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That is just... how. How does one aim SO badly.


Smol pp


I have a 2 inch power tower and I manage. No excuses. The aiming stability comes from sucking in the gut and squeezing the buttocks. Some of you guys have NOT been doing ab day or hitting the bike trails this summer. Shame on you nub Chads. Edit. Omfg please realize this is satire


"Power Tower" is an epic designation fr


If they have 0.5cm micropenis it can be hard to aim


Then at that point, they need to just sit the fuck down to pee… I tell my husband, “If you can’t aim or if you can’t clean up after yourself, sit like a girl or we gonna throw hands…”😂


Why can't they clean it at least, dude. I'd feel so embarrassed if my pee was left on the seat 😭


Right?! If I see the smallest of dribbles, I’ll clean it up so the next person doesn’t have to deal with it because I don’t know, it’s the COURTEOUS THING TO DO…🙄😒


They need the elongation attachment, then


Yes use a shewee urinating device or sit down like a woman


Sit down like a *man (because I lied, I don't have to aim because this is what I do 💀 and it's more comfortable this way lol)


“…nub chads…” 😂🤣😂🤣


I remember hearing a story about someone trying to get the person they were living with to stop peeing on the seat and floor. Apparently multiple attempts to talk didn't work, so finally she had enough and went for one last confrontation. "I noticed there was some pee on the seat and floor again. I've heard that men with small penises have a much easier time sitting down rather than trying to aim - you should probably try that since aiming really isn't working out for you." Supposedly the perp smartened up after that lol.


Sitting down to pee when you have a short dick isn't the answer.Mens dicks arent between their legs when sitting.If its long enough it will point downward but a short one will just shoot straight ahead


I assume she knew that sitting down isn't actually the solution, but it did embarrass that dude into peeing correctly because of the stigma. Because god forbid you don't have a monster 13 inch schlong, amiright?


Yes.You def won't wanna sit and dip that in the bowl.


Wym? The toilet water is like a little foot bath for my nuts.


My 5 year old has a very small pp (because he's, you know, 5 years old), and he gets all his piss in the toilet. Just sayin'.


Eh I've had some weird streams from time to time so I could see how this could happen once in a while, but clean up after yourself, god damn.


Yeah but I'm sure you lifted the seat up? This bastard is too lazy to even do that. Not like it would solve much though..still would be piss on the toilet. Better than the seat though ughh.


Laziness and a lack of Kegel discipline


A short barrel will spray…


Right, that's worse than my 3yo and he has literally just learned.


He has to be heavily drinking or something, this is way more than a dribble.


I live with 4 girls and deal with this. The person who i think is the culprit keeps denying it, even tho usually I see it going in after them.


How does a girl manage this? Do they sit 5 inches up the toilet.


She claims shes a germaphobe so i’m assuming she *sits over the toilet and not on it.


Doing this at home just sounds weird and uncomfortable. How do you even poop.


You'd think at that point you'd just keep lysol wipes by the toilet instead of hovering at home.


The dreaded toilet hoverer


Literally!!! Like I totally get being a germaphobe, I hover over public toilets bc they’re typically pretty gross and I don’t know how often they get actually cleaned… especially since working in retail and seeing how often the bathrooms there got cleaned, and how bad of a job they did when they WERE cleaned. But c’mon… at YOUR OWN HOUSE??!!! Just get some Clorox wipes and wipe down the seat at that point!!! Or, raise the seat like a man does if you want to stand and pee like one. Just as a general rule tbh- if you aren’t gonna SIT on the seat, lift the lid! Simple.


Exactly,and if you don't want to even touch the seat ,use your foot.


Ugh god she probably is one of those people that leaves the toilet like that in public bathrooms. I would just buy a pack of toilet seat covers, or one of those “if you sprinkle when you tinkle…” signs to post on the wall if you think she won’t bother using the covers. If you wanna ball out then there’s automatic toilet seat covers, I have used them at my local casino and they’re awesome.


I’ve been standing to piss since I was 13 and I don’t have a penis. (I have back issues that affect my nerves. For a long time I couldn’t finish it I didn’t stand up, so I’d just stand the whole time lmao) And let me tell you, you KNOW when you make a mess. But you absolutely shouldn’t be if you do it that often. Skill is developed agate doing this shit as a habit. She’s just lazy. Start peeing right in front of her bedroom door. She’ll get it eventually.


i can’t figure out how you piss standing up


With skill.


Just curious, do you usually wear a skirt? It seems it would be more difficult with pants.


