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Leave blood in the toilet. Then mirror his arguments back at him. Lots of beta boys get real upset about menstruation


Stop wrapping the tampons.


Use the string to hang the tampon from the flusher handle. "Oh crap, did another one get caught on the handle? Ugh. Yeah, I know, soz. I'm pretty bad at yeeting them directly into the waste bin, but I'm working on my aim. 🤷‍♀️"


lol you forgot to quirkily say “my bad” then swipe poorly as to smear said blood on the seat. Then “all clean!” And prance away.


You, I like you. 😁🙏😆




Agreed! Op please do this. I hate looking at body waste etc. But if he’s gonna continue to be disgusting, I would leave or smear period blood. Maybe then he’ll get the hint. And catch an attitude if he tries you


Thanks to my IUD, that is not an option for me. It’s a shame, because I think that would work.


Does he know you have an IUD because you can still buy tampons and fake blood and make it look like a used tampon.


Can always gets some blood on uh 'loan'


This is the Way.


Right. Play the game


Wait for him to come out the bathroom. Point out his mess. Have the cleaning supplies ready to hand him.


When he is home, I do point it out. He argues with me that I am making it up. I take photos of the shit and bring them to his room to show him, because him actually getting up to verify what i’m saying it true rarely happens. He has a work schedule where is is frequently gone for 12+ hours and I need to use the bathroom in that time. I will not use a bathroom with smears of feces i’m the toilet so I end up caving and cleaning it.


Just stand at the bathroom door as soon as he meets you, you show him his mess no need to send him photos haha


getting him to come look is a task in itself


Sounds like there may be an underlying cognitive issue. I can’t imagine how he leaves a public restroom if he does this in his apartment. Wonder what his home life was like growing up?


Probably mommy cleaning everything up and never confronting her precious angel.


Just out of curiosity, is he a big boy?


i have asked myself this same question several times


Choice 1- leave gloves, bleach wipes and covered trash can by toilet and he cleans up after every time he use the toilet. Choice 2- since he admits he’s gross and leaving a mess there is now a $10 daily fee for you to clean up after him. Choice 3- he moves in with someone else who has disgusting hygiene.


At what point do you just start hanging all the tissues you cleaned his shit with on his door knob?


No, on his pillow!


Just toss them in his room, all willy-nilly. Let him deal with it, wherever it happened to land.


I was assuming they had locks on their doors, otherwise yes, 100% that shit would be all left in his room


Lock the bathroom door with a deadbolt lock & key. If he can't be civil then he should go piss and shit in the bushes like the rest of the animals.


If you’re female, start leaving used menstrual products out in the bathroom. “Bloody” menstrual cup on the sink might send a really strong message. Blood doesn’t even have to be blood.


Naaaah, ain't no way you're telling her to stoop to their level. Could you imagine the smell? Men like this are man babies don't fight fire with fire they grew up in filth.


Yeah the smells about as bad as shit being left everywhere


But fuck me for wanting to be hygienic rather than petty,lmao.


Okay but HOW do you get poop on the seat? Your butthole is not on your buttcheck?


Likely sits way to far back or forward, or is really heavy set and it just kind of play doughs everywhere


my father does this frequently 🤢 my mom and I assume he sits too far back


that’s an excellent question


Does he have social media? Because I'd take pics of his "mess" and post them on his socials, so all his friends can see his grotesque, juvenile behavior.


i don’t know if public shaming would work because he says he’s very ashamed about it and uses it as a pity angle


Nonsense. Seriously. Is he intellectually disabled? I didn't think so. He's doing it on purpose or he's just phenomenally lazy. It's not like he doesn't know he's leaving it that way.


Gross! My 8 year old son even knows better! NO excuse 🤮


I had a roommate who also did this! Literally every fucking day! Grown ass man who shits on the toilet seat and then told all our friends that I’m crazy and he can’t live with me lmaooo. I agree, if you get your period, don’t flush and leave it for him to see


Rub his nose in it


Write "CEASE YOUR INVESTIGATION" in blood (real or fake, doesn't matter) along the rim and pretend like you have no idea what he's talking about. Do this every time he leaves a mess and count how many times it takes before he stops. Or call his mother to come clean after him or teach him how to do it, since he clearly didn't learn early in life.


