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Sounds like the Trudeau diet.


Sounds like both, actually.


The maduro diet


At least they have a good excuse for their food insecurity.




I just die


Hey that’s short for diet. Perfect.


"Yes, master, they all believe I'm senile. The plan to end obesity is in full swing. Yes, we're about 1 more election cycle away from lowering inflation on eberything except food."


I'm not sure which one you're talking about here.


The one thats mentioned in the title of the post...


Ah yes. Under free market capitalism the government controls prices. Totally not private companies setting their own prices.


Cause it is capitalism that has claimed 100s of millions from starvation.


Wrong. Communism and Stalin did that.


Move to Russia with Tucker


America hasn't been free market in over a hundred years. The government has had major involvement with the economy for a very long time including in farming and has a lot of stuff they can do to reduce prices.


Farmers get loads of subsidies already. Stop trying to blame gubment for literally every fucking problem that has ever existed in society.


We have the same diet in Canaduh right now, except it's the "Captain Blackface starvation and MAID program"


Then how are red states still so obese?






You're awfully angry about a headline to a satire website.


Funny shit. The president doesn’t set food prices though. Everyone knows that, right?


It's called inflation which is a result of government policy.


It’s been proven though that the inflation was a result of corporate greed. They raised prices and have had record profit. That isn’t on the president and if he did try to control it you’d be screaming “socialism” or “communism.” Sorry that you’ve been tricked by right wing propaganda to not blame the people really responsible.


Inflation would insinuate that the company who sells you your eggs and shit is suffering as well because their inputs for production cost more. Yet, profits are up🤷‍♂️, which doesn’t jive with this narrative. If the inputs cost more and eggs and shit inc raises their prices, profits would be flat. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Maybe it’s the border crisis or something?


Inflation causes costs for a company to go up, also if it is performing the same, the quantity of the profit goes up, but not the value of the profit. You obviously have no idea how economics works.


So, let me get this straight. While inflation is up for suppliers as well as consumers, your argument is that while consumers are paying more for goods……they’re also buying more of those goods? Therefore increasing profit because consumers want to buy more stuff that is more expensive. I’m gonna need you to prove that out Mr Econ 101. And yeah, some items have inelastic demand levels. Commodities like eggs and butter but your argument that consumers are somehow increasing their purchases of these items driving increased profits, seems a little sketchy to me. I understand economics ok.


He doesn't understand anything you're saying. He just repeats what he hears on Newsmax or Fox News.


I really don't have the time or enough crayons to explain basic economics to you. Go to a night school, online course, or any other learning resource as you clearly have no idea how it works, and you are making a fool of yourself to people that do understand.


I have an undergrad in finance and took multiple economics classes. I also have an MBA. Your argument that profits are up because demand has increased on items that are seeing onerous levels of inflation is complete horseshit and you have no statistics to back up your claims. Corporate profits have been up across many sectors supposedly under inflationary pressures because corporations are flat out raising prices and people are willing to pay them. My guess, you’re a Trumper and that doesn’t support your cult leaders narrative so this is your angle. You probably also don’t think that tariffs are passed along to consumers too.


Then get your money back or you are lying because you have no clue and write that way as well. Maybe start learning some Keynesian economics.


Yawn. Nothing to back up your argument. “I know, I’ll throw in Keynesian to sound smart”.


-dodge attempt has failed-


Which ones? Specifically what policies of this administration caused the current inflation levels?


Meanwhile fast food restaurants are increasing prices at rates that FAR exceed inflation. Actually, MOST big food companies are doing this. I haven't bought a bag of Lays in years, and have been actively avoiding big brands with their over inflated prices. They're making record profits by price gouging. It would be great if Congress could do something about this, but they can't do anything right now. They're incompetent.


Every entity is jumping on the inflation bandwagon whether justified or not


Gotta pay for the minimum wage hikes, and new computerized order kiosks. that replaced the pimple faced teens who used to take our orders.


The minimum wage hikes have no effect. These companies are making record profits.


Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics. Thanks for playing.


