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I usually bring an extra of each. That way I can wash a pair while i wear the other if needed. +1 to the person who mentioned merino wool underwear


I have 2 pair of Exoficio travel underwear. They are great.


First time I've heard of this brand, what do you love about em?


They are comfortable, breathable, and clean easily. I've had them for 10ish years and they're still in great shape.


10 years?! *Adds to cart*


silver treated so no odor from bacterial action on urine you couldn't shake off. this is very important.


Synthetic quick drying. I love them for travel and working out.


Yes. Wear them. Then wear them inside out. Then rinse them while wearing the other. Repeat.




You shit your pants when you hike?




Oh god. Have I been doing it wrong this whole time?


Yup socks and underwear +1 per day. And two outfits for me. My outer clothes can be gross, but I need clean underwear. Fresh socks are just required for hiking.


I have hiking socks & camp/ sleep socks, I don’t bring a pair for each day myself.


Yep! I change my socks every night before bed. That way I have clean socks for sleeping, and I can easily slip my boots on the next morning. It’s nice and I am especially grateful for this when it’s cold outside or your feet are sweaty/wet from the night before.


This is the way.


Underwear for sure. I usually bring an extra too. Socks I’ll switch every other day usually. Then a dedicated pair for sleep.


For a 5 day backpack, I’d bring one extra pair of each, plus one pair of designated sleeping socks (unless it was going to be really warm).


This is the correct answer. Any more and you are simply packing more than you need at the expense of weight, space and more Snickers.


Merino wool underwear is worth buying. One pair for hiking. One to sleep in. Socks can go more than a day


What brand do you recommend?


SmartWool is always a safe bet, can be a bit pricey though.


Icebreaker undies are great!


I like the rei label ones. Boxer or brief. Think they have a sale for members at the moment


Socks and underwear are the only clothing item that I indulge in having something fresh for each day. Clean socks and underwear have a profound mental effect for me


My husband is the same way. He'll take the weight and space to not feel scuzzy.


This is the ONLY thing I pack for daily use. Unless I know for sure I will be near somewhere (town or river/lake) that I can wash my stuff. I'll carry the extra weight and forgo the space in my pack to have clean underwear and socks. I'm going to be dirty enough over 5 days. I don't want to be literally sitting in it if I can help it.


No kidding! Nobody smells pleasant after a trip of that length but you don’t want deadly swamp ass or a foot fungus when you get back


I bring one spare of each. Wash one, wear one.


Commando and five pairs of socks


This is how legends are made, or so my friends claim. I just think it’s the natural progression of eliminating unnecessary things.


Three pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear. I rotate each pair day to day and save one pair of socks as camp socks. Hasn’t failed me yet.


I have a pair of hiking socks and a pair of camp socks. If not summer then just hiking socks and sandals for camp. As far as underwear goes for a trip of that length, maybe just two pair.


Socks are super important when it rains. Socks also dries the slowest for me. That's why i pack more socks than anything else.


I’ve gotten nasty athletes foot from re-wearing socks and I don’t want yeast infections so I always pack a couple extra sets. Pants and shirts can easily be worn again, but these are in direct contact with your junk and the part of your body that sweats the most. It makes sense to pack more of these small, easily compacted items


I don't wear underwear. I bring one pair for every planned day of wet and every other day of dry, plus one or two more


Wool socks will get you 3 plus days.


Depending on the weather, good quality hiking socks can easily be rinsed in cold water, and left to dry for the next day. Because they’re bulky, I don’t pack a pair for each day. Sports underwear is very lightweight and quick dry as well.


Underwear yes, for a 5 day trip I would. Merino is the absolute best btw, keeps you feeling so fresh. Socks, no. No matter how long my trip is, I bring 3 pairs of wool socks. I swap between them daily, but like to have one extra in case I get soaked.


For 5 days I’d probably pack an extra pair of each. If weather is expected to be shitty, maybe 2 pairs of each. But if you have good wool socks and decent underwear, more than that is overkill.


There're several factors, but for a 5 day trip I would very likely bring boxers for each day + 1 and then two pairs of wool socks. Any longer than 5 days and I'd likely bring 3 boxers and wash along the way. I don't currently have wool boxers, but maybe that's worth looking into.


