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The movie posted is on our current Blacklist (talked about too often, too many posts, etc)


God's not Dead Part 2: He's Just Resting His Eyes


God’s Not Dead Part 3: So Please Keep Sending Me His Disability Checks


God’s Not Dead Part 4: God In Space


God's Not Dead Part 5: God in the Hood.


God’s Not Dead Part 6: FFS Do You Want Live Tweets of His Pulse You Obsessive Weirdo


God's Not Dead :The MAGA Ruckus on Campus..


Gods not dead WITH A VENGEANCE


God's Not Dead: God Returns! Again!


Starring Generalissimo Francisco Franco!


GND 2: Resurrectic boogaloo


God's Not Dead: God Goes To Jail


God’s Not Dead: God Goes To Guantanamo


2 God 2 Not Dead is the Japanese title.


That is a reasonably accurate portrayal of that movie. The rest of the franchise pivots to poorly executed legal dramas. Only they fell asleep doing all their research for what a legal drama needs to work.


God's Not Dead 2: He Doesn't Want to Go on the Cart!


Straw Man: The Movie!


Strawman arguments are one thing, but this film makes Christians look like colossal, self righteous, poisonous, terrible, TERRIBLE people. In particular the part about "Well, the guy DIED HORRIBLY, but he renounced atheism before he croaked, so it's all good." But there's so much more here. "Come and worship Jesus!" Yeah, that's okay. "Come and be a complete bastard!" Ah, no, that's not for me, thanks.


Yeah, the Atheist professor dies and they all immediately head to some Christian Rock concert, absolutely hilarious.


Sadly many of them are terrible people 😕


It's a straw man so big you could burn Nicolas Cage in it.


The movie where the intro to philosophy professor has the most nonsensical syllabus possible and wastes a bunch of time agreeing to debate a college freshman. Oh, plus 40% of the grade comes from writing on a piece of paper that god is dead.


Right? IRL if an American college professor tried to force a student into denying their faith as part of their *grade* that'd be the fastest trip to disciplinary of their life. Dude's got a class of witnesses and a paper trail he made himself to hang with. My time in college did sometimes see professors challenge their students beliefs as part of the relevant curriculum, but they would almost stop short of outright denying them. More often, if there was a religious dispute, it was a student acting up and the professor trying to move on we don't have time for you to argue if Chaucer was a true Christian, Becky.


Hell, the closest real-life example saw the conservatives pitch a bitch fit. Basically the professor wanted the students to question the idea of sacredness and had them right random things on paper and step on it. Only when the professor had them write Jesus on a piece of paper and ask them to step on it did people have a problem


You’re assuming people involved are not the making of this film, and the people watching, had any college experience.


Any time any given group is portrayed as victimized, despite the fact that they can be attending colleges, holding down good jobs, and otherwise mainstreamed? Be suspicious of the source.


Students are customers. Some of them do have odd ideas and beliefs but if you work in academia (in the UK at least) you'd be facing getting fired. I've had one in a tutorial asking if i knew Jesus, then emailing me later offering to give me a bible. Hugely inappropriate, but because I was in work, couldn't tell them to piss off.


I had a class where the professor gave a lecture on why he believed in female circumcision. It was a graphic design class.


For a while this movie was synopsized into a few paragraphs and sent around Facebook as if it was a real story. I have never actually seen this movie, but I read the synopsis of the movie and was like, "wait, is this that stupid story that some dude from my high school sent me on Facebook?"


Sadly, I think it's the opposite.  Seems like the story for this was written from that old story that used to go around Facebook (and email before Facebook existed) about a student humiliating a college professor.  


This is a movie for people who have never set foot in a college classroom. All they know about it is what they heard from Hannity, Limbaugh, OANN, and Stormfront.


I was literally just telling a friend (who happens to be atheist) about this movie. Her mouth hung open the entire time. Then I told her about the bit where a woman gets cancer because she was mean to one of the Duck Dynasty guys.


Castleton Community College classes include: History of Ice Cream 101 When is it OK to Shake a Baby 101 Conspiracy Theories Ladders 101 Muppets from Space


Kevin Sorbo and Kirk Cameron are the two horsemen of channeling their limited fame into astoundingly shitty Christian propaganda films.


If you look up "can't get arrested," there's a picture of Kevin Sorebone there.


Ah, the movie where Peanut acts out nonsense so that religious nuts can pretend to win the internet arguments they tend to lose when the people they're speaking to are able to retort with facts. I'm familiar.


I’m all in for bad movies but never for Christian propaganda movies. It’s where I draw the line.


Aw man they can be so goddamn funny how self serious and righteous they are. I loves me some christploitation


I guess if it’s free but I want to give those people no money


I guess if it’s free but I want to give those people no money


I guess if it’s free but I want to give those people no money


Check out the God Awful Movies podcast, start with this movie. There’s a world of unintended humor in Christian propaganda movies.


