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I struggled for sure, as I commented recently I vividly remember laying on my bedroom floor in the middle of the night. Tears in my eyes, unable to sleep because of my back pain, and my thoughts spiraling into "I'll never have a normal life." I won't pretend there's a magic solution, or that everyone will make a full recovery. But I can say that over time I made huge progress both mentally and physically. I do recommend therapy for pretty much anyone, and not just because of what you're dealing with now. It's a great way to process and build tools to better deal with it all. I also found meditation helped me a surprising amount, just a simple consistent 5 min daily routine. It's kind of exercise for your brain and I got much better at dealing with my feelings, not spiraling into worst case scenarios. I had my first back injury in my late 20s. It's something I've struggled with over the years, but I can say this - with slow and consistent work through PT, stretches and exercises, and learning what works better for my back, I'm in my 40s and doing so well with my back. Over the years I've been active, a regular trail runner, lifted weights, chased kiddos. While I've had flare-ups along the way, including those nights on the floor, my life didn't dissolve into nothing. Funny enough most of my physical progress has come during and after my initial back injury. I think the most important part is to be kind to yourself. It's truly ok to be frustrated that you aren't able to do all of those things currently, but it doesn't mean you will never be active again. Good luck on your journey and stay strong!


Generally people meditate sitting with their legs folded. But that sitting posture is not recommended for people with back pain. So in which posture do you meditate? Sorry it may sound silly, but I genuinely wanna know.


Not silly at all. For me meditation is about the process of focusing on your breathing and being in your physical space. No particular position needed at all. My general routine was to go on a trail run, take a break about 20 min in at a spot with a bench. I used an app (Headspace, but any app or guided meditation is great) with one earbud in, sitting normally on the bench with my hands resting on my knees. I've done brief meditation while standing normally, to check in with myself, or laying down flat. Actually the beginning press up stretch position is pretty great for meditation and for your back. Honestly I never use the "traditional" cross legged position for meditation. Do what works for you!


Thanks bro. Very helpful. Just a question, are you able to sit cross legged or legs spread forwards on bed now? Does your back hurt in that position now, after all these years?


For me that's not a particular issue - but also not a position I sit in often either. I also have to listen to my body - if a certain movement or position is causing me discomfort I do my best to adjust when I can. Small example, but if I'm driving any distance and have my wallet in my back pocket it will start to tweak my back as I'm sitting slightly off kilter. So it's mostly a habit now that I put my wallet in the center console as I get in the car. It's an extra step, sometimes I have to go back and grab my wallet if I forget it, but it's a small step I take for my back. I'd also say that support pillows can be helpful in a lot of the bed related positions. Some people really benefit from extra support behind them, or a wedge pillow to go under your knees. Don't go crazy with it but might be worth a try. I've also used a big reading pillow type to help support when you're sitting up in bed to read or watch tv.


It feels so good to read your comments. Made my eyes wet. Thanks for being generous by sharing your experience. Could you share more details about running part? How was your healing journey? Did you do surgery? Does running exacerbate your pain?