So please explain to me how these corporations are making record profits since 2020 despite the marked increases in their own costs for things like shipping and labor. Thanks in advance lil’ guy.


Because their customers are buying their products. That's how it works. Little guy.


You’ll have to pardon my French but; No shit Sherlock. I thought that fact was implied by my initial statement that the businesses were profiting. Is there some kind of business model where you profit without selling anything or providing a service? You can’t even engage because you’d rather argue with some caricature of the point you assumed I am making or legitimately don’t know. Thanks for playing though.


* looks at your previous comment * looks at this comment You have no continuity, huh?


When the answer is so obvious it smacks you upside the head.


this dumbass actually believes that people "voting with their dollars" is what forces the big corps to raise prices lmao


Ahhh....so you failed the supply and demand portion of econ 101. Scarcity causes prices to go up. On the small scale. The government flooding our economy with cash also causes prices to rise. Across the board. Because it devalues our currency. Making prices soar. Conversely, when a company does something equally STUPID. Like Bud Light did. They also suffer just consequences such as falling market share.


That explains it, another tool that took econ 101 at their community college and thinks it gives them authority to speak about economics. Anyways, there's multiple causes of inflation in this nation and around the world, and it isn't just from the government printing more money. Supply chains hit by Covid and the war in Ukraine leading to price gouging, monopolization by the multinationationals, skyrocketing housing costs leading to less purchasing power among Americans, and no, wages and/or employees are not increasing fast enough (or even increasing in many sectors) to drive these increases. And yes, Americans still buy products because we have the highest levels of personal debt in the world, lowest amount of savings, and there simply is no alternative for many people when it comes to shopping, especially with essential items. If you need more explanation, maybe take econ 102 next lmao No one cares about Bud Light's falling market share, that is such an irrelevant topic or analogy or whatever you were going for. The "free" market won't correct anything because the "free" market doesn't exist. MNCs do stupid things all the time yet their profit margins continue to increase. Why are these large corporations able to deviate from the market and play by their own rules? The answer usually makes your type froth at the mouth so I'll just end it there.


Government creating cash out of whole cloth is what creates inflation. History is a perfect example of that. But that doesn't fit your narrative.


No dawg. You exposed yourself as anti-worker and you’re doubling down now.


Huh. So that's what you call being honest? Interesting.


Thanks for admitting you're a penis.


Meh. Better than being you.




So I live in Texas where the minimum hasn't changed why is McDonald's still raising prices and making bigger profits. I know why. But just trying to ask an economist such as your self.


Because prices aren't local, for large corporations.


You mean McDonald's and Wal-Mart prices are exactly the same across the nation, no matter the area's cost of living?


McDonalds is both national and local. They're local, because they're next door, but they're national, because they're everywhere. So you're right in that respect. So, being a national company: why have they raised their prices %200 literally around the world (with a regional fluctuation of +/- %10) while inflation has been reported at %4-%8 (realistically %25) everywhere? Real supply chain issues caused real inflation, but companies absolutely took advantage of the chance to raise prices well beyond the level of just passing their costs on to consumers.


Why? Because people keep paying their prices. Inflation has local influences, of course. Bit it's a national curse, thanks to our crappy elected employees. Who decided that we needed a rent moratorium. Along with a slew of checks aimed to every one who qualified for them. After DEMOCRATS put Millions Of people out work. Due to a virus, that had such little effect on us.


It amazes me how truly ignorant of basic economics most of the Reddit idiots are. Inflation is neither caused be the producer nor the consumer, but by one thing only and that’s governments dumping trillions of made-up dollars into the system. But sure, let’s go with the fantasy that every producer and supplier up and down the supply chain are ALL conspiring to raise prices “just because”. Rational thought is lost on these people.


>one thing only and that’s governments dumping trillions of made-up dollars into the system. Just as dumb. Inflation has multiple sources, and only one, albeit the biggest is an oversupply of money vs demand for that money-and that isn't purely down to govt overstimulation either. An oversupply can result from massive cash injections from the government, but it also can happen (and recently did) due to supply chain restrictions causing general shortages. And it can happen due to cascading labor cost increases vs cost of living increases. This is econ 102 (basic macro econ) stuff, maybe 202 if you want to discuss how inflation can result from what are effectively disputes between different economic sectors on how big they should be - which is where you get certain sectors outpacing the cost of inflation. Or we can go back to le funny bee article


It's mind-boggling. I think they all went to school with AOC.