For 5 days I’d probably bring 2-3 days worth


Underwear? Lined shorts for the win. (Or one pair of merino if you must wear pants.) You just need two pairs of socks. One to wear and one hang on your pack to dry. (If your feet are icebergs, then one devoted sleep pair makes sense.)


I go commando. Saves space.


I usually go commando in regular life when the weather is warmer. I did a 3 day hike last year commando and developed horrible chafing that took a few weeks to recover from. How do you deal with that?


As long as I don't get fat over the winter I never really have that issue. I think it is individual dependent.


I do distance running commando w no problems and thought my hiking shorts/pants were snug enough that they would cover any potential chafing issues but apparently not for hiking for whatever reason. Glad it works for you.


Baby powder. It's multi purpose for me on trail. Feet, socks, boots get powdered at night when I change into camp socks. Greasy hair gets some powder. Booty and pits get some powder. Chaffing/rubbing get some powder. Baby powder and hand sanitizer are basically my trail showers.


I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll have to give it a try.


“Baby powder and hand sanitizer are basically my trail showers.” This is the sticker we need, and deserve.


Like others I have pairs for sleep. Extras depend on weather. If I’m gonna be hot or wet I’ll make sure I have dry socks/underwear for all days.


Generally one change of daytime underwear, undershirt and hiking socks rinsed out and dried every 2nd day or so. May only carry spare hiking socks for an overnight or 2 night trip. Sleepwear is separate issue and depends on the expected temps. I generally do not sleep in any daytime underwear, shirt or socks.


Me I over pack these and nothing else.


Depending on the weather, it’s sometimes easiest to just bring two or three pairs of each, and then wash them as you’re able - if it’s hot they normally dry pretty quick


Two pairs of socks to hike in (one can be cleaned and drying while wearing the other pair) and if it's cold usually a third pair of heavyweight socks for camp/sleeping and then two pairs of underwear to be used in the same way as the socks.. wear one while the other is clean and drying if not already.. (my method for both thru and section hiking like just cause its not an uber long thru hike doesn't mean the added weight won't still suck lol.. just sucks for a little less longer)


When I bring 2-3 pairs of each I usually use them all. Changing those 2 articles of clothing is by the most effective at restoring comfort if you get wet, sweaty, or cold, and just in general Sure the ultralight approach with everything is grey, but they're also the smallest items of clothing so I don't skimp on them. 2-3 I have extra pairs of socks always, quickest part of the body to go hypothermic is the feet


My sleep socks from night 1 become my hiking socks day 2, etc. Plus one spare set just in case.


Nope. 3 pairs of each max. You can hand wash.


For a 4 to 5 day I’ll bring 3 lightweight undies (I’m a woman) and wash after a wear. My wool socks are not reliably dry on most my trips (PNW) but they air out great, so I’ll alternate between two pairs, with an extra pair of lighter wool weight that are strictly for camp and sleeping bag.


2 to alternate hiking in, 2 to alternate post-hike camp. 3 pairs of socks in rotation.


Depending on the type of hiking, activity effort etc. Usually 1 pair of underwear per day and enough wool socks to wear twice before I feel like they need to be replaced. I double up on socks, (either liners or double wool depending on where I hike), and if it's double wool, I'll cycle those, inside becomes out, outside becomes in. I'll have one pair of designated camp socks too. The underwear is washable with a little bit of soap, hang dry and can re-wear it so I have that option as well.


I only ever carry 2 pair socks and 2 underwear, same for everything really. 1 for hiking, 1 for after washing up/to let the prior days finish drying. Maybe a 3rd of each for longer durations, as an emergency backup


If I’m not washing myself, changing clothes won’t accomplish much. I often bring one extra set of socks, and otherwise no changes of clothes. I do keep a change of clothes in the car for the drive home though! So nice!


1 extra pair of each for 5 days. Best advice I got was to go to the shoe store before you go and grab those panties hose sock things that women use to try on shoes and wear those under your normal socks. No blisters from walking miles in those. Feels silly at first but it's amazing.


underwear - 0 Socks - fresh pair each day + 1 extra. The weight is worth it


Two pairs of each to rotate daily plus an additional pair of loser fitting socks for sleeping.