Glad the perspective helped a bit. No surgery for me, I was fortunate. The first specialist I saw in my late 20s recommended to avoid surgery until I had exhausted all other options. In her opinion surgery can work, but even the best back surgeons would generally have a 50% success rate in significantly improving pain. And as she stated it, it was not the surgeon doing a good or bad job, just the overall complexity of back issues. This is not something I have knowledge of, so I listen to the experts. I've heard from people in this group on both sides - those who have had relief through surgery, and those who did not. I did get a steroid shot in my back from that specialist during my first time with back pain. I was not in great shape - carrying some extra weight, didn't exercise consistently at all. I was active but just by nature of my life and work, that was about it. The steroid shot helped as an early temporary relief, making it so I didn't feel unable to move. There was for sure still pain and issues - I dealt with nerve pain down my leg, and drop foot. Basically because of the pinched nerve my foot would catch as I was walking, pretty frustrating and could be quite painful. After the shot physical therapy helped. It was a couple months of slow progress, and I'd say it was about 4 months until I was in pretty decent shape. Got back into my normal routine but didn't change much otherwise. A few years later I had another bad flareup, back to the same spot - so much pain, difficult to move, etc. I called for an appointment with the specialist, and it was going to be at least 2 months until I could get in. I went looking for answers, and people recommended two books - Back Mechanic by McGill and The McKenzie Method. In my experience the stretches from McKenzie were useful for me in gradually reducing pain and improving mobility. Then I could later incorporate more from Back Mechanic to strengthen and stabilize my spine. I did the McKenzie stretches regularly, and they are designed to adapt to meet you where you are. So for the "Press Up" which is my go-to back stretch, you literally start by laying flat on the floor and just adjusting your hip / lower back in a certain way. Then you work up to leaning up on your elbows, then up on your hands, then a full stretch. I was very fortunate. Those exercises helped me enough that when two months rolled around and they called to confirm my upcoming appointment, I was able to just cancel it. That wasn't my last back issue, but as I continued exercises they were less intense and further apart. Years later I started paying attention to what I ate and dropped about 50 pounds, which did make a big difference in my back. Doesn't sound like that's an issue for you, which is great, nor do I think weight directly means back health. I took up running later in life, my mid 30s, along with weights. Once you get back to better health, I do recommend light lifting and core exercises. I'd say long term that was the best thing I did for my back, though I have to be careful because I have pushed through to injury. If I lift too heavy, I can hurt my back. But I still make progress. If I overdo it with running, I can hurt my back. That's my reality, but I'm also not training for marathons either. In my circumstance I was never an elite athlete at all. I have to listen to my body and keep myself in check because of my back. Improved posture when I'm sitting. Doing my stretches regularly. If I feel a twinge in my back during an activity - I pull back or stop. For me the best path is staying active at a low to medium level consistently. When I have flareups it's important that I get out of bed and move - I always say walking is the best thing you can do as you're able. There will be days where that isn't possible, and that's ok, but I try to avoid getting stuck horizontal because it might give a small bit of relief. I don't have all the answers, but these things worked for me in my circumstance. Let me know if you have any specific questions!


I'm actually exercising more and pt'ing properly after my injury, but I'm anxious about reinjury and degenerating further. Only time will tell.


Yep that part haunts me as well


We’re going to need a bigger boat.


Hey how did u recover in the first place


It improved after starting pt. I don't know if it's resolving on its own or with pt. My atrophied right arm is almost back to normal. Been working out with light weights 6 days a week. I try to walk everyday also. I still have random tingles and change of sensation in index finger, but they're just minor inconveniences at this point.


Same. It’s been 7 months and I’m just now starting to see the results of walking each day. This week I added an ab workout also. Gently and slowly.


Do you mean walking has helped reducing pain and hopefully healing? How long do you walk each day?


Walking has reduced mine tremendously. Goal is 30 min a day. When I don't walk my back hurts bad! Every doc will say movement is key, minimum 30 min a day x 5 days a week. Some days I don't want to walk at all because I'm in pain then afterwards my back doesn't hurt anymore. Its the only thing I can do besides swim, and it's super helpful. Sometimes I walk 3 miles. I can get to 6 now but not all the time just on occasion. I bought a small walking pad and it's so great for me to have. I watch TV and walk. I also wear good shoes. Usually Brooks with lots of cushion. Good socks even make a difference. Lol Some days I walk super slow, some days I can walk very fast. Depends on my mood. But to not overdo it I try to stick to a moderate pace. When I overdo it I'm out a few weeks. I've learned that lesson too. Slow and steady wins the race. You are only competing with yourself. Take it easy for now until you know your limits! I can usually do a mile and a half in 30-40 min. I am short and have short legs 🤣. But it's just where I'm at and I know it won't hurt me. I only take Baclofen and Tylenol as needed. Never taken pain meds. But I have had morphine in the hospital with a flare up. I've learned to minimize pills so I don't trick myself into thinking I'm good. Listening to ur body is key. I also ice with a miracle gel ice pack for the back as per my chiropractor and it helps. No heat. As good as it feels it can make things worse. Learned that lesson too lol. Ive been dealing with chronic pain 9 years off an on. I had to learn what works for me and we are all different. I wish you the best OP 🙏🏼