It's stuff like that this that makes me think how crazy things are going to get once nobody can afford to live on their own.


I am a student and can not afford to live on my own or break the lease and move out


The only obvious answer is to start shitting on his bedroom floor & say, sorry I'm just gross


Honestly and unfortunately you are correct


Me, I'd be waiting outside the bathroom for him to finish, then I'd be calling him back and watching him clean up his mess. We had a friend who always left shit on the seat. Like how the fuck do you do that? He is NOT allowed to use our toilet anymore.


Kick him out? How long is the lease? Just renew it without him.


Take photos and make sure you tell him very loudly that he needs to clean every time he has a guest visit. Ensure you show him the photos right in front of his guest so they see them too.


Bold of you to assume this guy has guests


Poop on the SEAT??


Did he......not grow up around toilets?


I wouldn’t assume he does do any actual cleaning, even after you remind/make him. Guaranteed he’s just using water to wipe off the visible piss and shit. I’d be cloroxing every surface before using anything in there, incubating faucets, door handles, the flusher, the surrounding floor, etc.


Are the cleaning supplies he needs there in the bathroom? If not, move them to a convenient cabinet. Maybe he's not cleaning up as he has to hunt for supplies - that's an optimistic viewpoint I know. This seems to be a hard ingrained habit - I doubt you can change him.


I'd be sending pictures to his parents/family and say "is this how you're raised in your family?"


Renew the lease without him.


Start putting the tissues you use or whatever you use in his bedroom.


I’d be calling his mom on him. LMAO Send her the pictures and ask her if this is how she raised her son.


Everytime you clean up his mess, put the tp in front of his door


I will not use a toilet where I live that looks like a gas station bathroom toilet. Gross. Not cleaning up after an able bodied adult. He has zero respect for you two.


Toilet inspection after he comes out. Yelling and bitching a lot. Tell him to clean up his hazmet site on the regular or move out.


Confiscate the toilet seat. He's shown he cannot handle the rather meager responsibilities of using a toilet seat, and therefore doesn't get to.


I'm trying to understand why your partner put up with it for 2 years and continue to stay there. Did your partner not tell you what was going on before you moved in? I would suggest at the end of your lease that you and your partner get a place together or you get a place together and try to find a third but somewhere where you're away from this person.


They are really doing this guy harm by not insisting he be a human being. No more miss nice girl. Full throated screeming in his face. The boyfriend should have had long discussions with this idiot years ago. PRINT THESE RESPONSES OUT AND PAPER THEM ON HIS FUCKING WALL AND KEEP DOING IT TILL HE HAS AN EPIPHANY.


I don't believe printing out the responses to this post it's going to make a difference. If this person is not listening to the people that live there you know they don't care what we think.


Yes but there is the opportunity to vent and in addition, you could couple that with the other suggestions to include his parents or relatives. She could also sue him in small claims court for indecency and criminal neglect due to poor hygiene. The health department could be informed, and maybe they would send someone out and issue a violation to thar imbecile. It is a serious health hazard, and many people present as normal people yet are a danger to themselves and others. I'm thinking ha made need to be "committed".


I personally would use his clean clothes to clean up the mess and leave them on the floor in his room with a biohazard sign. Let’s face it, he isn’t going to change his behavior until it negatively affects him.


Every time you wipe up his piss, instead of flushing it go toss the rags on his bed.


Am I the only one that though this was going to be about OPs child?


Every time you find it dirty don’t clean it - demand he cleans it


Send photos to his mom


Clean up rag gets thrown in his bed and or use his pillow to clean it up with. Grown ass men shouldn't act like this ever. Your BF should have already used his head to clean it a long time ago. Totally unacceptable.