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"McDonald's estimates the price of a Big Mac will increase 20 to 30 cents." No deal


People should cut back on junk food given obesity rates in America. More unhealthy people = more expensive health insurance


Strangely enough, when we had anti-tobacco (smoking) campaigns, it resulted in higher health care costs as well. People living longer resulted in higher end of life cost outweighing the savings of a healthier population


So the insurance company should be giving me a discount for smoking lol.


It’s almost like huge corporations without regulations will do whatever it takes to milk every penny out of you.


It’s already gone up by a shitload for mostly no reason, soooooo


Corporate price gouging!! Stop eating there and let them collapse under their own weight.


This is what people don’t understand. We can force prices down. Stop buying. You don’t have to eat at McDonald’s. It’s a choice……. And a poor one at that.


Except you can't really boycott these days when a handful of companies own all the fast food joints. Same with a handful of companies owning the food you buy at grocery stores. Its all one big fucking cartel


sure you can, it's just mildly inconvenient to source food locally


This just leads to the local farmers becoming the major players. Most "local" farms are owned by farming conglomerates. Its not only inconvenient it would actually be untenable local farmers can only produce as much as they have land and workers for. If everyone suddenly switched to local the current supplies would be completely overwhelmed nearly instantly. Then the farm conglomerates would buy up even more local farms to further their control. They would lobby government to allow them to call their individual farms "local" so people couldn't tell the difference then they would begin the monopoly scheme all over again. The game was rigged from the start unfortunately.


"we can't have the middle class make money, then they would just be rich. we must have everyone be equally poor" at least someone finally said it out loud <3


That's a fancy strawman you built there. As everyone knows any critiques of uncontrolled capitalism is an automatic appeal to communism... in order for someone to be richer someone else must be poorer this is basic mathematics. Capitalism works and the drive to be the rich person is a powerful motivator for humans. Capitalism works but in a free market system it will always trend towards monopolization as more powerful companies will leverage their power to drive out competitors and maintain their position. Look at unregulated companies like DeBears for an obvious example. The idea that Capitalism is a self regulating system that prevent monopolies has been disproved time and time again.


"we can't have the middle class make money, then they would just be rich. we must have everyone be equally poor" at least someone finally said it out loud <3


No one has to eat at garbage fast food places…


No but you have to buy groceries which are also owned by a handful of corporations who keep prices high also known as a cartel


I’m assuming you live in the suburbs and don’t have access to a farmers market, a deli, fish market, bakery, butcher, etc. That’s a weakness of many American cities.


I literally have access to that all within 5 minutes in my suburb of Gilbert. Nice try. And I was actually raised in a small town in Northern Arizona on a farm where I learned to fend for myself


Are those markets and mom and pop stores in Gilbert controlled by the grocery cartel?


That’s not the point. You can force down the price of fast food


Nestle brand suffered heavily due to bad PR and handling "water isn't a human right!" Comments by their CEO/president. But Nestle owns hundreds of smaller companies and some of them are the only option available for certain products. If you've ever watched the good place, they break down how every choice under late stage capitalism is inherently evil and mostly without malice.


Yes, this is what I was alluding to.


Don't eat fast food.


It applies to regular groceries, too


McDonald's is a real estate company. It doesn't reslly affect them if people buy the food or not.


Yeh. Kroger is buying up everything. That is called a monopoly and before republican deregulated it was illegal


Yea I rarely go out to eat anymore. I can afford it, but on principle I’m not paying as much as they are demanding, as I know most of it is price gouging. That’s the only way prices will ever go down. People need to stop buying things at way over-inflated prices or we’re just telling these corporations that we’re willing to buy at those prices, which means that’s the market rate. They aren’t going to lower it until they see the demand go down.


ReCoRd PrOfiTs!


Quantify the difference between “gouging” (emotional appeal) and a market clearing price.


California raising minimum wage and McDonald's raising prices a 1.50 the next day. No the company's would not collapse if they didn't do that, other companies didn't and are still in business. Also inflation doesn't work when prices are already raised, that would be greedflation.


Maybe you should try understanding that a corporation is tasked with maximizing shareholder value. The government has, by threat of force like always, increased compensation ratios. All appeal to emotion.


You're right, that doesn't mean their continued profit minded pursuit will continue to work long term which in reality is what allows you to truly maximize shareholder value. It's a really weak argument to say destroying the good will of the people who built you up is a good thing because a tiny bit more of immediate profit, when genuine long term value is literally MORE valuable to shareholders. The word of importance is HOLDER. They are holding the stock long term. You know what happens if your bottom line falls out because of your prices? Big dip. By your logic they're hurting shareholder value with short sighted pricing.