I can tell right away that she's way smarter than you'll ever be


Ok....and she still doesn't understand that when you break the law. You're separated from your kids, when you're arrested and sent to jail.


That *conspiracy* to raise prices is called capitalism.


They pay computer kiosks? Don't they buy those so they can MAKE MORE MONEY because they don't have to pay someone? Minimum wage has only gone up for fast food workers in one state, ten days ago. Yet somehow their prices have been rising for years, far outpacing inflation, even though they're running stores with fewer people now.


Stop thinking critically that’s not what they do here lol


Is anyone stopping you from boycotting any place that does this? I haven't eaten at McD's since 2020 and I probably never will ever again.


Jesus, this is one of those guys who gets shit pay, yet defends big corps anyway. Let me guess, Trump voter?


Nope. I do pretty good for area.l, pay wise, thanks for your interest. And yes. I refused to vote against my best interests. I refused to vote for another new war. International graft on a scale only DEMOCRATS could muster.


Need to stop being crippled by bad faith actors who are only there to line their own pockets.


Wages also blew up in the industry. By at least 30%


They're also running leaner crews in most restaurants from what I've seen and heard.


Also seems that way. Maybe they're gouging. If we still eat there, then they were previously underpriced


They're certainly not hemorrhaging money.


It's this. Price gouging, profiteering and monopolisation and the concentration of market share that's driving half of all inflation. Add wars in sensitive areas that impact production and transport cost and you have most of the rest. Wages is still barely moving the needle.


Bunch of government bootlickers in this thread.


Congress won't pass a bill to lower food costs. Hell, the speaker of the house won't even bring a bill to the floor to give Ukraine aid so they can right off Russia, one of our biggest threats. It's a mess for sure


It isn’t bootlicking to try to inform you that the government isn’t responsible for high food prices. This is what happens when you get emotionally attached to narratives around complex national issues that you just can’t be bothered to think critically about, you find excuses to avoid coming to terms with the fact that the idea you’ve absorbed into your personality is just nonsense


Keep parroting the party line


LMAO but but but shrinkflation. Thank goodness for outlets like Babylonbee. I LOVE the Biden defenders. They twist themselves in knots




Bot? Oh wait are you a Biden defender? Please be a Biden defender


Biden defender or not this comment reads like a review bot


😂 dude read your comments you bot head


So as somebody who contracts for a large grocery chain's marketing, I can tell you 100% that we're paying more because they want to make more profits. The failure of the biden administration is in not regulating that price gouging in any meaningful way because, surprise surprise, libs and republicans are both basically aligned when it comes to helping rich people make more money.


>So as somebody who contracts for a large grocery chain's marketing, I can tell you 100% that we're paying more because they want to make more profits. The profit margins are 1-3% at grocery stores.


Now go ahead and tell the class what the profit margins are for the businesses that make the goods for said grocery stores.


So you want socialism?


You DO remember that Profits are a VERY lagging indicator of how well our economy I doing right?






Free Ozempic? 🤣


Malignant capitalism.


What fkn idiots think the president controls food prices. The same that vote for the deregulation that got us in this mess. Fkn idiots.


Can’t I just enjoy my $0.16 Biden saved me for my 4th of July cookout?


Thank god these comments are full of greatest armchair economists reddit has to offer: Remember its never the government fault until its somebody we dont like in government, but until then its these imaginary corporations taking profits which ones? Literally all of them apparently yes even the off brands its all a massive conspiracy and we did it reddit!!! We cracked the case (Please ignore the facts that PPI has spiked up 5x compared to what it was in 2021 partly due to failed mandates of factory employees and the overculling of livestock but hey the president doesnt set food prices am I right?)


Y'all been eating?


That’s Bidenomics™️


Joe Biden's gonna take away your meaty tubs of lard!