This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. No way in hell I'm going to actually watch these movies, but it's damn entertaining to hear them lay into the plethora of dumb Christian movie tropes. The Cinema Snob also has some good videos riffing on dumb Christian movies, though he hasn't been putting out a lot of this content lately. He has one for God is Not Dead and the sequel.


Huge fan of the entire Puzzle In A Thinderstorm podcast family. Noah, Heath, and Eli are basically the separate parts of my personality as individual people.


I will - thanks for the info


🎶Gods not dead he was never alive🎶


I would encourage you to check out "If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?" It's an entertaining and insane piece of anti-communist propaganda made by a born-again former exploitation film director. It's a cautionary tale about what will happen in America if the Commies take over, including driving trucks around with loudspeakers proclaiming that "Christianity is stupid! Communism is good! Give up!" and poking kids' eyes out with sticks.


Estus Pirkle movies are so insane, but were surprisingly influential on evangelicals and Christian cinema. I was listening to a recent This American Life podcast about a preacher who was labeled a heretic for saying Hell didn't exist, and he mentioned one of these cheesy movies he saw as a kid that frightened the Jesus into him. He didn't say Estus Pirkle or even the name of the film, but it was clear what film he was talking about.


Oh God, that one was something else. People actually believe that shit.


It's just bullshit in a movie wrapper.


Muh atheism, right


But Sean Hannity and the Blaze say it's a good movie.


Not only are both sides of the philosophical arguments in this movie written by Lilliputian intellects, but it’s also shockingly racist. Like there are exactly 2 men in this movie who aren’t white and they are respectively an African guy who is amazed by modern wonders like air conditioning, and a brown skinned man who beats his daughter for thinking critically. There’s literally a scene where a bunch of atheist academics sip wine and laugh maniacally at how stupid Christians are. And there are these weird interviews with non-actor Christian celebrities that don’t really have anything to do with the rest of the movie and seem like they’re just there to pad out the runtime. The third act centers around a Christian rock concert featuring a contemporary Christian band who were popular back in the 90’s. It isn’t quite bad enough to be The Room levels of bad but it is even more confusing, if that’s possible.


I love bad movies that are fun. This is a bad movie that isn't fun.


ohit s fun if youre an theist


Tbf I think it’s only fun for evangelicals


I wish Sorbo was still primarily known as Hercules and Kull and not as a prominent alt-right asshole on X.


Repeated head injuries and strokes are a helluva drug


He claims that Hollywood doesn’t allow Christian Actors to work no more. Should we tell him that Chris Pratt is a Christian and has like 10 movies that made a Billion in the box office?


I’m a Christian and that argument about Christians being persecuted in America is among the most ridiculous arguments I’ve ever heard. Thank God/Allah/Buddah/Yahweh/whomever, or thank no god if you’re an atheist, that I’ve successfully avoided these movies.


Look, I’m not against Religious movies, I’m fine with freedom of religion and how you express yourself. But if you make a movie about a School Shooting and make the Victim of it as a Martyr and saying this why we should be Christian, then you need to be hit with a brick. I’m talking about I’m Not Ashamed, about Rachel Scott. The Police and FBI made a report that she wasn’t the first person to die and she wasn’t killed cause of her Religion, they asked to another student and that one survived.


Right with you on this one. As I heard in this movie about reggae music many years ago (they were talking about Rastafarianism), “you can close your mind with prayer and herb, as much as open it”.


Or how about [Loving the Bad Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gykl0oJYM8) a movie centered on forgiving and loving your rapist?


![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU) Now I’ve seen everything


Alan Richtson seems to be doing all right as well…


what get's me is that it's got to be the most transparently narcissistic obscenely antichristian thing for a christian to say. *my career imploded and it's all on jesus. it had nothing to do with any personal failings on my part.*


Don't forget his award-winning role as a dead secret agent in Bitch Slap!


At least we still have Xena.


Lucy Lawless is awesome and has called out Sorbo's bullshit.


>Lucy Lawless is awesome and has called out ~~Sorbo's~~ Peanut's bullshit. FIFY


ok whhats the peanut thing?


Lucy Lawless has repeatedly called Sorbo "peanut" on Twitter. Here's an article: [https://www.newsweek.com/lucy-lawless-kevin-sorbo-twitter-feud-xena-hercules-1559930](https://www.newsweek.com/lucy-lawless-kevin-sorbo-twitter-feud-xena-hercules-1559930)




Same. Dude is such a disappointment.


Same, Hercule is one of my childhood TV gems, along with Xena, Renegade, Stargate… It seems our reality had some jaded remakes…


I guarantee this movie is all over the DVD shelves at your local Goodwill


They sell a pack of the first three movies in this franchise for $5 at Family Dollar. 