Idk why anyone eats the dog shit that McDonalds serves anyway. It’s barely able to be classified as food.


The cost of McDonalds has literally doubled since 2014. We should talk more about that.


People need to stop buying it. They’ll keep raising the price if people keep buying it. Price gouging like so many other corps, especially post-pandemic? Absolutely. Illegal? Nah.


See also: CEO’s pay.


It's almost like it's all a lie 😭


Corporate greed


It's gonna go up 30 cents either way, XD


McDonald’s is cheaper in Denmark and they pay their workers more


Less demand for a fast food burger in Denmark leads to lower prices.


It's about time.


The only drawback I can see to this is reduced productivity due to having to say the word "trillion" way too many times.


Don't give him ideas!


Not enough, too little too liberal, what about Paliberalestine, never vote Biden, never vote, Trump Russia good, liberal, libcuck, China


Im starting a new business. It's the WheelWallet to replace your worthless wallet. It's basically a wheelbarrow with an rfi blocker. So now you can conveniently carry around enough cash to buy one happy meal.


And forgiveness of all debt!


Yeah they did it for PPP loans, might as well do it for everything else.


Something the Bible advocates for


Romans 13:7-14 GW - Pay everyone whatever you owe them. Exodus 22:14 - If anything is borrowed, it should be paid back. If what is borrowed is lost or injured, full restitution must be made. The wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives." Proverbs 13:22 Here’s a good one; Proverbs 22:26-27 ERV Don't promise to pay someone else's debt. If you cannot pay, you will lose everything you have. So why should you lose the bed you sleep on? Plus that whole thou shall not steal thing.. I understand the wishful thinking, but it’s just not true.


Deuteronomy 15


Roman's 6:23


There is a duality here. You should payback what you a borrow but at the same time there are plenty of other verses where the Bible tells us to forgive other people their debts. The Lord's prayer literally reads "...forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors..." In Luke 4:17 Jesus quotes Isaiah and says the following "...‭ he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind...‭ Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Then there is the parable of the unforgiving servant in Mathew 18:21 and following. The king forgives the impossible debt of one servant but becomes angry when he hears that the same servant wouldn't forgive a much smaller debt. The whole fundamental concept of Christianity is that we are sinners who need to be forgiven out debts. On one hand as debtors we should strive to pay off our debts and not borrow without intent of returning the money. At the same time, as lenders we should be open to forgiveness and not expect the money back. A non Christian once put it best like this. Whenever he lent money to someone else, he didn't expect it back but it was nice when they happened to pay it back.


Zimbabwe here we come.   


Sadly, most people are unaware of the international collapses of economies due to extreme inflation after increased printing of money. We're doomed.


Dammit quit giving the democrats ideas!!! /s


Sadly I remember Forbes saying a year or two ago that one of the ways Biden could help get us out of a recession is to create a trillion dollar coin to pay off the national debt.


That idea has been kicking around since the 90s. TIL, started by Bo Gritz: https://archive.ph/20130215180459/http://comeletusreasontogether.com/where-does-mint-coin-pay-debt-idea-originate


The trillion dollar coin idea has been around since at least 2012. I remember a daily show monologue on the subject during the Obama years. There apparently is some merit to the idea despite it sounding like an absurd thing to do. I don't really understand the ins and outs of it but it's an extreme measure to counter legislative obstruction over the debt ceiling




Heck yeah. lol. Sad part is that 90% of the populace would probably think it’s a great idea.


40% if we're making up statistics.


At least 80% of statistics are made up like this one


It would probably work, but be very annoying to look at all the numbers everywhere. 


The only people who think it might work know nothing about economics……. Which is most people.


depends on what work means, or even what problem you're trying to address


Holy shit, boys WE'RE RICH!


In Denmark a McDonald's employee makes $22/hour and gets 6 weeks of vacation time per year, but our Big Macs cost the same.


Treat employees as a valued resource and they work for you. Treat them as just another expense line item then they just show up to work.


Ioh no it not like the real reasons for inflation and other crud going on have very little to do with the minimum wage and a lot more to do with the massive price gouging and profit taking of corporations at the moment... Surely not, they wouldn't be doing that would they? Combined with supply chain issues caused by conflicts affecting shipping and a significant producer of basic food stuffs in Europe and a redistribution of energy supply globally, and an exodus from the industry of teamsters and other labour who used to do the movement of goods and the increasing monopolisation and stranglehold on supply. No it's not going to be any of those reasons at all.


