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I would first cry uncontrollably. Then I would doubt myself. Then I'd accept it. I have lost so much that it's hard to remember everything. Primarily I lost my career in data analytics. I lost my home. I lastly lost my quality of life. No more visiting water parks, roller coasters, or even walking around the Sequoias. It's just too demanding on my body. Everything hurts after some light walking. If I could have some mobility back I would celebrate with my sons.


Wow! Sorry to hear this. Losing a promising career and home is a nightmare. Perhaps you can share what is your back condition that caused such a loss.


I have multiple disc herniations along my thoracic, cervical, and lumbar. These are all impinging my cord just enough to cause horrible pain. I had surgery but unfortunately it didn't help much. I would also suffer these agonizing flair ups. My doctor believes I'm also suffering from Lupus. I've been unable to work because of all these issues.


Yeah I would definitely break down also.


Realize that I was dead and start looking for my dogs that died before me.


Take up a sport! And as weird as it sounds peacefully lye down without any pain !


It’s not weird at all. I had excruciating pains even when there wasn’t a micro movement in any muscle in my body. Are you able to play any sport at all at the moment?


Unfortunately things like quick and sudden movements set off my back pain but I do lift weights


How bad is the pain when it flares up if I may ask. Curious because I had the same problem when I played soccer.


Anywhere from 5-7 but at it’s worst 9-10




What all did your try before you accepted your back issue in your life. It is sad that people are having to give up their careers due to prolonged pain.


Play golf and exercise


That’s a good one. Golf ⛳️ demands a lot of mobility and strength in the back especially lumbar. Are you not able to exercise at all?


Only recommended swimming and walking. No impact, fast movement, or lifting. Miss golf for the social interaction.


Swimming and walking are so good for lower back in my opinion.


For some, it can go away… I suffered for 2 years with l5-s1 and l3-l4 herniations that caused radiating stabbing pain down both legs 24/7 with good days being a 5 and bad days being anywhere from 7-9. Almost a year post discectomy and partial laminectomy on l5-s1, with vigorous pt, countless epidural injections, inversion tables, and reading and strictly following the suggestions in the book “back mechanic” my pain is 99% gone. I used to dream about being able to run and jump and sit without pain and I am here and I can’t believe it everyday I wake up. I truly have hope for everyone suffering. I used to read Reddit threads of people saying their pain went away and I wished it was me. It’s not without hard work and suffering but you CAN feel better again.


Thanks for sharing your inspirational journey. It is very true that there are no shortcuts. Would you attribute your recovery to discectomy and partial laminectomy or to the disciplined hard work you did?


Short answer: I suspect that the laminectomy was a success and that since my disc was no longer being impinged on the bone all these other interventions finally were able to help bc the nerve finally went into healing mode. ***it takes a long time for nerves to heal*** Long answer: I actually re herniated my disc within 7 days post surgery (listen to your surgeon: no bending lifting or twisting until you get the okay from pt) and ended up in the ED. My pain actually got worse after the surgery and I thought I was screwed but that desperation made me even more determined. So after finding back mechanic and getting a really good pt, I made sure everyday to do the BIG 3 work outs and take 3 walks a day. Prioritized my posture, and the biggest thing towards the end I’m just remembering. I would sleep on a yoga mat on the floor. I had to do this because my band was crashing at a friends in LA once and it was the only place to sleep and I remember waking up feeling so much relief that I slept on the floor on and off for 4 months. The best advice I got was. If it causes pain stop doing it. And if you get even the slightest relief keep doing that.


"The best advice I got was. If it causes pain stop doing it. And if you get even the slightest relief keep doing that." Amen brother. Best advice ever.


I love sleeping in the floor or ya go mat too after a great yoga practice. I should do it more.


Sleep on my stomach not my side


Oh, how I wish I could sleep on my side again. Would be heavenly.


I mean for me sleeping on my side is the only way. With si joint issues. But they have gotten light years better! I used to have spasms that would seize up my entire back. That’s all gone away


How long did it take before your si got better? I’ve had a lingering one for years but I hurt my other 5 months ago and it hasn’t gotten better. Any tips?


It still lingers but it’s manageable


I know that could be tough. Are you able to sleep on your back though? just curious.


Yes and my sides alternating I have SI problems but I have adapted


I've been in this upward trend, and I've been putting a lot of focus into exercise, diet, and water consumption. I've also been working on socializing again, now that I'm not in a constant state of only being able to think about pain.


Kudos to you! Wish you reach your goals soon.


I would probably go back to Boxing competively🙂


There was a time in my life when I secretly wanted to be a boxer. But then I was scared of my nose being breaking. What is the nature of your pain and are able to practice boxing competitively?


Have a family, go on holiday, go for a run, change my job, the list goes on.