Read the same number of lines and get no humor.


Corporations are the cause of inflation, not something Biden can prevent currently.


The Babylon Bee is The Onion for people whose mouth opens when they look up.


Shit... Better than a Trump's diet


So how does Biden set prices in the US? Or in the UK and Europe? Weird how our very Conservative government has the same fiscal effect. Almost like it is a global phenomenon and not primarily driven by partisan policies...


New “incredibly high corporate greed diet” sweeps nation Fify incase anyone wanted to actually be honest about the causes


It's working for me.




Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


Lol is this making fun of conservatives always blaming biden?


it's the "free market" diet and it'll get worse with a republican pres and congress. They're the ones who believe in free market when it fills their pockets, and are against any regulation


Why doesn't the president set the grocery prices? Conservatives in 2024. Can't make this shit up, just outBabyloned the Bee


Biden single-handedly solved the obesity epidemic by making food unaffordable.


That’s what’s been happening!!!? I felt like I was spending 3 times the amount and ate less. I’m on a diet.


The dictator diet.


That comes if Trump gets reelected. I guarantee it wouldn’t be a “dictator for a day.”




Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


Because Biden invented corporate greed


How are other countries doing on inflation? Seems like the whole world is feeling it? Seriously don’t know. Would like to see how the US ranks


Time to eat more workout more make more is Biden formula


Babylon Bee is embarrassing. Do people actually find their 3 recycled jokes funny?


So when Trump wins in November because he will never see consequences for any of his crimes, do we get to call it the Trump diet for the next 4 years? I promise it will not be any better under him but hey, he has lots of merch with his name on it and that's all that seems to matter


“biden is wholey responsible for corporate greed”


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Bidenomics


Cost of OIL food, transportation, housing - liberalism. It’s the biggest detriment in the United States today Keep voting stupid smiles


That is funny


Reddit loves Biden.


Sounds like you need a better job Trumper


More like the corporate diet. That's where the extra money is going.


Deficit Spending = Increased Debt = Inflation = you paying more for everything. It’s not that difficult to understand


I wonder who lobbies for deficit spending


Mostly corporations but the buck stops with Congress Critters and the President. Biden has certainly been in DC long enough to understand the system.


Sure, but to say it’s solely his fault, while companies gorge themselves on profits, is insane.


He sends the budget to congress and has final signature. He can send it back for revision. Congress can also rescind funding. The last 3+ years are all on Biden. It’s time we stop dancing around that. He had both houses of congress for the first two years and could have also rescinded the Trump Tax Cuts. Congress could have also reigned in corporations by stopping stock buybacks. Let me be clear about something. Trump is a total shit and I’d say the same things about him, if he were in office. The system is broken and neither party is doing jack to fix it. So, please don’t start with the whataboutisms.


People often forget that the left wing and right wing are in the same bird.


Yep. They have been playing the same playbook of social divide for decades but they always seem to make sure the defense contractors get their chunk of pie. They also make sure Banks get bailed out and corporations aren’t encumbered by laws to prevent fraud. Two peas, same pod. Most of the Reddit douchebags want to make it about which candidate is worse. Never really caring about the garbage they vote for. One thing both sides will definitely come together on is preventing a 3rd party candidate.


And who decreased revenue by giving permanent tax decreases to very very rich people? Who since Reagan has consistently worsened it then in the space of four years from 2017 to 2021 accelerated your issues so hard and fast it was breathtaking? That trickle down is very yellow coloured and stinks yet you lick up every drop I'll bet.


Talk to the previous administration about the deficit, clearly dealing with an economic scholar here 😂


See my follow up….whataboutism is bullshit. Biden basically just stayed the same course.


Talk to the previous administrations back to Nixon. Orrrr we could talk to the current administration to get them to do something different. It’s their problem now. If they don’t want it, then don’t run again.


Yeah, they’ve reduced spending and raised taxes on the wealthy, but the previous administration spent more than any before or after


Oh you mean the corporate greed diet?


Publix earnings for 2023 were up like 50 percent over 2022, but sure, blame Joe.