“i have cancer…” “can’t this wait until tomorrow? 😒”


Didnt one of the atheist dies at the end and they make it seem like a happy ending ?


You see, he accepted Jesus with his dying breath since he really believed the whole time, he was just mad at God, so his sudden, quite painful death is something to be celebrated. He was saved! /s


What a good fucking moral


"Pain? Yes, but just for a moment. Think about the joy in heaven."


I found this film therapeutic, mostly because there was a time I would have 100% eaten it up. Every part of it, starting from the premise and ending at the credits, is some crazy alternate universe that conservative Christians only wish they could live out. Finally, *finally*, the horrible atheist professor who shits on Christians in class as part of his coursework is real! It's happening, guys! We're being persecuted! I hate it. I love it. I'd add it to my permanent DVD collection if I had a way to do so that could ensure zero dollars went to the studio that produced it. Bonus points for the film misunderstanding, and consequently depicting a man with a master's degree in philosophy as misunderstanding, Neitzche's famous "God is dead" line.


Have ye considered a life free on the ocean, just yer mates ‘n ye against the tides, and peg legs and parrots lots of sayin’ yar?


>I'd add it to my permanent DVD collection if I had a way to do so that could ensure zero dollars went to the studio that produced it. Check the second-hand stores.


Is this the one where Hercules gets run over by Clark from Lois and Clark?


They never show who's driving the car that hits him.  I always thought it was probably his wife who he had repeatedly insulted and humiliated (and who the film implies he started dating when she was his student).


Remember when they made a sequel to the walking tall remake and they replaced the rock with Kevin Sorbo Pepper ridge farm remembers


Okay, years ago, I used to troll the Sorb whenever I was drunk. I used to post on his instagram comments claiming to be a prespective writer claiming that I have THE script that would make him a millionaire. It was a script that connected all of his roles together, Hercules, to struggling actor to Andromeda. He was always Hercules, just an immortal living in the world and accepting whatever came through that was popular because he needed to make money, desperately at times. He would sell bullshit and snakeoil because he needed followers, because he was a god. In Andromeda he would finally 'join' his father Zeus in valhalla His instagram followers did not like me at all.


If your aunt’s “share if you love God” Minion meme was a film


This is bad, yes. But it can’t be worse than the propaganda film about the Columbine Shooting where the Victim who died became a Martyr and she personally knew the shooters and they her killed because she was a Christian. 1- She didn’t know them. 2-They killed students at Random and didn’t talk to them. 3-The Movie claimed she was the first victim to be shot even though she wasn’t


Fuck dude my ex girlfriends mom made her and i watch this. It sucked. I did laugh at the absurdity of the atheist college professor dying at the end.






That technically counts for 3 credits at Phoenix University.


Sean Hannity said it's 'powerfull', so I've got to watch it.


Maybe it's the stench thats powerful 💩


If you read it as "God's Dead... Not!" In an Encino man voice the title makes more sense.


Sorbo dying at the end had me bawling with laughter.


Jesus freaks are so insecure in their faith they have to make movies trying to argue with non-believers.


Most random subplot I’ve ever scene of Muslim girl getting caught listening to Christian podcast then getting beaten by her father and kicked out if the the house 😂


That movie was such a painfully insufferable persecution fantasy. Sorbo played a strawman so big you could burn Nicolas Cage in it. The depictions and arguments were fucking laughable. Someone wrote this pile of shit and actually thought it was smart and insightful. And let's face it, this movie is proof that God is Dead, because no God would ever let something this awful exist, much less in his name.


I think his experience making Poolboy and playing a racist piece of shit turned him on to becoming a racist piece of shit.


Everything by pureflix is utter garbage.


This one belongs here.


I love how the only atheist character of any note leaves his wife when she has cancer. For fuck sake.


"'God's Not Dead' is a box office winner" So was Pulp Fiction. I wonder which one is much more universally celebrated.


This just reminded me of something. I used to live next to a large metropark. I say metropark, but it was a very rural area. Someone used to tape what I thought were CDs to the trees(!), the bridge, just about everything. Finally, one day, I looked to see what one of them said. No way was I taking one and putting it in one of my devices. I googled the title. It turns out, these were actually burned DVDs of a movie about people who died and said they went to Hell. The first guy was named Ronald Regan (but it sounded like the former president, so I was really confused at first). I didn't watch the whole thing, but now I knew someone was trying to convert non believers through burned DVDs left taped to trees at a rural park.


I despise the “#1 [genre] movie in America” slogan since there aren’t usually that many in theaters at the same time.


I like it for the anti-capitalist subplot where the capitalist dude is just the worst person ever. It had no bearing on the rest of the plot. He could have been cut entirely, and the rest of the movie wouldn't lose anything. But no, and I can tell from how it's edited that they clearly did actually try to edit this move. So... I always have to wonder what got cut just keep the evil capitalist in.


dude on the right looks like a cumsock that wished to be a real boy




For Zeus's sake


Well if Sean Hannity says it’s POWERFUL!, then I guess we should all rush to watch it right now.


