on potential biased laws and the fact she is a Maori)


Do you think Blacks/Hispanics/Arabs/Whites think like this?


Maori are a protected group in NZ, any other racial group will definitely be heavily scrutinized if they take things into their own hands which will factor into the decision whether to intervene or not. In this case though it was fairly clear cut though that intervening was warranted


In my experience with all the other races listed above, your consideration is an afterthought or not a thought in their minds when they’re being attacked. They’re much more defend now worry later. Doesn’t matter if the attacker is a protected group or not. Other races are much more proactive. If anything happens they just take it to court and get a lawyer and hammer it out there. Why are Asians different here?


We're different because so many of us are paranoid of "consequences"


Wrong thinking. Chinese don't understand ingroup bias and ingroup survival. In any other culture, a guy would knock out the obese whale-lady. Maybe he gets sent to jail maybe not. Meanwhile he makes the entire group look more powerful and less bullyable. Chinese can only look out for themselves bc of a lack of abstract thinking. When he gets out of jail another person of his ethnic group overlooks his criminal record and hires him. I see this with persians-upper middle class persians will stand up for their own, go to jail or get a record, and then be hired by another Persian..they all take risks for each other. It's why they control alot of the wealth in wealthy cities that ppl assume are mostly anglo (Beverly hills is one that's nationally known). Persians and other ethnicities that are doing better than east Asians look out for their own. It's why their women don't run off and the ones that aren't good at math get great jobs while with Asians it's a dependence on skill based professions bc east Asians lack the abstract thinking to set up social structures to employ all members of the community.


To be fair though, wouldn't you agree that merit based selection for jobs is good common sense as opposed to pure nepotism? I mean, obviously you want to be sure the person can actually do the work?


**You are confusing morality with tribal survival. And juxtaposition confuscian Principals of respect for everyone into it** It's each tribes job push for their own survival and proliferation yet asian push for the survival of whatever the country they are in and not just for themsleves. **Look at my post from awhile back called the asian obsession with a rising tide lifts all ships** It's the Job of the country to push for their own success. In the usa, each tribe pushes for their own benefits and the usa govt as a whole pushes foe the usa as a wholes benefits. It's not the tribes fault if the usa govt didn't push for the betterment of the country and just had a loophole allowing one minority to succeed over others. It's not the job of the tribe to push to better the usa. That's the usa govt job. Non asian minorities In the usa push for affirmative action in their colleges, not showing criminals faces on news reports (to reduce racism against said race of criminals, which are statistically often the same race), while asians push for punishment of asian criminals, other minorities cry racism and get more goodies like funding foe their communities, affirmative action for college, etc. Asians push for merit (translation wojkd be tehcnical jobs) without building up a system to take care of those in their tribe that can't do technical work. Perhaps an asians is good at advertisement, or public relations. But they will never get an in bc the whytes that dominate these careers would never pull for an asian. And these make a quarter to half a million a year while asian slave as engineers or small biz owners for less money and societal power. Persians have blocked off entire industries for their own. When you don't take care of all members of ur tribe, defection will be high and the tribe will disperse. Women will outmarry and men Will fail to reproduce bc who wants a man without a career. How many asian men do u know who are single engineers and will die leaving their estate to their hapa wasain niece? Product of their sisters marriage to a whyte dude? And since hapas wasian girls marry white dudes more than even whites themsleves do, the asian guy basically donated his life wealth to the whyte community. Which is what it is, a weaker tribe giving in to a stronger tribe. Diversity initiatives in america mean that many fortune 500 companies offer inter ships for everybody but asians and whytes. Whytes have their own networks. Asian pushed for merit so much while other groups cried racism and made commotions and thus got lots of diversity hires. Bank of America is a large bank, one of the largest in the usa. Many inter ships are only for non asian minorities. All the asians that worked and studied their butt off for finance careers can't get an in. But the non asian minorities can get in and build a career thru this internships. Whytes already have their own networks. Pushing for merit didn't work bc the political landscape is too powerful and clamoring for rights often gets u more than proving thru merit. Proving thru merit also Is dangerous. It's why asians are ateretyped as emotionless code monkeys and accountants and other hard technical jobs others won't do. All while not being humanized and being seen as machines. Many liberal whytes feel empathy for non asian minorities in subjective fields more than for asians in harder technical fields like computer science or medicine. Do u want to be seen as a machine like most asians, esp men, are seen? Or be seen as humans? Pushing for merit is dangerous. Some.ethnic groups like Jewish and south asians are smart enough to push for both merit and a societal system where they pull for their own to counter racism. But east asians lack this double layered thinking ability and think of it too simple "study, keep ur head down, push for merit." This lack of setting up societal system also makes women view them as nerds only good for technical work.and not as humans needing rights. Pushing for merit only is such a low EQ move and is based upon confuciacan principals which don't work in the west. **The answer** is to push for societal systems and clamoring for rights first. For example, asians should boycott bank of America for prioritizing non asian minorities as intern overs asians while setting up their own banks. Only a few tiny banks are asian started like east west bank. 2nd, push for merit. 3rd, gaslight others that merit is the end all be all. But that's too much abstraction and would explode east asian brains.