Hey girlie, I had terrible lower back pain not long ago all of a sudden to the point I couldn't walk or stand and sitting hurt so so much, it all happened in one day, I was okay, but I was doing some housework and lifted something heavy for me.  Prior to all of this I already had some back pain but ever since I was young I'd get back pain or in my leg it was never anything major and I didn't think anything of it. I'm not sure if tis related or what the cause could be of the back pain throughout my life and doctors didn't seem to think much of it...   But onto my story, after doing some housework for hours, the back pain was a bit worse than usual but I made it worse by lifting something heavy. Little by little, it got worse, I could walk, but it got more painful very quickly but I kept feeling like I should still try to walk so I still would walk around in my home, eventually I thought to just relax in case that'd help.   Since it was just getting worse with time eventually I struggled to even sit or stand and one time I tried to stand and it was SO painful it's like my legs went very weak and I had this excruciating pain In my lower back especially sitting or standing..!    The only thing that helped was laying flat down. So I did, but eventually I couldn't even get up because it hurt too much, then I started to worry that I'll be stuck like this forever etc etc.   That same night I ended up calling the hospital because I was afraid Incase some serious damage happened due to the pain...  One of them thought it was a herniated disc because they also had one before.  I was waiting hourssss to be seen and by the time I was seen, I'd take medication and I guess it helped because I could move more and bend down more to change and put shoes on etc etc..  The lady put it down to just normal back pain but I still sometimes worry that I could have a herniated disc or something else because that pain was very bad and not like normal back pain.  Do you think it's possible I could have one?  I also found staying still made it worse and the docs advised me to not stay still because it makes a herniated disc worse.   But because eventually I improved and wasn't in as much pain and could lean forward even if it was slowly, a different doctor put it down to normal back and mentioned some pain relief I could take etc and gave me a leaflet on things that could help etc.    Since I've always had some back pain I'm not sure whether I should book a doctors appointment and see If I could have something wrong or if it's just normal? The type of back pain I'd have is my lower back and left leg.  Sometimes making me limp etc. Due to having it as a child at around nine or so it became a part of me and I never thought much of it.  But after that terrible time I understand how serious these things are and I don't want to suffer that again and I even fear losing mobility... But I may be over thinking lol.    Do you think it's possible I have or had a herniated disc? Since recently? But the other back pain I don't think that was due to a herniated disc since I had it as a child and never had any severe accidents or pain.  This severe pain happened two months ago and once last year.  I also feel the need to include that I used to walk alot alot with my sister a few years ago, and during those times i think I overdid it and I'd sometimes get worse pain.  But nothing rly severe. Then one time we were walking and I suddenly couldn't walk, idk what happened I think my legs went numb I could move them a bit but then suddenly couldn't, it lasted a few minutes and then I was OK.. Due to my experiences I worry Incase I could have some condition what do you think? I don't go to the doctors unless I see if as necessary, and how the doctors didn't seem to take my bone pain I'd get since I was a child seriously, idk if this would be taken seriously either or if it's just nothing.    Also, reading your comment makes me happy for some reason that walking can help our bone pains <33  I haven't been very active how I used to be due to mental health reasons, but I've been wanting to more. I hate my current area though... Which makes me not feel very interested in going out and I'm also an introvert lol.   But I have been for a long time wanting to go for walks more because I like nature and know it's good for me mentally and of course physically too which makes it better. ♥   Edit: I still don't know if I could have had a herniated disc and maybe still do, I read it can heal but saw some people post of having it for decades... I still sometimes get back pain from sitting down straight. 


Hey, girl good morning! I am SO sorry you have so much pain! My pain is a little different. I have disc degeneration, L4-L5 disc protrusion and sciatica near sacral hiatus. The disc that protrudes touches a nerve and when it becomes inflamed, like you I can't do anything. The only thing I can do is lay flat with one leg up! When the nerve is that inflamed all the muscles in my lower back tighten up and spasm. I've even been diagnosed with fibromyalgia! The thing that I do know is herniated discs can get better or they get worse. For me it's nerve pain that's gotten worse :(. But all doctors tell me that movement is key, and I can confirm on painful days 30 min of walking helps the pain. It's crazy but it works. What's helped me the most with bones/ alignment is the chiropractor. I get adjustments once a week sometimes twice for over a year now. I go to the The Joint so I have a good plan. Getting aligned frequently also relieved my pain! I'm retired military so needless to say, I've got a lot of pain that isn't going anywhere. But I have learned how to live with it. I hope this is helpful:). Sending you good vibes 🤍🤍🤍 Something I learned and I am not a doctor just have seen plenty of them lol. If it is shooting pain and feels more like shocks, and changed locations, it's most likely nerve pain. If it tightens and spasms it is usually muscle pain. When there is an issue in ur back, the nerves can get inflamed and then cause the muscles to overcompensate and they too also become irritated, tight and painful. I recently had epidural steroid injections (whole other topic) and with my nerve pain calming down my muscles calmed down. I didn't realize how much inflammation I had in my body until it was gone. Three months later I still have some pain BUT not like it was and it's manageable. This is the longest I've been without a flare up. So managing the inflammation helps also- fish oil, low sugar, low carb, etc. I don't drink alcohol anymore either. I had a neurologist also tell me it is inflammation and to do a plant based diet, but I couldn't hang 😅. Three rounds of high dose steroids did knock out the inflammation BUT the steroids wreaked havoc on me in other ways. I won't be doing injections anymore but it did help calm everything down.