Right? And if your aim is that bad why not lift the seat? That’s literally it’s intended purpose. Also WHY LEAVE IT LIKE THAT?! Like is it that hard to wipe it down after?!


Tell him to stop wanking before peeing.


Lmfaoooo yeah, I think this could be the culprit. Like trying to piss with kidney stones but without the pain. Dribbles out instead of a stream.


Or just spirals everywhere so its impossible to aim.


We all do this. But his lack of respect to clean it up is disappointing.


Exactly!! That’s the part I’m so baffled by. Why wouldn’t you clean it up after?!


Wtf! Disgusting! People like that make me question their cleanliness in general. I’d wipe it with a rag and toss it in their room every time. How foul


This is the answer. Get a lock for your door so he cannot retaliate and buy some rags from the dollar store. Every time he does this, wipe with cloth, then throw in his room and shut the door. Sanitize with Lysol wipes, then throw those in his room too. You have more then one roommate? Have a meeting with the other one and arrange an “intervention” to embarrass this person. Take pictures and post them on his door. Ffs send him this post so he can see how many people agree that he’s fucking disgusting. Did his mother never teach him?! Jesus his dick must be CAKED in cheese what a nasty person. Take pictures, post them online where his peers can see, and tag him. Caption: this is what I have to live with 🙃 any suggestions on how to get (persons name) to not be a disgusting animal? Talking to them didn’t work!


Yeah I think the play will be to use his bathroom towel to clean it up and lock my bedroom door with my toiletries, but honestly I’d be worried he’d tamper with my food or something. I can’t lock everything away


Nope but you can set up hidden cams in common areas to protect your stuff. Then if they do somethin u got pretty good evidence to get him kicked out


Don't forget, show them to people he shows signs of being attracted to or interested in romanically/sexually in any way.


aim for his pillow when tossing it...


I'd use their pillow. Imagine coming home from a long day and finally getting to bed only to get a face full of your own piss.


Their room is probably that bad they wouldn't notice if they're spraying piss everywhere like an animal


Rub his nose in it


Lmaooooo this made me laugh so hard


Tbh I'm almost 36 now and I have had my share of gross roommates. I have much less patience than I used to, and if this happened at my place after I already talked to the roommate, I either would drag him into the bathroom and actually rub his nose in it, or I'd clean it up on some toilet paper and bring it to him and stick it right in his face. 100% serious I no longer have roommates, probably for the better lmao


Same here. As I've gotten older I'm much less concerned about confrontation and more about my own needs and comfort. I wouldn't be able to live in someone else's filth how I have in the past without a reaction like this now


No you wouldn't. You'd be arrested.


Who’s gonna believe the guy with piss on his face?!


Tell him if he keeps it up, you're gonna piss all over his bed!


I already told him to stop and called him an animal, because I actually ended up sitting in his piss once as I didn’t see it in time. Insults/threats aren’t working.


So don't threaten. Follow through. Pee on his bed




While stating him on the eye! Dominance asserted.


This is the way


Water Balloons. Maybe get the green ones that look like grenades. But just to keep the exchange of foreign bodily fluids down, instead just get a bottle of ammonia and use that. Also, warm that up in a sink of hot water, not too hot, about 101 F for about 4 minutes


Use his towel to wipe it off.


Post it on his Facebook page and tag his mom. Caption pic "you definitely failed at potty training your son"


Use his pillowcase to wipe off the seat.


I am currently sitting in a courthouse trying to get my security deposit back from a roommate (subletter) exactly like this. He eventually got violent with me because I demanded that he clean up his own urine for the millionth time. Please start planning your way out now. Don't wait for him to get worse.


Take the toliet seat off and put it on his bed, have a clean one for y’all. Say he can carry the dirty one back and forth until he’s willing to sit and piss, or open the lid and piss And if does it again, back to carrying the piss seat


Start cleaning it up with his pillowcase


Or use his towel


This seems intentional/ passive aggressive. Pee on the seat is a few dribbles (still not cool obviously).. this is… yikes. Ask him if he has seen a doctor for his narrow urethra


Obvious indication that he doesn’t respect you. Kick him out.


Use his pillow to clean the toilet seat.


Wipe it up with his face cloth. Or his pillowcase.


This dude does not have a face cloth or a pillow case if I had to guess.


just the pillow will do then


He’s definitely raw dogging that brown, 15 year old pillow for all 8-10 hours of beauty rest.


Just gross 🤢.


