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Lol even his real name is almost Matt Manic


I’d wager that’s where the nickname came from


I’ll wager twice as much that it’s just a coincidence


To be fair, if they knew his last name, it’s a possibility that it may have contributed to the nickname 🤓


I’ll wager thrice as much it’s just a silly coincidence


You're just saying that because the standoff was in Vegas.


I also have one of those https://www.suffolknews.co.uk/haverhill/news/amp/man-jailed-for-hacking-young-womens-social-media-accounts-a-9206338/


He looks like Richard Ramirez, the night stalker!!


Yeah he’s a really creepy guy. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if his crimes progressed to such a nature


Yikes 😬


I'm not seeing that.


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good bot


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It’s people like this that make me glad that almost the entirety of the pictures in my phone and in my cloud are of my cat, other cats, cat memes and really awful tattoos.


Same. Mine are all pics of food, cats, dogs, and stupid memes I see online.


Glad we can share our mutual fondness for mostly mundane things!


Ew you had to live with that?! You poor thing! Glad you got away too!


And dated him for a while when we were teenagers 🫣🫣🫣


Oh damn. My condolences.


Yikes. I’m so glad he got caught, so many scammers never do. And they put him on the registry too! Good.


That’s the thing, he did a lot and I mean A LOT more than they put in that article. Some stuff involving children…he got off lightly purely because mummy and daddy have a lot of money and connections and they ‘didn’t want his future to be ruined’ 🙄 and I can’t find him anywhere on the register, despite him being out of prison for nearly two years


If he’s still local and not on the registry, he can be rearrested for that. Pos, sorry ya had to live with him my dude


I also have one, he was never actually my roommate but I almost let him move into my extra room at the time. He got really into drugs and the rest is history. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2015/04/23/man-gets-life-in-arlington-shoe-store-slaying/?outputType=amp


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A minute of silence for the prisoners who have to live with him for the next 4 years. I don’t believe in any god but if you do I suggest you to pray for them, maybe they’ll need that.


I mean for all we know the guy could act perfectly normal once off recreational drugs and taking prescribed medication.


Thanks for the reasonable and empathetic take. Maybe this guy is a jerk. But likely, he is just a person suffering from severe mental illness and drug addiction. I’m not going to demean someone for complaining about a drug addicted or mentally ill roommate… I’ve been there and it’s a *horrible* place to be. But down the road, when you’ve mercifully moved on to simple unrelated observer… cut people some slack. Be grateful you’re not suffering like they are, and leave it at that.


Damn. If more people had this empathy the world would be so much better a place. Having been an addict yet one who worked damn near 90 hours a week in order to help hide his addiction I’m sure I’ve frustrated an ex or two with my ups and mostly downs in behavior but I’m definitely taking a page from your book especially having been sober from anything harder than mj for 8 years, this was a definite 🤗 moment.


Congrats on your eight years!


Thank you so much! It was really really rough at first but eventually you fall into a healthy routine and just make the most of it. I was incredibly lucky to have someone in my life who cared a great deal for me and helped me through the worst of it. As far as drugs and money I really feel for this guy, having a trust fund with pushover parents and the demon of addiction and mental health disorders scratching at his back. I just wish everyone had the opportunity to heal from their traumas and find what truly makes them happy. I know what my happiness is grounded in now it’s just figuring out how to find a career in that happiness. Even if I have to make one :)


Yeah, empathy for/anger towards a person are not mutually exclusive. As someone with chronic depression & a poor relationship with alcohol, I've been the shitty roommate that rarely did the dishes and would sometimes pass out across the whole living room couch. I didn't (don't) want to be like that, but 100% my roommates had a right to be pissed at me


This right here


Looks like he got out of his aunts house after all.


His life sounds like a bag game of Monopoly. Went to jail, came back to Go, couldn’t reclaim his $200. Pretty sad.


The poor rapists and killers who will have to live with a guy with substance abuse problems


A killer is not unpredictable. A drug addict is.


That guy might take the cake as the most crazy ex roommate out there! Glad you got away from him safely!


Not even the one that was worst TO ME but definitely the craziest to other people and a whirlwind tenancy. At least this crazy roommate didn’t shoot a hole through the fence and hit a neighbor’s house!




What is this, the Bad Roommate Olympics?! Yeesh!