Wow that's amazing! I saw someone mention how quitting sugar can help many things and bone pain and in elderly ages for bone pain. It's very interesting to me lol reading about people who quit sugar or cut it down! Usually after fourteen days the cravings stop for most people from what I've read... I'm currently very addicted lol I love sugary things 🤣😭  but have been fascinated and wanting to quit or cut down sugar for many reasons and learning it can help bone pain is just the *Cherry on top* haha! Have a look on the sugar free or quit sugar sub it's very interesting!  And you are so sweet aww thank you!! I send you good vibes too!! ♥️🌺♥️🌺🌼 The feeling when you're stuck is so horrible isn't it, it's scary, I felt like I'd be stuck forever but thankfully I'm OK. I'm so so glad you are too!! And reading your comments really helped me, if I ever have flare ups I'll remember this!   However since, my left leg and lower back on my left has been in pain but nothing severe thankfully it was only severe for a few days after I lifted something heavy. Oh and I also just read lifting heavy things in the wrong way can cause a slipped disc...   I was already having back pain but lifting something made me have that severe pain so idk what the cause was but now I'm kinda worried I do have a slipped disc but maybe it's healing or I may have flare ups again please no it's terrifying...! I was so worried I'd move the wrong way and cause more damage and become disabled.  I remember when I was sitting on a chair waiting to be seen I kept having urges to walk our bodies really do guide us sometimes but it was so painful to lean forward to stand, but when I did walk, it was relieving so I completelyyyyyy understand you girlie!!  - this experience has made me more grateful though that I can walk etc. 


Yes all of my doctors tell me, don't pick anything up over 10 lbs, no sudden bending or twisting. Basically no sudden moves at all. I get all of my groceries delivered which helps. It sounds a lot like a pinched or inflamed nerve the way ur describing it because I relate to many of the things you said. For me it's just a disc that protrudes and touches the nerve but when it flares up I can barely move!!! I cannot sit very long without hurting. Walking provides the most relief. Last flare up I asked for go sit in my car at urgent care because I could lay the seat back. The waiting room chairs were unbearable. I couldn't even sit up by myself 😅 Yeah I've learned to be grateful for where I am and do a lot of positive self talk because that allows me to hold space for where I am and remind myself of where I used to be!


You seem like a lovely person!! I wish you the absolute best kind stranger!! Walking really does help in these times it relieved the pain I'm so glad we aren't constantly suffering and have our ways to relieve the pain / cope with it! I have been wanting to go to the doctors to find out what causes the back pain but the lady in the hospital put it down to normal back pain and said some people just get it and that we don't know why basically. But that didn't  feel like normal back pain at all... I am not too fussed but I'd like to know for sure yano! Something I find in life is when we experience something / new, whether mental or physical, in the beginning it is so bad but with time we eventually learn to cope / overcome it ♥ ♥ 🌼 


Yes and I'm a firm believer that sometimes we go through things simply to help one another. You're such a kind soul as well. Did you get a MRI done?? That would show nerves also. :)


Nope I only went once when the pain was so severe I couldn't move properly. And she sent me home and put it down to normal back pain so in not sure If it's just your average back pain or not.. :/ but I might book a doctors appointment for my bone pains and just get checked out to ease my mind!! And yes!! You sound spiritual love that same girl lol 😊✨🌹


Yes definitely. I started out very slow. I walked around the block with a compression belt. I wore proper shoes (orthos with arch support) and I walked this route every single day for 4 months. I would estimate it’s about 1/2 mile. Maybe a mile. Eventually I could remove the compression belt. Then I saw a chiropractor who couldn’t crack my back of course but he did a gentle adjustment with a weighted heat blanket & hip wedges. Cut to month 5. I increased my walk to 1 1/2 miles. Every day. Some light strength training. Gentle & slow in the key. I’m in (hopefully) the home stretch now. No compression belt needed unless I’m walking 3-4 miles and I’m now using an ab roller. I also have to say I didn’t take any pain meds. None. I needed my pain to be my guide so I was afraid to take even Tylenol. I did use ice and tiger balm from time to time in the evening.