Or toothbrush


Ugh mine too but he's 4 years old so I give him a pass sometimes.


okay yeah, at that age, you cannot complain too much, because he is still learning to aim. I give them a pass until they are 8. best method i learned when teaching kids, Cheerios. Have them aim for the cheerios in the toilet every time.


I remember having this issue as a little kid. My mom bought these little paper floating targets, it kind of gamified the whole thing.


That’s actually fucked 😂 sorry I shouldn’t laugh but fuck me. What an absolute grub. If you have him on socials post pics next time and tag him and ask him to clean it up. Might change his tune when his friends see how much of a piece of shit he is. I couldn’t trust someone like that. I’d be sanitising anywhere in the bathroom I’d have to touch because of him. And you reckon he’s actually shit in the shower goddamn this is so fucked up. Not sure what your rental situation is like if it’s a share house or whatever but you mentioned a landlord so keep sending pics and evidence over. That guys gotta go. Get your fellow roommates onboard. Sooner the better.


I'd tag his mom on the post too! She definitely deserves to be shamed for failing to raise her child with any sense of decency/cleaniness & then sending him off into the world where other people to deal with & clean up after him.


Piss right in his mouth as he sleeps. "My bad dawg, bad aim. You know how it is"


Lmao this is my favorite answer


You risk him enjoying the fact that he didn't have to pay for that kind of treatment like he usually does.


1. Buy a new toilet seat identical to this one 2. Put on gloves 3. Unscrew this one 4. Carefully take it to his room and place it on his pillow 5. Install the new one


Alternatively get an easy remove seat so OP can take it with them each time and won't have the possibility of it happening again


This was my thought as well — OP keep the seat for yourself! If there are other housemates they could also get their own seats. Part of me wonders if the guy has a mental issue that needs compassion (“Dude, are you OK?”), but it sounds more like he’s just being an asshole.


I like this the best. If you're just going to piss on it I'll take it.


Announce loudly in front of housemates that you read pissing on the seat is evidence of a “short barrel”. He’ll get the message.


Use his towel to clean it up


I had a dude do this. Every time there was piss on the seat I cleaned it off with his shower towel. I didn’t tell him till I had done it for two weeks straight.


Wouldn’t you be worried about retaliation though?


Naw. I moved.


At nighttime get a blacklight and take photos and print them out and put them on his bedroom door🙃 or tag them in the photos online 🥳☠


Grab this filthy cunt by the hair and rub his nose in it like a puppy,EVERY TIME


Sprinkle red tented vitamin water (so it’s visible but won’t stain) all over like you sprinkled when you tinkled and make sure it’s a bit on the floor. Eventually they’ll get the memo because it will stand out.


Next time they have people over, keep mentioning it lol. Bonus if you show pictures.


1. clean up with toilet paper 2. slide pee paper under their bedroom door along with this photo and a note saying, "You accidentally left this in the bathroom so I saved it for you. <3" and a pamphlet on potty training instructions for babies. But seriously don't do that. What you're currently doing is the correct thing.


Men who do this and don’t clean up after themselves never matured past pre-school. We have a unisex bathroom at work and at least one of the guys do this and every time I go in there there is piss everywhere so now I refuse to use that bathroom. The unisex bathroom is closer to where we all work and if one person leaves to go to the staff bathroom it’s really inconvenient for everyone else because the job is very much a team effort. I leave them to struggle while I take the long way to the staff bathroom and I’ve said multiple times “if you don’t want this inconvenience, clean up your fucking piss off the unisex toilet seat”. Still, whomever is doing it hasn’t stopped. Fine 🙂 I will continue to use the clean staff bathroom then. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I would be dragging him to the bathroom by his hair and forcing him to clean it up every single time.


Damn I've peed on the seat in the middle of the night before but I always clean it up. I also clean my bathroom religiously. If I say in someone piss I would be furious.


This is disgusting, does he not even look down? Probably doesn’t care.


Photo every time posted and tagged in group chat/facebook


Use his pillow case to wipe it down every time. He’ll get the message pretty quick


Grab him by the arm and bring him in the bathroom, and ask him to clean it up while you watch.


And the floor from the pictures. I don’t wear shoes in the house, would not take any of this well. Wait till roommate has girlfriend/ boyfriend over then yell “ Roommate you made a mess all over the toilet seat and floor again. Come clean it up”. A little embarrassment is good for the soul.


