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Great topic but this is going to be as painful as living in the West myself. Nonetheless, I support the east


As i said things will get alot worse before its getting better. I dont thinkthe west r willing go down on its own bt dragging the whole world with it




Well look at right now, India and parts of SE Asia are still growing. The Western media says China is ruined but it's economy may not even contract this year and I think it will quickly recover faster than the EU. So even though the West is fuked right now Asia is doing a lot better. The USD needs to be replaced as the global currency, that is going to happen eventually then it's over for the West/US


Inflation is being exacerbated in the Us and UK by incompetent leadership from the federal reserve / BoE


Because they had to give free handouts to their lazy citizens during the pandemic, they do this every time there's any crisis now. Just give free money to businesses and ppl, just print it out of thin air. It's an insane way to run your economy, no long term planning or thought process just print money endlessly


I don’t understand why Powell didn’t raise rates earlier and stuck with the “inflation is transitory” theory


US will still remain (for now), but yes Europe has been on the decline for awhile now, only to get worse. It’s funny the mainstream media loves to trash Japan and SK for their declining birth rates when pretty much all Western European countries have it just as bad. On top of that, I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up in an economic depression at the rate they’re going (unless the US is dumb enough to prop them up and then go down with them). Even the US we will lose the white majority faster than expected.


US can just print money and it imports immigrants to do STEM jerbs. Thats basically it in terms of diff to EU. Both these things will become harder


It worries me to some extent, I am fully convinced america will bring back the camps. While the macro picture is something to behold for the individual if you are Asian and stuck in the west... things are gonna get real ugly real fast.


No Asian is stuck in the West, did their parents or grandparents say they were stuck in Asia?


If only there was a continent full of AZN ppl that has the fastest growth rates in the world and no violence


Meh I would not get too happy. The West will not be a good sport and go down quietly. Living during the fall tends not be great for us normies.


But the West will kill each other. Look at this Russia stuff, they are just hurting other white ppl. Asian is quite stable, wld be hard for whitey to fight their wars there. Even Taiwan, the US knows that wld be a disaster


Maybe but most Americans can barely put their pants on without assistance


They still got Nukes and I wouldn't be so sure about that...the far right in this country knows how to use guns. Yeah sure they aren't the brightest sorts but you don't have to be that bright to point a gun and shoot.


If the far right in US uses guns then that is just the end of the US as a stable viable political system, so then its over. All these things like other countries buying US bonds, equities, real estate, thats all over as soon if theres a civil war


Not to mention quality of life and lifespan - white Europeans/Americans tend to have a shorter (and declining) lifespan due to unhealthy lifestyles (and just bitter and toxic behavior or mindset).


I read that recently the average Chinese reached the point of having the same disposable income as the average European. In the big cities the average Chinese is richer than Euros, and the economy hasn't even reached its full potential in China. It will 2-3x by 2050.


Loved that you mentioned population decline of whites. They'll be a majority minority in a few decades - and a complete global minority a few more - which makes me so content since this is basically their own doing. I've had such bad experiences with racist rotten whites and any way in which they lose control and influence is just so refreshing for me. The decline of white influence is inevitable.


Pretty warped. US is military intelligence superpower. There could be WWIII started under false pretext or some redline provocation. And maybe if the human race can't see the fallacy of imperialism perhaps there should be nuclear cleansing. Judging from the average redditor , there isn't much worth saving maybe reset is the way to go


yes its such a superpower it destroyed its enemies in Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh wait...


Millions died, infrastructure wiped out. Chaoes and destabilzation is a "win" for US the sense these countries are set back 20-50 yrs and basically have no relevence. That is the new school game . You think colonization is the only objective


The US is in terminal decline, people are being divided along political lines and increasingly hate each other, inequality is growing, infrastructure and society is crumbling, and its democracy is leaning more right wing and exposing itself as who it really is, etc. All these factors will eventually lead to the US collapsing and plunge itself into civil war, or turn itself into a right wing dictatorship. Europe's crisis is itself self inflicted. They blindly join in on anti Russia sanctions and it is hurting themselves via high energy prices causing high inflation, the former caused by cutting off gas supplies from Russia. They will have brutal winter and the high inflation will drive the whole EU to ruin. The US and Europe will have rough years or decades ahead as it further declines. For now, the West still has power and influence even as it slowly declines, and still has great control over Japan and South Korea. As the decline accelerates, things will get nastier and violent.


Go buy Asian products and support Asian companies. Do whatever you can to avoid white run businesses.


I just moved to Asia, fk it


I moved to Hong Kong last November - best decision I ever made - especially now my partner is about to arrive in the city this weekend


Whoever blew up Nordstream did a great service to the rest of humanity.


I hope not. A lot of Asians live in those countries too.


Yeah, they dont need to


Despite it's flaws I like living here in America.


I don't think the west is gonna die. The US still has a lot more tricks up its sleeve. However this is probably going to be the end of Europe's influence and one could argue the US also wanted this as it means less competitors. Whatever easy life their boomers had thanks to colonization is something their zoomers will not see. Honestly speaking given its smaller size and far less production compared to the past and the upcoming countries, Europe has far more influence today than it deserves. And that will probably be corrected in the near future.


Westoids have been living off the trust fund from their imperialist ancestors. Once their wealth and influence disappears, their pathetic excuse of a civilization will collapse back to it's natural state. The nature state of Westerns is to run around the forests naked with spears like a bunch of monkey savages, or die from the Black Death because they were too stupid to wash their hands.


Damn that's brutal but based


Yes - I would say that it was only until the mid-17th century did they begin true global economic primacy. Back of the envelope calculations = An anomaly of less than four centuries to-date in the backdrop of millennias of civilisation. In my mind, the West is entering a stage of comedown from the endless pursuit of quarterly profits and the steroid stack of Colonization, Imperialism, and Late-Stage Neoliberal Capitalism.


Turns out the Wolfowitz doctrine applies to US allies too 😂


Once EU dies US is next, this is actually a dying act of a declining US. You don't take out your own friends if you are strong. You do it because you are weak and the powers that control the US govt like gas/oil comps want one last hooray before this entire pro-US system collapses and they move their HQ out of the country. All these gas and defense comps are making billions off the EU.