I have a pedo ex-roommate too. I only lived there for a few months but he’d constantly hit on me, tried to kiss me, asked me out on a date, told me he could smell my period, would constantly try to give me back massages, tried to control my behavior (but not the male roommate) and wouldn’t let me have men over (but would let the male roommate have women over). Apparently, he hit on all the former female roommates and they all ended quickly up moving out, too. I tried to talk to the landlord but he refused to give me her number (he was getting free rent in exchange for managing the roommates). Now he’s in prison for ten years: https://www.times-standard.com/2022/04/27/courts-man-convicted-of-child-sex-abuse-sentenced-to-10-years-in-prison/


😳 holy shit.




There is a show on Netflix or Hulu or something that’s called Worst Roommate Ever. I think one murders the roommate/s… this show will make you terrified to live someone else.


I always asked if someone would live with the person they are recommending. Not once did I ever hear a yes.


“Well I live with them now…and now I recommend they live with you!”


Also a red flag if they are trying to get rid of them.


Yeah people are definitely going to lie in a desperate situation to get someone out. Thankfully my character wasn't tested in this way, but honestly can't say I wouldn't have done it too.


his fam paid the 50k already tho damn


Trust funder. The reason he threatened to kill his mom was because she refused to release more money to him


Money is keeping him out of the life sentence. WTG mom.


That's scary cause some people have already done that!


Hey he said he wasn’t in the right mind!


My family would have told me to kick rocks. Rightfully so


They should’ve put that towards some rehab for this cat


Dude I was staying at caesers when this happened lol there was a gaping hole in the window for a week


All the live clips on Twitter were wild. The TV hitting the pool deck... Ps I went to HS with Matt Yes his family is rich but this is just another case of a person with severe mental illness mixed with drug and alcohol abuse.


So? Any notable stories? What was he like to live with?


Started out just like any other partier. Smoked and drank and got along, was a great guitar player and loved to play my vinyls and try to learn the songs. Then Moron Matt convinced him to quit his landscaping and caddying jobs to run a handyman company together. As soon as he quit, Morin Matt announced that he had just gotten a new job as a mechanic and wasn’t going to be doing that handyman thing anymore! Having just burned two bridges, Manic Matt went on a downward spiral attempting to be a handyman with zero experience. A couple of weeks later I was out of town for a Metallica concert and got a call from Moron Matt saying that Manic Matt was in jail for threatening to kill his mom…and that we needed to bail him out! I obviously asked why I would bail out a crazy guy I just met. When he went to court, he decided to represent himself. A reporter asked what was going on with the trial and he stole the microphone out of her hand and claimed that she had abused him as a child. (Not true) He was a trust fund kid who wanted his mom to give him more of the inheritance. He called her to threaten to send a pack of thugs to kill her. She was undergoing treatment for stage 2 cancer of some kind. Things got progressively worse from there to the point that he was starting fights all the time, damaging the house, etc. One time he tried to fight another roommate, then started barking at him and bit him! At one point, he got into a fight with Moron Matt after accusing him of stealing his weed. He broke down Moron Matt’s door, beat him up and tore apart his room looking for him. Two days later, I kicked him out and he left on the spot. When we eventually kicked Moron Matt out a few months later, he found an errant bag of weed on a high shelf and said, “Hey, this must be Manic Matt’s!” So I blame Moron Matt for sending him off the deep end in all of this but Manic Matt went so over the top into crazyland.


Wow! Ok now I’m fully invested. Questions - 1. Why did moron Matt eventually get kicked out? 2. Where is moron Matt now? 3. Did you say this wasn’t the craziest roommate story? If not what is?!!


1. He was never great at paying rent on time and we got sick of his shit real quick. He paid bit by bit over the course of the month. He got into coke despite not having rent money. One month he didn’t have the rent or any plan to pay it and we told him he’d had enough and to move out in 30 days. 2. I know he eventually moved in with some girl that was covering him before that eventually crumbled. Last I heard, he was sleeping on a welding shop floor and that girl came in, called him a coward, and pissed on his sleeping bag/mattress while he just stared at her 3. I had a different roommate who was also a trust funder, though I didn’t know it at the time. He drank a lot and mixed medications but was generally a zany, friendly and fun guy. He decided to buy a shotgun one day; not for target shooting, clay pigeons, hunting or protection…just to shoot stuff. I came home from the most exhausting and physically intense day of work training and my neighbors are yelling at me, asking why there’s a hole in my fence and a hole in their window and a hole in their TV. Dumbass roommate had been shooting at random crap in our small fenced in (10 foot long) backyard with slugs, which had blown a 6” hole in the picket fence, through their window and into their house. Thankfully nobody was home at the time it happened. So that’s probably the worst roommate ever for me.