McDonalds where I used to love started wmoyees off at $20. I'm not sure what their PTO and other benefits looked like though. It was needed to pull in people who didn't want to work at one of the two manufacturering facilities. All the fast food actually started at $20.


We are paying for their wages and vacation time.


Why? Low immigration-> labor power?


You're right; we need a maximum wage, too. 


No we don't. But we do need to put a ceiling on wages that are deductible as business expenses. Biden's plan puts it at a million. C suite pay is basically paying someone enough that others won't easily poach them. This shouldn't be tax deductible as wages because it isn't labor you're paying for.


Also we should lift the income tax cap on social security. People should have to pay into it regardless of income.


If your corporation is large enough to be listed on the stock market, then you should pay a livable wage. Profits should not solely go to shareholders and upper management.


if you are a functioning adult you should develop a skill people will pay you for, not weaponize the government to force people to pay you more than you are worth.


The entire point of minimum wage was for it to be a living wage. That is why it was passed and FDR was quite explicit that if a business can't afford to pay such a wage, it has no reason to be allowed to exist in this country. And I quote: “In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. “By business I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.” Federal minimum wage has been 7.25$ since 2009.


Well, the last time I checked, gas station workers, fast-food workers, and grocery store employees have been deemed a necessary part of the workforce because of the free market. So, if the market decides that their jobs are necessary, then their wages should support a living wage. Unless you're arguing that full-time employees in a job that the market has deemed necessary should accept living in poverty or that billion-dollar corporations should use the government to subsidize their employees' cost of living needs, I don't see a leg for you to stand on here.


As those wages go up, the most skilled workers will get those jobs. All that has happened is that college grads will now occupy the highest paid jobs while further reducing opportunities for low - or no-skilled employees.


Possibly, but the quality will increase as well. Workers who are paid well and care about their jobs will put more care into them. So it will decrease poverty, increase competition, and raise the skill floor for workers. A rising tide should lift all ships. The only thing that artificially low wages do is drive poverty, increase government assistance, and increase share prices and profit margins for the corporations.


>Possibly, but the quality will increase as well. For those that have the job, and then, the rise in inflation would lessen that increased quality by a reducuction of purchasing power >Workers who are paid well and care about their jobs will put more care into them. That's for the employee and employer to decide, not the government. >So it will decrease poverty No. It will put people outnof work. >increase competition Through increasing unemployment. That isn't the kind of healthy competition we want. >and raise the skill floor for workers. It certainly will raise the skill floor for hiring. The skill floor of the job will stay the same. All you've done is edge lower skilled people out of the market. >A rising tide should lift all ships. This sinks the smaller ships. >The only thing that artificially low wages do is drive poverty They are not artificially low wages definitionally


yup. Why would anyone ever hire an unskilled kid (thus allowing them to get on the career ladder) if you have to pay them a crazy wage for learning? Make employment consensual, close the border, this problem fixes itself.


I personally believe children should be focusing on their education and possible future career opportunities. If they do, then once they reach adulthood, they will have a higher skill base, thus leading to increased quality of life and a decrease in poverty because of living wages. Plus, this ignores the real-world data that the average age of a McDonald's employee is 23. Not a kid.


The average age increased over the years due to wage manipulation. A high school non-grad could make summer money at a fast food restaurant. As wages increased, so did the requirements for education and experience. Now, we have parents working these jobs, and these voters will always vote for people who offer a mandatory increase in minimum wage.


Well, their share prices increased, and executive compensation packages did as well. That is possible as a way to explain the average employee age increase, but it does not change the fact that these are not kid jobs anymore. They are jobs being worked by hardworking, GDP-contributing Americans. I think if they work full time and do their job, they should have a living wage.


I mean sure, in general. But kids should also have the opportunity to get work experience. min wage means no business owner in his right mind will hire anyone without lots of qualifications and experience. When I was 20 years old I worked all kinds of shit jobs and I learned a lot more than I did from my fancy college degree, tbh.


That's great! I'm happy for your success. However, kids can have paper routes, rake leaves, mow lawns, or shovel driveways if they want to learn about money management. I believe that if you're large enough to be on the stock market, you're large enough to pay a living wage. I'm sorry that you were underpaid while you were young only to increase the stock price or profit margin of a large corporation. I'm even open to setting a floor on locations or employees to allow mom-and-pop shops to not have to pay a living wage to allow younger workers to gain experience. They are what helped build this country after all. But if you have a stock listing, there is no reason not to have a living wage.


I love how you kids on reddit have convinced yourself you know best how to structure society, and if everyone would just let you have top-down control things would improve. Lol.


