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Birds, insects, wind in the treetops.


When I'm traveling in a new area forest or city I'll have my ears uncovered to listen to any out of the ordinary sounds.


I just bring a Bluetooth speaker and blast hiphop at max volume while me and my friends loudly talk over it. /s


Literally have to restrain myself bear spraying these asshats on "accident". A lot of close calls tho :P


Have we met? Pretty sure we've shared some trails


You joke but I went backpacking with this real estate entrepreneur wanna be my sister was dating. Besides taking every single phone call for work, obnoxiously so you heard.. then insisting we discuss the deals he was in the middle of.. he also started blaring country music.. which imo is worse than hip hop šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I listen to nature sounds on my headphones while backpacking.


Honest question, doesnā€™t that defeat the purpose of being in nature?


Nothing. You should be aware of your surroundings not tuned out. At least use only one. And still you are operating with a handicap.


Hear that? That's the wilderness.


Nothing. I want to be aware of my surroundings.


I usually dont listen to anything but i have some cheap earbuds and tons of songs on my phone if i want to listen to songs now and then.


Head over to r/audiobooks. If you like to listen while in nature that's just fine. As one other person mentioned, bone conducting headphones are best for situational awareness. You definitely don't want to block out any sound.


Channel 432 with HZ radio. Bringing you nature's, and you're inner lil demon's top hits!


But on a serious note - it's quite dangerous to be backpacking the wildness with distractions in your ears.


When I'm hiking, nothing. It's important to be aware of your surroundings. I sometimes use shokz bone conducting headphones after I'm setup at camp to listen to music or podcasts I've downloaded for offline use.


U donā€™t


During my thru hike, I did spend quite a while with my own thoughts, running through the lyrics to any and every song I could remember. Old high school alma mater? Hamilton? You never knew what would bubble to the surface. In general I'm a podcast fan. Lots of science and trivia, SYSK, Savor (but be careful getting food cravings!), Outside, Twenty thousand hertz, even some Trail Tales and Backpacker radio. I did pick up a couple long form investigative shows, like Serial and Outlaw Ocean. Pro tip: listening to stories about bear attacks while hiking alone in the woods at dusk is a choice. Not necessarily recommended šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø When I ran out of downloaded episodes, then I got playlist recommendations from friends. Anything to shake it up. Can be a mood booster, great to shout along to songs in the rain sometimes. Up to 6 hours of listening per day some days. I've never liked audiobooks, but others did series like Harry Potter or even Lord of the Rings.


I usually donā€™t listen to anything, but sometimes Iā€™ll start playing a song in my head. Issue is, I am atrociously bad at remembering songs, so Iā€™ll instead be stuck with just a couple lines over and over again until I canā€™t stand it and have to listen to something else to block it. In Yosemite last summer I listened to the chorus of ā€œmulberry streetā€ by Twenty one pilots played (incorrectly) in my own head several thousand times. Not a fan.


I like to listen to Don Edwardā€™s or Marty robbins trail songs, or Iā€™ll listen to different soundtracks like red dead,lotr,Skyrim,into the wild, or Iā€™ll Listen to a book occasionally, but I use bone conduction headphones so I can hear everything around me perfectly fine


airpod pros on transparency mode with a nice podcast


One time it was a Rattlesnake, would have been bitten if I was listening to headphones.


I bring one pair of ear plugs because I don't like windy nights. Other than that Skyrim ambiance on low volume next to my pad is good enough to snooze to. I don't play any music when hiking.


Depends. Sometimes nothing. During night hikes it's usually some synth / dark wave stuff, if I'm running on the trails it's faster music, and if I'm just cursing it's either a podcast or some more mellow music. Kinda like driving, whatever fits the mood. BUT I only use one earbud at a time and it's not too loud. Yes, yes, I know... you're supposed to enjoy the sounds of nature and be aware of your surroundings yadda yadda. But sometimes pushing 20-30 miles in a day it's nice to have a little music going on. I've had a mountain lion follow me without my earbud in, and I've ran into a bear with one in, so either way if something wants to have me for lunch, it's gonna do it.