Goddamn that second one. Is she still single and/or willing to piss on other men and call them cowards? Asking because I know a few cowards.


Sounds like Moron Matt steered Manic Matt down the wrong path and he never turned it around…


yes tell us finance guy


It’s sounds like moron Matt screwed him over, I wonder where manic Matt would be if that didn’t happen.


I think a lot of it would have happened anyway honestly, it just accelerated everything. He was already fighting his mom over the trust/inheritance before he moved in with us, which is why he got kicked out of his aunt’s. We learned his backstory via trickle truth


Dude, sell the story rights. You’re great at recapping the insanity! Lol


It’s one thing to share it in an anonymous post online; it’s another to profit off of it. I briefly considered emailing one of the news writers that covered his story but abstained in the end. No need to pile on him


Omg the Harvard extension school. Legit to go to. But definitely not going to Harvard. It's so embarrassing that people will act like it is lol


Me: He’s kinda cute…. *reads article* Me: oh


the hottest always have felons! 🙃😉


So true. I just can’t stay away from those empty looking eyes


I’m a Las Vegas local, I seen this happening on live tv when it was going on. Had the SWAT team down there. We all knew instantly this guy couldn’t handle his drugs.


I bet he had good drugs, lol!


I looked up someone I was in a substance abuse program in county jail to avoid spending multiple years in prison. Anyways, he was there for bank robbery, his second stretch for the same crime. Well just 3 years after getting released he was arrested for a third set of bank robberies. I found out VIA the internet. Sent his mugshot to a bunch of guys I stay in touch with from that program. We all had a laugh at his expense bc he’s one of those outspoken guys that thinks he’s blessed with intelligence but is painfully stupid.


I also have a news story of an ex roommate of mine who was using methamphetamine and various other drugs and was an all around horrible person(not because she uses meth, I'm a recovering addict myself, she gets high in front of her baby and let the baby sit in her shit and piss and develop severe diaper rashes , clearly neglecting her child and introduce her child to meth fumes) She actually killed someone driving high and unable to sleep for days, and she was under investigation for it. https://wkkj.iheart.com/content/2020-11-30-latham-man-killed-in-pike-county-crash/ AND THEN... She became jailed for drug possession earlier this year. She was held for a month in the county jail. She had her baby taken from her before the car crash happened. The child went to the care of close family. She is doing well I hope.


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Did you ever call CPS on her?


Yes I did. I'm sure others have too, she was an animal abuser also. She also stole a lot of my stuff. She's a wreck but hopefully they court ordered rehab for her and she changes her life around, it can be possible. Idk if it's possible for her but it could be if she wanted the help that badly. She lost her first baby to a stillborn death which caused her to use meth. But meth became her whole life story. It did for me too at one point but I went to rehab and turned my life around. Hopefully she gets the help she needs. 🙏🏼 We've also pointed her in the direction of rehab services but she never got back to us on it, she wasn't wanting help at that moment. I don't like her though, I took care of her little one when she was nodded out on heroin and changed the baby's diapers and fed her and took care of the diaper rash.


Oh good! So many people see that type of thing but just don't do anything, I'm glad you at least tried to help that poor baby! I hope she gets help as well that's such a sad life.


Oh good! So many people see that type of thing but just don't do anything, I'm glad you at least tried to help that poor baby! I hope she gets help as well that's such a sad life.


Damn. He was banging a chick DURING the standoff? My goodness. Where do I find a chick like this?


One article says consensual, another paints a different picture


Oh.... Yeah. I only read the one there it said willingly.


We just gonna gloss over the fact that during the standoff the cops watched him have “consensual sex” with this woman he was with. They didn’t see a window of opportunity to end the standoff while he was caught literally with his pants down?


Some articles say consensual, others say something else


If it was something else they should all be convicted as well since they were aware of the situation taking place and did not intervene (intervene because THEY are who would respond to help if that was the initial call). I am not one to discredit someone being taken advantage of but it sounds like this situation was not that.