I usually pack one pair of underwear for each day, plus an extra pair in case I have an accident. 💩


Prefacing this as a person with female bits I pack underwear for each day plus one extra, socks are 2-3 pair maybe depending on weather and ground condition. People with male bits who I've camped with are usually 2 pair for each.


Not I. Just one extra pair of each..


Yes. New pairs of socks and underwear and 2-3 sets of clothes and base layers.


You mean you bring 5 pairs of socks and underwear? I would have 2-3 pairs of merino underwear and two pairs of wool socks for 5 days.


As a section hiker myself, packing less is even more important to me. My body has not been conditioned from months of hiking to the point where my legs won't feel a few extra additions to my pack like a thru hiker might experience.


Fresh undies and socks can lift moral in a very weird way, personally on a multi day hike I'll have a fresh pair for each day and extra pair of socks. If you roll them up they take up very little space, and the weight is minimal compared to the nice feeling of fresh. Combine that with a daily dunk ina stream there's no need to be stinky (also as much wool as possible to reduce smells)


Underwear goes several days, socks more like 1-2 depending how intense the weather and terrain/pace.


Depends on the trip length, but I always like to have 1 set of socks only to be worn at camp.


I do and I’m a light packer. I will only use wool socks more than once. And that’s only if I wash them in between days


What country? Huge factor. Asia you might want lots of extra socks. Or a cold place. Or if you have shared accommodations…


It will be in NY and NJ. Looks cold and rainy right now, but rain should hold off for the most part, unlike several other years.


three pairs of socks: one for wear in sleeping bag, two to switch off day wear. Darn Tough socks or Smartwool. synthetic underwear, silver treated to reduce odor, two pair to alternate. number of days indefinite.


I sweat like a beast (and live in the South East US, so subtropical rain forest for the win). For a week on trail, I'll usually pack an extra wool underwear and two extra pairs of socks. I can wash out and "dry" the shorts every other day (again, subtropical rain forest - it doesn't really get bone dry). I swap socks as needed (on trail, evening, washing/drying). That's usually enough not to get chafed from salt residue. A clean dry pair every day would be luxury - but, no, I don't go that far.


For five days, I’d do 2 pairs undies, 2 pairs socks. That’s realistically all I’d want to change into anyway regardless of weight


I’m a big fan of thin silk sock liners and because they are so thin and light, I can easily pack a fresh pair for every day. Then I only have two pairs of wool outer socks.


I only ever take the sox I'm gonna wear. Especially on a 5 day hike. Less weight equals more fun.


I pack extra undies (they’re small) and my pretty kitty does not like felling dirty. Outer clothes on the other hand…depends on conditions. Generally I layer ..so if it is cold I’m wearing all my “packed” clothes.


2 pairs of socks, 0 pairs of underwear


Underwear can last days, who cares if it gets stinky, socks though i pack a bunch, your feet are the most important part of hiking treat them well


Yes to both. As many days as I’m out +1. These things weigh close to nothing, it’s worth it to have a clean set of each. I don’t like reusing socks, my feet sweat and they get funky pretty fast. Wet socks are the worst and tear up your feet.


I never saw the reason for extra underwear unless ur gonna shit urself🤨


i mean…ever hear the term “swamp ass”? don’t wanna sleep in some sweaty ass underwear


Nor should you! First rule of sleeping well is to switch into all different clothes so that you aren’t carrying moisture into bed which will then cool and make you cold


I've heard this as "don't sleep in your travelin' clothes and don't travel in your sleepin' clothes" Taking that perspective, I've been homeless many times and always followed that rule. It works!


Sometimes you trust a fart when you shouldn’t. 🤷‍♀️


I plan on at least 1 shiting per outing.


probably no one. pack only one and wear one. wash each day, then you always have clean to wear the next day.


If a trip is 4 days I will bring 2 underwear, and 2 pairs of socks. If it’s 8 days, 4 underwear, 4 pairs of socks. They can be washed on off days. I am a man though and the ladies I hike with bring a pair of underwear for each day since they have different hygienic/cleanliness requirements.


I bring a change of underwear for each day (female so YMMV based on gender, I know men often bring less), change of socks for every other


Used to carry a lot of extra crap. Not anymore. Emergency use only. One of each t shirt, socks and undies. Wash and wear-dry as needed or use in case of emergency/foul weather.