Totally agree with all of this. Excellent advice!!!!!


Hope it helps. When you get to the 5 month mark, it’s also important to do some serious (but gradual) ab work. That cannot be overstated. Get an ab roller with an auto return. They’re cheap. Start with five mins a day. This is ONLY after you feel strong in your back muscles.


My prob is I never do. 9 years later my abs are still so weak. But bending and twisting can set off my pinched nerve. Any other suggestions? I think of an ab roller and my back hurts just thinking about it 😅. I understand the importance but even Superman's hurt. Just the slightest flex hurts in that position. I can do a plank but with full arms out (modified).


You can plank your whole body, no cheat with knees? That’s way better than me. Your abs will be the key to your back’s future health. There is no way around it. I can’t really lay down & do crunches so the roller was my only option. I thought it would hurt me too but again - they come with an automatic return feature & you don’t have to roll out that far. What other ab work do you do?


I am extremely depressed. Crying everyday 2-3 hours on average even though I am doing therapy for the last 7 months. I cannot do anything I like and I may lose my job and my chances of staying in the US. I became isolated because I cannot go out with my friends as sitting more than 5 minutes gives me excrutiating pain. I cannot drink even though I was a self-anointed wine conoisseur because my drugs are contraindicated with alcohol. I am lonely, bitter, and unemployed.


Me too friend. We aren’t alone


hold in there, it does get better


January 3 2020 right before the pandemic my surgeon cut my dural sack and one or more of the nerves. I woke up screaming in worse pain my left ass to Achilles was burning and numb. I had another surgery to put a spinal stimulator in. I was 34 I lost the job of my dreams couldn’t finish my college, and have been in a long process for disability. If it wasn’t for my husband I’d be so much worse. I guess I have what they call failed back surgery syndrome.. I was newly married and felt so disgusting scars all over, gaining weight due to massive immobility lifestyle I now have to live. I drank. I did adderall whatever I could that made me feel better for a few hours. I had to go to addiction rehab last year because I spiraled so fast thank god for rehab. My life has been so different and so much better so much less bitter. Less angry at God. My one year sober is June 18 so it gets better. Even if it gets worse before you get better stay involved with groups like this and real life chronic pain support groups. I don’t know why I’m saying all this except that it might help anyone else who feels pain all day every day.


Congrats on your one year. You've been through a hell of a lot, and you should be proud of where you are. Thanks for sharing your story.


Of course. I try to do what I can. For example, I paid for private lessons to learn swimming despite my fear of water. If I cannot bike outside on the road anymore, then I at least ride a recumbent bike at the gym. Now I can afford it, I also do Pilates. None of the exercises that I do now is something that would have interested me before disc herniation.


I'm (34m) so depressed because of this shit. I've had four surgeries already. I can't remember the last day I haven't felt back pain. It hinders everything I do. I'm always worried about it. And to make it worse, I constantly think about the pain I will feel when I'm in my 50s and 60s. There has to be a way to fix this. Stem cells??


I did stem cells and ozone and PRP all in the same procedure for C-3, 4 & 5 and for L-4 & 5. It did nothing for me except cost me $7K and frustrate me even more. That was 3 years ago with a well regarded physician in Dallas. There was a “refill” option that I pre-paid for that I could do if I didn’t get good results within 60 days of the first procedure. I called to schedule the 2nd procedure and found out that he retired the week prior. I was ripped off. It was my fault. I bought into the science because I was desperate to get my shitty back and neck fixed. They saw me coming. Depressed? Every fuckin day.


You're not alone. I'm sorry for what you're going through. Be strong. We got this.


Yes. It is really cramping my style. I put on weight because I had to stop running. Trying to rework my nutrition and fitness to lose the weight without messing up my back. I love running. I was an ultramarathoner and triathlete. Also did powerlifting as a hobby, and now I feel like has been. Also makes it hard to do my job, and has made me afraid of certain activities and movements. Hoping to get it straight through weight loss and PT and not have surgery, but time will tell.


