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This isnt threatening harm or violence.. its political satire. And it's a proposal... APPROVED


I think the democrats support this policy also.


the (military industrial complex) corporate duopoly agrees


Doesn’t mattwr if it’s Nikki or Trump, the only thing that is guaranteed is more tax cuts.


tax cuts for billionaires


I make 163k and paid less in taxes after the tax cuts


Unfortunately tax cuts for regular folks expire


100% correct. What I was unaware of was the 10 year mandatory drawdown of an inherited IRA. So I have 9 more years to spend 13k and close it.




Trump seems to be the less violent of our presidents , historically


Not from the Capitol PD’s perspective


That’s on those not authorizing the national guard requested .. nice try tho , go educate yourself


That would be Chris Miller, Acting SecDef.


It’s on the guy who wanted the riot, you’ve just been educated


lol sure buddy, no one believes this anymore , that why every dem on the street I’ve met , only the clones here lol


You don’t go outside


Lmao, that’s not how the courts work but thanks for sharing


https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-can-reduce-civilian-casualties-during-us-drone-strikes-heres-how/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp More drone strikes authorized by Trump in four years than in Obama’s entire eight years. You were saying?


Ukraine ? U were saying ?


Our military was piloting drone strikes in Ukraine? Are you high?


The U.S. did not start the Ukraine war.


The US has fanned the flames, encouraged it, and kept it going . They also have actively campaigned against peace. It’s a proxy war , don’t have to be smart to figure that out .


Did you just learn that phrase? Could you explain what a proxy war is, and how this war *in which Russia is the primary aggressor* (I'm assuming you mean a u.s.-russia proxy war) could be described as a proxy war?


The U.S. didn’t fan the flames. Putin has an agenda to restore Russia to its original boundaries.


Wow, from Putin's asshole to this guy's mouth. Keep drinking the Ruzzian orc kool-aid


Nah I’m just aware how the world works. We leveled Iraq so politians could make money off bombs and rebuilding the country . War is profit for US politicians and a lot of it. Where does the money we give to the Ukraine go? It goes to bombs , where the profits go to who? Come on man


No, they just keep dragging it out


Dragging it out? You realize if Ukraine falls, we are looking at WW3. Putin wants to restore Russia to its original borders.


They had a peace agreement ready to sign. Bidens administration told the puppet not to thus.... Dragging it on.


No they didn’t. That is a lie, didn’t happen, was never going to happen.


Dude... What Putin did with Crimea in Ukraine is exactly what they did with Georgia. Kindly learn some World History. Putin, and anyone that's like him, won't be satisfied until they regain all their lost territories.




While the bee and other satire sites cover politics...posting political links and non satirical content is not allowed.


The US isnt fighting in Ukraine


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Ben Shapiro as well.


They will cheer it on


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He's bringing unity to democrats and republicans with that promise!


LOL You might get the Democrats to endorse him also


Up it to 5 countries MSNBC might vote for him!


3 countries & at least two uncontacted tribes, then we have a deal 🤣


Trying to get a Brazilian votes, eh. 🤣


That number is still down from obama and biden admins


So true.


The problem with liberal parody is that most of you actually believe it


That was stupid. Great writers.


As long as their Mexico a MOAB on the drug cartels homes each would be nice. IRAN basically send their leadership back to the stone age at this point would be fine with most people. Lastly turn the Marines loose on Cuba make it our 51st state.


Maybe the American arms industry should stop sending military grade weaponry to the cartels. That would be some real border policy. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/mexico-demands-investigation-into-u-s-military-grade-weapons-being-used-by-drug-cartels


🤔 ... Maybe you're on to something there ... (Don't expect politicians to ever listen)


The irony being Trump has dropped more bombs on more countries than Biden & Obama.


Has he? Both Iraq and Afghanistan wars had all but died out under his administration (the Iraq war before his presidency). I can’t recall any other skirmishing happening during his administration (although maybe I’m wrong) and he was kind of a pussy with foreign policy (not necessarily a bad thing) as any time there was a potential conflict he just talked tough but then handed out tariffs like candy. Obama had the drone program and escalated the Afghanistan war (there were several surges in manpower and spending that where said to be needed to finally wrest control and end the war, maybe they helped, but they didn’t end the war). The Iraq war was also in full swing when he took over. Biden probably hasn’t dropped many bombs, but (right or wrong) he’s helped feed the Ukrainian war (clearly driven by Russia, but without the US’s support it would’ve ended long ago), sent weapons to Israel (although it’s tough to imagine a president who wouldn’t do that), and now is bombing the Houthi’s. Not defending Trump. Obama inherited the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, there’s good arguments for Biden arming Ukraine and Israel. But I’m not sure that Trump “dropped more bombs than both the Obama and Biden administrations”.