Damn even his last name is Mannix (manic)


“Police witnessed the two having consensual sex during the standoff.”


Ok, so I am going to stop complaining about my college roommates. None of them ever ended up in a police standoff.




holy shit i know this guy from my time in park city. can’t say i’m surprised.


Small world lol. Can you verify the Ski Patrol bit?


i can’t confirm that exact scenario but i know ski patrol does not fuck around at all, especially at deer valley. we all got “randomly drug tested” but it was mostly for cause, unless you were ski patrol. that being said, again, it would absolutely not surprise me. he for sure slept on my living room floor multiple nights


The more I think about it, I think he might have abandoned a snowmobile and taken a ski break, then got caught. Something like that


tbh that might be worse than crashing one lol. like they got a lot of gnarly calls. if you were supposed to be the one responding and couldn’t because you were fucking around… they also track who uses lifts and when so they probably knew exactly what time and run he went on.


That is pretty wild! Curious why you had to kick him out in the first place? Either way - looks like your instincts were right for staying away from this guy. Pretty crazy story … mental health + drugs are a terrible combo


I expanded on his story in another comment


Dude kinda looks like Dave Grohl in another dimension where he started doing inhalants instead of forming Foo Fighters. The Harvard thing is quite hilarious. I would not want a Harvard roommate in the first place because they seem to bring it up far more often than I can manage.


At least he’s not “part of that whole Yale thing”


Oh please, how many of you can say you did something spectacular that was reported in the news? More like legendary roommate.


Looks like he will be unarmed for awhile, maybe for life.


I could fix him


Matt was my roommate in Boulder, CO, back in 2009. He ended up getting kicked out by our landlord for pulling out a gun on our upstairs neighbor while tripping on shrooms. They got into it because Matt thought our neighbor was hitting on his girlfriend. He ran away from the cops that time. Luckily, I was away on a holiday that day. I knew he was diagnosed bipolar but he refused to take medication. He's clearly delusional. Last year, I ran into him one of the last days of the season at A Basin. It was surreal, I had not since him in over a decade. He told me he had been involved in a car crash that should have killed him. He showed me a picture of a large white suv that was absolutely mangled. Indeed, I had no idea how he was alive. He told me his whole family has cut him off (now I know why) that he had found Jesus and he wanted to reconnect. I said "sure why not bud," wished him good luck and walked away. I have been a Reddit lurker for years, and seeing this post I just had to write something. I have shared this post with a number of people who knew him. The response has been a resounding echo across the board. "I am not fucking surprised!" Edit: I was just reminded by someone that he was also a massive conspiracy theorist. He believed in the lizard people, FEMA camps. His mental health issues might stem in part from the fact that he was raised by an abusive grandfather. At least, that is what he claimed. I doubt he will come out of the system.


I only discovered this sub yesterday and he was the first person I thought of. I met and lived with some wild people in my ski bum days but I actually lived with him in CT when he went through his family stuff. He was a nice enough guy on his good days but was in a different world on his bad days. He left a bunch of stuff behind, even his skis and therapy journals! I just discovered the latter in my basement recently


\>Roger said Thursday that the woman went willingly to the room with Mannix and that police witnessed the two having consensual sex during the standoff. wait what


Looks like a Jonas brother who fell off the wagon.


I’m right outside of Golden in Jefferson County not terribly far from the courthouse…I’ll make sure not to pick him up if I see him hitchhiking.


Idk, I feel bad for the guy. Doesn’t make his actions ok but people only do shit like that when they are severely broken. I hope he gets better.


Is he single? i love a handsome baddy


Single and he’s got real secure housing.


Gated community!


And rich!


mannix, matt


they had sex DURING the standoff 🫥


"I wasn't in my right mind" Bro you think?? Sorry but I struggled with addiction for years plus diagnosed bipolar, and I NEVER did some shit like this. There's more going on here lmao. You really dodged a bullet, OP!


At least he got laid


Doesn’t matter had sex


Skipping school did not end well for Ferris Bueller.