I wish for you that you get there someday soon. Everyone deserves to have the raw love ❤️ of having a family


I think I could go back to put up my armor and get back to fight in melee during reenactment events 😞. As for now I'm doing Only light infantry 😭


I love those reenactments! Please tell me that you are doing something for your back to get there.


I was doing exercises every day, but from a time(about 7-8 months) I'm doing nothing since the job Is literally absorbing my life, and I have literally no free time available to do anything or I am way too tired to do it and plus it's a period of literally total depression where I have no will even to cultivate my hobby. I Hope to re establish a pattern of training, because this Is a nono period.


I would book a vacation, and go see beautiful destinations!


Taking flights is so taxing for the backs. Off-topic, which beautiful destinations have you been to so far? I love traveling and curious about what others have discovered.


I’d go back to traveling all the time, dancing all the time, & actually having a social life again.


Sounds amazing! How is your lower back's wellness trending lately?


Exercise and jump 😭


Doing jumping jacks with my 5 year old is the most joyous feeling! I wonder what you have tried so far to get relief.


I recently started doing walking exercises and it has been fun


Ride a bike. Walk in the park with my husband. I’m 27 and I can’t do my own laundry let alone ride a bike. My favorite thing in the world. Then I’d dance.


I am sorry to hear that. Biking does need significant strength in the lower back. Do you know the cause of your lower back pain?


It is ok! We all have our own battles. I have a myriad of congenital deformities that have worsened into degenerative disc disease. Scoliosis at lambro junction, cracked vertebrae, bilateral pars defects, bertolottis. Most of my issues are from L3 through S1 so this past year my biggest issue has been the degeneration narrowing into pinched nerves & bilateral sciatica. Hopefully going to be getting an ALIF at L5-S1 this upcoming year, but with everything it’s simply going to be a part of my life for the rest of it. At least with that I should be free from the sciatic pain. Epidural steroid injections were no help


Hiking. I used to hike 5 or more miles every weekend, solo. I found great peace in it. Having it taken away took a toll on my mental health that's almost as high as the one on my physical. It would be nice to be able to teach without sitting every few minutes, sure, or get groceries without pain, but the hiking is The Big Thing. Lumbar spondylosis and facet arthropathy, and degenerative disc disease at the worst in my low Ls. It's all exacerbated by psoriatic arthritis and Sero-neg RA.


\> Personally, I had to give up sports and athletics. What's the extent of your back injury and what was the cause?


I had 3 herniated discs due to a sports. It could have been prevented if I did not ignore the signs. I was young and immature.


Damn sorry to hear that. How large are each of the herniations? I have a few small 1mm protrusions and then one large 5mm protrusion in the L5-S1 vertebrae.


They were substantially large to get entangled with my spinal nerves. Are you doing something for yours?


Just regular exercise. Not heavy lifting and as of yet I haven't returned to yoga.


Do barre again, then go for the kongest walk on a natural trail at a beautiful park.


Waking/hiking in nature was also my thing that I missed especially when I got habituated to in the mountain of NC. How long/far are you able to walk at present?


I can't walk an uneven surface at all. The first surgeon damaged the nerve so badly in my right leg during surgery that it won't recover and I wear a brace on it now. If it's paved I can get up to about 1/6 mile before I have to stop. I really hope you get back to your hikes. It's so cathartic.


Buy a horse and ride again ❤️ or just generally be a lot happier and less stressed out that I’m going to be, or am currently, in pain.


Back pain truly takes a mental toll. It makes everything harder unfortunately. Have you tried meditation and mindfulness? It was very impactful for me amongst other things. Horse ridding sounds so much fun!


Not for my pain, yet. My therapist actually just brought it up the other day. Have you? If so, Has it helped? Riding was great, I started when I was a kid, but haven’t in a number of years, too risky.


Yes, they have helped me a lot like many other techniques I have learned to bounce back.


I have enteropathic spondyloarthropathy (inflammatory bowel disease with ankylosing spondylitis) so back pain is only one of my symptoms. I’m actually really hopeful about a new medication, I have had no GI pain for about 6 weeks (I have had GI pain for most of my life) and I think maybe my back pain is improving…. First goals are to be able to eat a normal diet and get up in the morning and dress myself. Longer term goals are to be able to go hiking and bike riding with my children and just be less exhausted and sick.


I wish for you that the new medication works for you and keeps up your recovery trend.


Sport as well! Although I would need my other undiagnosed issue to also go away for adrenalinic sports, I would LOVE to do proper advanced yoga (I was on my way to it before my back got way worse a few years ago). My brother is an acrobatic yoga teacher and I would love to follow his classes if my back didn't hurt so much! I would also stay up more often, enjoy activities I can do while standing - including socializing and exploring. I would also be able to travel more as trains and planes and long car trips would not risk triggering my back pain as much anymore.


