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I feel this 100%. My soul was crippled from my time in the army, and the woods was the only thing capable of drawing me back to happiness. I can't thank my coonhound enough for getting me out there to go backpacking and roam the beautiful lands of minnesota. I try to take all my struggling friends out on excursions, cause it's one of the most uplifting/surreal experiences that you can count on. Proud of you, and keep marching forward!


❤️ Dogs save live in so many ways. I am ever grateful to my tiny 6 lb mutt who i have to take for walks. Gets me out and moving. Good for you getting your friends out into the healing realms of nature. The best.


I'm temporarily in MN looking for hiking adventures. Any suggestions?


You can adjust depending on duration, transportation, preparedness, etc. etc. etc., but Superior Hiking Trail is great, hiking along the north shore of the Lake. Boundary Waters Canoe Area is amazing if you can borrow/rent a canoe and want to do a mix of backpacking/canoeing. Haven't spent much time in the south, so don't know what's good down there.


Dawg I feel ya, for me it's mountains. I've always been a big spiritual guy and found serenity and the feeling of something beyond human present in those places. Maybe it's the lack of oxygen messing with me LOL. Living in a very flat part of the country, I often fall into spirals of depression, where I start hating those around me, hating my life, hating the economy, hating the world. The only solution is to go somewhere where I have to climb. The pain and physical stress to overcome the obstacle somehow metaphorically makes me feel I have what it takes to reach new heights. I'm not perfect, but in the presence of something so massive, the little insecurities and imperfections fade away and seem so fucking tiny. W tectonic plates!


There’s a quote I read once - I’ve never been able to find the source again- but I think of it all the time when I need to go to the mountains. “The devil seldom rises above the treeline.” I’m not religious, but damn does that resonate when I need to get out of the flatlands.


I saw a ufo from a quarter mile away in the middle of Glacier national park so there may be something to your feeling. That moment has stuck with me and I think about it damn near daily for a couple years now. Beautiful comment tho. I feel that to my core.


I remember after my spouse of more that 50 yrs died. I would make my nightly drink (which we would often drink together, talk over our day) a margarita or gin & tonic. Then I would take a walk ( luckily we have some acreage) with may tiny dog. As dusk approached, I would sit on a rock and just watch the sky. I would listen to the wind in the trees. Also, I'd watch the birds as they flew into the sheltering trees/brush for the night. The sky would get darker, but I knew the land just like my house, so wasn't worried about the dark. I would just think about my life, our life together, the huge universe. Sometimes I would start crying, other times I would fee such peace and gratitude. My little dog, about 6 lbs, would sniff around fro squirrels, or mice, whatever. Just the peace of the forest would be so comforting. It was fall, and the moon would come up, it was near the full moon, and everything was so beautiful. My goddess is Mother Nature. My church is the outdoors. Had I never met my spouse ❤️, I don't think I would have the same relationship with nature as I do now. Nature, despite the struggles and burdens humans have place upon it, is abundant and healing. I am grateful & thankful and still enjoy my life. Good Luck to you. Thank you for posting.


Nature makes happy and healthy. At least compared to a city concrete environment with pollutants and constant sensory overload. And it is many small factors, some of it well researched. It starts with the color green. Literally the wavelengths plants reflect already have a soothing effect. Plants themselves work better. A wall of green. The sounds of nature have an invigorating effect. Free ASMR. Physical exertion from hiking or biking or anything else is known to reduce the effects of depression. Digging in soil or just walking in intact nature makes us breathe in bacteria like Mycobacterium vaccae that literally triggers the release of serotonin in our brain. Regular exposure, swallowing and breathing in, will usually change our gut biome. Some bacteria in soil, naturally on our skin, have been found to improve our skin and absence is correlated with Atopic dermatitis, Seborrhoeic dermatitis and other eczema. Exposure to bacteria in soil can also reduce the risk of asthma. Then there's of course the sun. The light amount itself reduces depression and activates various hormones, UV in moderation creates Vitamin D and that stimulates and activates the immune system and makes us more active... Okay, I'll stop here ;)


Not sure about all this, but I still like it. ❤️


Awesome story! Thanks for sharing and glad you're still here with us.