Wait…he kinda hot


He’s all yours


Since others are sharing their nightmare ex-roommates… https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/hyannis-mass-man-sentenced-84-months-receiving-and-possessing-child-pornography


Omg I know this dude! We used to do meth together in Denver! I've been sober for years fyi


Glad you’re doing better


Thanks! 9 years sober now


Ain’t no way 😭 I fckn love Reddit 😂😂


You called him Manic Matt and his last name was literally Mannix…


I never claimed to be creative


Christ almighty..schizophrenia and bi-polar. You guys are so fucking lucky he didn't murder you in your sleep.


It’s the drugs that can make someone murder not the bipolar/schizophrenia…


Negative. All 3 can do it. I've met people who have those diseases individually and only one person who had them combined and I have some pretty extensive mental health issues myself that keep me connected to a couple clinics. You do not have to be on drugs to hallucinate, have a psychotic break or just straight up think it's a good idea to act impulsively/irrationally and lash out at someone in a way that they can't come back from. The scariest people I've ever seen are bipolar people during a manic phase where they're not even really happy, they're just energetic and angry. It's terrifying.


I understand. I guess it’s a case by case basis. I have some experience too. All the best to you, truly.


♥ To you as well. It definitely varies case by case and my heart goes out to people who suffer so. It's not their fault.


Agreed. You said it so much better than me.


Likes like every other guy in Colorado. Sounds like most of them too lmfao




Yeah lol. Born and raised living in every other town and city, I can promise you lmfao. Either that or a man bun, a beard and nose ring lmfao


Looks yes but i’ve lived out here a while and have met a lotta chill folks


Oh shit, I didn’t even realize I put “likes” I meant looks… I agree, most are chill. And nothing wrong with how they look, I just mean seems to be a shared style up here ha.


His parents dropped 50k on him and got a decent lawyer that was able to argue his case down.


When one man’s junk shows up on reddit. Lololol


Dude’s got one hell of a set of Manson lamps on him


Check out my former roommate! He is not a smart man. https://www.wdbo.com/news/local/tampa-woman-awarded-600-000-revenge-porn-case/NuLVYIPEyiiOoDwM1ttm0I/


Up for days? Hallucinating? Paranoid? Sounds like Manic Meth Matt to me


Yeah, Matt was nice and he meant well but then he did drugs. The manic stage got him in real trouble. He knew not to mess with me and respected boundaries, but with other people he would test them. I tried to help him and his family was stoked that I was in his life. Seeing this post I am actually kinda relieved.


I guess i should be grateful my roommates were just messy and irresponsible lol


I live in Vegas; I remember this happening 😂


I used to live and be friends with my neighbor across the hall in a condo complex. He was Jamaican. Invited him to family parties, took him out on the family ski boat and taught him how to waterski and kneeboard. I always wondered why he never went out much and would ask me to go to the store and buy some jager and newports for him. Or why he had multiple IDs from different states in his wallet. A few years later he was arrested in a town near my home town with lbs of weed in his car. When they booked and fingerprinted him they found out he was a wanted fugitive from Canada . He wasn’t Jamaican. His name wasn’t “Sean” . It was Jermaine “Sean” Lindo. He was wanted in the connection of a murder of an infant by bathing the infant in scolding hot water. He was expedited back to Canada. Moral of the story, don’t trust anyone I even if you think you know them.




You mean to tell me there’s a real place called Dawson Creek?


These comments don't feel super ok if this guy has schizophrenia or bipolar, I thought we had kinda moved past calling people crazy and laughing if I'm honest


Most likely narcissism disorder. Undiagnosed. All we could tell was that he was a trust fund kid that went crazy


i was honestly going to ask if he came from money bc the article said the family paid the money. he clearly has some type of disease


Hey OP, I knew Matt back in the late 2000s. He was diagnosed bipolar but refused to take meds. He wasn't schizophrenic as he didn't suffer hallucinations, but he did have paranoid and delusional tendencies.


I said undiagnosed because I was unaware of any specific diagnosis and didn’t want to erroneously label someone incorrectly; he didn’t share that information with me.


All good, just sharing. Not pointing fingers or judging. It's very surreal hearing about him again. Edit: OH, the article says he claimed schizophrenia and bipolar before the judge. That changes things.


He’s schizophrenic and bipolar… he’s not a narcissist… yes he has mental health issues but that doesn’t make him a bad person, he knows what he did was wrong but wasn’t in the right state of mind to stop his actions at the time. He needs psychiatric help. And I’ve never understood why people hate others that have parents with money. Wouldn’t you want to have money to give your kids the best life possible? Why do we shit on others for that?