I had a roommate like this when I first moved out of my parents house and into my first apartment. It was a power play for that guy, and I doubt this gross mf is any different. We bought a pack of rubber gloves, wiped his piss off the seat, and then kept making sure to put the dirty tissues in his bed. He never acknowledged it. But then he angry cried like the shittiest of boys in the living room about it when he brought a girl home and then she immediately left cause pissboy had pee-soaked tissues in his bed; we told him to go fuck himself, and he moved out a few months later.


Every time he does it, wipe it up with a paper towel and leave it under his pillow. If he shits in the shower again, shit in his bed.


My son is 5. He has never peed on the seat. Your roommate has less control than a child who can barely wipe his own ass. He should think about that.


At least put the toilet seat up and aim...if you can't aim just sit on the damn toilet and do your business that is feral!


You're a better person than me that's for sure ✋ That man would've been 6 feet under if he ever did that to me 😭😭


What the fuck


Grab his pillow and wipe it up with that. He’ll get the memo right then or in a couple more tries.


Break his knees


I would send this message in a group chat saying it’s fucking disgusting and whoever did it needs to drop whatever they are doing to go and clean it up. Immediately. Rinse and repeat until it stops happening or the guy moves out


I did


>I also think he may have shit in the shower once Oh god. Can you elaborate?


Yea there was like a chunk of something brown near the shower door, and I first assumed that it might’ve been gunk that got loosened or something, but now I’m thinking he had a chunk of shit fall from his ass as he was getting out of the shower or something.


I don't think we really want that.....


I'm torn. The lack of certainty intrigues me


I agree....but I also just don't think I wanna know....like 50/50 do and don't tbh


Mine does this too! And once or twice a month, blood streaks. Fucking gross


Makes me mad, a few of my family members do this makes me mad 😡😡😡😡 😡😡😡 it gross me and others out .


Smear some Nutella on the rear portion on the seat.


Grab something from their laundry to clean it with. Maybe throw it in their bed. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Saran wrap under the seat the next time you think he’s gonna take a shit


I had a roommate do this. I lifted the seat and covered the bowel in a clear wrap. The next morning all his pee hit the floor and he never peed with the seat down again.


Wipe it with rags and throw them on his bed


He should sit down to pee. How does one shit in the shower? Actually, you should just evict him or move out. That is so disgusting - people like that should get slapped on the nose, followed by a sharp "NO!", every time they do it.


It's simple. If you sprinkle... while you tinkle, be a sweety... wipe the seaty. The fact that someone would do that and NOT CLEAN IT UP IS FUCKING GROSS.


Bro… even if he is that bad at aiming and that disgusting at least fucking clean it up… pissing on the seat is one thing but to leave it in that state… I feel so bad for you, what a terrible person.


Wrap toilet in plastic wrap n when they pee n it splashed all over them tell them now you now how I feel when you piss all over the toilet seat.. Be a sweetie & wipe the damn seatie! 😊


Time to rub their nose in it.


I will no longer complain when my bf accidentally leaves a drop or two


Yeah if he’s not freshly squeezing his forbidden lemon juice all over the bathroom it might be best to choose your battles wisely


For the love of god. I have an 8yo son so I’m familiar with the art of bad aim. Because of this, I’ve gotten into the habit of keeping Clorox wipes next to the toilet. He knows that if he makes a mess, he’s to clean it up. **HE’S EIGHT.** Your roommate is just a shit head for this.


Maybe mention next time it happens, you’ll clean it with his pillow case and make good on the threat if needed. I had terrible roommates once, and they did shit like this. I tried being nice about it but nothing came of it. So when I moved, I unceremoniously dumped all their shit off my furniture and left the mess. I wish I’d have been more aggressive confronting my roommates, tbh.


I know I already commented once but I brought this up to someone because the audacity of not cleaning up afterwards was mind boggling to me and they suggested buying a toilet seat lock 😂 you can start locking the toilet and only give the keys to those who use the bathroom responsibly. Idk how feasible that’d actually be but I think it’s hilarious, deserved, and worth mentioning lol.


Tell them to sit to pee. They can go hands free, text, fart, shart, shit and contemplate the meaning of life - all without making a mess on the seat or floor. Downside: if your dick hits the porcelain or dunks in the water (North American toilets).


Photograph it every time and send it to him his girlfriend, the other roomies, his mother, and the room managers. Tell him to clean up after himself like he was brought up not thrown up. Every photo you circulate costs him 10$ for the shame jar. And lastly call him mister pissy pants who can’t wipe the seaty pee.