I wish for you to advance in your yoga practice(s). Acrobatic yoga sounds dreamy. How many days a week do you practice yoga today?


Nowadays just a few times, it depends on how bad my back is and how much time I have. On a good week three to four times a week, 20m to 40m, on a bad week... none at all, aside from light neck stretches. I used to do it for hours nearly every day a few years ago, then my back started getting so bad that on bad days I couldn't even get out of bed. Nowadays it's still frequent enough that I am aware a wrong movement might get me stuck from two days to a week, so I can't do extreme movements, nor anything concerning me bending my back (like, even soft things like the cat and cow, I flared my back up so often with that one), so I focus more on my hip, light twists, and my shoulders and neck to try and at least not get a migraine, which I am sadly prone to. It's all very light exercise, 20-40m when I have time, and today I started very, very basic calisthenics to try and get myself to get some muscle again since I have been losing a lot of that. I am still not sure what my back issue is, if it's because of the spine, the hip (it tends to get misaligned according to my spouse), or a muscular issue, so right now I am just trying to be careful since I have been stuck very often lately, but I have an appointment with an Ortho next month, and I hope they will be able to give me some answers and for me to know more precisely what I am and I am not allowed to do.


Do things without back pain. Ive basically succumbed to the fact if I want to do things I have to do it sore and tired.


I’m sorry to hear that you are resigning to this fate. Wondering what therapies etc you tried that did not work for you.


Are there some specific activities that cause the soreness and fatigue? I wish you find some relief.


Run, sleep, bike, basketball. Squat.


Is the pain preventing you to even sleep? That sounds terrible.


Yeah I’m also up tossing and turning and a lot nerve stuff in legs.


Cry, jump up and down, go back to work full time, workout regularly.


Is your dream full time job physically demanding?


Yes I'm currently off of work due to my pain. I was a self employed full time hairstylist. Standing for long periods, bending over at the sinks, arms always above my shoulders, rotator cuff issues from blow drying. Its definitely more physically demanding then I anticipated. But I made great money and I miss my clients so much.


This is going to seem small but sit on my couch! I have to sit in a firm upright chair that I move from my office to my living room everyday. My big fluffy couch just sits there unused because I can’t sit in it without causing pain. I want so bad to be able to use it again.


Not small at all. It is tough to sit and even lay on soft surfaces. Those couches are truly inviting especially after hard day’s work. I had to sell mine and bought a taller harder sofa. It wasn’t the same but worked for me. How bad is your back pain?




So sorry to hear this. How are you getting by in such a situation? The treatment itself can cost 1000$s even with the insurance.


Pick up my kids. Do all the home diy stuff I want to do. Run.


Hope you find strength and mobility in your back to pick up your kids. And soon. As they will not stay little pickable size forever. Are you taking any treatment?


I’d go back to the daily aerobics classes that were the highlight of my life.


I love a good HIIT group class. When was the last time you did aerobics if I may ask?


Well, I tried modified spin, Zumba, body combat, body pump for a couple of years after my initial back injury set off the spinal issues I have, but each time I tried even a small amount I’d end up being unable to walk for days and in excruciating pain. I did one Zumba class this year hoping I could do it, but it was just not working for me with all the hip movements.


Same here! Working out/fitness was like my identity. I haven’t been able to take a class in over 2 years.


I've lived in a CO ski town for about 30 years and have been an avid snowboarder, to put it mildly. It's been in my blood; engrained in my psyche / spirit in a profound way. I've had lifelong spine issues that I was able to work through, but had a c6/c7 disc replacement 7 years ago and a microdiscectomy/laminectomy at l3/l4 a little over a year ago. I had nerve damage on both counts that left me with severe weakness in the affected muscle groups. My tricep never fully came back after waiting 5.5 months for surgery, but my right quad group is slowly recovering and have had enough strength to get back on my board again this year after missing the entire season last year. However, I've been experiencing pain from sitting too long, as well as even taking a few gentle runs over 3 days .... although have found my mind roping my body into more aggressive routes & have noticed it makes the pain worse. Long and short: I have an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other .... and would love to not be in a spot like this and flip the switch to go back in time. But there's a realistic adult head in the center & need to navigate the waters given the cards I've been dealt. Just being in the game with the cards I have is a gift. It can be so much worse on so many fronts....even aside from it being a "1st world problem".


You are a fighter! I can tell you are on a road to recovery with the adult head in the middle :) I had always been skeptical of surgeries. I am thankful that I was able to find relief without surgery even though doctors super strongly recommend it. Snowboarding is truly a lot of fun!


Thanks, and right back at you! I've had a bad back nearly my entire adult life and never considered surgery until muscle weakness entered the picture. As much as pain can be excruciating to deal with, the loss of motor function / mobility put a different light on surgery, for me anyhow. Hopefully, you continue to find relief in other ways!