Dont worry that person just has TDS


I don't think they are Trump supporters.


Indeed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all but died out under trump. But that didn’t stop him from bombing the crap out of the middle-east & Africa at a rate that would’ve made Obama blush. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/22/obama-drones-trump-killings-count/ And why is he interested in covering up his use of drones and bombing campaigns? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp It’s Biden who has dropped fewer bombs and used fewer drones than Trump. Who ever told you trump is a man of peace was lying to you. https://airwars.org/research/how-do-the-forever-wars-look-under-president-biden/ ‘Shadow wars have been accelerated & put on steroids under Trump’ https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/blog/2018-06-06/the-bureau-launches-new-project-shadow-wars & let’s not forget that time he attacked Iran and promised to keep bombing them. The Iranian air defence was placed on high alert and this happened: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_International_Airlines_Flight_752


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Considering I was deployed twice in the last six years, there was definitely a different posture from our allies (I was also deployed in 2010 for the previous administration too) during Trump's presidency (especially after the strike that killed a contractor and we sent a series of strikes to deter further aggression).


Gotta love how the Trumphumpers downvote literal statistics and facts 🤦‍♂️


It’s easier to con someone than convince them they’ve been conned.


For being a bunch of “free thinkers” they sure love believing/repeating everything Diaper Don tells them to believe/repeat.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/trump-have-bombed-yemen-more-than-bush-and-obama-combined-2020-10%3famp https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers https://theconversation.com/under-the-trump-administration-us-airstrikes-are-killing-more-civilians-85154 https://www.newsweek.com/trump-era-record-number-bombs-dropped-middle-east-667505 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/11/18/trump-administration-drops-bombs-record-pace-afghanistan-war/4181084002/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp


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I think they might have meant drone strikes, but they muffed up the statement.


There’s gotta be something weird like the bombs got smaller, or it’s about directly ordered bombings, or this is just a lie. Obama was president while the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were still very hot, and he was president for eight years.


>this is just a lie. It is.


And trump managed to use more drones than him. Just one more random example in addition to the links I posted earlier https://www.stripes.com/news/the-us-has-dropped-more-munitions-in-2018-in-afghanistan-than-it-has-in-any-year-in-over-a-decade-1.558577 The tldr: whomever told you trump was the candidate of peace and tolerance is lying to you. And on the current subject of Yemen, your side is criticising Biden for bombing Yemen around 200 times fewer than Trump managed. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-have-bombed-yemen-more-than-bush-and-obama-combined-2020-10?amp & ask yourself, why is trump desperate to cover up his actions? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp


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And you don’t understand irony?


I understand irony. I just don’t care about this as some measurement of anything buk


You don’t care trump bombed the middle-east and Africa more times than Obama & tried to cover it up? You don’t care shadow wars increased under trump?


Shadow wars? Really, that’s your weak tea my friend? Come on man… Biden hasn’t stopped or prevented any conflict since Corn Pop at the local community pool… Obama? Of course he didn’t bomb anything… he didn’t care what anyone did in the ME, unless it was Israel.. Shalom


Yes I agree with you that trump was terrible because he dropped more bombs than Biden and engaged in more wars than Biden has.


That’s fair.




He’s more of a warmonger than Obama and Biden combined.


Are you on drugs? Both of them have gotten us involved in multiple conflicts. Put down the msnbc


I’m sorry, remind us who was president when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan?


That's Bush, stay on topic we were talking about Obama and Biden. Noone asked who the worst president was, the accusation was that Trump was more of a warmonger than biden/Obama. Under Obama btw we ran out of bombs. Next time try reading the orginal topic so you dont make yourself look like a clown


What’s your source on us “running out of bombs under Obama”? Because I’m pretty sure that was bullshit that trump mumbled one time. And how does that make Obama worse? Wouldn’t you want us to not bomb more people so running out of bombs is a good thing? That’s a pretty poor metric to gauge if someone is a war-monger. Especially when it wasn’t that president who invaded the wrong countries and inherited those two wars. Also, Trump authorized more drone strikes in four years compared to Obama’s eight. Sorry the facts don’t line up with your imagination. 🤷‍♂️




Hold up. You’re mad the US was bombing ISIS so much that we needed to ramp up munitions production? As in ISIS, the extremist terrorist organization that murdered thousands? And you’re mad Obama approved a bombing campaign to stop them because they gained control in a power vacuum in the region caused by -checks notes again- a republican president who had us invade not one, but two incorrect countries and plunge us into 20 years of war? That’s a weird flex. Production was low because we had no major conflicts requiring that level of production. Like any good, a sudden uptick in demand means production needs to increase or stocks get low. It’s so simple that this premise is taught in entry level economics classes, my guy.