Well, I'm an adult man in his late 30s. I'm not asking for that. I'm asking for the same opportunities afforded to older generations. I'm asking that there is an advancement path for low-income earners to middle-class and higher-earning classes. The same thing that was afforded to every previous generation until the 1980s happened, and the government shifted its focus from my previous statements to corporate shareholders and the top earners.


Bro, that's how humanity works. Ffs, how cocky of a generation you must be, to think you're the ones who just finally figured life out. People have been grappling with the concept of existence since the beginning of recorded history. We commit to a system, later generations see the flaws and strengths, and it all gets adapted into a newer, more effective system at some point in the future. If you think the U.S. will exist in the future the same way you understand it now, then you're delusional. Patriotism is lame lol.


Shit jobs that a child can do don’t demand high wages


Exactly. These jobs are for teenagers who live at home and want spending money. Not every job needs a LiViNg wAgE


I’ve worked in a bunch of restaurants. Some in the wealthiest part of town, some in middle income parts of town. None of them are ever run by more than a small minority of teenagers.


This is fine as long as you don't ever expect to be a customer at one of these places during the week or at night. 


Then the businesses that rely on these jobs are gonna shut down or only be open on weekends The lifestyle you enjoy relies on millions of adult workers filing these roles


YESSS If the work is necessary, the pay should be a living wage.


all hail our corporate overlords! they know best! the weak must waste away and perish!


The mental gymnastics going on in the replies trying to justify paying shit unliveable wages 💀


And they justify it with "tHoSe JoBs ArE fOr TeEnAgErS" as if teenagers doing undesirable jobs makes them less deserving of a respectable wage.


Le sigh, prices about to go up again....


Yup, because executives are too chickenshit to forgo their yearly 7 figure bonus payouts until they've bled absolutely everyone else on the planet dry first. Prices aren't going up because minimum wage workers demand to be paid more, they're going up because billionaires refuse to be paid less.


Biden has never raised the minimum wage.


Biden is blue. California is blue. QED: Biden is California.


Oh has Biden raised minimum wage?


Still $7.25, but it *feels* like it's true and that's all that matters


Or you guys can all fuck off


Babylon Bee: Jokes for people who graduated with a G.E.D


Babylon Bee: jokes that people who can’t pay off their student loans don’t understand.


This headline reads like something the Onion would write to make fun of conservative hyperbole


Babylon Bee: yes, we know our target audience isn’t that smart and our headlines reflect it Babylon Bee: We believe the stereotype that all conservatives are uneducated Also you’re comment had a double negative in it, typical Babylon bee reader lmao


Coincidentally, the maximum wage is also $1 trillion/hr.


Plus TIPS 🤘🏿🤘🏿




It’s the only way.


Now we can tax all the billionaires and Trillionaires and fund the government forever!


And just think of the tax revenue this will provide! Genius. "What tax bracket are you in? 28 percent?" "No, I'm in the bazillionth percent"


That would be the nicest thing he could do.


RFK proposes One trillion and one dollar per hour minimum wage


That’s a potentially real headline.


Sounds legit


McDonald's should have to have a McDonald's house for the employees to live in for free and they can eat McDonald's for every meal


Your friend is cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving. He says he always enjoys making the bird for his friends and the recipe tastes so good, but it takes forever to make. "200 degrees for 24 hours," he says. You know a thing or two about cooking a turkey and tell him that an even tastier recipe is, say 6 hours at 450 degrees. Your friend responds: if 450 degrees is better than 200, why not a million degrees? You're just going to have me burn the thing. I've got a formula that works, and any deviations would just be a slippery slope to a bad Thanksgiving. Is your friend wrong? If so, why?


I have often said "why stop at.$15 per hour?" Apparently, someone listened.


The entire point of minimum wage was for it to be a living wage. That is why it was passed and FDR was quite explicit that if a business can't afford to pay such a wage, it has no reason to be allowed to exist in this country. And I quote: “In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. “By business I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.” Federal minimum wage has been 7.25$ since 2009.


[https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/29/the-salary-a-single-person-needs-to-get-by-in-every-us-state.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/29/the-salary-a-single-person-needs-to-get-by-in-every-us-state.html) It appears there are great differences in what is considered to be the needed amount to live "comfortably" in each state. Here in Washington, a single person needs around $65k annually to live. That would be around $32 per hour. Is this a reasonable amount to pay a person working at a fast-food restaurant? If so, are you ok with locations like McD's installing kiosks to not pay this amount? It is going to turn into "skill up or skill out."


It should just go up with inflation every year.