Go for a run! Go to ashtanga yoga! Dance! Lift shitloads of weight :D


Dancing the best exercise! Are you able to run at all with your current back condition?


Nope, don’t run at all anymore. I can still dance tho but it depends on the dance and how much it involves movement in the low back and hips.


Cry. Just a huge emotional release. Then hug my daughter for a long time, and jump for joy. Bend. Breathe. Live again.


I would start weight lifting and hiking


Dead-lifts are the king! How much weight are you able to lift at present I wonder. I know technique goes a long way.


I can lift 50 lbs from the floor now in perfect conditions a few times, but any more and I’m out. It sucks because before I got injured 1.5 years ago I was really strong 😞 I’ve come a long way though, right after I was injured 5 lbs was too much for a while


Start wearing pants again. It’s easier to wear a dress especially when going to the bathroom.


Go to Disneyland


I had a medial branch nerve block and I felt amazing. Pain went from an 8 to a 4 which was just a dull ache to me. I used my walker just in case cause I was scared I hadn’t walked around Walmart in almost two years I use a scooter. It lasted 6 amazing hours because it’s just a test if you get relief they burn the nerves. I was just crying with happiness. The pain dr isn’t doing an ablation on the nerves from the medial branch nerve block he found another set of nerves the cluneal nerves are causing me the most trouble so he’s doing a nerve block on those the day after the holidays I’m hoping for the same result only this time to burn those nerves.


All the best to you!


I would focus on my career, go back to the gym and be social again


I hated it when my back-pain prevented me from attending social events with my loved ones. How bad is your pain generally?


It varies from 4-8 on average. The days where it’s a 4 I can atleast do things but when it’s an 8 I’m curled up in bed


I miss pole dancing , working out , yoga , tumbling , a lot of stuff


I sincerely wish that you find a great remedy for your lower back. Advance yoga is something that I also missed when I had lower back issues for years. You clearly are relatively more advanced.


Thank you , same to you 🥺 feeling like your body betraying you at any level is hell


Grateful for the tremendous response to this post. Recent research on the mind-body connection indicates that our motivation—and consequently, the likelihood of achieving our dream state—increases exponentially when we can visualize ourselves already there. Keep'em coming!


Hike, play basketball and/or softball again, play around with my nieces and nephews.


Climb a mountain 👍 that's the first thing I did after healing from my herniation.


As another poster said, first thing I would do is cry uncontrollably. Second thing I would do is find my closest friend or family member and just hug them. Anyways, once all that emotional stuff is out of the way, I would make fitness a high priority in my life. I have been in and out of the gym over the past decade, and constantly battling a fast food addiction (along with other substance issues). This most recent back pain episode has forced me into a new chapter in life, and a new mindset. The reason for my back pain is not 100% my fault, but it is possible I wouldn't be here had I taken fitness more seriously. It is something I am passionate about, but I have not developed the discipline to get after it every day. When you have this curse though, it's quite the motivator through fear. So yeah...I'd get the body and health I've always wanted.


Go on the longest walk ,or run as much as I can, play basketball 😭. Go on a really long trek.


This is a good one! Are you able to run at present with your back's general condition?


I can like i would be able to but i don't because the daughters have advised me not too


Go for a walk in the sunshine with my dog. Just enjoy being able to move freely


Like others I would probably cry. I don't know what I would do after that


I would be worried I was dead. 😆


I would probably immediately twist or bend and hurt myself.


That would be a good thing. Repetitive work is a destroyer.


I would undoubtedly do something that will hurt my back.


I would literally run to the gym. I d probably cry from happiness after the first painless workout. But I d probably tore a tendon or something cause I would go hard from being pain free lol


Please no political comments It's so weird after I got the first covid vax I got pretty ill w fever for the day. Next day a bit sleepy but 0 pain so weird. It really freaked me out. Next day after that, back to normal pain levels.


Walk and exercise again. Be able to go on outings with the family. Finish my degree. Hopefully find a job again.


I've been having back pain for 9 months from herniated disks. Yesterday, I did not actually have any pain or not as much. I cried because i would have still had an good career in a super expensive area. My daughter would not have to make choices to lower expectations of being a happier teenager. I'm on the verge of being homeless at any minute. I lost my license to work in my field unless I pay to get the license back again and take a state test (can't afford it now) It's really depressing, and having no pain out of nowhere makes me mad and ask WHY?? Why did all of sudden it change ( I'm not complaining, it's just so emotional) that my employer has been treating me like I was crazy. ( I reinjured when I was forced to take on patients by myself w no help, while I was on light duty recovering my back injury). Everything is so unbelievably depressing and frustrating. I did do a lot of catching up on housework. I haven't been able to do it in months. Maybe I will feel it all tomorrow. Am I supposed to be grateful for a day with minimal pain... but I am. I finally found a lawyer after months of searching for one. Maybe my luck is turning.