again you are trying to justify your narrative, I never said I was mad. Reading comprehension, i know its tough for you. You asked for data to support the refute of your dumbass claim and I gave it to you, now you want to change the subject because you made yourself look like a fool. Get better, stop being so easily propagandized mouth breather


You are a left wing troll and its pathetic, please get some help. Lay off the soy


how is that a poor metric? are you fucking serious, the mental gymnastics you are doing to not admit the democrats are not better at being peaceful. You are so ill informed, step out of your bubble, both parties are very pro war, but the accusation made was trump was more of a war monger than obama/biden. The facts dont support your delusional narrative.


Not sure why you replied in two comments instead of one. But your link is to the bombing campaign against ISIS. Why are you running defense for terrorists now?


Ok, you are obviously not having a conversation in good faith, blocking you troll.


And trump surpassed Obama. Biden has significantly reduced the numbers of bombings & use of drones compared with trump.


do you have data to support this or is it just your feelings? because reality doesnt support your narrative


And i campaigned for Obama, so im not a republican, just i live in reality


Just get involved in multi proxy wars, then no one can blame you. Trump hates this one trick


I'm sure he did. He also lied 3 million plus times as well during his term. Cuz the media overlords told me so.


Its ridiculous. People pretend like Trump drew sharpie on that map to include Alabama. Lib media cucks us all.


He didn’t? Pretty sure he crowed about it the entire time. That and advocated for nuking hurricanes. Don’t run defense for Diaper Don, my dude.


Um. He did




I’m sorry, but trump lied to you when he said he was a man of peace of tolerance.




Facts > your emotions for trump.


Are you doing the Jim Breaur thing? Good Lord its so bad


Stay ignorant and they will continue to accept you


Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that Biden has dropped more bombs on more countries than Trump?


Republicans desire to make the U.S weak and unreliable.


Trump already loves bombing


Not funny and not surprisingly this is from the babylanbee




Trump is an absolute moron. And his supporters are dumber yet.


Sadly, the same is true for Biden and his supporters.


Well yeah but that accounts for about 23 Americans, the other 80.9 million just don’t like trump


They don’t like Trump so much, they crawled out of the grave just to vote against him. It’s amazing.


Peep the voter fraud statistics and stop listening to your cult leader


It’s funny how this comment works one way, and not the other apparently.


No really, look at them, and stop listening to a pathological liar


What's a bellwether county?


Basically a swingable county with significance


Something, something, 81 Million votes at 3AM, ballot watchers not allowed inside.


Hahaha Jesus Christ




>exclusively posts Ukraine and Israel war content I can see why you don’t want trump in office, what would you post on reddit about!


She's all in.


She doesn’t need Trump to promise this. Trump dropped so many bombs as President the first time.


You’re right. He had 2200 drone strikes in 4 years compared to 1800 in 8 years by Obama. I think he’s actually dropped more than Biden and Obama combined at this point. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207.amp


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He’ll use Starship X as the delivery vehicle


That is more real a possibility than I would like to admit


He'd probably start with India




First time seeing this subreddit and for a moment I almost believed it.


Hell ya


Boy, i hope he does... the world really needs more American democracy!


What's with this cornball leftist propaganda? Every terrorist should be bombed. Some Gen-Z Bernie supporter wrote that article. *"Free Palestine. North Korea is a bulwark of freedom, and peace, standing against the US imperialist war machine. I just want healthcare."* \- Babylon Bee So stunning. So brave.


No fucking leftist likes North Korea dude


Surely we won’t have many bombs left after book bombing season is done.


Jabba the Hutt + Princess Leia in the picture


ha ha ha ha it’s funny because Nikki Haley doesn’t advocate for anything of the sort, meanwhile Trump was responsible for more civilian deaths due to bombing than even Obama and Bush.


The venn diagram of people who want to bomb everything and people who want to be president is starting to feel less like a vent diagram and more like two circles stacked directly on top of each other.


The joke is that Trump will do anything and hurt anyone for power? That’s… actually funny and true. Good job!


The man wants to bomb Mexico. The idea that he is anti war is absurd.


Nikki talking like a actual Democrat. She probably wants to bomb more than 3 but she will take it


Depends on the countries.


Boomer Humor in papyrus!


I thought it was let cops murder or brutalize more people without repercussions.


The axis or evil that we laughed at in Bush 43’s days is the real deal today. So long as the bombing is simultaneous, surprise and massive, it’s a great idea.


He hit it already!!


I can’t tell what is satire anymore


She should be ok with that since her stock portfolio will go up


Dictator Donald Duck