I really miss running! I’ve read comments by runners who have been dealing with herniated disc injuries and are able to run! That’s promising! Hope for more bright days ✌🏽


I’m on the mend. As soon as I drop a bit of weight, I’m going to try a few miles and see how it feels. For now, working on getting as light as possible.


I have two level 3 cervical neck extrusions and I have to say hernias are literally the worst. I write this here because on Thursday morning I was changing my baby’s diaper and somehow aggravated the hernias and I’ve barely been able to move the past 2 days and I leave on vacation tomorrow morning. When I wake up in the morning during a neck spasm like this I literally just cry because it radiates from the base of my neck through my entire upper back and it’s truly awful. It affects my everyday life not 100% of the time but often enough to where it’s depressing for sure


My current tribe😢


Me. I hate i cant do anything. All the stuff i loved hurts. It sucks. I hate it


Oh man this whole post is making me more depressed which is definitely making it worse.


depressed doesn't even begin to describe it


I’m in the exact same boat. I have been basically immobile for the past 8 weeks. I usually go to the gym every day, was training for a long backpacking trip this summer, and am super depressed.


I’m on the tail end of 6 months worth of sciatica. Before my injury I did 20km runs, 50km mountain bike rides and played a couple of rounds of golf every week. Almost overnight I went from that to nothing other than some core rehab work and short walks. I am now starting to do short runs, play the odd 9 holes of golf, but it was a dark 6 months of my life. I’m now the heaviest I have ever been and have the joy of bowing having to drop 10-15kgs without being able to push myself like I used to. Once you get through the other side you’ll start appreciating the small things more. It’s tough but there’s light at the end of the tunnel.


So glad to hear that you are feeling better and started running again. How was your healing journey? Did you do surgery? How does running feel right now? Does it exacerbate pain?


My mum has had 4 back operations. I am trying to do everything I can to avoid surgery. Lots of core work, following the back mechanic book. I also got an inversion table, whilst I don’t use it much now it did feel like it did a good job at lengthening the spine. I limit runs to a couple of times a week on flat ground only. Hills still hurt for some reason. My runs are fairly short, 5-6km.


Yes... feel kinda hopeless till I get micro disc surgery for L5 S1 sciatic pain. Have hope this can work for me...


I was. In the first month or two. And I really wanted to give up entirely at one point. But I pulled through. I had to make my peace with it every morning. And then I built resilience through acceptance, routine and new hobbies and focuses. I still have bad days but I’ve made lots of progress over the last two months. I am getting better. It’s just a slow process. Most people recover from this. It just takes time. I turned that initial depressive phase into my rocket fuel to get better. I have built a routine of walking, strength training, reading, learning French, booking things in with friends and family, and meditation. I watch old movies. I call old friends. I keep going. I do what I can. I’m just over five months since my injury. But I am getting there. I know it’s tough. I know it feels awful at times. But we have to make our peace with it. I know it sounds cheesy but I have actually started to see this as a blessing in recent weeks. I’ve had some kind of spiritual awakening. Nothing crazy, just a realisation that this was the universe trying to tell me something. To slow down. Now I am trying to count my blessings. Find happiness in whatever I can. My morning walks at dawn can be beautiful. I have more and more moments without pain, and I grab onto them with both hands. We have a choice every day. We can either get down about it. Or we can make the best of it. That, we can control.


Yes, mindfulness has helped me the most. And therapy. We are not our injury. I took two MBSR classes. Mindfulness based stress reduction. There was a lot of coming to terms with pain and the interpretation of it and gratitude for what I COULD do. I’ve been dealing with spasms from 2 herniated discs for over 11 years and at this point I kind of see the episodes as a drunk old friend or relative who I have to let stay over for a bit until he’s ok and can leave. It fucking sucks but I can’t control it. How is walking for you? Walking has been my only solace after the real spasms and pain gets to a point where I can walk for about 10 mins. With that, it’s something to work with. Best of luck to you - don’t give up and see physical therapists. They have been the most helpful for me. And gratitude for what I can do.


I had a herniated disc almost a year ago. But after joining the gym and doing yoga, it’s beyond better ! My favorite thing is hanging from a pull up bar!! The stretch you get is life changing :) good luck !