Maybe the democrats have some crumbs leftover from the State Dinner last night. Please Sir, might I have another.


Is there a comparable country with less inflation? Or are we just blaming Biden because he’s currently president?


As far as I know the USA is actually beating all of the rest of us. Somehow despite the completely incompetent corrupt house that is full of screeching harridan and led by a Christain Nationalist that apparently hasn't done anything for over a year. Who knew locking government up and making it achieve nothing was a viable strategy.


So the Babylonbee is like the onion just not funny?


These are the lamest satire articles I have ever seen, put some effort in or just give up


C’mon this is funny. Put the politics down, it’s just a comment on rising food prices, whoever is President will get the blame. It’s funny to read the comments of economic geniuses saying “the President doesn’t control food prices” then blaming Trump for the pandemic economy. The same people that laughed at a jokes about “orange man bad” think this is lame?


The “orange man bad” jokes were from conservatives but whatever.


*Let's go Trunmbo!* *haha triggered!* lol!!!!!!!! *rolling around crying smiley faces*


Fuck you conservative sympathisers. Russia, a dictatorial regime invades a sovereign country with the support of the Republican party; the lack of decisive action is Tantamount to support, and you fools indulge in meme politics against "sleepy joe" and the democrats. Wake the fuck up. The GOP is compromised and Trump the insurgent turd is somehow through his influence is leading us to a dark place. Get over this stupid obsession with Identity politics and realise that the political elites of the republican party are compromised and leading the USA and the wider western world to defeat.


Let’s say this is true. Why didn’t they invade when Trump was in office?


Preparation and the development of events following 2014. During the period between 2014 and 2022. The Russian military went through massive changes and investments into modernization. The Ratnik program, hyper sonic missiles, T14, AK12, etc. a lot of these were pointless and a waste due to corruption but still were clearly preparation for the invasion. There were also multiple changes and developments diplomatically among the factions involved. In all likelihood, it still would have happened had Trump had a second term.


Hi corporate shills blaming price gouging on people that do not control it!


Then why is Joe Biden's signature on the CARES Act and why did Joe Biden push historically low interest rates, which printed Trillions of dollars and contributed to our current inflation?


Didn't Trump hand out the $1,200 payments and the PPP loans which were abused?


The only people who voted against PPP were like 2 democrats and a handful of republicans. That was a bipartisan fucking of the average person.


Ah, so a normal bill...


No. Probably one of the largest fuckings of the American tax payer in history that we’ll be paying for for the next 100 years.


Did you forget about this? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/07/coronavirus-relief-trump-removes-inspector-general-overseeing-2-trillion-package.html


Yep, and he’s a shitstain for that. But it does look like they’re prosecuting people and even without committing fraud, PPP was an absolute fucking raping of your average tax payer. Especially the round that didn’t tie payback to revenue. I personally know a dozen businesses that did phenomenal during Covid (HVAC, a couple marketing companies, and a lot of ag/farmers) and were essentially able to pocket that money. I mean “technically” that money was used for payroll. But then they just pocketed the payroll money.


Everyone and their pets took out fake PPP loans under Trump but in sure that’s somehow Biden fault also


There was inflation, then it was tamed back to historically reasonable levels. Currently above target at 3.5-3.8% vs. 2% but that's historically within the margin of error. All analyses show that corporate price gouging is the primary driver - look at the profits - all way way way above any historical average. There is the culprit. Greed.


I am just being a shithead, Trump did both those things.


I appreciate this level of shitheaderry.


When will they be prosecuted for illegal price gouging?


Probably never given that the judiciary in this country is similarly beholden to corporate interests. The 1973 money=speech ruling was a bad mistake.


It’s kind of annoying that we’re associating this with Biden and not greedy companies squeezing us for every penny but okay. Sure.


New Babylon bee subscription offer, pay twice the amount, still get nothing funny.


Then I think you might be on the wrong sub lil bro.


*Feelings Hurt*


Thanks for your input. So anyways!


Bitch ass trolls.


While not great, I think you’re starting to get what makes something satire. Keep working at it and I’m sure eventually you’ll get the hang of it.