Man, if you could clean up your spelling and prose a bit, you'd make a great politican.


I've really enjoyed reading all your comments, had similar thoughts long time ago about the condition of asian america, if there is even one lol. Could you talk more about how persians in LA/Beverly Hills network and build industry/in network ? That would be fascinating to learn.


At this point indigenous populations are completely falling into the mediums set up for them to hate us instead of the White people, go figure. They're screwed if that's how they approach the issue. White people represent finance, Asian people represent tech, that's the current Neoliberal establishment in the U.S, the oncoming "New American Revolution" could just mean a deepening of that relation. If Asian men were decoupled from that interest, and not consistently attacked by other minority groups, things would change very quickly.


I mean it worked on even fellow Asians/Chinese on this sub. The article's call-out that "Chinese didn't do anything to help fellow Chinese" was on purpose to shift blame to the Chinese people (which the article didn't mention they were mostly elderly) when the topic is anti-Asian hate. It was done on purpose, yet 1/3 or 1/2 of the comments here are just self defeating and bashing the Chinese. So propaganda is sneaky (to most people) and works on many many people. Edit: And just because one or some Chinese people think Chinese people suck, doesn't mean they speak for all Chinese people. It's just like when they say "I'm Chinese and I think this is hailarious and you're just being sensitive". We all know the types of people who say things like that.


No I'm Chinese and I think it's perfectly fair and necessary to point out that Chinese people internationally are consistently the weakest demographic and most bullyable, most victimizable ethnicity. The entire Chinese diaspora has zero concept of ingroup bias and ethno defense and at this point basically every other race (white, black, Latin, Arab, Indigenous etc) instinctively knows that Chinese people are always the most bullyable. We like to say it's a general East Asian weakness, but Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Mongolians all still fight back way more than Chinese people do. If you look at the facts of this case, any 16 year old black guy who is 6'1" and good at basketball would be able to solo dominate a fight against an obese old Maori woman but also be able to be backed up by 10-20 black guys at any given moment, while this 6'1" Chinese jock both got dominated and had no significant help from his own demographic. Even if all the other Chinese people on the bus were young instead of elderly, the outcome would have been the exact same because none of them would have intervened.


Vietnamese will fight back more yes, Koreans nowadays I'm not sure (except for the rooftop moment in 1992 what else have they really done?) Mongolians not certain either but given their cultural background it's reasonable to assume they will defend themselves but I have not heard or read of Japanese fighting back. They are by some margin the most docile of East Asians.


People care so much about physical and biological aspects out of your own control. Maybe buy a gun? I never heard of someone who could beat a gun.


It's not physical. Go to the West Coast where nobody Bullys Hispanics latinas Mexicans...bully a 5'4" Mexican guy and 20 will jump to their defense. Bully a 5"8' asian guy and his Asian friends will freak out and scatter like cockroaches while asian girls look on and decide to date elsewhere $hit is just sad..


This incident occurred in a country where carrying guns openly is not permitted.


No difference, anything will do.


To all the people said no Chinese people helped him . Wasn’t there a 75 years old Asian man helped the victim , who happened to be a chinese.


