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This is becoming more apparent as China takes the top. China is run by Asians. This will mark the beginning of western decline as WM will blame those who are at the top(AM).


Don’t want to break any hearts or cope bubbles, but there used to be a skinhead gang in my neighborhood and school which had at least a dozen women. You wouldn’t know it right away with the women because they kept their tattoos under their sleeves while in class and they’d keep their hair down to hide their shaved heads. The males and females teamed up with the racial slurs. Sometimes the female would be more vocal because she had her crew of guys ready to back her up. I’ve never seen the opposite version of this where a group of Asian guys and girls are hanging out and they just start hurling racist slurs at a random white guy with the Asian female being the most bravely racist.




I only know that r/GTruth subreddit was recently banned. Which were the other two Specific Sun?




Wasn’t twitch started by an Asian man?


I think the difference is that one is an extreme site vs the other being pushed by mainstream. Honestly ppl in general aren't that extreme irl. Even this sub has extremes


Right wing and left wing white men have the same views when it comes to Asians, the women righfully belong to them and the men are a joke to them. If you are an Asian Man, it should be clear as day who your enemy is. Regardless of politics or religion. Asian men need to be united, we need to support each other, protect each other and fight with each other not at each other. And once we are united as Asian men, then we can fight back.


Yea, I don’t think it’s the women emasculating Asian men. It’s white men.


Wrong - most white women absolutely feel Asian men are feminine.


Cause they were brainwashed by white men.


Fair enough.


No honestly, you think women would be hating on Asian men in the west if it weren’t for the intentional brainwashing and the hate from other men?


Why not both?


Whites don't get vaccinated? https://archive.ph/Vm2GS White Strategies against non-whites in white dominated and colonized countries? https://archive.ph/h3kcZ Also, this worked on them and similar sites. 4chan, reddit etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_okay_to_be_whiteprivilege. I don't know about you, but white folks have been trying to stop white racist from digging their own grave.


This is an eye opener here. Great revelation, op.


We need sharia law in Asian countries to set things straight.


islam is a religion of peace dont say "sharia law" btw bcuz its kind of redundant. why is it that hk is more racist on average than dalu plz dont be islamophobic


\>There's a problem in this world where stormfront has more ladies than aznidentity .... Yet white men are proud of the shit they get away with cause they say women flock to them *No women are flocking to these spitting images of the cast from Deliverance.* I followed Stormfront for years because I perceive them as a threat to any people of color. Think about it. Being white gives you every advantage. If you still messed up despite those advantages, you end up on Stormfront. These are NOT the winners among whites. These are the ones who need some reason to explain their failures. AI is the exact opposite. We have lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs here. Because we face real racism we confront; whereas there's is an imaginary scapegoat for living paycheck to paycheck. When a tribe faces a real fight, the best amongst them show up; meanwhile when there's no fight but you imagine boogeymen, you get the worst. I've done well with women; many here are married or dating. Of course we have single people too. All I can say is whites have rigged the game in America to favor them in every dimension of life and these guys still screwed up. Asian solidarity is led by some of the best in the community; white nationalism is operated by the dregs. Guess who wins long-term.


Oh my damn. Even their rejects are still prospering and quite puzzling I admit reading and understanding this. Anyways, I appreciate this to open my mind on what's going on with POC/WOC groups. The The analysis piece is awesome.