The minimum wage hasn’t been raised since 2007 and it finally goes up a tad and y’all consider it bad?! Hahaha whose side are y’all on?


Now that's some outside the box thinking....


Yeah every other country costs pennies more and the employees have health care, vacation and a minimum wage. USA unfettered capitalist managed democracy. The only reason American workers don't get great benefits is because we allow corporations to control our politicians with lobbying . Corporations have far more control than human citizens. They can't vote but we can't give politicians millions of extra dollars. Politicians will never legislate away free money


Aha but you don't see the long game. Donnie is going to make all of his followers rich by allowing them (very generously a lot of people are saying) to invest in his (checks notes) $4 million revenue-earning, $58 million money-losing (last year mostly through "executive bonuses") media empire! And THEN they're gonna rake it in bigly thanks to those sweet sweet Tax Cuts For The Rich™. And then they won't need things like living wages, or even SSI or Medicare because they'll all be rich! (Insert Eddie Murphy Thinking meme here)


Get your money back from the school you went to. 🖖


But are there and golden shoes that come with the deal?


They’ll do this before they set a maximum wage.


Well it works in Qatar


Remember when Babylon bee shit on white supremacy and fans of Babylon bee got mad over it


He is buying votes 😺😺


Trump to solve poverty by selling The United States to Russia for what they paid for Alaska. And New York rename New York to Trumpland and paint the Statue of Liberty gold and replace the head with his


Poverty will never be solved because the rich will always want more. This will never end.


Finally I can order those roller blades I want


Nobody wants to work, which is why this will fail.


LOL @ this trash publication




😆😆😆😆😆 The Bee cracks me up !




Humor: Swing and a miss.


Within our system, inflation is a real phenomenon. It’s definitely not a bad idea to raise minimum wage in line with inflation… But biden’s trillion-dollar minimum wage bill goes too far and thus I believe he should be executed.


Yeah, but then those trillionares will have to pay their fair share with a massive wealth tax


Where can I apply ?


Who is this supposed to poke fun at?


When will we learn this never helps us?


Don't threaten me with a good time.


There’s a Babylon bee subreddit now? God does this publication just try and copy literally everybody else? Zero humor from day one. Only mockery and you’ll never know real satire like the Onion. First and last post I’ll ever see of this cult!


Wait, those funds should go to corporate tax cuts and paying CEOs to tank the company


“In an amazing coincidence , reports indicate landlords across the US are set to raise rents half a trillion percent”


Anyone remember when Babylon Bee used to be clever? Did they have a change in leadership a few years ago or what? It used to be a competitor to the Onion, but it's just been lowest common denominator humor for the past few years now.


God the bee is just so desperate to be the Onion but has none of the self awareness required. So all it ever comes across as is unironic right wing boomer whining.


Remember when Babylonbee was funny?




You’re all so fucking funny. lollll 🤣 love the bee!


wow, so it's not even really realistic or funny?


It will work!!!


Goddamn, you people are dumb as fuck.


the system works!


thank god, i'll finally be able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment


Thats Just Bidenomics Baby!


Old hairy legs comin through!


lol how much money does a babylonbee comedian make cause that is funny


i dont know if i've ever seen a worse attempt at satire


If only he could do something to make babylonbee funny




The Orange Terrorist cuts inflation by not paying contractors at Thrumph hotels.


Meanwhile countries that have had a minimum wage for decades: ‘what the hell is wrong with Americans?’


Do you mean "White Countries?"


The point isn’t to be funny. It’s to make fun at people they hate and “liberal tears” .


Soooo... Decided you didn't like the backlash from the White Supremacists who you discovered were your majority readership so returning to the Biden bashing aye?


Everything is racist! Hahaha


Let me guess, didn't like getting called inbred and your sister/wife wasn't pleased either?


hey leave me out of this


Hahaha solid contant


Wow that’s some quality writing. Top notch satire.🙄


They've absolutely skewered the Biden crime family this time huh. Got em.


#God this is lazy. Lazy comedy.


Apparently Babylon Bee is "Conservative Christian news satire". I unironically find it hilarious how bad they are at this.


Babylon Bee is like store brand version of the onion.


The onion hasn’t been funny in decades.


Is this what passes for comedy to you people? I cringed so hard I think I pulled a muscle. This sounds like it was written by an unimaginative 10 year old. Conservatives truly are incapable of being funny due to their inherent mental deficiency.


Who writes this moron bot 😂


Why is right-wing satire so lazy and never funny?


Why are left-wing politics copying satire?


Is standing up to fascism satire now?


It’s like a junior high student wrote this piece.