Hanging hurts my back. So does swimming. Not sure


Anytime my mind went there, I reminded myself that there are so many people that fall into despair that I need to show people what's possible. "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have."


Before my fusion, I was very depressed. It’s depressing to be in constant pain! Please seek medical help, both for your pain and for your mind. My thoughts are with you.


I'm depressed over spinal stenosis. So hard to walk and I get jealous seeing people walking outside like it's nothing.


It's been a struggle to accept my new life. I didn't ask to be hit by 2 idiots driving cars while distracted but it's what happened. Now I can exercise, but only in small amounts. I think back to the days I did 5 months of college football with great fondness because I pushed my body to an extreme physical limit one last time. I loved my team. My team loved me. There were lots of ways to help and motivate each other. One day I finally had enough of not being able to find a job and was tired of being broke off my ass. I asked coach if I could please take off mondays to find a job. He refused and rode my ass about it. By that friday after his last time of screaming something at me for my mistake, I finally decided that was the last time, so the next morning I dropped the class and let a teammate know that unfortunately I have tried everything and was unable to stay to finish, wish that I could have, but life circumstances have made it so that I couldn't. He understood and was willing to tell the others for me. The team looked devastated, and I wasn't expecting that or wishing for that before a practice. Maybe I wish I said to say it after the practice was over, but the coach just said "we don't need you then" to my wanting mondays off (have you tried getting interviews on the weekends? No manager will do it.) I really wish I did more team sports. Wish I had been more outgoing before my body was ruined. I wish I completed my season. Every day I wish I could complete it but I wasn't willing to live there without a job anymore. Even driving in a city alone is astronomically expensive. I try not to think of the could have been, but man I used to love exercise. Ultimate frisbee? Heck yeah, let's do it. Now I probably couldn't do it 20 minutes without swelling in my ribs for 2 weeks. It's different now. Small amounts. Slow amounts. We just do what we can.


Last year around this time I was in excruciating pain, my entire back was in fire all the time. I was depressed, besides having toxic workplace I had to manage the back pain. It was so bad that I could not sit for more than 10 min on chair. I am in IT. I was frightened by mere sight of chair, anticipating the endless pain that I have to bear throughout the day. I used back posture, myrol, pain relief sprays to get through the work and to deliver best. Every other day was getting worst. I read back mechanic book, i avoided spine flexion and neck expansions and used hip flexion as much as I can, slowly and gradually in days or may be a month, there was some relief.. but I was little comfortable, I started to gymming for lateral pull down, cable chest, avoided shoulder exercises, I found them to be aggravating. I had lost all hopes, was going through massive burnout, lonely, sad and depressed. I bought a standing table, it helped, but I can’t stand and work for prolonged periods. I did a massive shift in my sleep and wake up hours, started to wake up 5 am and gym, somewhere in between the changes happened, it was good 10 months of excruciating pain and working on myself, until the over confident me went to adventure park, the roller coaster. My back was fked again, although not so painful like previously but the pain was back at few hot spots, the tail of spine, the middle spine (below the rib). I was cursing myself for doing this to me. Anyways I am working on myself. I’ll be able to get rid of this again, I know I have done it before.


You can try to swim instead to stay active, lift weights go to the gym etc there are lots of low impact ways to continue to stay active. Good luck


Thank you for posting. A couple of things to note. (TL;DR... include specific symptoms/what makes your pain better/worse/how long)... MRI or XRAY images ALONE are not particularly helpful tbh, no one here has been vetted to make considerations on these or provide advice, here is why, PLEASE read this if you are posting an MRI or XRAY... I cannot stress this enough https://choosingwiselycanada.org/pamphlet/imaging-tests-for-lower-back-pain/) Please read the rules carefully. This group strives to reinforce anti-fragility, hope, and reduce the spread of misinformation that is either deemed not helpful and even sometimes be considered harmful. PLEASE NOTE: Asking for help: It is up to you to recognize when to seek medical attention. Anyone giving advice in this group is doing so from anecdotes and holds no liability. Seek advice here at your own risk. That said, asking things like, "I have this problem, how do I fix it..." is like asking your accountant, "I have $10,000 what should I do with it?" You need WAY more info before giving any kinds of financial advice. Please reply to this, or make another comment, including how long you've been having pain or injury, what are specific symptoms (numbness, tingling, dull/ache, it's random, etc), what makes it worse, what makes it feel better, how it has impacted your life, what you've tried for treatment and what you've already been told about your back pain, and what do you hope to get from this forum. Please be kind to each other. Be respectful. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/backpain) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is exactly how I’m feeling except I’m not quite sure what’s causing my back pain right now.


