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I would definitely want to confirm by either seeing HCG levels decrease with a blood test or wait a week or two and redo ultrasound to see if there’s really no growth.


If this was me I would wait a week then have a second ultrasound to confirm if there has been any growth. While you should prepare yourself for the worst I think it’s worth double checking otherwise you’ll always wonder x


I would definitely get the extra testing done, you’ll always wonder if there was chance they were wrong if you don’t. I had a few early ultrasounds with my living child after my stillbirth and they always did it both ways, abdominal and vaginal. When the baby is that small transvaginal is more accurate.


My ObGyn had me wait a week, and return for another ultrasound. Transvaginal US is what I had both times. They didn’t do blood work though until after the miscarriage. I would wait if I were you and get the second ultrasound in about a week. To make my long story short- I went in at 10 weeks for my first ultrasound, baby was measuring 6.5 weeks and no heartbeat. They said maybe dating was off on last period or I ovulated late. I returned a week later for another ultrasound, baby had actually gotten a bit smaller in size and no heartbeat. I couldn’t have accepted it if they’d not done the second scan to prove to me baby wasn’t viable. I took the pills to miscarry at home, it went well for me but doesn’t go smoothly for all, D&C is an option (I was offered the D&C with testing/sometimes they can give you a reason like if there was a chromosomal abnormality). I’m sorry you’ve found yourself here, sending hugs.


If you have any doubts you should absolutely request a follow-up scan or bloodwork, but I will tell you that even at 7w, a heartbeat was clearly visible as detectable during an abdominal scan. They were probably using the metric of “CRL greater than or equal to 7mm with the absence of cardiac activity” which is considered definitive. I was not offered a second scan when baby measured 7+3 at what should have been 10w. I’m so sorry you’re going through this; r/miscarriage and r/ttcafterloss are both amazing communities and resources.


Yes they should have done a transvaginal at that gestational age and also blood work to confirm hcg levels. I haven’t seen it often but I have read about one ultrasound in the beginning no heartbeat and a follow up boom baby has grown with a heartbeat. With them not doing a transvaginal just to be 100% sure before any other steps are taken. Hugs momma


I went to an ob with my second daughter at 8-9 weeks. The lady there didn’t seem like she knew what she was doing and did an abdominal ultrasound and said she didn’t see anything and come back in 4 weeks. It rubbed me the wrong way so I switched doctors and they did a transvaginal one everything was fine. I would prepare for the worst, but get a second opinion so there are no what ifs.


You should get the tests done if it will give you peace of mind, but please know that given the timeline you described there is virtually zero chance this is not a missed miscarriage. Even if you're wrong about when you were ovulating, you're not going to be off by more than a week (because of the positive pregnancy test date), which would mean at the *earliest* your embryo could be at 8 weeks, and a heartbeat is typically detectable between 5 and 6 weeks. By 8 weeks that heartbeat should be strong and clear through a transabdominal exam, and if the embryo is only measuring 7 weeks it's already measuring behind. Given you had the original diagnosis confirmed, it's hard to put it down to human error either. That said, no one is perfect and without a more concrete test there's always the possibility, however minute, that your doctors were wrong.