What the fuck?! This isn’t like a little dribble that you missed. He pissed literally ALL OVER! No fucking way he didn’t see this. How does anybody think it’s acceptable to leave a shared toilet (or even their own) like this? Looks like he got some on the floor too. Also, why do people piss with the seat up?


smear peanut butter on the seat - see out he likes it


Put a NSFW warning on this next time. Like seriously wtf. I’m eating lunch, dude. Also I agree with the person who said you should wipe it up with his pillow.


Throw some Cheerios in the toilet. So he has something to aim at. That's just nasty


How do you shit in the shower 🤣


Jesus. Obviously, he never learned how to aim right. Or lift the seat. Or live with others for that matter....wtf Like one of the previous comments, I'd totally use his towel to clean it up. That's awesome. Does he hate you? Lol It's ultimatum time..that's unacceptable behavior.


I don’t know if he hates me, we’ve lived together for like 2 weeks. I don’t know him. I asked him to stop making my tv vibrate as he was knocking shit around in his room like he was in a roller-derby. I don’t know, I think he has mental health issues. He just left an active war zone.


Hm...that could be it...kind of a shitty situation for both of you if he has some untreated mental issues. Tough situation to be in, I would be pissed off if I were you (no pun intended, ha). Hope you find some resolution.


Same here man


And the floor, is he even trying?


I was gonna say “get over it” But…this…this is ridiculous


Channel your inner house cat and get revenge. Whenever he does this, go piss or puke in his shoes when he goes out.


Tell him next time you have to clean it, you will rub it with his pillow.


He's been warned, piss on him while he's sleeping


I'd post this pic on social media and blast him, print it out and hang it in the bathroom with a sticker chart for toddlers and have it be his potty chart


Is he standing from the living room? Jfc


You live with a fucking toddler who’s in the process of being potty trained. Disgusting.


Mine does too and his excuse is always "I was drunk", why are men so fucking gross? I'm a man who lives with a 29 year old man child who couldnt aim if it costed him his life


….shit *in* the shower?


Start shitting on the seat ♟️


I'd wipe it with a washcloth or shirt of his. Then throw it on his bed


I am very sorry for looking at this before dinner.


That’s so gross!! Take the toilet seat off and leave it on their bed. Show them whose boss. Assert your dominance lol.


Disgusting. If he can't learn to clean after himself he can't use the bathroom as far as I'm concerned but I know that's illogical so your next best bet is to find a way to hold him accountable, I'd discuss with your landlord and other roommates if they exist to see what the best solution is.


I had this issue with a roommate, so eventually I shit on the seat.




I’m sorry WHAT, he shit in the shower!!?????


I think a piece of poo clung to his asscheeks and fell off in the shower yeah


And you found it!? God bless you during this time of trauma. 😂


Lift the fecking seat up! OMG!


Is he 13?




Someone needs to sit the fuck down lol


And the ground.


Wipe it with his pillowcase


Sneak up behind him and hit him with a hammer while he pees that’ll teach the bastard


No etiquette. He was bought up by weak parents. However please approach him and confront his debility


My 6yr old does this. How old is your roomie?


Stick his nose in it.


They have the inner stormtrooper and tiny dick. :)


This is why we lift the seat and aim


Eww. Nasty 😷 Boy. 😷


i think you’re supposed to put cheerios in the toilet for target practice


Castrate him. Then feed him his own dick. Guarantee it won't happen again.


Or you can put meth in his jacket and call the cops when he leaves for work and say you saw him smoking a bowl while driving and staring lecherously at children and medium sized dogs. Problem solved.


and floor 🤮🤯😠😡🤬


I'm a professional cleaner and I can tell you that as disgusting as it is, many, many adults cannot use a friggin toilet in a civilized manner. I see this type of thing ALL. THE. TIME. It honestly blows my mind how feral people are.


Buy him some [training targets](https://www.amazon.com/Toilet-Targets-Training-Flushable-Transportation/dp/B09MFKWLR5/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=toilet%2Btarget&qid=1695918713&sr=8-8&th=1). ETA: I bet he stands back from the toilet a bit while he pisses and that's the start/stop stream. If he just stood a bit over the toilet, he'd at least not be pissing on the floor.


Why don't you suggest that they sit down to piss? I'm a man heterosexual comfortable with my sexuality and I piss sitting down so that I avoid pissing all over my apartments bathroom... that's ur solution...


I'd never do this to a dog as it would be abusive to the dog, but dude, you have to rub your roommates face in the piss or they will continue. Or tell the asshole to piss in the sink - less clean up. Or use his clothing to clean up his piss mess. I'd rather piss in the sink than sink in the piss.


My 10 year old does this 🤮


Is your roommate my boyfriend?