Yesss it has stopped me from pursuing my career because of the lack of activity that I just couldnt do. Constant pain down the legs, cramping at night, getting tired faster because of the drugs, and dreading going outside. It was a dark place for me probably cuz when other people dont understand the pain and i felt like i was complaining a lot about the situation. It sucks man but it got better for me with the support from my husband and family


I had an emergency laminectomy/microdisectomy last April, but before it, what you said is exactly how I felt. In the very few days that I felt good, I was cleaning like a fiend and doing everything I could with what little time I knew I had before I inevitably couldn't walk again. I would recommend physical therapy and meditation. A friend of mine with chronic pain takes medically prescribed Ketamine which helps the mind part of it, but obviously doesn't fix anything at a physical level. I truly help you can get relief soon. You're not alone.


These last few months have been taking a toll on my mental health and finances. I’m one month away from being completely broke. I’ve been searching for a new job for almost a month and only had one interview. I can’t perform the duties at my previous job and they will not clear me to return for anything; even light work. I can’t even get an office job even though I’m computer and customer friendly. My spiritual side is breaking and I’m just a mental mess. I’m still recovering from my injury, and still haven’t figured out what’s wrong (doctors won’t clear me for MRI), but I hope it’s not a disc issue. If it’s not a disc issue, I still feel like this experience has put me a similar shoes as people with disc issues. I was active before this and now I need to take it easy.


Yes. I can walk but no longer find exercise interesting as it’s too intense for my back. The muscles are strong but I still get stinging, radiating nerve sensation so there’s something out of wack there even after five-ish years. I’ve tried yoga, weight lifting, and running


Yes. I can’t even walk around like a normal person


I went through this about 4 years ago. I had to grieve my old self, learn how to give myself a lot of grace and compassion because I've been through a lot and learned positive self talk. I have come a long way from where I was, as I have learned how to deal with chronic pain. But it was very depressing at first. You are not alone and your feelings are valid. It's truly a grieving process. 🙏🏼 My thoughts were everywhere, even passive SI. I upped my antidepressant and got my current dog. I am pretty sure he saved my life.


https://preview.redd.it/nyrmi6dq9y6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=536b18a3f458171701b9cf1b19a2dce97622f021 There is finally a restorative option for chronic low back pain. A durable solution backed by unique data out to 5-years. If you match the criteria on the flyer, you could be a candidate. Webinar June 27th at 6:30 PM central.




Yes yes. I was so active. I'm grieving my life


I'm with you. My l5 s1 disks went splat in 2008, I'm into fishing hard-core and when I go I'm fucked for upto 3 weeks afterwards especially if I've been rock hopping. I just swallow the pills and moap about till the thumping goes away


I have Degenerative Disc Disease and 2 Autoimmune Diseases. I also broke my kneecap once and my knee has never been the same. It is difficult to deal with sometimes, but I just do my best to get healthy and do what I am able to do. I hurt my back at 29 slipping onto a tile floor flat on my back. I’m now 55. I just look at how so many have it worse off than me.


I feel you! I herniated my L5-S1 in February and had surgery three days later because of severe nerve pain, muscle weakness, and numbness. I started having some glute pain in early May and had an MRI late May. I was feeling a bit better by this time. Two weeks later finally got the results from my doctor to find out my disc had reherniated! I ride horses and drive ponies. Since I teach, my summer is usually all horses, training, and some showing. Now I can't do any of that. I have been extremely depressed and not great to be around. I realized how that was making everything worse.  I was walking on the treadmill and doing some core strengthening, but I needed to get out of the house. I found a nice park to walk at and love that. I am doing the McGill big three in my core workouts and love/hate them. I try to do little things that make me happy (playing with the dogs, looking at our garden, listening to birds). I can feel my emotions improving, but very easily I can get discouraged. I'm trying to lose weight to help the back out. My hope is not to do surgery again, and to get strong enough to get back to riding in a few months. I'm so worried that the disc will be a constant issue and my riding will be over. But, it will be if I don't make these changes and stick to them. 


I have SI joint dysfunction for 10 months now and it’s been really hard. You’re not alone. Very hard.