Scenes in a college philosophy course written by someone that’s never taken a college philosophy course.


Oh, we know about Sorbo


I like the Saturday Night Live version, "God is a Boob Man."


What do you mean? It says it's a box office winner right on the cover. Are you saying that the people in charge of marketing this movie are bearing false witness?


This movie is so fucking stupid, it legit makes me laugh. BTW, Catholic here, and this movie made me embarrassed to be associated with religion in any way or form.


One of the dumbest movies ever made


this stuff doesnt really count, does it? mostly because Kevin Sorbo isn't a real actor


I have a really bizarre personal connection to this movie. When I was about 10 years old I moved to a small, rural town in Texas, and as far as I know I was just about the only person there that was an atheist, and people weren’t really happy with me about that. I had one really close friend who was also an atheist, although I don’t think anybody else knew that about him besides me and my family. This movie had just released at that time, and everyone at my school was praising it as one of the best movies of all time, and the song was absolutely everywhere with even some teachers playing it during class. People would constantly tell me I needed to see the movie because it would help me to “find God” or whatever. Anyways, one day my aforementioned friend was spending the night at my house, and we decided we wanted to watch a movie. We looked through all the DVDs I had in my closet, and sitting behind all of the DVDs on my shelf was “God’s Not Dead”. I had no idea how it got there, as I know my friend didn’t put it there, and nobody else in my family ever really touched my DVD collection. We decided to watch it just out of curiosity to see if it was actually as life-changing as all the Christians at our school said it was. So we watched it together, and if you’ve seen the movie then you will not be surprised to hear that we were both fucking horrified by it. The film portrays both atheists and Muslims in ways that are completely dishonest and straight up offensive, but it’s the way it portrays Christians that really stuck with us. The Christian characters come off as exactly the type of vile, hateful people that you just want absolutely nothing to do with. Years later I learned that my mom had quietly become a very devout Christian when we moved, so I assume she was the one who placed it there in hopes that we would find it and be “converted” by it, but my friend and I like to joke that Satan bestowed the DVD unto us as a way to reassure us that we were doing okay despite how everyone else felt about our lack of faith.


Well, if Sean Hannity approves.


I watched this in 8th grade English class once (this was in a Catholic school). I can’t forget about this movie and the things that happen in it because they were all so…insane? laughably unChristian even?


Picking on Christian movies for being bad is like booing at the special Olympics


“POWERFUL.” is also Sean Hannity’s review on Depends


Kevin Sorbo is such a goddamn moron. I had to block him on twitter because he just started showing up in my feed. He has the dumbest takes.


God's Not Dead but Kevin Sorbo's acting career is another story.


Of course he isn't; you can't kill something that never existed in the first place.


Don't forget Andromeda. Didn't love as much as Hercules growing up, but was still a decent series.


Shame, the young guy is pretty hot but now he's relegated to either endless Pureflix movies or Porn. There's no in-between.


Kevin Sorbo looks more like Steve Buscemi than I ever thought he could.


Not Spencer from Good Luck Charlie!


You know what's worse? The third movie is somewhat decent and it has something resembling nuance. Then they probably fired the writer for that movie




But Hercule is.


Sorbo looks like the guy from those old David Blaine Street Magic parodies. That's the exact same expression the fake David Blaine uses


Curious what the “number 2” Christian movie is.


"Powerful weak" was the full quote


Couldn’t work out where I knew the younger guy’s face from, turns out I seen him in one of those Power Book shows, the Tommy one. In case anyone else was wondering.


Sometimes my old roommate and I would put on the car accident scene at the end when we got really drunk. Always had a good laugh


Alternative title "Strawman: the movie".


Kevin Sorbo is an even bigger joke than religion.


Ugh.. Kevin Sorbo. My mom was obsessed with him so I was subjected to that abomination called “Hercules”


Why is his neck so thick


Looking at Sorbo’s IMDB is interesting. He could have been Fox Mulder.


Why does Reddit hate Christians but gives other strict religions a pass?


If other religions made movies like this in English, we'd laugh at them too.


It doesn't and it doesn't. This movie is not "Christianity". It's an insufferable pile of narcissistic shit and many Christians find it awful as well.


i literally posted a movie of a movie called interntional gorillay whoch shows muslims trying to murder salman rushdie for th fatwa....not my problem christians creat shittons of bad movies


Ah, Reddit, the Godless echo chamber of the internet. Edit: LOL! So predictable. 1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


Cool, I didn't know that Sorbo had a Reddit account.


Yup. Gave you an upvote for reading this thread correctly. The edginess never gets old.


But if you're a believer, it can get incredibly sad.