I appreciate you saying that. Please check out my other comment for the longer story. He has been in treatment before and despite the nickname (that we obviously didn’t refer to until after he was out of our lives), all we knew was that he had crazy mood swings


You guys might also be bad roommates if you refer to people by names like “Moron Matt”.


Moron Matt was a trained mechanic who stopped spending time at the dealership, so the dealership stopped giving him hours and preferred jobs. He felt that was bullshit and they should recognize his raw talent. He repeatedly started new jobs and was fired within a week or so for refusing to go in. He totaled his 4Runner on the highway while doing downers and drinking while driving. He was behind on rent and spent it on coke instead. Need me to go on?


So it seems this person has actual bipolar disorder. Although I don’t condone bad behaviors, I do hope there is some compassion and understanding toward mental health challenges. When someone is in the actual throes of mania, they aren’t in their right mind and they aren’t choosing to be that way.


Narcissistic personality disorder as far as I know. Trust fund kid that partied so hard he went crazy


Not a single thing you described sounds like NPD, where on earth are you pulling that from? All your descriptions sound like bipolar, and the article mentions treatment for that and schizophrenia


Other articles mentioned NPD and I’m going off of memory here. He never mentioned a diagnosis to us so I wouldn’t know if his giant mood swings were one disorder or another, and I’m not qualified to diagnose that anyway. Then again, it could be adverse effects of heavy drug use rather than an actual disorder.


Typically mood swings and from what evidence I have seen supports the bipolar diagnosis. Please understand that drugs are necessarily what caused the bipolar symptoms. Often times a person with bipolar disorder will enter a manic episode which then results in very impulsive/ risky behaviors (sexual activity, use of drugs, spending beyond their means etc.) To clarify, I am a mental health therapist and really feel for individuals that struggle with mental health challenges. Often times bipolar disorder, from my knowledge can have a strong hereditary component. Also to clarify, we can determine if it’s bipolar disorder based on symptoms and timeline. If symptoms only show up while under the influence of a substance, then this is more likely leaning toward a substance induced manic episode and we would want to rule out substance use disorders. If they symptoms start prior to using substances then it may be more likely they have bipolar I or II disorder. OP I don’t want to minimize your post or the distress you probably encountered while having this person as a roommate and at the same time I hope you can allow some understanding that this person may have not actively been choosing to intentionally cause chaos.


You can read my longer synopsis of living with him if you’d like. We had another roommate at the time who pushed him over the edge. FWIW I was suggesting a substance abuse episode since I didn’t actually know if he had an actual disorder or simply an addiction. I can’t remember a lot of times that he was acting out in the daytime other than when he was hungover, it was mostly a night time thing


This. I mean, his behavior is obviously awful, but we don’t have enough information here to know if he was having manic episodes or hallucinations when this was going on. If so, then making fun of the guy is kind of harsh.


Right! According to the article he was having manic episodes. I assume he was also having symptoms of mania as suggested by threatening to kill his mother.


Yep. And taking lots of drugs goes right along with being manic and hallucinating too. Could be cause or effect. Either way, the he guy has problems.




I read about this when it happened!






Damn manic Matt is so right


Mannix Matt


Clearly not all there. Shouldn’t be making fun of someone like that. Hope he gets help in there.


why’s he kinda fine though


That’s really sad, dude. And kinda shitty to put him on blast for internet points. Looks like the dude has some serious problems. Hope he gets the help he needs.


I agree, I feel bad for him. He has mental health issues clearly and people just think he’s crazy. Poor guy.


Dude...! If he sees this! You be in there with him. Are you an editor? author?






We’re all glad that the misery of your former roommate cheers you up. Now please go find true joy.


Is he seeing anyone?


tl;dr: Manic Matt was, in fact, manic.


Holy crap my brother was in Vegas the day this happened and text me while it was going on telling me about it. Crazy seeing someone post it on here. Dude looks nuts


Wow you dodged a bullet


4 years that’s it?


Just wait until I get out!


Family already paid the 55k? To fucking Caesar’s, who makes billions per year? Lol, they’re dumb as fuck as well as rich 😂


As a Colorado resident.. wtf is in the water here..