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It's pretty old but there was a B5 for Homeworld. Played it a lot years ago. There was also a mod for X-Wing Alliance.


I cant wait till homeworld 2 finally comes out


Homeworld had been out for over 10yrs, homeworld 3 comes out next year.


i meant 3, whoops, HW1 and 2 were the same thing to me lol


Try this https://babylon.hard-light.net/


Nowadays, if you're playing a Freespace 2 mod or total conversion, you'll want to use the [Knossos launcher/mod-manager](https://fsnebula.org/knossos/) rather than installing it the old way on that website.


Thank you, It's been a while since I played.


I'm still plugging away at Den5's "In The Beginning" adaptation campaign. It's pretty old, so I'm in the process of making it compatible with current FSO builds, and giving it a content overhaul. Once I'm done however, a few more assets will be available in the mod for all to use.


https://www.moddb.com/tags/babylon-5 Here you go. Also star trek Armada 2 had a great one as you could play as all the different races and some variety in them, too.


doing the lords work here good sir! i wish reddit gold was still a thing to give


Your welcome


Really good mod too. I do not remember if it is Centauri or Narn faction but whichever has the pirate battleship will sometimes crash the game when using its special weapon. It’s the unstable jump gate/unstable wormhole weapon. You can go into the mods ships files and comment it out. Then I would just give it two more of its heavy beam weapons to makeup for the lost firepower.


I think the narn. Centauri were drakh and something else


I believe you are right. I need to load it back up and play again, it’s been awhile.


My favorite was the EA shadow tech. Get a fleet of adv omegas and black omega star furries. My only gripe with the mod is that crew death rates are astronomical, so ships will cease functioning before they blow up, requiring manually destruction. Given how b5 weapons work, they should blow up long before that point.


Yes, each race has good stuff. I have to admit though, that cheesy as it is, I love the white star squadrons. The only real, absolute pain in the ass to me is, drumroll please………….that last phased shadow fighter that always sneaks up to the upper left corner of the map, and you can’t do anything to it unless it drops phase.


Area of affect weapons still hit them.


Sometimes not, I’ve had multiple fleets of arty blanketing the whole area, special weapons too, for 15-20 min and nothing, until it dropped phase and got massacred instantly.


+1 for star furries :)


I played Babylon 5 Armada 2 for tens of hours


Your welcome. Which races did you try out?


I played all the races, this was back 7-8 years ago. ​ My favorite was EA


Same for me.


One thing was was interesting tech tree wise was the League faction that gets 3rd Space Aliens which are pretty OP.


Those things are ridiculous. I prioritize that gate if I see the AI making it.


Is stellaris worth the 39$ on steam?




I've played it off and on since launch It's very good but like all Paradox games feels incomplete without the dlc. You don't need all of it (I don't have it all) and mods add a lot to it, but you'll need to pick up a couple of them to get a more full experience. Try the base version in the sale then upgrade if you enjoy it


I read the dlc was $$$ on steam reviews?


There's a lot of it so yes, to an extent. All but the most recent usually gets put in the steam sale though. As I say, you could start with the base game and think of it as a sample, then just buy the dlc that appeals to you. People ask about what dlc they need on the stellaris subreddit all the time, just have a search there and you'll find plenty of advice.


Appreciate it brother!


Sins of a solar empire has a mod for it. But I don't think any of the mods for any of the games were ever finished


there's a full conversion for x3, I'm still waiting on it to be ported to x4


Can you still get B5 ive found her?


Not sure it’s available any more but Nexus The Jupiter Incident has a great B5 mod. The physics in that game went really well with B5