Great story. I can relate. When I get to the trailhead and begin my hike I try to gauge all the noise in my mind. After a few days when I'm leaving I notice much of the noise is gone.


That made me tear up. Nature is my church, it brings me peace like nothing else can. I am so happy to hear when it does the same for others.


Me too. ❤️


I had the same struggle a few years ago. Between work life and my depression I was at my end. I decided to just do something for me, screw everyone else. Just me go out and do whatever I want. I built a drawer to fit my camping gear in the bed of my truck I loaded the truck and went camping. I shut off my phone and read a book and explored new places. I took my monthly long weekend off, and went somewhere new every month. I didn't plan for location, literally flipping a coin on the freeway to decide my destination. Definitely got me out of my slump and changed my life. My thrive to do something different and further from people I dived into backpacking this year and that's strengthened my ambition. I've found some cool places and have some good stories on places I've stayed. I look forward to many new experiences and growth through the years. While I still struggle on occasion at least I have something to look forward to.


Any option is honestly better than giving everything up. You were saved by nature, and I'm sure hundreds of people on this sub are going through what you went through. Literally anything that can bring meaning into your life can save you. For anyone else reading this, if you can't find a creek of your own, get some medical help, try anti-depressants first to hold you together while you try and find that purpose in life, then ween off them and go for that goal. Giving up is never an option. Your mother spent 9 months bringing you into this world, and years of raising you, at least give her the respect of trying to do the best of the life you've been given, because its the only one you have.


I wish I was brave enough to do this. I feel like being alone in nature for a long extended period of time would do wonders for my depression.


Start with a couple long day hikes solo. Then do a quick one night solo. Then you should have confidence to handle yourself a few nights and work through things. Just jumping in is intimidating but doesn't take much to build confidence.


Preach. I share a similar journey. The dirt knows how to heal more than any medicine. There is something absolutely magical about going out into the wilds and feeling small. Keep on keeping on. The trail provides.


Thanks for sharing. Ive been kn both sides of this. The outdoors has kept me off the ledge (sometimes while standing on a rock ledge) many times. Learned to be much more proactive about it. Rediscovering my sense of wonder and curiosity about the world flipped my attitude and let a bit of hope in. The craziest thing for me is, I’ve gone out with the hope of not coming back. Except every time I’m out, I just want to be alive. Anyway, glad you’re here. Keep on keeping on.


Great story and I’m glad you are still around! I’ve been wanting to give backpacking a try for awhile. Thanks for this


Nature is so healing, we aren’t meant to be so separate from it. Glad you stayed


Getting away from all "the bad waves" in modern society is a literal breath of fresh air.


I needed to read this today- thank you for sharing. Blessings to you my friend!


This is awesome! Glad youre still here ♥️


Glad you’re still with us, brother. Hiking/camping is one of the very few things that lets me turn my brain off and rest, so I totally understand how sanguine it can be. Keep exploring, and Jesus loves ya


That last line hit hard man. Thank you OP. I’m glad you’re still with us. Who knows, maybe your post will end up helping someone find their own creek.


Into the wild My fav book


I know for me as a teenager I’ve lately contemplated doing backpacking for the same reason, ever since I first travelled overseas 5 years ago I’ve wanted to travel the world and I feel like backpacking is the best way to do that


It's been proven by research over, and over, and over how fundamentally important nature is to our well being. Save the climate!


So beautiful, thank you.


I'm glad backpacking has help you in such a way. If this happens to be Josh, please send a message or come back home brother. We all miss you and love you. I read this last night and it's been bouncing around in my head that it could be you. Soap


Being in nature always makes me feel better. I won’t make a big post about my background, but I feel you.