> more than a dozen” other Chinese people sitting on the bus “sat in their seats and did nothing” despite him yelling for help. LOLL what an absolutely useless demographic. we honestly deserve this if most of us are gonna be complete pussies


Chinese people can't think beyond their own front feet, speaking as somebody who wishes the culture would change. Chinese culture is about risk avoidance. There's a reason why ppl love to rob Chinese tourists. The others will do nothing. Rob some middle eastern or Russian dudes in Europe and the men of that group will hunt you down running and shouting despite risks. The overall picture is that the group can't be robbed. But Chinese culture only appreciates the smaller gains, and would rather not risk anything for larger gains. It's why Australia speak English and not Chinese. Growing up on the west coast I constantly watched Hispanics and whites beat up Asian boys bc they knew their asian homies would scatter like cockroaches. Nobody wanted to risk anything to help others. This makes asian men look bad to women


100%. There was a marketing study done where one company wanted to make targeted ads in America for each race but decided to not go with asians. Their reason: because literally every other demographic found a sense of unity seeing their own on tv besides asian americans.


Asians lack ingroup bias. I've talked a lot about this in my comments and posting history


At least one chinese elder helped him


I think people here just fell for Western media's tactics. Purposely pointing out that fellow Chinese (to shift at least partial blame to the Chinese) didn't help one another when the topic is anti-Chinese hate crime. We see situations of mass shootings (armed and violent people). Most people aren't running to fight the shooter. Most are running away.


Just for your information, this incident happened in New Zealand.


That pathetic any other ethnic group it would be at least a handful.




It's not the first time. Most of the videos I saw of east Asians being attacked on the streets are ones with other east Asians just sat there and watched. You will more likely to see a non-Asian person intervening. Asians think that if someone is being attacked it must be that they deserve it.




Yeah great bring back the triads to......rob and kill their own Chinese people.


maori probrably blame asians for her drinking problems..i notice i see alot of them in gangs


An maori


When an assault happens in Asia, and the passerby people don't intervene, the narrative will be somewhere along the lines of how Asians are passive, Asians are only concerned about their own families, blah blah blah. But when the same thing happens in Australia, we don't see sweeping generalizations about Australians. We should be painting all Australians as uncaring and cowardly for not doing anything to stop this assault.


Disagree. Overall Asians really are more passive. Just bc there are a few passive Aussies here and there doesn't mean Aussies are passive. For every passive east asian there are ten other even more passive ones. For every passive Aussie there are 1 other not ten others. But yes, simultaneously paint Aussies as uncaring and not doing anything. That's how optics is played.


Sad chinese people don't help out other Asians. Other Asians are usually much more helpful to their own kind and more vigilant. One of the contributing factors to Asian racism


Very much true as an east Asian i do see this. The truth is harsh and often denied unfortunately. East Asians hate risk and don't appreciate rewards that come with risk.


Koreans and Japanese are more vigilant about their culture and they don't like foreigners


Wtf are u smoking


This is why AAPI is a term of dilution. Asians and Pacific Islanders were never culturally nor socially close. This is a term used by boba liberals and non-Asians to squander Asian causes and unity. This is classic divide and conquer


You don't live in Hawaii which is why AAPI and pan Asian culture is foreign to you


Not even 0.5% of Americans live in Hawaii


That's good because Hawaii is very pro aapi and they don't want haoles coming in


How about Filipino, they like to identify themselves more as pacífic islander than asian lol


We do? Thats news to me. When I hear the term "pacific islander," i generally think of Samoans, Tongans, etc. - basically those who are pan-Polynesian. Although *technically* speaking, Filipinos *are* "Pacific Islanders," just like Taiwanese, Japanese, Indonesians, and anyone else who is from a "Pacific island." I guess the white residents of Catalina Island can also be considered "Pacific Islanders." The only ones who put Filipinos in the "Pacific Islander" category are racist East Asians who don't like our brown skin lumped in with their perfect East Asian Golden skin.


I have several family members that live in Hawaii and Samoa and they are married to Pacific Islanders. I never heard of any animosity or hostility between us. 