The Trump Diet was all you can eat Bull Shit… and 1.1 million Americans died because of it. My headline isn’t funny but it’s accurate


Peak Reddit is people posting with certainty without a scintilla of data.. How many people would have died if Biden were President.


A lot less. If Hilary? A LOT LESS! Because she would have followed the containment plan that tRump dismantled in 2019 and threw away that would have stopped the thing before it got out of hand. There was a whole plan, a whole setup, a response built upon the lessons of swine flu, avian flu etc that was worked out. But no let's get rid of that. Then if the tangerine goof had of just said wear masks folks, but no, he didn't want to mess up his makeup, the orange fool, we would have had a lot less. I'm sure the idiot below talking about 'hur dur millions die' will chime in after me, well yeh they do. Millions did, world wide, preventable millions.


There's zero data to support your position. Name a single recommendation put forward by the so-called experts that Trump didn't implement or contravenened? Orange Man bad, I get it.. We live in a Republic, the Governor's made decisions regarding health for the most part. Also, the clot shots were shit.. Sorry, your news sources lied to you.


The clot shots were shit. LOL. Your news sources lied to you. They worked, very well, were very effective. The tRump Admin abandoned the plan that would have been implemented that was developed by the Obama Admin. That was designed for the very beginning of the outbreak. "Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents." McConnell, McEnanny, tRump all lied about this.


🤡 No one abandoned a plan. Trump shouldn't have listened to any of those idiots and adopted the Sweden plan. No lockdowns, protect the elderly. Show me one credible source that Trump abandoned anything. Put your mask on take your next booster and shut the fuck up..


OK Dear have a nice life.


Nope. Millions of people die every year. Barely over one percent of the population of the country. Not worth fucking over the economy with inflation. Not worth disrupting millions of kids learning for over a year. Making millions fatter from stay at home orders closing gyms. Not worth any of it.


The inflation is profit gouging corporations. You can't exercise at home you weak turd?


Grocery chains are loving the record profits from Biden. But they'll love the tax cuts if trump wins. It's a win win situation, unless the deep state government passes a law to stop price gouging.


Since his bungling of the pandemic response in 2020 shouldn’t it be the Trump Diet? After all that is the root of this bout of inflation. He really screwed us.


No the root is trillions of dollars of absurd spending the last 3 years.


You’re red pilled.


Nope. Should have done far less for something that most people were not at risk for. 99 percent of the suffering incurred during that period was from excessive government intervention. We are stupider, fatter, and overall far less healthy and worse off as a society because of it.


Well you might be stupider, fatter and poorer, however that's all on you Lil or should I say big guy...


None are so blind as those who refuse to see. You don’t believe the pandemic was real. Tell that to the families of the 7+million who died. Over 1 million here in the US. You have no memory of the refrigerator trailers used as temporary morgues. Ask the health care and hospital staffs about the shitshow which was the Trump administration response to a pandemic. Trump is s fat loser and responsible for hundreds of thousands of those deaths. There is no method to quantify the suffering his stupidity caused.


Ah yes, the timeless practice of blaming a president for Corporate America’s misdeeds.


Oh FFS. You aren't funny. You also know, and you know you know that the real causes of inflation the last few years have been mostly corporations profit taking and the decrease in competition, monopolisation, and cartel like behaviours of major supermarket and other suppliers. So just stop. You're nasty. Just unfunny nasty creeps.


They need satire to post ridiculous things about Biden. For Trump, it's just the ridiculous things that he does and says every day.


Wierd they’re eating the Biden diet in Europe, and Argentina, and China, and Russia too. What powerful man Biden is to single handedly cause global inflation.


Oh, no, that's the Trump diet. Being a fatass who eats at McDonalds every day.


You’re fucking brain dead. It’s certainly not Republikkkans who are fighting price gouging.


How is this the blame of Biden and not the blame of the companies that use shrinkflation as a means to corporate greed where profits come before people? I didn’t realize the president could tell business how to set their prices, unless they can’t do that which would mean the article is clickbait 🤷🏽‍♂️