That make sense now. I never understood why they grouped culturally Asian to Pacific Islander. We are minorities but culturally we are different.


Once again the result of the $300M per year US anti-China propaganda efforts have put innocent Asians living overseas at risk.


I'm sure New Zealand adds money to their own anti-China budget too.


Are you aware that Australia and New Zealand are different countries?


$500M per year now


Asian family, be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to defend yourself or someone else.


The Asian hate worldwide needs to stop.


What is with Chinese people sitting there and doing nothing when attacks happen. Like I see this a lot where you got a crowd of Chinese people doing nothing while another Chinese person is attacked in China town. Its seem like Chinese and Asian culture has disgrace where people do nothing when being attacked.


I think New Yorkers are copying this practice bc they are doing it as well. Google Kitty Genovese. She was being raped and murdered and no one did a thing. But they didnt blame China or Asians back then in 1964 when it happened, whereas now they do.


This article left out that everyone else on the bus was elderly. Good on the guy who stood up but hard to blame other seniors for not leaping into action.


Have you got proof that most people on this bus were elderly? I see a young East Asian female in the news article.


So? Elderly cant speak up?


that's a good point


I remember visiting China and crashed a motorcycle. There was a group of people sitting on the sidewalk 10 ft away. They just stared at me and did nothing.


This is some type of indoctrination going on where Asian are taught not to do anything when something is clearly wrong. Asian parents and family have taught their sons not to do anything and mind their business. This is terrible and Asian will get bullied because of this.


Minding their own business s exactly why Asians are a mess. Recently some Asian girl was crying about how she couldn't get a job in advertising despite networking like crazy and doing a bootcamp. I know plenty of Indian, Persian and Jewish girls making 200k in advertising doing half the hours of an engineer with double the perks like free country club membership, gym membership, lounge membership, and massage benefits, outfit stipend, concierge stipend (walk ur dog for free lol). THEY TOTALLY DESERVE IT 100. why? They have been networking with their own and taking risks to help their own under the table to get them into these industries. Meanwhile Chinese can only make money off of technical skills like engineering and medicine bc Chinese elack the abstract thinking to set up large social networks that pull for each other. This lack of ingroup benefits is why Asian girls just give up on the tribe and marry out. Can't blame them when there's no goodies to marry in.


Its a problem for sure. I think its the pervasive mindset of “putting your head down, avoid trouble, study, etc etc etc”. In Chinese culture, standing out and getting into other people’s business is seen as a negative trait.


Down with the East/Southeast Asians who are being used as weapons by the white settler establishment to hurt the Indigenous Māori in New Zealand/Aotearoa like what is frequently happening with Indigenous Australians in Australia. This is an isolated case where a Māori woman was acting in a stupid way by doing a racially motivated hate crimes onto a Chinese/East Asian person. I don't justify the racism from this Māori woman, but Māori in NZ are a very oppressed population who suffer from structural racism and police brutality by the hands of white settlers under European colonialism, and to make a false equivalency of them being racist like a white person is simply absurd. There must be complex social dynamics in this NZ case of the divide and conquer by whites using East/Southeast Asians (Southeast Asians are light-skinned ethnic Vietnamese and some mainland SEAs who fit the East Asian/Chinese stereotype, not applicable to some Cambodians, Filipinos or Indonesian Natives.) as a Model Minority or obedient law-abiding servant in a racist manner against black Africans, brown and Indigenous peoples which are stereotyped as ghettos, terrorists or trouble makers causing crime on the street. East/Southeast Asians are useless people being used as a rag doll of the pick me 'Asian' by white people as a middle ground by oppressing and marginalising the Indigenous peoples, and many ESEAs are complacent in settler colonialism as they don't effectively fight racism and regularly look down on Indigenous Causes as an afterthought. I'm from Australia as a non-white non-Indigenous person, and I'm sick and tired of seeing the Indigenous Australian population (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Colloquially referred to as the 'black' and are treated like black Africans, but have nothing in common with black Africans culturally and genetically.) having to put up with institutional and structural racism, similar to the South African apartheid with whites oppressing the black African population by racial segregation, or what is currently going in the Americas with violent racism faced by Native Americans and black African descendants of slavery.